For Luca (Chicago Syndicate Book 2) (25 page)

“It’s okay.” My eyes feel heavy from crying and lack of sleep. Although I desperately wanted to fall back into a deep sleep, I didn’t, so I’ve been awake for hours. I shed his robe during the night because it was too hot, and now I’m painfully aware that our legs are entangled, my knee almost touching his morning hard-on. He’s in his sweatpants and I’m completely naked, half of my body draped over him, but I can’t be bothered about that one bit.

As his fingers draw circles on my lower back, he asks hesitantly, “How did you sleep?”

Automatically my toes trace down his leg. “Good, for a couple of hours.”

“I was surprised that you called me yesterday. I’m…I’m sorry I didn’t return your calls sooner.”

“You couldn’t have known how desperate I was for you. Luca, I can’t believe it happened.” Palming my forehead, I try to roll back, but his strong hold doesn’t budge.

“Let’s shower. Then we can talk and discuss what you want to do.”

Nodding, I get out of bed but turn around when I’m in the doorway because he’s not following me.

His eyes move over my naked body and settle on mine.

“Aren’t you coming?” I thought he meant shower together because I want that. I want to be comforted constantly and taken care of, and I don’t care about anything else at the moment.

Getting out of bed, he steps inside the bathroom and adjusts the hot water for us.

His shower is enormous with two shower heads, but we huddle together under one – my back to his front – without any awkwardness between us. 

And I now notice things I didn’t spot last night. My peach-scented shampoo and cotton washcloth are still on the chrome shampoo holder. Tilting my head, I raise my eyebrows at him, and he pecks a quick kiss on my nose.

My mind continuously wanders back to yesterday, and I want to stop it. Without thinking, I rub my ass against his groin, and that’s all it takes. He pins me flush against the shower wall, my palms and breasts pressed against the cold tiles, and his entire body covers mine while he peppers my neck with kisses. Then he bites the soft spot where my neck meets my shoulder as he grips and massages the curve of my hips and ass, sliding to my stomach and down to cup me between my legs. I arch into him, and he groans against my skin as I tilt my head to give him better access and throw my arm back to grip the hair at his nape. His growing arousal thrusts between my ass cheeks, flesh on flesh, teasing me like only he can. Pleasing me like only he knows how.

I close my eyes, and Ashton and my mother and father flash across my mind. Pushing Luca off, I turn around and slump against the tiles. We stare at one another through the falling water with lust-filled and apologetic eyes as both our chests rise and fall rapidly.

And, without speaking, we each finish our own morning routine. Luca places a toothbrush, black sweatpants, and one of his t-shirts on the counter as I’m drying off, and then he disappears. I’m swimming in his pants, but they’re comfortably warm.

After I get dressed, I find him in the kitchen which smells like fresh pastries, causing a lump to build in my throat when it reminds me of the croissants Mom always makes. Made, because she isn’t here anymore, and with that thought, I break down. Literally, I can’t hold myself up and collapse to the floor right in front of the kitchen island.

“Shit!” Luca mutters under his breath and picks me up within seconds. He carries me to the couch and comforts me in his lap without saying a word.

It’s so calming how even after months apart, he knows exactly what I need. I need to let it out. With everything that happened since this summer, I just need to cry because my life has changed in ways I could’ve never foreseen.

After we sit for a while, it starts to anger me that I feel so useless, and that’s when I jump into action. Angrily dashing away my tears, I stand before him and start to throw my words at him. “I need to talk to the police then to Wade and Teagan.” I start to pace. “I need to find their insurance policies and documents and then meet with an accountant to figure out how to handle everything financially.”


“I have to plan a funeral. I have to know where their bodies are.”

“Fallon!” Luca places his hands on my shoulders.

“What?” I snap while catching the concern written all over his face.

“Calm down. You don’t
to do everything now and certainly not alone.”

“I do
to do something because I…I…” Blowing out a puff of air, I stop my rambling.

“Take a deep breath.” He tries appeasing me.

But calmness doesn’t come. “Do you know who did this?” I shrug out of his hold and leap back.

He tilts his head to the side. “Yes.”

Silence as we stare at one another.

“Tell me!” I yell. His eyes thin, and he clenches his jaw, so I can tell he’s caging his controlling personality because of my grief.

“I’m positive it’s Ashton Banks, Alex’s brother. I discovered he’s been following you and has a vendetta against you because he thinks you’re responsible for Alex’s death.”

I knew Ashton thinks I’m responsible for his brother’s death, but I need confirmation that he indeed murdered my parents. “Are you sure?”

“Pretty sure.”

“What happens now?” My rage shrinks because I realize I’m just taking everything out on him, and that’s unfair, but he seems stunned that I’ve softened so quickly. “Why are you so surprised? And please be honest with me. I can’t handle any more lies or deceit or not knowing for my own damn protection. Please be honest; at least give me that,” I cry while fisting my hair with both hands.

He stays calm during my entire rant. “Anger always follows despair. It’s part of your grieving process, but – honestly – I was expecting the moment to come when you would blame me for this.”

“Why would I blame you?”

“Because when you’re confused and hurt, your mind works in very judgmental ways.”

He thought I would blame his Syndicate, but I’m still rational enough – even through my sorrow – to realize that neither the Syndicate
Luca raped me or killed my parents. 

“I don’t. I don’t blame you,” I confess in a small voice and graze my nails over the hairs on his jawline, noticing that he started trimming his beard again.

He inches closer, and we both expel a breath as I clasp my arms around his middle and rest my cheek against his chest.

“First, call the people you want to speak with. I have Wade’s phone number, and Adriano is bringing your phone over. Then you can call Teagan too. After that, we need to call the police department because Adriano told them that you would contact them today.” Luca pauses and rests his hand against the back of my head. “Your parents’ bodies…”

I stiffen in his hold, but his palm starts to caress my head.

