Read Forced Handfasting Online

Authors: Rebecca Lorino Pond

Forced Handfasting (20 page)

“Believe me. When we first came through there was an even amount of doors on both sides. Now,” he gestures to the wall he was feeling, “there is an odd amount of doors on this side.”

Niko nodded then smiled. “Well, then, let’s find the door, and find Sam.”

It took over an hour to find out how the invisible door opened. Once they finally got it to slide open they discovered the lone medic who had been the one taking care of her the last time he had been in the room.

“You are not allowed in here,” the medic tried to inform him.

“You can either get out of my way or die. The choice is yours.” Jahan shoved pass the smaller man to go to his wife.

In her glass room, she was sound asleep, looking peaceful. “Sam! Wake up Sam!” He leaned over her bed and touched her bruised face. “Come on, love, wake up.”

“She’s not going to wake up anytime soon. I had to give her a pain injection.” The medic had moved to stand on the opposite side of the bed. He started to remove the IV in her arm.

“Why? Was she in a tremendous amount of pain?” He searched her sleeping face for any sign of her pain.

“She said she was
so I gave her another dose. She usually sleeps for several hours afterwards.” The medic wiped away the drop of blood that oozed out of the site where the IV had been, then covered it was a small tan bandage. “My lord?”

“What?” Jahan growled at the man.

“May I come with you?”

The medic’s request surprised him. “Why would I allow any traitor to Uxslore to accompany us out of this hell hole?”

“My lord, if I may speak freely.” The medic waited for his reply. When Jahan nodded, he continued. “I did not come here of my own free will. Councilman Rahman forced me to become his head medic with the threat of murdering my entire family, which I am afraid has occurred anyway.”

“You can come along as a prisoner until you are proven innocent. Niko,” he turned to look for his friend. “Have this man brought to the command center, and lock him in an interrogation room. I will speak with him as soon as I have Sam safely with the healer.”

“Yes, sir!”

Niko stepped up beside the medic as he finished preparing Sam for her journey home.

“Be careful with her, my lord, she is breeding.”

Jahan snapped his head up. “It’s true then? She’s really pregnant?” Dare he hope it was true?

“Yes, my lord. Only a couple of weeks but she is breeding.”

That motivated him to get her out of there. He wanted to get her safely back to the command center where they, along with everyone else, could wait for the arrival of the Flox’s ship that would bring them to their new home, where ever that might be.

Gently he scooped Samantha up into his arms and left the room. He strode down the hallway, up the stairs, into the building, and out the door. It was dark once again. A full day had passed without him realizing it.

A ship was waiting near the land bridge he swam alongside the previous night. Soldiers, his soldiers, patrolled the area and bridge for any movement from the enemy. He was going to leave the rest to Tully. He was confident in his top man and assumed no risk in leaving the area with his wife. The ship departed immediately upon his entry and headed directly for the command center in the mountain. It would take several hours for them to reach it, so he took the time to rest while he held Sam in his arms. He had her back safe, and sound, and was never going to let her go!



















Chapter 19


When Samantha came to again, everything felt different. The bed for one thing was much softer, and didn’t have the dreaded restraints on the sides, not to mention the once stark white room was now covered in stone walls.
Where the heck am I?


The deep male voice next to her made her smile instantly. She turned her head in the direction of the voice and saw Jahan staring at her. He was sitting next to her bed holding her hand.

“Hi,” she mumbled as best she could. She was exhausted but fought the nagging pull of sleep. She blinked back the tears in her green eyes but failed.

“Don’t cry, my love.” Jahan wiped away a tear as it slowly slid down her cheek. “You are safe now. We all are.”

His smile was the best thing she could have wished to see when she first woke up. The Goddess of Life had been right when she told her Jahan was coming for her.

Of course, I was right, my child. I told you, I do not lie!

The goddess was in her head again, but his time she welcomed her without any fear.
Thank-you, goddess. How can I ever repay you?

There is no need to repay me. All I want is to see you happy. You have a child to bring into the world, and raise. All I ask is that you raise him right. Teach him that war is never the answer.

Her eyes widen with the goddess’s news.
Him? Am I going to have a boy?

Yes, plus a few more children but I won’t tell you what they will be.
The goddess laughed.
Go, and be happy with Jahan. He needs you
and so do his people. You all have a long road ahead but know that I will be right alongside each and every one of you on the journey you are about to begin.

Sam felt a light caress on her head then nothing; the goddess left her.

“What are you smiling at, my love?”

