Read Flanked Online

Authors: Cat Johnson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western

Flanked (13 page)

Yeah, it would be worth all the stress and lies it took to get them alone in his room tonight. No doubt about it.

The group crossed the road and soon they were pushing through the door of the bar. Garret surveyed the situation. The place was packed. It looked as if both fans and riders had chosen to go there. They needed a table or an open spot at the bar with at least two empty stools they could pull next to each other so Leesa and Silver could sit—at least until he and Silver made their escape.

As he assessed where to steer the group, two girls came through the crowd aiming directly at them, all smiles and big boobs. Garret stopped dead in his tracks. Crap. The last thing he needed was for some girl to hit on him here and now. If he went along with it, no doubt Silver would be pissed. If he didn’t, the guys would be suspicious because he’d never turned down the opportunity to flirt with a hot buckle bunny.

He watched in horror as the two made a beeline toward him and the others just inside the door. Garret dared to shoot a sideways glance at Silver. She was smiling, her own gaze trained on the girls’ approach. Garret frowned. What the hell was going on here?

Some crazy thoughts hit him. Silver could get a little freaky. She’d wanted to have sex in the stairwell of their hotel. Then all the piercings and tattoos. The leather and the Harley. He wouldn’t put it past her to be into a threesome. He eyed the two girls who’d stopped in front of them. Make that a foursome. Garret swallowed hard.

He’d always dreamed of some girl-on-girl action with him in the middle, but this was Silver, Aaron’s sister. He shouldn’t have touched her at all, but he really, really shouldn’t be leading her into anything like this.

Leading—who the hell was he kidding? Garret had no control here. Silver was the one in the driver’s seat. He was just along for the journey, lucky if he even got to ride shotgun. There was no
not letting
Silver do anything.

This had truly been the most surreal week of his life. It started with him nearly going blind by seeing his father getting a blowjob in their kitchen, and had gotten impossibly weirder from the moment Silver had strutted her leather-covered ass into his hotel room.

“Hey, we have a table. Do you guys wanna join us?” Girl number one, the one whose nipples stuck out far and hard enough they could easily support Garret’s hat should he choose to hang it there, spoke directly to Aaron.

“Yeah, it’s pretty crowded, but we got here early.” Number two, her blonder-than-blond hair beginning to show dark roots, explained that directly to Skeeter, who looked like he’d swallowed his tongue.

“Uh, um…” Skeeter looked wide eyed to Aaron for backup.

“Sure, we’d love to join you. It’s okay if my sister and my friends join us, right?”

“Of course, any sister of yours is a friend of mine.” Nipple girl smiled seductively and shot Silver a friendly look, which she returned warmly.

The group moved toward the back but Garret held Silver back. He had a feeling she was involved in this somehow. “What did you do?”

“I’m just working to build fan-rider relations. In fact, the fan club should probably thank me for this one.” Silver grinned wide.

“You—” Garret shook his head. Pieces were beginning to fall into place.

He wasn’t sure exactly how it had gone down, but judging by how they’d singled Skeeter and Aaron out of the group, and had acted like Silver was no stranger, he was pretty sure Silver had arranged this back at the arena. At least it was nothing kinky. She was playing matchmaker, not porno producer. Thank God for that. He could ignore his cock had temporarily reacted to the concept of being with her and the two girls. He was a man, after all.

“Stop looking so shocked or you’ll give us away. Now, you’re up. Start holding your shoulder like it hurts. And wince a little. That way maybe we can get out of here before the first round of drinks. Or no, scratch that. You’d better have a quick drink or two before we go back.” Her eyes took on an expression that, if he had to describe it, he’d have to say was smoldering. Centerfold worthy for sure, even with her being fully clothed.

He narrowed his eyes at her. “And why is that?”

“Because I like how long you last when you’ve had a few.” With that, Silver shot him a glance over her shoulder and flounced off toward the table, leaving Garret once again speechless in her wake.

Chapter Ten

“I can’t believe how smooth that worked.” Silver pushed him backward across his room. “Aaron and Skeeter aren’t leaving that bar anytime soon. Not with those two all over them.”

