Forever Love (Fghter Club 1) (7 page)

Read Forever Love (Fghter Club 1) Online

Authors: Marie Dominique

Tags: #erotica, #tattoo, #ruth cardello, #melody anne, #fighter romance, #fighter erotic romance, #tattoo bad boy

Alexia, I've already said
no to you and I've written it off, I won't hear anymore of it,’ he
said firmly and she knew not to push it when he was in that mood.
‘When are the kids coming home?’ He said whilst moving her hair out
off her face.

Not for another three

Good,’ he stood up, took
the cup out of her hand and put it on the side. Her breathing had
already hitched up as she knew exactly what was going to

He grabbed her face and kissed
her deep and passionately and she grabbed hold of his shirt to stop
her falling. He pulled back and looked at her. ‘Where's your
bedroom?’ She grabbed his hand and led him upstairs.


MUM,’ the twins shouted
as they came in through the front door. Alexia and James jumped out
of bed. ‘FUCK,’ she whisper shouts. Looking horrified at each other
at nearly being caught, James then smiled and put his hand over his
mouth as he tried not to laugh out loud. Alexia glared at him
whilst getting dressed quickly. ‘It’s not funny James!’ She ran to
the door but before she opened it she stepped back to look in the
mirror and noticed that she had her top on back to front and inside
out. ‘Fuck,’ she mumbles to herself and as she sorted it out James
went over to her, grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her hard
on the lips. ‘Get them in the kitchen and I’ll sneak out,’ he says
as he took a business card out of his pocket, ‘Here’s my number,
call or text me about next week.’

She smiled at him, ‘Ok, I’ll see
you soon,’ and with that she ran out the door and downstairs. As
she got to the bottom Tracy looked at her and did a double take,
her mouth opened in surprise and she started pointing between her
and the top of the stairs with a big grin on her face. Alexia
grabbed her hand shushing her and tried not to smile but she was
failing miserably. She told the kids to go and play outside and
tried to push Tracy through the door to but she heard James coming
downstairs. Alexia closed the door to stop the kids seeing him.
Tracy smirked at them both and grinned at James. ‘Well Helloooooo
Mr Lover man, I haven’t seen you for years.’

James slightly nodded at her.
‘Tracy, how are you doing?’

Erm no time for small
talk people, the kids will hear,’ Alexia waves her hand at James to
shoo him out the door.

I’ll see you at Ben and
Ambers’ party, oh and I’ll have Matt with me Tracy,’ he smirked and
ran out.

Tracy stumbled back and Alexia
looked at her with her jaw on the floor. ‘OMG did he say Matt?’

Yes he did,’ Alexia said
with a big smile on her face.

Oh god, what I am going
to wear?’

Tracy you could wear a
bin bag and it wouldn’t matter because we all know your clothes are
going to end up on his bedroom floor,’ she smiled.

Oh I hope so,’ she


That night after Alexia had put
the kids to bed she wanted to text James but couldn’t find a reason
to. She knew she didn’t need one but she didn’t want to come across
that she desperately wanted him, even though she did.

She made herself a cup of tea
and that’s when she saw her excuse lying on the kitchen table: the
disks she had done for him. She went back into the front room to
get her phone and she noticed there was a message from Facebook
telling her someone had messaged her. She had a quick look and then
searched for James but couldn’t find him, ‘Oooooo two perfect
excuses to text,’ she said out loud to herself

A: ‘You on Facebook?’

James looked at the message and
was confused as he didn’t know the number and then it clicked it
was Alexia.

J: ‘Yes, why?’

A: ‘Can’t find you!’

J: ‘And why would I want you as
a friend?’

A: ‘Cause I’m the mother of your
children and as you left your disks here I want to tag you in my

J: ‘Well I think that’s a good
enough excuse.’

Before Alexia could think about
it she texted him, ‘And because you love me.’ She shocked herself
that she had sent it but held her breath waiting to see if he would
reply and to her amazement he did.

J: ‘Never stopped loving you

She stared at the screen for a
few minutes not sure of what to do and then she got a big grin on
her face.

A: ‘So tell me why can’t I find
you on Facebook?’

J: ‘Cause I’m on there as

A: ‘OK, hold on.’

A: ‘Found you, now get your arse
on and accept me.’

J: ‘And if I don’t?’

A: ‘I’ll kick your arse!’



A: ‘Don’t laugh bitch, you
taught me to fight!’

J: ‘Shit! I forgot about that,

A: :-p

J: ‘Done it, I tried to find you
on here for ages but never found you.’

A: ‘No me and the girls only
joined when I moved here. Made sense with the new business to get
with it and get ourselves on fb. I’ll tag you in some pics.’

Alexia spent the next hour or so
tagging James into her photos. As he sat in his office he watched
all the notifications pop up. He went through them and so many
emotions ran through him: happiness, sadness, anger, sorrow. The
photos had made him realise he had missed so much and he was gutted
but it helped that Alexia had taken a photo of them everyday and
made sure she had taken plenty of them when something was going on
e.g. Birthdays, Christmas, school plays, trips out, dance
competitions, swimming badges. It was going to take him the full
week to look at them but he didn’t care they were his children and
he wanted to know everything there was about them. Alexia was
nearly done when her phone pinged.

J: ‘I’m sorry xxx.’

A: ‘For what?’

