Read For the Good of All (Law of the Lycans Book 7) Online

Authors: Nicky Charles

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #series, #law of the lycans, #shifters, #werewolves, #lycans

For the Good of All (Law of the Lycans Book 7) (40 page)

“No need. I know the way.” Sister Denise pushed back her chair. “I’ll be back tomorrow.”

Chapter 19


Dante stopped the jeep. “We’re a few miles from the orphanage. I’ll let you out here.”

“Where are you going?” Stone looked at Dante suspiciously, still not completely believing they were essentially on the same side.

“I have to meet Dee. She was at the orphanage today. We’re making arrangements with Saul for a couple of the children. He says he has buyers lined up.”

“There is no fucking way I’m letting you or Dee anywhere near those kids.”

“We need to get beyond Saul in the trafficking web. Those kids will be our ticket. Everything possible will be done to keep them safe.”

“If you try to remove even one of them from the orphanage, I will kill you. I don’t care which side of the law you’re working on.”


“Revise your plan. Why does it have to be organs from children?”

“That’s what Dee is specializing in. Organs from kids are harder to come by so the profit is larger. People are willing to pay ridiculous sums to get organs for their dying children.”

“What if you approach Saul with an adult ‘donor’. Would he possibly take the bait?”

“That’s what I was trying to do when you barged in yesterday. I’d successfully negotiated several organ sales—”

“With willing donors?”

Dante scowled. “Interrupting is rude. Has no one ever told you that?”

“Stealing organs is worse.”

“We do our best to ensure everyone makes it out alive but collateral damage is to be expected.”

“If you start to spout any drivel about some people being expendable, I’ll knock all your teeth out, Dante. Every life is equally important.”

Dante opened his mouth and then closed it. He cleared his throat and then continued. “As I was saying, Saul has a high level of trust in me, in the Brothers of Virtue. I’d finally dared to use a ringer and then you arrived and ruined everything.”

Stone grunted. He wouldn’t apologize.

After waiting a beat, Dante continued. “To answer your original question, it doesn’t have to be a child. Saul would accept an adult but since I don’t have another one lined up—”

“Use me then. Cut Dee and the children out of the equation. Truss me up like a turkey and take me to Saul.”

Dante cocked his head. “It’s a possibility.”

“We can always try. And I’m capable of taking care of myself should things go sour and your people don’t intercept Saul.”

“Let me think about it, consider all the ramifications. I’ll contact you once I’ve made up my mind.”

Stone gave him his phone number. “I’ll expect to hear from you asap.”

“I’ll have to get away from Dee. Call Saul. It won’t be for a few hours.”

“Just remember that if you or Dee try to take kids from that orphanage there will be a bloodbath.”

“And if we don’t stop this trafficking ring, you might have saved this group of children but others will die in their stead.”


Tina looked up from the meal she was eating, a restlessness filling her. She felt twitchy, uncomfortable, the need for…something…driving all thought of food away.

She pushed the tray away and stood up. The walking stick Anna had given her earlier was near the bed and she grabbed it even though she was sure she didn’t really need it. Her leg was feeling stronger with each passing hour.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Sister Bernita entered the infirmary.

“A short walk. I’m feeling cooped up.”

“Your leg won’t heal if you continue to overuse it.”

“Isn’t fresh air supposed to be good for patients?”

Sister Bernita shook her head. “You remind me of the children thinking up a dozen excuses as to why they should have their own way.”

“Is it working?”

“Well… I suppose a very short walk might not overtax you. However, I’ll go with you just in case.”

The two women were exiting the building when someone entered the gates.


“Mr. Stone!”

They both spoke at once upon recognizing the man walking towards them. His long stride was rapidly closing the distance between them.

Tina abandoned the walking stick and took two hurried steps forward only to be swept up in Stone’s arms.

He held her gently, one arm around her waist, his hand cradling the back of her head as she pressed her face to the crook of his neck. The restlessness inside her eased, a sense of homecoming filling her.

“I missed you.” She whispered against him, inhaling his scent.

He eased her away. His eyes took in her features, his hand slid to cup her cheek and then he leaned down to kiss her softly. “I missed you, too.”

“Just in time, Mr. Stone. The gates will be locked soon.”

They both turned, suddenly realizing they had an audience. Sister Bernita was watching them, a wistful smile on her face.

“Sister.” Stone ducked his head in acknowledgement, not removing his arms from Tina.

“I take it you will be spending the night?” The nun’s gaze shifted between Stone and Tina.

“If you have room for me.”

“The cot in the office at the front of the infirmary is yours if you wish.” She gave Tina a small smile. “You have your bed in the back, of course.”

“Of course.” Tina slipped from Stone’s arms, feeling guilty.

“I’ll check the dressing on your leg before I turn in for the night.” Sister nodded towards the medical building. “Another five minutes of walking is all the strain your leg can probably manage.”

“I’m sure she’s a fast healer and her leg will be fine.” Stone commented.

“Then I can assume you will be checking her leg and reporting any signs of infection to me?” Sister cocked her head.

“Definitely,” Stone nodded. “I will examine her thoroughly.”

Tina barely held back a gasp. Sister raised one eyebrow but made no comment.

Once the nun was out of earshot, Tina smacked Stone in the stomach. "How could you say such a thing in front of her?”

“It’s the truth.”

“I know but…” Tina pursed her lips and shook her head. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.”

“I’m sure I can come up with some suggestions.” Stone put a guiding hand on her back. “Come on, the sun is starting to set. We need to get inside and Sister Bernita is right; you shouldn’t overtax yourself.”

