Flesh 01 (9 page)

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Authors: Kylie Scott

And then some.

Kissing her was something he could see himself doing for a good, long time.

Daniel licked at her, stroking her tongue with his own. He explored.

Her hands trailed down his back. Pulled at his t-shirt.

She broke off the hot and heavy kiss to drag it over his head.

“Daniel,” she panted, palms smoothing over his ribs. Her nipples poked at his chest through the thin material of her bra. “Your body is beautiful.”

“Glad you approve. Let’s lose the bra.” He rolled them onto their sides, then attacked the clasp on her back and peeled the straps down her shoulders. She shrugged it off, tossing it to the wild blue yonder.

Sweet heavens her breasts were gorgeous, generous. They filled his hands like a dream. Alabaster pale against the tan of his fingers, nipples beaded hard against his palms. She was a fucking feast.

“Pants,” she said. “Hurry.”

Daniel dragged his gaze back up to her face. It was a very determined face, mouth set and eyes serious. “What?”

“Get your pants off.”

“Right.” He reared back on his knees and made quick work of the button and fly, getting his pants and boxers off while his girl did likewise.

Holy shit, the wriggling and wrestling, he couldn’t watch or he’d blow. His dick tapped his bel y as it was. But he couldn’t look away.

Ready, willing, and peeling off her jeans, kicking them off. Hooking her thumbs in a black pair of panties and shimmying them down.

“Dan?” Big eyes blinked at him. The panties went down. His mind … going, going, gone. Because oh, yes. A dark tuft of pubic hair and not much else visible in this dark, but he could feel his way just fine.

And hell, he wanted to take his time.


His face belonged between those thighs. He needed to nuzzle the glossy wet lips of her sex. Licking and laving and breathing her in were all that mattered now. Hell, he would imprint himself on her if he could figure out how.

“Why are you waiting?” His girl tilted her head, mystified, reached up and grabbed his hand. “I want you in me.”

So when it came to talking he said the only thing he could possibly bring himself to say. “Yes.”

He collapsed back down on top of her, taking his weight on a hand at the last.

Ali grinned, planted a kiss on his mouth and pressed his hand to her hot, wet sex. He set about making her hotter and wetter. A finger ran up and down the lips of her sex, making her squirm and pant. Two fingers pressed slowly inside her. She squirmed against his hand, taking more, faster. Forcing the pace.

“Easy, babe.” His thumb stroked her clit, working it side to side till her back arched, offering up her breasts to him. He hunched down to suck a sweet, stiff nipple into his mouth and worked it with his tongue. Her noises were perfect; all the moans and gasps building him to a fever pitch. He was already barely hanging on.

“Dan. Please. Hurry.”

“Soon, babe. Very soon. Come for me first.” The need to be in her was driving him mad, but there was no way in hell he was going to give in and mess this up.

Daniel swirled his long finger about inside her, searching out the sweet spot, right behind her clit. He worked her from inside and out till she was trembling, shuddering and panting his name. “That’s my girl.”

He slammed his mouth down on hers when she came, muffling the cries as her pussy convulsed around his fingers.


So absolutely damn perfect.

Screw watching football, he had found his new favorite pastime for the next fifty years at least, or however long his dick held out. He rubbed his thumb gently above her clit, dragging out the last of her pleasure till she sagged limp beneath him, every muscle lax, spent.

Her thighs stopped trembling, her breathing evened out. Eventually.

Wow. Talk about humbled. The total relaxation on her pretty face and the slow smile when her gray eyes blinked open once again had him hooked.

“That was hot,” he said. “Again. Come again for me, babe.”

Her brows rose as her mouth opened. The wondrous look she gave him held more than a touch of “are you crazy”? Well, he would have to prove himself to her. No hardship.

She watched as he licked her juices off his fingers, lip smacking involved. This was his girl. He had every intention of spending some very serious time with his mouth between her thighs, but right now, his instincts told him to keep eye contact. If she got skittish then he wanted to be there, talking her back down.

