Forced Out of the Darkness (8 page)

Read Forced Out of the Darkness Online

Authors: G. Wayne Jackson Jr


“What are you doing? Or
better yet, who are you doing?”

“Mind your business. What
do you want?”

“Are you doing anything
with your son for his birthday this week?”

“I did not plan on
doing anything big, just spending some time with him maybe taking him to get something.

“I just wanted to know
if you were going to be a father or if you were going to neglect these duties
like you did our marriage.”

“Don’t fucking call me
with no bullshit, Yolanda. I am not dealing with your shit any longer. Better
yet, unless there is something going on with my son, I don’t need to hear from
you, do you understand?”

“Bye, Faggot.” Yolanda
said as she hung up the phone.

Burroughs was thirty-eight years and stood five feet eleven inches tall. She
was the soon-to-be ex-wife of Monti.  A local minister and his wife adopted
Yolanda at a young age. She found that she was adopted when she got older. Yolanda’s
adopted father treated her very well, but his wife treated her as if she was
only a paycheck. She never showed Yolanda love, compassion, or how to be a
mother, woman or wife. The only lesson that she learned from her adoptive
mother was not to treat other people.

Yolanda was crushed
when she heard the rumors of her husband’s dark secret. She refused to believe
the rumor until she received a phone call one day from one of her husband’s
sexual conquests. The voice on the other end was without a doubt feminine but
Yolanda could tell the caller was a male. The caller was upset but what rings
in her mind is the clear and pointed statement that this caller said. “The next
time you put his dick in your mouth, you’ll be tasting me! If you were any kind
of wife, you would be satisfying your husband so he didn’t have to come to me
but because you didn’t do it, I took care of it.”

ears burned and her heart nearly died. She tried to be the best wife that she
knew how to be; she was trying to be the opposite of what she was shown as a
child. She just wanted to be loved and to love her husband till death do them
part. She didn’t know that as a broken woman, she attracted a broken man. She
felt that her husband was going to be there to help heal her brokenness. He was
going to love the hurt away. This wasn’t the case; the only thing that her
husband brought her was a case of gonorrhea, a trip to the clinic, three shots
of penicillin and a broken heart. This broken heart sent her right into the
arms of her husband’s best friend.










“Who the hell does she
think she is?” Monti thought as he took a walk around Cameron’s townhouse

            Monti was
so angered that he could not go inside right away. The only thing that he could
think of was how evil his wife became. After their second separation, Monti was
becoming stressed out that his body began to show signs of stress. When he
started bleeding from his rectum, he knew he had to go to the doctor and find
out what’s going on. On one of his doctor’s visits, Yolanda took him along with
the kids. After he got out of his appointment and got into the car, he could not
believe what he heard come out of her mouth in front of the two sons.

“Kids, the reason your
dad had to come to the doctor is because he can’t stop bleeding because he let
guys fuck him in the ass.” She said with all the venom that she could muster. He
wanted to take his hands and wrap them around her neck and choke the life out
of her, but he knew he had to set an example for his children. It was then that
Monti knew the reason why she had become distant. He knew then why she refused
to have sex with him. At that moment, he knew he had all but destroyed his
marriage. He didn’t take responsibility for his part in the break-up. When she
was caught, he blamed her for stepping out of the marriage. This was his ticket
out of the relationship.

Monti had been gone for
a sometime and Cameron was worried about him. Not because he thought something
happened to him, Cameron lived in a safe suburban neighborhood. He wondered
what happened. He decided to go look for him. When he found Monti, he knew that
he was upset about something.

“Are you alright?”
Cameron asked.

“Yeah, I’m doing okay.”

“Are you sure? You seem
upset. What happened on that call?”

“I said I am ok. I just
needed some time to think and clear my head.”

“Fine, are you going to
be out here all night or do you want to come back in?”

“I’m ready to come back
in, Cam. I am sorry for leaving out like that.” Monti said apologetically.

“Did he really just shorten
my name?” Cameron thought. Most people called him Mack after his last name,
some called him Cam but it was not that often. Cameron usually insisted that
they called him Cameron.

“Alright let’s get
inside, it is cold as hell out here and my nipples are getting hard.” Cameron
laughed to try to lighten the mood. He was looking forward to tonight and
didn’t want a phone call to ruin the ambiance that he had created. This was
going to be the night that he allowed someone else into his life sexually since
his breakup and he was overdue for some good loving.

upstairs in the living room, with the fireplace crackling, DeBarge’s hit
Me in a Special Way
was playing. This is one of the many songs that were in
Cameron’s musical repertoire. Cameron was a lover of music since Teddy
Pendergrass’ 1978 hit
Close the Door.
Cameron loved all genres of music
because it made him feel life. Cameron was able to express what he was
experiencing through music. When he could not find the word to say…he could
definitely find a song that said it perfectly.

Cameron wanted to be loved in a special way. Cameron and Monti began to dance
to DeBarge and they settled into each other. Monti needed to let go of the
heaviness in his eyes and Cameron needed help shedding the heaviness in his
heart. As DeBarge ended their song saying,
just love me now.
The lyrics
of one of Cameron’s favorite artist started to ring…“
Dear Lover…I hope this
letter finds you. Dear Lover
” Teena Marie was going to take him to a place
that was only peace and he was going to take Monti with him.

