First Class to New York (19 page)

What did I think would be there?
she shook her head
and smiled.

Janie leaned over the vanity and took a deep breath. Matt
was pretty much everything he appeared to be. He was wealthy and intelligent
and gorgeous. But despite all that, a couple of women had done a real number on
him and now ALL women were not to be trusted. They were around purely for his
physical enjoyment, because inevitably, he believed if he didn’t keep them at
arm’s length, they wanted something from him, something he was not prepared to

Yep, that pretty much sums it up
, Janie thought.
couldn’t live that way. But Matt has built walls around his heart. I can’t
break them down, but at least I can be the
woman who doesn’t demand
anything from him, that accepts what he offers and asks for nothing more. I can
be what he needs me to be. Because I would do anything for him. Because, I love

I love him. She mouthed the words.

“I love him,” she whispered, because it was only real if you
said it out loud.


Janie tried to be as quiet as possible as she opened the
door and tiptoed back to bed. She lifted the comforter and slid underneath. She
exhaled and closed her eyes as her head touched the pillow.

“Morning,” came the smooth silky voice.

“Argh!” Janie jumped.  “You scared me!”

Matt chuckled. “You’re up early.”

“Well I had to p…, I had to use the bathroom, and I hoped
that was the right door because I couldn’t see any others, you know cuz it’s
dark, and it was, so I’m very thankful for that,” Janie rambled.

“There are two doors over here.” Matt pointed to the other
side of the bed.

“Oh, I didn’t see those.”

“One goes to my gym and the other to my office.”

It was just barely starting to get light outside and Janie
squinted, trying to find the doors.

“They’re kind of hidden in the paneling, but I assure you
they’re there.”

“Ok, I’ll take your word for it,” Janie grinned.

The phone started buzzing. It was Matt’s cell but Janie
couldn’t see it. Matt flicked the comforter off and casually walked across the
room to where he had dropped his pants just a few hours ago. He retrieved the
phone and looked at it, pushing a few buttons and then laid it on the desk.
That desk! The desk that she had been sprawled over as Matt had fucked her. She
liked that desk.

Matt turned to her, gloriously naked and tilted his head.
“What are you thinking?” he asked. “You have a naughty little smile on your
face,” he teased.

Janie blushed. “I was just, um, just thinking about the, the
desk,” she stuttered.

Matt stepped towards the bed and Janie could see what he was
thinking. His erection was impressively rising in front of her.

“You liked the desk, huh?”

Janie could feel the heat between them. “Yes,” she

Matt threw back the covers, exposing her to him and he
grabbed her hands and yanked her up. She stumbled and caught her balance
leaning against him, skin against skin. He kissed her hard, desire building
quickly. Grabbing her behind, he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around him
and he carried her to the window, carefully setting her on the desk. Matt
stepped back and openly admired her.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he breathed. He walked back to the
bed and opened the night stand drawer and pulled out a gold foil covered
condom. He ripped it open, threw the wrapper on the floor and returned to stand
in front of her, his eyes never leaving hers.

Janie took the rubber from him and placed it on the head of
his penis and slowly, deliberately rolled it down over the length of him. Her
eyes lifted back to his and he held her gaze. She couldn’t look away. He
stepped between her legs and pulled her to the edge of the desk, his hands firmly
on her hips. Janie grabbed the edge of the desk and gasped as he entered her. He
lowered his head and kissed her, their eyes still locked and he lifted his head
and slowly pulled out of her.

Janie’s mouth opened and she tried to breathe, her heart
racing and her body aching for him to be inside her.

He pushed in again and groaned. “You feel so good.” And then
the steady rhythm began and Janie couldn’t look away, couldn’t blink, their
eyes transfixed on each other.

The feel of him, the way he filled her completely, the
slight circular motion of each thrust had Janie on the brink of ecstasy.

And then he whispered, “Janie, sweet Janie,” and it sent her
over, an incredible orgasm that had her seeing stars. And she felt him go and
together they fell into each other, trying to catch their breath, having had
the most perfectly in sync experience.