“…are now part of the investigation. After the police are finished, they will be released.” He pulls back and looks me in the eye. “I haven’t done anything, but
to know that if you want my help, I can make things happen faster. If that’s what you want.”

I’m not really sure what he’s proposing, but I just want Ashton captured. “Let the police handle it. Can I call Wade from your phone?”

Luca hands me the phone after entering Wade’s number while I’ve slipped onto the couch, and he leaves the room to grant me privacy.

“Yes,” Wade answers brusquely.

“Wade, it’s me.”

“Where are you? You call me three times in a row, then I can’t reach you for an entire night—”

I pull up my knees. “My parents are dead.”

He’s quiet at first, and then he asks, “How?”

“I had just found them when I called you yesterday. They were shot – murdered.”

“Fallon, I’m so sorry. How are you—And where are you? Why weren’t you picking up your phone? Did you contact the police?” He fires all these questions at me as Luca comes back into the living room, as if he senses that I need him, and huddles up beside me.

Tucking me against his side, he whispers, “Do I need to talk to him?”

I shake my head and update Wade. “I called Luca too. I’m with him. I did contact the police yesterday and have to talk to them later.”

“Are you okay?”

I rest my head on Luca’s shoulder. “No, but I have to go now.”

“Call me later,” he orders and Luca’s body tenses slightly, betraying his displeasure at how Wade and I interact.

A few minutes later, Adriano steps out of the elevator and hands me my phone. “I took this with me last night, thought you might need it.” His sympathetic smile is so genuine. “How are you feeling?”

I make a quick mental note about Camilla, who I’m meeting Monday at the therapist’s office. For her safety, I need to make sure Luca doesn’t come with me. “Thank you.” I take my phone as Luca hugs me tighter to him. “It all feels so surreal. I don’t think everything’s sunk in yet.”

Adriano squeezes my shoulder gently. I’m thankful that these two don’t give me empty statements like ‘I’m sorry for your loss’. Instead they’re just quiet and sense what I need.

“I’m calling Teagan,” I announce with the phone already pressed against my ear as Adriano heads over to the kitchen.

“Hey, babe. I was just thinking about you.”

“T…” Immediately the waterworks begin.

“What’s wrong?”

“They-They’re gone. Mom and Dad are dead.”

“What?” she screams then adds in a softer tone. “How? What?”

“I found them yesterday, murdered in our own house.”

She gasps. “Oh my god.” And I can tell her tears have also started to fall. “Uhm...shit. Fall, I’m sorry, but I’m in shock.”

“No, I get it, and I hate that I have to tell you over the phone.”

A door is being closed loudly on her end. “How are you? Are you home alone?”

“I’m with Luca, at his place. I haven’t been alone.”

“Okay, can you stay there? Can he stay with you? I don’t want you to be alone at our apartment until I’m back.”

Looking up through my eyelashes, I silently ask Luca if I can stay here, and he nods while cupping my face. “Yes, he’ll stay with me.”

“I have to make some arrangements at work, and then I’m going to catch a flight out of here. There are plenty of flights to Chicago daily, so I’m sure I can be on one within hours. I’ll call you later when I’m at Heathrow. I’m going to quickly take care of everything right now because I need to be with you.”

“Thank you. Love you.”

“Love you. Stay with Luca, okay? Don’t go home alone. I know how you are.”

“No, I don’t want to be alone. I promise. I’m texting you his address, so you can come here when you’re back.”

Luca interrupts, “Tell her someone will pick her up at the airport.”

“Luca will send someone to pick you up.”

“Okay, I’ll text you my flight information.”

And we hang up.

Adriano joins us again and sits on the table in front of us, taking a huge bite of a vanilla muffin. There’s something comical about this guy, and he’s quite handsome. I can see why Camilla is infatuated with him.

“Do you want to call the police together now? It’s almost nine a.m. Then we can scratch that off your list too?” Luca persuades.

I give my phone to Adriano, who has taken a business card out of his pocket. I assume it’s the card of the Lake Forest detective we need to contact. He enters the number and returns it.

“What do I say?”

Luca provides me instructions. “Just ask all your questions. If they start to throw questions at you, and you don’t know how to answer, I’ll take over the call.”

Nodding, I put the phone on speaker so they can easily listen with me.

“Lake Forest Police Department, Detective Johnson speaking.”

“Hi, this is Fallon Michaels, I was supposed to contact you.”

“Ah yes, Miss Michaels, I’m very sorry for your loss,” he states coldly. “My team is investigating the house as we speak, but we already discovered a lot of things last night that could help us establish a timeline of the events that took place.”

Luca and I lock eyes, both with a frown.

“Most likely scenario is a burglary that went wrong. Money and jewelry were stolen from the house.”

I retort, “This kind of seems like you’re already done with the investigation. When is the autopsy?”

He sighs. “Autopsy hasn’t been scheduled yet.”

Adriano waves his finger to me, and he whispers, “Autopsy is mandatory in all suspicious deaths or homicides.”

“Why not?” I ask Johnson. “Autopsy is mandatory in all suspicious deaths or homicides.”

“It will be scheduled.”

His dismissal is angering me. “When? I want specific answers. When is the autopsy, and when can I bury my parents?”

He speaks with a clear accusatory tone. “You also messed with the crime scene. Maybe you should come in?”

Luca takes over the conversation instantly as I feel his entire body stiffening. “This is Luca DeMiliano speaking on behalf of Miss Michaels. Her lawyer will visit you today. You and I both know it’s not necessary for her to come in, so drop the attitude and do your job.”

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