            Cameron was
in a good headspace as Teena talked about “
wishing on the rings of Saturn
he looked up and kissed Monti passionately. He hoped the message was clear. Monti
returned the kiss as passionately as Cameron gave it to him. As they rocked to
the music and kissed, Cameron noticed Monti’s manhood coming to life in his
pants. Cameron knew at that point that he didn’t need to worry about the
hardness that was beginning to tell Monti he was not alone. As the music
continued to send both Cameron and Monti to a lustful place where they we able
to lay down what plagued them, “Shall we,” Monti asked as he motioned towards
the stairs.

“Thought you’d never

            Cameron was
beyond ready. They went upstairs to the bedroom, where Cameron had already lit the
candles. When Monti was on the phone outside, Cameron took the liberty to set
the bedroom for what he hoped would follow. They took each other’s clothes off
slowly as they continued to kiss each other. Their clothes were completely off
when the golden vocals of Luther came on saying, “
There was a time when I
didn’t have no one. Didn’t have no love
.” They looked at each other. Cameron
admired Monti’s hairless nakedness. He took in the muscle packed on Monti’s
chest and arms. He admired the girth of his legs. Monti looked at Cameron’s leanness
and his pierced nipples. His body was smooth and his stomach flat. His skin was
light and smooth with light hair. They both aroused each other.

            As Luther
Forever, For Always, For Love
, Cameron and Monti explored each
other’s body. Nothing was off limits. They tasted each other’s nipples, neck,
and ear lobes. They continued to passionately caress and grope each other to
the point where Cameron’s excitement caused him to let out a moan. He was in
ecstasy and he needed to be in this place.

            This time
they made love like there was no tomorrow. Time stood still. No part of
Cameron’s body was neither neglected nor unexplored by Monti and Cameron made
the same be true for Monti. They made love till nothing mattered in the world
except the two of them. They made love till both men were sexually empty. They
made love till pain was forgotten. The love they made was Monti’s painkiller.
They made love until they were drenched in sweat and out of breath. After
multiple climaxes, they were both physically and sexually exhausted. They fell
asleep in each other’s arms both feeling safe, knowing that nothing else going
on in life mattered at this moment. Their breathing was synchronized. Their
hearts beat in unison as they slept soundly through the night.

*   *   *  
*   *

Monti stirred the next
morning and looked at the clock. It was 8:24am. “Damn, I’m late.” Monti
thought. He got up and looked at Cameron sleeping peacefully he did not want to
disturb him. He found his pants and his t-shirt and went down to the second
floor. His phone was in his pants pocket, so he pulled it out and called his
supervisor. Monti was a prompt person and was never late for work. He knew that
he had to let her know he was going to be late. He had a brief conversation
with her to say that he had something that came up late last night and that he
had overslept. He let her know that he would be in by 10:00 am.

            Monti went
out to his vehicle and got his work clothes that he brought “just in case” he
did not make it home last night and went back up to where Cameron was now
sitting up in the bed. “Good morning sexy man.” Monti said seductively.

“Morning, how did you

Monti thought about it
for a brief moment. “You know what…I haven’t slept this good in a long time. I
guess you were the cure to my insomnia.”

“I am glad you had a
good night’s rest.”

“Man, did I ever. What
about you? How did you sleep?”

“I felt safe,” was all
Cameron could say as he was reminiscing on the events of last night. “I truly
enjoyed you, last night.”

“I enjoyed you too,
Cam. I hope that this isn’t the last time that I can wake up to you.” Monti
said as he bent down to kiss Cameron. “Do you have a towel and wash cloth so
that I can get cleaned up for work?”

“Sure, I already put
them in the bathroom for you. I also put a new toothbrush out for you.”

            Monti went
to the bathroom and pulled the door after him until it was just barely cracked.
He wanted to leave an opening for Cameron, just in case he wanted to come in
with him. After he brushed his teeth, Monti turned on the shower. Within a few
moments Monti was in his personal steam room as his tall chocolate frame
disappeared into the steam. This chocolate didn’t melt under the heat of
Cameron steamy shower, but it sure did melt under the heat of Cameron last

“I wonder why he left
the door cracked.” Cameron thought until he heard Monti call out for him.


“Yes, Monti. What’s up?”

“Can you help me out
for a minute?”

“What can I do for
you?” Cameron said as he opened the bathroom door and was enveloped in the
steam. He instantly smelled the fragrant black raspberry and vanilla shower

“Can you wash my back?”
Monti asked as he poked his head around the shower curtain and smiled as he
looked up and down at Cameron.

“Umm…sure…I can help
you.” Cameron said as he moved closer to the shower. He walked over to the
shower to wash Monti’s back for him. As he slid open the curtain, Monti turned
around and picked Cameron up and put him in the shower with him. Cameron did
not have much time to realize what had happened but as he looked down, his
stiffness knew full well what was happening. Monti noticed just how turned on
Cameron was. There in the shower, Cameron had
, he was in the
same place but this time he did not have to imagine what it would be like, he
was experiencing it for himself.

Monti’s strong hands
bathed Cameron in his entire splendor. As he pulled Cameron into his chest, he
took his large hands and cupped Cameron’s ass while at the same time putting
his tongue in Cameron’s mouth. They allowed their tongues to dance together. Cameron
tasted Monti and Monti tasted Cameron. Monti walked Cameron to the wall of the
shower as he kissed and held him. He lifted Cameron off of the shower floor and
Cameron wrapped his legs around Monti’s waist.

Monti took the
opportunity to suck Cameron’s pierced nipple. He sucked it and licked it as he
felt Cameron pull him into him. Cameron kissed Monti’s baldhead as he held onto
his neck. Monti refused to allow the other nipple to be neglected so he took
time to give the other attention. Cameron’s response to the attention turned
Monti on even more. The steam from the shower intensified the heat shared
between these two lovers.

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