Showered and dressed, Matt looked every bit the successful
businessman he was. In her favorite charcoal grey suit, a white dress shirt and
light grey tie, he kissed the tip of her nose as she handed him a cup of
coffee, having figured out the complex machine in the kitchen.

She wore his dress shirt from yesterday, the sleeves rolled
up, hanging loosely midway down her thighs. She had found eggs and bacon in the
fridge and bread was in the toaster.

“Hope you’re hungry,” she smiled. “I can’t find placemats.”

Matt pointed to a drawer. She found a set of black linen
placemats, the price tags still on.

“I don’t eat here much,” he shrugged. “And when I do, it
usually comes in a box. Take out,” he added.

Janie set two places at the small breakfast bar in the
kitchen and plated their breakfast. She sat down next to him and they ate
breakfast, in his apartment, like it was the most normal and natural thing to

“More coffee?” she asked.

“No. Sadly I have to get to the office. I have an 8:30

Janie sighed, disheartened that he had to leave, that the
weekend had come to an end.

“Stay here as long as you want. Ray will be waiting
downstairs to take you wherever you need to go.”

“You trust me here by myself?” Janie was surprised by his invitation.

“I trust you,” he said as he kissed her on the forehead and
headed off to work.


Showers should not need an engineering degree to operate
thought Janie as she stood in Matt’s bathroom attempting to make water come out
of the many heads. Her persistence finally paid off and soon she
was glorying in the superb plumbing.
Is it weird that this shower makes me
deliriously happy?
she mused. She took her time and was kind of
disappointed when her fingers and toes had turned to prunes and she decided it
was probably time to get out. She pulled a towel of the towel warmer and
wrapped up her hair, then pulled another towel and wrapped it around her under her
arms, then padded out to the bedroom looking for her clothes. As she picked up
her bra and panties off the floor, Adele’s rich voice began to sing and Janie
reached for her purse and retrieved her purse.

“Hi Katy.”

“Three texts are not enough!” she yelled. “I’m dying here!
What’s going on with you and dreamy Matt?” she giggled.

Janie laughed and jumped on the bed, leaning back against
the luxurious headboard. She enlightened Katy, starting with Yankee Stadium on
Friday night, yachting with friends on Saturday, Sunday mass and family dinner,
all the way to describing the most complex shower she had ever used.

“Shit, Janie! If I were you I wouldn’t be coming back! Stay
with him!” Katy was serious.

“That is
an option. I think the reason it’s so
good is because he knows I am leaving on Thursday. He doesn’t do relationships.
He doesn’t do commitment.” Janie sighed.

“Make him!” Katy laughed.

They talked about the new doctor at the hospital making
Katy’s life hell. They confirmed plans for Katy picking Janie up at the airport
when she arrived back at PDX. They said their goodbyes and Janie placed the
phone on the nightstand. She looked up and saw the dresser across from the bed,
the dresser with all the frames on it she had not been able to see last night.

Climbing off the end of the bed, Janie could see what the
expensive frames held now. There was a photo of his parents on a cruise ship.
There was one of all the brothers together when Matt was about 16, she guessed.
There was a photo of a young Matt standing in front a brownstone. Janie
wondered if that was his first investment property he had spoken of. And there
was one of Matt and a man in military attire. She guessed that must be Paul.

Feeling braver, Janie looked for the doors in the paneling
that would lead into Matt’s office and gym. If you know what to look for they
were easy to spot. The first door entered into a spacious gym, with every piece
of exercise equipment you could think of. There was also a giant TV on the wall
and a massage table. Not being much of a fitness buff, Janie returned to the
bedroom, closing the door behind her. She opened the office door and entered a
comfortable room with the same plush carpet as in the bedroom and the same wall
of windows facing New Jersey. The focal point of the room was a large wooden
desk that had two club chairs in front of it. There was a long sofa in front of
the windows and a TV hanging on the wall. Bookcases lined the wall opposite the
windows and they were filled with books and binders. It was all clean but
slightly cluttered, not at all like the rest of the apartment which was sleek and
modern. Janie cautiously stepped into the room and walked to the desk. There
were file folders and papers stacked in one corner, some rolled up blueprints
on the other side. Janie sat down in the leather chair behind the desk and
imagined Matt working. Imagined herself bringing him a cup of coffee, Matt
kissing her on the tip of her nose.