He finished sucking her honey from his fingers, and then he ever so gently, very tenderly, began to stroke her anew. Taking care to go easy while, he knew, she was still reeling from coming, stil ultra sensitive to every touch.

“No, Dan. Your turn.” She grabbed his cock and did some stroking of her own.

Her lovely hot hand.

The punch of heat to his gut was insane; the tightness in his balls from touching and watching nearly did him in.

He covered her hand with his own, stilled it before he embarrassed himself and came all over her bel y like some overeager kid. Oh, man. The mental image of her soft, pale skin splattered in his come. Marked by him.

He had to close his eyes, will it out of existence before it became truth. This woman made a mockery of his control.

“Why not?” She gave him a cranky, confused frown and a squeeze. He swore a blue streak.

“Ali, babe, wait. I want to be inside you.”

“I want that too.”

Fine. She was onboard. Further foreplay could be post-play. No problem.

Daniel leant across the mattress, grabbed his pack and rummaged for the condom he had stashed away for such a joyous occasion.

He used his feet to push off the jeans holding his ankles captive and tying him in knots.

“Hurry, Dan,” she urged. Her pussy, fiery hot, rubbed against his thigh as he moved back between her legs. Her hips pushed at him.

It was exhilarating, the way she wanted him. Exactly what he needed, craved. “Hurry.”

“My greedy girl.” He ripped open the wrapper with his teeth, rolled it on without preamble. Fingers kneaded his shoulders like a cat working on a lounge. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down the seam of her sex, teasing them both before positioning himself against her and pushing in, sweet and slow.

Holy shit. The feel of her taking him sent heat licking over his skin. They fit together just right. He had known they would. Some things were facts of the universe. It didn’t do to question them.

She was a little tight. He was a little big. Together, perfect.

“Oh.” Her mouth formed the letter perfectly.

“Oh?” he asked, rubbing his lips along her jaw. Thoroughly enjoying the long, slow slide of his cock gaining ground inside her, the way her body hugged him tight. His whole world was remade on the journey. His breath was choppy and his toes curled. Everything as it should be. “Ali, baby?”

His girl gasped as he pulled back, pushed in anew, fingernails dug into his skin, clinging onto his shoulders. When she answered him she tried to play it cool and calm. Didn’t quite manage to pull it off with her mouth trembling like it was.

Nice to know he wasn’t the only one affected.


“Oh, good?” He freed up a hand to pluck at a nipple, roll the tight bead between thumb and finger. True cause and effect. She got wetter, and he got hotter.

“Yes,” she said.

He knew he was in serious trouble. Legs wrapped around him, holding him to her, urging him on with the upward tilt of her hips. And when she had taken al of him, with every inch of his dick in heaven, he knew this couldn’t last long, no matter his good intentions.

“Oh, yeah.” Her eyes were huge and dark, her teeth biting into her bottom lip. “That’s … that’s so good.”

Daniel dropped his head onto her shoulder, grazed his teeth over the line of her collarbone. Loving the way she shivered, wanting as much skin-to-skin contact with her as he could get.

All his. Every last bit of her.

His cock jerked inside of her. She gasped, tightened on him till he had to count backward from ten to hold out. Not good.

He had grand plans. Romance. Fireworks. Everything and anything to make her his.

“I need to fuck you,” he admitted in defeat.

Her tone when she answered was bewildered, indulgent. “I thought that’s what we were doing.”

“No. I was trying to make love to you. I had intentions. But … I can’t.”

Her cunt squeezed him again. His last coherent thought fled. As far as non-verbal communication went, it was loud and clear.

He turned his head, hid his face against her neck and gave in to the need to have her. Hard and fast, losing himself in her. Taking everything she gave. The slick sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filled his ears, competing with the roaring in his head and heart.

He fumbled his hand down her, searching the length of her with unsteady fingers, finding the place where her clit poked out, all ready for him.

Didn’t take much to send her over.

Her arms wrapped around his head, holding on tight. The muffled cries in his ear as she came and her cunt clenched at him set him off in turn with perfect synchronicity.

He might have bit at her soft, sweet neck, said something along the lines of, “Fuck yes, I love you.” But really, who could blame him?


