Fix You (7 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

She was a girl too. Maybe her parts weren’t as big or flashy, but she had them and she was tired of being invisible to him. Smiling, she decided her best friend needed a lesson about women. She stepped closer, not stopping until her chest was pressed firmly against his. She avoided eye contact, but she could sense she’d surprised him when he stiffened slightly.

Robbie adjusted to the new position, his hands leaving her waist and resting on her back. Zoey unclasped the hands she’d locked behind his neck, using them instead to stroke his shoulders, to playfully toy with his hair. Her breasts swayed against his chest as they moved in time to the music and she heard Robbie swallow heavily.

“Zoey?” he whispered. His bewildered voice appeased her jealousy.

“I love this song.” She lifted her face to his. They were only inches apart, his breath hot against her forehead. Somewhere in the last two years, he’d sprouted up a few inches.

Robbie simply nodded, his gaze not leaving hers. Zoey tried to keep her face impassive when Robbie’s hands shifted lower, grazing the top of her ass. He pulled her closer and that was when she felt it.

His penis was hard and it was rubbing against her stomach. She blinked, trying not to let her shock show. She’d started this game to teach Robbie a lesson. Now he was teaching her one. They might be best friends, they might be as close as siblings, but that didn’t mean she didn’t turn him on.

Mercifully, the song segued into another—a fast dance tune that sounded too dim to penetrate the pounding of her heart. Robbie released her slowly, discreetly trying to adjust his pants to hide her effect on him from the others. Their friends slowly drifted back and once more they were swallowed up by the circle, everyone dancing, shouting to be heard, laughing.


They hadn’t danced any more that night, though they’d shared other dances at other events—proms, weddings, birthday parties. Zoey had never tested him again, all their dancing done at a friendly distance.

Tonight that distance was gone for good. Robbie’s hands stroked her back, slowly, seductively. Every now and then, his fingers would brush her ass before moving away. She didn’t bother to hide the effect he was having on her. She caressed his arms and his chest, pressed her body to his.

As the music faded away, Robbie cupped her face. “We need to go home. Now.” The huskiness of his voice called to her. He wanted her.

Zoey’s pulse picked up speed and her nipples tightened beneath her blouse. Oh hell yeah.

Robbie tossed enough cash on the table to cover the bill and the tip, dragging her none-too-gently from the restaurant. Fortunately their drive home was a short one. Zoey ran her hand along the front placket of Robbie’s pants as he drove…and groaned…and promised retribution.

When they pulled into the parking lot, Robbie turned to look at her, his hand stopping her from opening the door and getting out. “Wait a second.”

He reached down, pushing his hand beneath her skirt. “Open your legs.”

She licked her lips, wondering what he planned. They were in the parking lot adjacent to their townhouse. While it wasn’t exactly a busy spot, it was well-lit and within view of the front row of houses.

Robbie pushed her panties aside and dipped two fingers into her pussy. She gasped.

“You’re soaking wet,” he said.

“Of course I am. I’m horny as shit.”

He laughed, pulling his hand away. She missed it instantly, her previous concern about being seen washed away by pure, pulse-pounding, painful need.

Robbie got out of the car, walking around the front to open her door. As soon as she stepped out, he was ready for her. She giggled when he picked her up on the sidewalk, fireman style, tossing her over his shoulder and carrying her to the front door. The moment they crossed the threshold, Robbie placed her on her feet, closed the door, then turned to push her against it.

“Lift up your skirt and take off those damn panties.”

Robbie had never been anything other than a considerate, patient lover, but his powerful, demanding words spoke to a quiet part of her she didn’t often acknowledge. She hastily did his bidding as he opened his pants and shoved them to his ankles. His cock was hard and more than ready. Zoey only had a moment to react when Robbie lifted her leg and drove deep inside her with one rough thrust. Her head fell against the door with a loud thud, but Robbie didn’t notice. He was too intent on fucking her.

Zoey gripped the material of his shirt, fisting it as she sought for something to ground herself. Robbie lifted her other leg, letting the door behind her support most of her weight as he pummeled inside her deeper, stronger.

Zoey didn’t try to hide her baser desires, Instead, she urged him on, digging her fingernails into his skin and groaning with each powerful blow. It was the most primal sex she’d ever experienced and she loved every minute of it. She pushed her hips against his as much as the position would allow, silently begging for more.

“God, Zoey,” Robbie cried. She sensed he was getting close. “Can’t hold off. Play with your clit. I can’t reach it. Want you with me.”

He’d learned early on the secret to her orgasm. With his hands full, holding her against the wall, he couldn’t give her the extra stimulation she needed. She released his shirt and touched herself. Applied enough pressure to her clit to see stars behind her closed eyelids.

“Oh my God,” she gasped.

“That’s it. Just like that. Push harder. Rub it faster.”

His words shook her as strongly as his cock pounding into her body. Within seconds, she felt herself giving in to the inevitable.

“God. Robbie.” Her voice sounded far away as her climax washed over her. Her entire body tingled as her toes clenched and flexed against the cool air. Her pussy contracted, squeezing his cock in the way she knew he couldn’t resist. They’d perfected the ability to come together the third night he was home.

Spurt after spurt of come filled her as Robbie continued to thrust inside her. It seemed his body had separated from his mind, his physical needs overriding the part that knew he was spent. Even as his cock softened, his hips kept moving, kept rocking inside her.

She caressed his cheek. “Robbie,” she whispered.

His motions slowed as he lifted his face from her shoulder, his gaze capturing hers. Slowly, he lowered her legs, making sure to hold on to her until she found her balance. “Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head, touched by his concern. “Not even close.”