Janie snapped herself back to the present and left the
office. She quickly dressed and put her hair in a ponytail and hung up the wet
towels in the bathroom. She left his dress shirt hanging on the back of the
chair and walked out to the great room. It was an amazing apartment. Matt was
an amazing man.

As promised, Ray was waiting downstairs, the BMW parked at
the curb. He smiled when he saw her exit the elevator and escorted her out of
the building. Janie asked him to take her back to the Ritz Carlton. As they
pulled up outside her hotel he asked her if she needed him to take her anywhere
else, but she said no and said goodbye.

She went up to her room and threw her purse on the bed.
to do today?
she thought.

First off, to get changed she decided. She kicked off her
sandals and bent to pick them up and something shiny caught her eye. She looked
on the sofa and there was Matt’s laptop, right where he had left it yesterday.
There were also all of his clothes he had changed out of Saturday evening
before dinner. Janie grinned big. She was thrilled to have a reason to see him

Matt will surely need his laptop at work, right?

Janie quickly dressed in some slacks and a satin blouse and
then wished she had asked Ray to wait.

Oh well,
she thought, and left her room to go see
Matt, his laptop securely in her grasp.


Shaking hands, Matt showed the men out and was relieved to
have that meeting behind him. Licenses and permits were no longer a problem on
the Soho property conversion. They could finally move forward after being
stalled for several weeks.

Angela stuck her head in his office to let him know she was
running down to the floor below to make sure some paperwork was completed
before being Fed-Ex’d off to Sydney. Matt nodded absent-mindedly and went back
to his desk to return some calls.

He was leaving a voicemail when the door flung open and Beth
ambled in.

he thought.
What the hell does she want?

She sauntered towards him as he hung up the phone.

“Beth,” he said, making it none too obvious he was not
pleased to see her.


“Don’t call me that,” he snapped.

Beth walked around the desk and sat on the corner, looking
out at the skyline.

“I was in the neighborhood and thought I would pop in and
say hi,” she purred.

“Well you have, so now you can go.”

“Don’t be like that Matty. We’re friends! Friends can stop
in unannounced and say hello!”

“Beth, the only time you have
been here was when
the divorce was final and you wanted your check. So, I am assuming that you
want something now.” Matt was finding it difficult to keep his temper in check.

“Actually, I was in the building.”

Matt rolled his eyes.

“Really, I was. 42

“So which hedge fund manager are you after this week?” His
voice was laced with disgust.

“Come on Matt. Don’t be like that. You know I can’t be
poor.” Her whiny voice really got on his nerves.

“Your lawyer made damn sure that you were

“Your money isn’t going to last forever, Matt. I need to
take care of myself.”

“You always made sure you took care of yourself first Beth.
You have said hello. Now you can leave. I have work to do.”

“So, tell me about the little woman? Janie, isn’t it?”

Ah! There it is
, he thought.

“Janie is none of your business and she isn’t the ‘little
woman’!” he snapped.

“Well you looked mighty cozy last Sunday.”

“I told you it’s none of your business.”
Where is

“She isn’t really your type, all doe-eyed and shy. I know
what you like Matt and it’s not shy,” she purred.

“Yeah Beth, she’s not my type. But you know exactly what I
like, don’t you? All tits and legs. No brains needed. Just let me fuck you till
you’re raw and I’m good to go. Right?”

His eyes were hard and he was angry; angrier than he had
ever been in a very long time.

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