Ali woke up coming.

The dream of hands and mouth on her were real, the soft brush of hair and the scratch of stubble against her inner thighs not even vaguely imagined.

She lay spread open, horribly exposed. His broad shoulders were wedged between her thighs, and his focus was total. He didn’t leave her any room to hide. Daniel was terrifying.

She bit down on her bottom lip, smothering the noise before it could begin as the muscles in her legs and belly danced to his tune. He sucked at her, drawing it out. And out. And on, and on.

When he finally finished, she felt like she had been blown apart and put back together one molecule at a time. The whole mix was wildly unstable. She could fall apart at any moment. It was unprecedented, in a good way. But still, unnerving. This made it past time to face some facts.

Sex with Daniel was … unpredictable. Intense. There was no control. She had been kidding herself. No, lying. Lying to yourself was wel and truly messed up. She couldn’t contain the emotions he stirred up inside her. There would be no managing this. Daniel swiped his tongue gently up her center, dragging a needy whimper from her. Her hips twitched as he placed a ticklish kiss above her mound.

Then he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and grinned up at her, obviously well pleased with himself.

“Breakfast of champions.”

She tried not to smile. It didn’t work out so wel . Her defenses were shredded. Part of her wondered how long it would take before she stopped fighting it altogether and let herself get carried along with his romantic craziness. “That was a sneak attack.”

“You’re welcome.”

Her feet rested on his back, his shoulders and arms holding her open. His two big hands spread across her stomach. There was more than a little “this is mine” in the positioning of his hands, and not an ounce of dignity in the pose, but who cared? There was no one but him to see her.

Stuff it. She couldn’t raise the energy to mind.

Ali gave in and slumped back against the mattress to catch her breath. One breath, two, and then curiosity got the better of her, and she was up on her elbows, watching him. Fascinated by him.

He nuzzled her thigh. The man looked spectacular spread out across the bottom of the mattress in the small hours of the dawn. Bare ass naked and really … yeah, a lot of burnished skin on show. Along with one very tight white ass.

He was gorgeous, with the lean angles of his face and his big body. Short dark hair spiking out every which way, care of her fingers the night before, dark stubble on his chin, and his smile …

A girl could let it all go straight to her head in a very nice way.

Time to admit she was drowning, her lungs working hard but getting nowhere. She was losing the war despite her best efforts. God, she always confused good sex with love. Great big mind blowing sex was certain to break her in two. The way he watched her, he didn’t play fair. As if he wanted to know every stupid thought wandering through her head. No one had ever looked at her like that.

The il usion of guarding her heart kept her going. Because, reality-wise, it would be one hell of a loss when this all went to pot.

Screw it. Why worry it to bits? The pounding of her rabbit heart made her queasy, but irritation prodded her to make a decision.

She’d grab happiness with both hands while she could. Life had become more precious now than it had ever been. She needed to make the most of it. Decision made.

Ali turned away from him, studying the gorgeous dawn. The beauty removed the scariness, gave her a chance to calm down and quiet the panic attack in the making.

Already sweat dripped between her breasts. It would be an absolutely sweltering summer’s day.

“So, given you’re a female and all,” Daniel began, fingers tapping either side of her belly button as if it were a tribal drum, “I’m guessing you want to talk about last night. More specifically, what I might have said last night in the throes of coital bliss.”

“The throes of coital bliss? Do you even listen to yourself? No, I don’t actually feel the need to discuss anything right now.”

The drumming ceased. “You sound pretty certain about that.”

Out by the highway there was a flash of light. A whole lot like the slowly rising sun had reflected off something. It was there and gone.

“Dan …”

“I meant it. If you’re wondering, at all.”

“No, I …”

“Don’t feel the same way. I know.”

“By your own rules, I now get to spank you.” She wrestled her legs back, not kicking him in the head when it might have been excusable. She sat up and searched their surroundings. “There’s someone out there.”

“Infected? It’s stil early. They might be stumbling on home after a big night chewing on the local wildlife or something.”

“No. There was a light. Like sunlight reflecting off something.”

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