Garret laughed. “No, but I bet what they are doing is trying to figure out where to take them because you and I are in their rooms.”

“Little do they know we only need one room.” She looked devilish as she said it.

He wasn’t quite as confident in their privacy as Silver. “What do we do if they come back and find you in here with me?”

“Simple. I came in to see if you needed me to get you ice or ibuprofen for your shoulder. I’m a nurturer, remember? School teachers can’t help it.”

He shook his head and laughed. “My head knows you teach little kids, but the rest of me is having trouble wrapping around that concept.”

“Don’t worry about it too much, because I’ve got a few things that will wrap very nicely around a certain part of you.” Silver undid his belt buckle as she spoke.

Garret lay on the bed and let her take control. Not only did he suspect she liked to be in charge, his shoulder hurt too damn much for him to wrestle with her over who got to be on top. Hell, she could definitely be on top the rest of the night—sitting on his cock. Sitting on his face. Either one or both.

His erection sprang up as she released it from his jeans and underwear.

“So I was thinking…”

“Mmm, hmm.” That was all he could manage while he watched her slide her lips over his cock.

She slid back up and off the tip of him, her eyes focused on his face as she did. A shiver ran up his spine from her gaze alone as his length popped out of her mouth. “You need this shoulder operation, right?” She continued like this was a perfectly normal conversation to have during a blowjob.

“Yeah.” Garret frowned. She wanted to talk about this now? Just when his cock was very happy, she was putting a damper on the rest of him.

“I have excellent health insurance.” Silver ran her tongue up the underside of him until she reached the slit at the top.

“That’s good. Wish I did.” He hissed in a breath as she concentrated on torturing him by sliding just the very tip of her tongue in and out of the top of his cock.

“That’s the point. You should and you can.” After that proclamation, she slid him all the way in until he hit the back of her throat.

“I can’t afford as much coverage as I’d need. I’m not exactly—oh God—a good risk.” Garret barely got the words out as she added a hand to the mix and palmed his balls.

“So here’s the plan. You marry me, I add you to my insurance, you get the operation, then we can get a divorce afterward when you don’t have any more doctor bills.” She delivered that bombshell, then went back to sucking and stroking Garret so hard he would probably have come if the words
marry me
weren’t echoing so loudly in his head.

“What?” He reached down and grabbed her head, pulling her off his cock. In any other situation he normally wouldn’t let anything interfere with his shooting off in this incredible girl’s mouth, but there was nothing normal about this situation.

She sat up on her knees, still fully dressed, which was good. If Aaron or Skeeter walked in, at least the only thing he’d have to do is fix his jeans. Though after what she’d just said, he wasn’t sure he had the presence of mind to even do that much.

“I can add you to my insurance as my husband.”

That was the craziest idea he’d ever heard. They’d known each other for three days. Sure they’d acted like newlyweds on a honeymoon, all over each other, but still… He swallowed hard. “Wouldn’t that be insurance fraud?”

“No. Why would it be? Insurance fraud would be like if you pretended to be someone else and used his name and his insurance. Or like if you pretended to be hurt and got disability when you were really fine and could work.”

“I don’t know.”

“What’s the problem? We’ll actually be married legally. No one says we have to stay married forever or even love each other. Hell, look at the divorce rate. We’re already having sex so we’d consummate the marriage to, you know, seal the deal.”

The word
made it seem even more real. “But—”

“Garret, it’s not a big deal. I have insurance. You need it. That’s the extent of it.”

“What about Aaron?”

She shrugged. “I’m a legal adult. He can’t tell me what to do. Besides, I honestly think he’ll understand and be for it.”

“You do, do you?” Garret let out a bitter laugh. “I don’t.”

“Just think about it. Later.” She got that impish smirk and bent down over him again.

For the first time in Garret’s life, he wasn’t sure he wanted this blowjob. Not with this suggestion weighing on him, reinforced by the pain in his shoulder from when he’d hoisted himself up after her suggestion.