“That’s not what you were hinting at a minute ago.”

“Don’t worry. I’m going to take very good care of you.”


Stone trailed his finger over Christina’s thigh, circling the area where the bullet wound had once been. Now that the bullet had been removed, she was healing quickly. The flesh was still pink but the skin had almost completely knitted together, there being minimum need for the stitches that still remained.

“That’s amazing.” Christina was propped up in his cot, staring down at her leg. “Not even forty-eight hours since surgery but you’d think it had been a week or more.”

“Healing quickly is a shifter trait.”

“I knew that but to actually see it, experience it. Wow.” She shook her head. “I wonder how long I’ll have super healing abilities.”

Stone left his examination of her leg and moved to sit beside her. “I’ve no idea. Maybe a few weeks, maybe forever. We’ll have to make some inquiries when we get back to the States.”

“Mmm.” Christina made a small noise that let him know her interest was waning in the topic. She was rubbing her knuckles over his chin. “I like you with stubble.”

He leaned forwards and rubbed his chin against her cheek causing her to giggle.

“That tickles,” she protested.

Stone repeated the gesture and she squirmed.

The cot gave a threatening creak and both froze.

“I think you better get up, Eli. This bed wasn’t made for two.”

He stood and glared at the cot. “My plans for tonight do not include us sleeping separately.” After a moment of frowning, he gave a decisive nod. “Get up.”

“There’s no place to go,” Christina whispered. “People are sleeping in the infirmary and we can’t leave the building until morning. Sister said the guards shoot first before asking questions.”

“I know.” He proceeded to strip the bed, then laid the mattress on the floor and tossed the pillow down as well. “There. We won’t have to worry about breaking the bed.”

“Very clever.” Christina gave a nod of approval as he helped her down.


“Very.” She lay on the mattress at his feet, only a thin cotton night shirt covering her. Moonlight streamed in through the window, skimming her body, highlighting the curves and valleys. A primitive feeling surged through him. Like some pagan offering she was there, waiting for him to enjoy.

“Take off your nightgown.”


Tina stared up at the man who towered over her. With the moonlight behind him, she could only see his silhouette; strong, broad shoulders, arms folded, the curve of his biceps clearly visible. If she didn’t know who he was, she might tremble with fear. Instead, it was anticipation that caused her to shiver. The knowledge that his strength would be tempered, used only to pleasure her.

Slowly, she reached for the hem of her nightgown and began to draw it upward. The course cotton lightly abraded her skin, stimulating the nerve endings, heightening her awareness of her own body and the sensations it could feel.

She paused when the material reached her upper thighs, knowing she was naked, that he would see her. It was nothing new, this wasn’t their first time together, but he’d always been beside her in bed, never just standing over her, watching.


There was a hint of warning in his voice, an indication that he was tired of waiting for her. She pulled the nightgown up, over her hips, her breasts and then completely off leaving herself exposed to his gaze.

For a moment he said nothing, his dark eyes sweeping over her from head to foot. She could see the moonlight glinting off them, hard, just like the man.

“Very nice.”

His simple words of approval caused her to flush, happy that she pleased him and she struggled to keep from looking away.

He slowly divested himself of his clothing, revealing himself to her as slowly as she’d done to him. Broad chest, muscular arms. Narrow waist and hips, powerful thighs. Already he was hard, his body ready to possess hers.

An ache began within her, warm, wet, tingling in anticipation of his possession.

With predatory grace, he lowered himself until he was just inches from touching her. Electric tingles of awareness sparked between them. She quivered as he reached out and slowly stroked her, fondling her breasts, teasing her belly.

“We have to be careful, Christina. Your leg isn’t completely healed.” He reached down and parted her thighs. “I don’t want you to move, do you understand? I’ll do all the work.”

Not move? Already her hips wanted to lift. He knew it, too, damn him, for one corner of his mouth curved in an evil smile.

“And no noise. We have company next door.” He nodded towards the infirmary and she almost groaned out loud having forgotten where they were.

“Are you trying to kill me, Eli?”

“The little death, isn’t that what the French call it?” He chuckled as he skimmed his lips over her flesh. Tender kisses, sharp nips, soothing caresses, murmured words so dark and sexy she squirmed. Finally, exquisitely, his hot flesh pressed against her moist core and eased inside.

She gave a soft gasp as he possessed her and he brushed his lips over hers. “No noise,” he teased. “We can’t wake the neighbours this time.”

His chest pressed against her breasts, the light dusting of body hair brushing over her nipples as he began to rock against her.

“You’re so hot. So tight. Do you have any idea how good you feel?” He growled the words in her ear and her body immediately clenched around him causing him to chuckle. “I can tell you like the idea, too.”

She reached up to grip his shoulders, her legs instinctively moving to circle his waist.

“I told you not to move.”

“I don’t follow orders very well.” She kissed his neck and nipped at his collar bone while trailing her fingers down the indent of his spine. He shivered and drove into her harder.

“Mmm... Sometimes insubordination is a good thing,” he conceded.

“Yes… Yes, it is.” She exhaled, clutching him closer. The sensations inside her were beginning to build, to tighten.

“Your leg, it’s okay?” He gasped the question, his face pressed to the crook of her neck.

“Fine. Don’t worry, and don’t stop.”

He gave a grunt of acknowledgement, his self-control seemed to snap and he drove them into a wild coupling that ended with her arching her back, her lips pressed firmly together as she held back her cry of ecstasy.

Afterwards, Stone held her close, gently stroking her hair. “You okay?”

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