Jahan’s voice drew her attention back to his anxious face. “I was talking to the goddess.”

Now it was Jahan’s turn for his purple eyes to widen in surprise. “The goddess? She spoke to you?”

She covered his hand with her own. “Yes. It’s the second time she has spoken to me.”

“She spoken to you more than once?”

“She first came to me when I was taken prisoner. She told me not to worry because you were coming for me.” She freed her captured hand so that she could touch the side of his face. “Just now though, she told me about the baby.”

His eyes lit up with excitement. “What did she say?” he asked breathlessly.

“She said to raise our son to know that war is not the answer.” The water in her eyes started flowing freely as she watched her husband who also had tears in his eyes.

“Our son?” His large, tanned hand moved to cover her flat tummy. “I have a son in here?”

She had to laugh out loud at Jahan’s wonder. “Well, the baby had to be a boy or a girl!”

He leaned forward until he was able to place a kiss on her stomach. “My son will grow up strong and will know that war is not the answer; it never is even though it is unavoidable at times. Hopefully, on our new home, that won’t be any wars…ever.”

“New home? I thought you would just rebuild here.” This was the first she heard of a new home.

“No, my love. Rahman caused enough damage to the soil that nothing will grow for a very long time, if ever. We haven’t figured out what he used to poison the ground, so our only option is to seek out a new home on another planet.”

“But…how? How will we find a new planet to live on?”

“The Flox are sending a ship large enough to carry us all until we find the right place. Hecz, the Flox leader, put some information into the computer system that will aid us in finding what we need.” He continued to caress, and fondle her stomach which caused butterflies to form beneath her skin.

“Wow, I never thought when you first found me in that market that I would be moving to another planet. It takes some getting used to the idea of being able to travel through space! It’s exciting; I have to admit, but a bit scary too when you’re not used to it.”

Jahan drew quiet all of a sudden. She could tell that something was wrong but was afraid to ask. “What’s wrong?” Did she really want to know? Was he going to return her to Earth as he said he would once she had a baby? Her old fear surfaced again as she waited for him to answer her.

“I…I promised the goddess something.” He swallowed then continued on. “I promised her I would return you to Earth if you wanted to go back. I will release you from the Handfasting I forced upon you.”

Her heart clutched in her chest. He was releasing her from the dreaded arrangement he had forced on her when he first bought her at the market! He was going to let her go no questions asked if that’s what she wanted. But, no, that’s not what she wanted dammit!

“Do you not want me?” She had to hear him say it to be sure.

Quicker than she thought he could move, he scooped her up off the bed and into his arms then sat back down in his chair. “Gods, do you think I want to let you go?”

She shook her head no.

“It would kill me to have to let you go but I will do it if that is what you choose. You didn’t ask to be taken from your world nor forced to be part of my scheme. I am glad though I did it. I got to have you at least for a little while.”

She looked down at her folded hands in her lap. She couldn’t believe what she just heard! Jahan just poured his heart out to her, and here she was tormenting him by not answering.


“No?” he asked. “No, what?”

“No, I don’t want to go back home. Maybe for a visit one day. My place is with you.” She stretched up a little to reach his lips. She licked her lips expectantly right before she touched her lips to his. He tasted so good! She ran her tongue along his lips seeking entrance into his mouth. She nearly cried out in pleasure when he opened, and let her in. It was at that point he took over the kiss and made it more demanding. His lips moved across hers while his tongue sought out her taste by performing a sort of dance with her tongue. She brought up one hand to bury her fingers in his hair that had fallen forward somewhat. She moaned into his mouth when he gently leaned her back some in order to deepen their kiss.

Jahan broke away an instant later, leaving her pouting. “Gods, I’ve missed your taste! I want to sink my cock into your pussy, and feel you wrap around me with your heat.”

His words sent thrills of pleasure directly to her pussy, making her instantaneously wet, and hot. “I want you too, but I don’t think we can do that just yet, unfortunately.” She wanted to cry knowing that she was unable to have him sink into her, and fill her with his cock.

“The healer said your leg will be healed in another day. After that, you are mine!”

“Another day? But it’s broken! How can it be healed in a day’s time?”

“You forget, my love; our medicine is far more advanced than what you are used to on Earth. Broken bones heal in a matter of days not weeks!”

“Wow! That’s incredible! I can’t wait!”

He responded by kissing her again. This time though he let his hand travel along her nearly bare skin until he reached the hem of the gown she was wearing. “We may have to wait for some things, but I have to touch you.” His hand slipped under the gown and glided along her skin until it came to rest above her pussy.