“Lie back.” Silver cocked a brow at him. When he didn’t comply right away, she pushed gently on his good shoulder. He lay back and stared at the ceiling, his brain spinning.

“Garret, close your eyes and stop thinking.”

“You told me to think.” Garret didn’t miss the irony. One mention of the word
and they were already bickering.

“Think after we’re done.”

With a sigh, he tried to do as she asked. He felt the warmth of her mouth surround him again. “You do realize if you want me to come during this you shouldn’t have told me to have those two drinks.”

“Mmm, hmm.” She moaned it around his cock, sending vibrations through him.

“Just want you to know, you’re in for a long haul.” Why he felt compelled to talk during this, he could only guess. It must be because she’d started the conversation, and one hell of a conversation it was too.

She pulled off him, scraping her teeth the whole way up. He raised his hips to follow the sensation he didn’t want to end.

“Don’t worry. That was just the foreplay.” She left him briefly, then was back, sliding a condom over his erection.

He opened his eyes as Silver, now naked from the waist down, straddled him. She hovered above, her hair falling around her face. Her focus on him.

Garret wasn’t sure what got into him, but he started feeling sentimental. He ran one hand over the smooth skin of her thigh. “I wish we could both be naked.”

“Well, once we get married, and until we get divorced, we can legally be naked together all we want and no one can say a word about it.” She waggled her eyebrows and he laughed.

“I don’t think Aaron will agree with that.”

She paused with his tip pressed against her entrance. “Please don’t say my brother’s name when you’re about to fuck me. It kind of ruins the mood.”

Garret cringed. “Sorry.”

“I’ll forgive you.” She leaned low and brushed her lips over his, sliding his cock inside her wet warmth at the same time.

His eyes were open and so were hers. They never broke eye contact as she rose above him, then lowered again. It wasn’t like the frantic couplings the first two times they were together. This felt almost tender. Maybe she was being careful because of his shoulder. Maybe he was overthinking it because of her suggestion.

And maybe he should just do as she said—stop thinking and fuck her. Garret grabbed the back of her head with his good arm. He tangled his hand in her hair and kissed her hard. Eyes closed, he plunged his tongue between her lips. She increased the speed and depth of the stroke. He felt her moan and kissed her deeper, raising his hips off the bed to meet her every thrust.

Her breathing changed, so did her rhythm, and he held his breath, waiting for what he knew was coming. Her muscles clenched around his cock, then began to pulse as she cried out. Garret held her head against his throat to muffle the sounds that would surely travel down the hallway. She sank her teeth into his skin and he felt his body tighten and tingle, poised on the edge of release. She worked his neck with her teeth and mouth as her body worked his cock inside. That was all it took. Drinks or not, Garret came, bucking beneath her.

Finally spent, he lay breathless with Silver collapsed over him. He wrapped his arms around her as she rested her head on his chest.

He was going to have a hell of a bruise where she’d bit him. Though he supposed if they got married, it wouldn’t matter who saw it.

Married. Holy fuck. How was he even thinking that word so casually? Probably because the sex hormones were still racing through his blood even as the word bounced around in his head. And the fact she planned for them to divorce right after he’d recovered made it seem more like a business deal—like a one-season contract with a sponsor with no option for renewal. He’d never negotiated a contract with his dick buried inside the potential sponsor before. It made thinking difficult.

“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?” She straightened her legs and settled the length of her body against him as he slipped out of her.

“Yup.” He’d be lying if he said no. If they got married, they could do this day and night—at least until the insurance-fraud police broke down the door and hauled them both away. Garret realized he was thinking more about married sex with Silver than he was about the real reason for even considering this deal—health insurance. Apparently, he was only thinking with his dick. He needed to change that and fast. This was a huge decision. “What if doing this gets you into trouble?”

She could get fired or worse—arrested or fined.

“People meet, get drunk and get married in a matter of hours all the time in Vegas.”

“Unlike all those people in Vegas, we’re not drunk.”

“And unlike those people, we’re not going to get divorced the moment we sober up in the morning either.”

“No, we’re going to wait until after my surgery and rehab is over.”

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