“God, Zoey, if you knew all the kinky things I want to do to you, all the dirty ways I want to take you, you’d probably run for the hills.”

She laughed. “Kinky sounds good, especially if it’s anything like what we just did. That may have been the single hottest sex moment of my life.”

“Jesus,” Robbie teased. “If that’s the hottest, it’s obvious the losers you’ve dated weren’t only pricks, but they were lousy in bed.”

“You know a lot of the guys I dated were really nice. You can’t call them all pricks.”

He shrugged. “None of them deserved you. They weren’t good enough. Not even close.”

His words warmed her heart. “I love you, Robbie Granger.”

He kissed her and she realized it was the first time their lips had touched since they’d entered the house. When he released her, she noticed a slight shadow in his eyes. She’d seen the same sad look at the restaurant when he’d talked about the miseries of life on the road.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

He gave her lopsided grin. “How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Read my face and ask the right question?”

She shrugged. “Lucky guess?”

He pulled his pants up. Zoey’s skirt had fallen into place the moment he’d lowered her legs. Apart from her panties still lying on the floor, they were both completely dressed. Amazing considering the orgasm he’d just wrung out of her.

“How about a shower?” he suggested, grasping her hand and tugging her toward the stairs.

“Is this an evasion technique?”

He shook his head. “Nope. This is exhaustion, pure and simple. You wore me out, babe. I want to stand under the hot water with your naked body next to mine and then I want to crawl into bed and hold you all night. I don’t deserve you either, Zoey, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep you with me for as long as I can.”

He released her hand when they entered the bathroom, bending over to turn on the shower. Zoey watched as he disrobed and stepped beneath the stream of water.

She wanted to tell him he was wrong. It was she who didn’t deserve him. Unfortunately all she could think about was his last declaration. He’d keep her with him as long as he could.

How long did he think that would be?

And was forever a possibility?

Chapter Four

Zoey sat in the recliner, her white-knuckled grip on the leather arms tightening as the nurse inserted the IV into the port. She tried to breathe, but her chest was tight.

Robbie sat next to her, his gaze never wavering from the IV solution. It was poison, pure and simple. The oncologist referred to it as medicine, a drug, but she knew its true name and purpose. It might be killing cancer cells, but that wasn’t all it would take with it.

The nurse fiddled with the IV, then looked at her. “Okay. You’re all set. Are you comfortable?”

Zoey nodded, while inside her head she was screaming,
Get it out! Let me leave! I don’t want this!

The nurse, Jenna, patted her hand in a gesture meant to be comforting. It didn’t work. Zoey was numb. She blinked rapidly, wishing she were anywhere but here.

Jenna smiled at Robbie. “I’ll be around later to check on you two, but if you need anything before then, press the buzzer and I’ll come right back. You’re going to be here at least four hours. We’re having soup and sandwiches brought in for lunch. Let me know if you want to place an order.”

“Thanks.” Robbie had set up his laptop on a small table in the corner and he shifted uncomfortably on the chair. Zoey felt guilty for lying on her big leather recliner while he was stuck on that hard, plastic thing for the next few hours.

The nurse left to check on other patients. Zoey had passed several rooms as they’d entered, the glimpses she’d caught of the people inside pressing in on her until she felt she would collapse under the crushing weight. Most of the patients were bald and pale with sunken cheeks and dark circles under their eyes. Some were alone in their rooms, while others had a family member or friend with them. Zoey looked out of place with her full head of hair and pink cheeks. How long would it take until she resembled the rest of them? A month from now? A week? Tomorrow? She closed her eyes against the images, but they wouldn’t leave her.

She’d endured her parents’ visit, assuring them she’d call weekly to let them know what was going on. Her mother had made her promise to call if she needed anything and if so they’d head back to Zoey on the next flight.

She’d exhausted the past few weeks listening to the doctors as they explained everything to her. She’d spent hours with the wine girls as they told her story after story of women they knew who’d overcome cancer to lead fuller, richer lives. She’d sat beside Robbie as he researched on the Internet, reading every positive thing he could find in regards to her cancer, while breezing over the bad stuff like it didn’t exist. She’d pretended not to see it too. He’d put them on that damn positive-thoughts diet and she’d gone along with it. She’d played the role of loving daughter, good patient, brave friend and strong woman because she sensed it was what the others needed from her.

In reality, she was none of those things. It was taking all the strength in her body not to rip out the goddamn IV, scream at the top of her lungs for all of them to leave her the fuck alone and to run away. Far far away.

She closed her eyes tightly. She couldn’t do any of those things. She was trapped. Her chest constricted and she fought to center herself, to find one lousy happy place where she could retreat. She’d always considered herself so smart about stress management. When others freaked out, she was able to remain calm, cool and collected. She couldn’t find that ability now.

Robbie’s finger stroked the top of her clenched fist. It startled her. She’d forgotten he was there.

“You don’t have to stay the whole time.” The words were pulled from her almost painfully. Truth was she’d lose it if he tried to leave.

He grinned. “I’m not going anywhere so save your breath.”

“Four hours is a long time.”

“I don’t have anywhere else to be. I brought my computer and headphones. Figure I can write my lyrics here as easily as at home.”

“That chair looks uncomfortable.”

He shrugged. “It’s not so bad. Next time, I’ll bring a pillow.” He flipped her hand over and pried her fingers open as he laid his palm flat against hers. “Tell me what you need, Zoey.”

She frowned. “I’m fine.”

He scoffed and gave her a sad smile. “No, you’re not. You’re sitting there trying not to freak out. So tell me what you need. A pep talk? Peace and quiet? A quickie?”

She laughed. “The quickie sounds tempting.”

He lifted her hand and kissed it. “I’d put that goddamn IV in my own chest if I could.”

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