Would he be able to tell how hot she was for him just by having his hand there?

“I can feel your heat already. May I touch you?” he asked.

Feeling a bit shy with his request, she nodded then waited. His fingers had brushed lightly along the seam of her lips a few times before he parted them with two of his fingers. “By the gods, you are soaking wet. Your little pussy is expecting my touch.” He murmured against her lips. One finger expertly found her little button and rubbed tiny circles around it, causing her arch into his touch. “Can you come for me, little one? I want to feel you come while my fingers are buried inside of you.”

With barely a nod, she answered him. He sensed her movements then slid his fingers down to find the entrance to her pussy. When he did, his fingers lingered for a moment before he plunged them inside her. She gasped, and buried her face in his chest to muffle the sounds of pleasure she was experiencing from her husband’s fingers. She could feel the wire inside her body begin to tighten as he slowly pumped his thick fingers in, and out of her body.

A sudden thought crossed her mind at the same time her climax neared. “Jahan!” she struggled to get out. “What…what if…oh god! What if someone walks in?” There, she finally got it out.

“I locked the door when I came in,” he said when he pulled away from her lips to look down at her. “I was hoping you would wake up.” A smile played at the corners of his lips.

Her only answer was to prop her broken leg up on the handle of the chair, and let her other leg fall as far open as it could go. This opened up her pussy tenfold to Jahan’s hand that had started pumping faster into her.

“Come for me, my love.”

The wire in her body was pulled so tight that it couldn’t tighten any further. The wire finally snapped when Jahan pressed his thumb to her clit. She shattered around his fingers, and came so hard she saw stars. Her body shook violently in his arms until the waves of pleasure started to fade away.

“Gods you are so beautiful when you come.” Jahan pumped his fingers into her pussy a couple more times then withdrew them, and brought them to his mouth. She watched in awe as he sucked, and licked his fingers clean while he held her gaze.

As she lay in his arms, she could feel the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her through his black uniform pants. She shifted her body enough to slip her hand down the side of her body to feel his cock.

“No, little one.” He reached for her hand and pulled it away from her body.

“Why not?” she was confused why he wouldn’t let her touch him.

He kissed her forehead then said in a thick, painful voice, “Because I need more than just the feel of your hands on my cock, but I can wait another day.” He sat her back up then placed her back in the bed. He walked to the relief then back out with a towel to clean her up.

He cleaned her up, unlocked the door then came to sit beside her in the bed. He pulled her into his arms and laid back with her. If she thought she was exhausted before, she was even more so now, and obviously Jahan was too since he fell asleep before she did.



















Chapter 20


Two months later…


The small purple and green planet came into view on the viewing screen. Everyone on the bridge of the Flox ship stared in amazement at their new home. It was a beautiful planet from their position in outer space. It had taken them nearly two months to find a planet that was suitable for their needs, and could accommodate a growing population.

The information the Flox had put into the computer system to help them find a new planet hadn’t been much of a help. Hecz, the Flox leader, made contact with them one day to inform them of a planet in the Hayzor star system that might be perfect for them. Jahan had immediately sent out a ship to take a look at the small planet, and see what it had to offer, and determine if any species already inhabited the planet. He didn’t want to move his people onto another planet that was already colonized by another race or species for fear of causing bad relations.

Everyone on board their ship agreed with the decision Jahan had made to keep searching for an uninhabited planet that they could make their own.

“I’m so excited,” Sam said as she stared at the screen. There were so many people crammed into the bridge that there was standing room only with barely enough room to squeeze through to get to the elevators.

Jahan wrapped an arm around Sam’s shoulder and kissed the top of her head. “I think we are home, my love.”

She looked up at him and said, “I think so too. I can’t wait to see what the surface looks like in person. The pictures Tully sent back were amazing, but I can only image what it will look like in person!”

Tully, and a group of twenty men had been sent to the planet when Jahan had first learned about it from Hecz. He received word from Tully on a daily basis on the progress his crew had made so far with finding a suitable area to set up house. What Jahan had neglected to show Sam was the pictures of the area Tully had sent him of where he was going to build their new house. It was going to be a surprise to Sam when he took her down to the surface in about an hour to show her around. Temporary housing had been setup for those who wanted to move down to the surface, but those who wished to remain on board ship until permanent arrangements could be made, were welcome to do so. For the most part, it was the elderly citizens who chose to stay aboard the starship until everything up, and running.

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