J: ‘You having to do that all on
your own, I’ve missed so much, they look to be great, hard working
kids. I’m so proud of them already. You have captured so much of
their lives and I want to thank you as it eases the pain just a

A: ‘I’m sorry you missed out, I
should have known it wasn’t like you to do something like that but
just thought emotions were still running high. Yeah the twins are
fab, I’m really proud of them. They rarely fight and are always
getting compliments wherever they go about how polite and well
mannered they are :-)’

J: ‘I’m so proud of you and
can’t wait to hold them in my arms xxx.’

J: ‘Oh got to go, mother is
ringing, she’s probably seen the photos and wants an explanation
:-( xxxx‘

A: ‘Ok see you later :-)

A few moments later Alexia
noticed she had three friend requests.

A:’Oh! I have a friend request
from your mum, sister and brother, is it safe to accept?’

J: ‘Yes lol, Mum is going mental
with excitement that she’s a grandmother and she even more ecstatic
that YOU’RE the mother :-) xxx.’

A: ‘Bless her, best I accept her
then :-) xx.’

Alexia accepted and logged off
to go to bed, she lay in bed and after a few hours she decided to
text James to see if he was awake. To her surprise he was and they
exchanged messages for a while. She told him she wanted him really
badly and that she hasn’t been with anyone the whole nine years
since he broke her heart so he had opened up her body to sex again
and now she found she couldn’t get enough. Thirty minutes later
Alexia heard a knock at the front door, she looked out the window
and saw it was James so she ran down to open it.

What are you doing here?’
she looked at him in his jeans and fitted light blue t-shirt which
defined his muscles to perfection.

I’ve come to fill your
needs baby,’ he said before he kissed her deeply. He picked her up
and carried her to her bedroom. He laid her on the bed and they
undressed each other in record time and looked into each others

I’ve missed you...thought
about you everyday, I was lost without you Alexia and now I’m going
to show you just how much,’ he whispered and took her mouth again.
His mouth slowly moved down her body as he kissed her until he came
to her nipples. He flicked them with his tongue and sucked on them
making her cry out with pleasure. He moved down to between her legs
and as soon she opened them he unleashed his fabulous tongue
talent, licking and sucking her until she soon exploded, ‘Oh fuck,
James...Oh god yes, yes, yes,’ she whisper shouts as she cried out,
James continued licking her until her body stills from her orgasm.
He moved back up and kissed her on her lips. Alexia flipped over so
she is on top of him and moved her way down his body kissing and
licking, lightly nibbling him until she comes to his lush cock
which is throbbing.
“Yum, my
very own James Taylor lollipop again”
thought as she took him in her mouth all the way down, taking him
deep into her throat.

Ahh god...fuck Alexia,
that feels so fucking good, I never forgot the feeling of your
mouth on me.’

She locked her lips on him and
sucked hard whilst flexing her tongue over his end. She stopped and
started licking him and sucking his balls causing him to grab her
hair and pull her head back. He then grabbed her arms and flipped
her onto her back to climb on top of her and pushed himself into
her hard taking her breath away.

Oh god,
James...Yes...Fuck, you feel so fucking good.’

He leant down to take her mouth
and kissed her deep and hard whilst trusting in and out of her.

Oh god James, I’m gonna
come...harder baby harder.’

Open your eyes baby, I
wanna watch you as you come with me.’

She opened her eyes to meet

Oh God
James.....yes....oh god.....yes baby yes.’

Fuck Alexia....fuck, yeah

He collapses on top of her,
shuddering like a wild animal and they just lay and hold each
other, absorbing each others passion.

I love you,’ he whispered
in her ear. Her heart raced even faster and she smiled into his
neck. ‘I love you too.’

He pulled back and kissed her as
if their lives depended on it.


Alexia woke up the next day
smiling and jumped out of bed when she noticed it was seven thirty
and time to get the kids up and ready for school. James had gone
home only a couple of hours ago so the kids wouldn’t see him.

They all got up, dressed, made
their beds and had breakfast and were ready in the space of an

Just as she was about to walk
out the door she got a phone call from the Fight club saying they
would like to offer her the Friday night contract so could she go
in for a meeting to discuss. She sent a quick text to Tracy, Sarah
and James:

Got offered the.....wait
for it.....£1.5 million contract for the Friday night performances
at the fight club, need to go in on Thursday to sign the
contract...AAAARRRGGGHHH I’m so excited!!!’

T: ‘OMG! Well done, that’s fab!
Another excuse to celebrate in two weeks :-)’

A: ‘Sure is my fabulous

S: ‘Waht contcted?’

A: ‘Sarah have you been
drinking? Or having sex with a sexy blond?’

S: ‘It was the second one and
you just woke me up after a very late night! But

A: ‘Thanks! I want details!’

J: ‘Oh god, I have to watch you
dance in those skimpy clothes every Friday? That’s a real shame
LOL. Congratulations by the way xxx.’

A: ‘Yep :-), think you can
handle that baby? Might put you off your fight. Thanks by the way,
just taking the kids to school...can’t wait for next week cause I’m
going to make you take them whilst I’m in bed! :-p’

J: ‘Do I get to join you?

A: ‘I’ll think about it. X ’

J: ‘Tease...’

A: ‘I know :-)’

J: ‘I love you xxx.’

A: ‘I love you too xx :-)’


Saturday 3rd March had finally
come around and Alexia was sitting in the front room with the twins
while they opened their cards.

OH MY GOD,’ they shouted
together as they read the note that Alexia had put in there about
going to see Manchester United and having a party there. Over the
next couple of hours they somehow managed to have breakfast,
showers, get dressed and ready in all the excitement. Alexia had
arranged with everyone to meet them there and Tracy was going to
sort out James so he could surprise the kids. When they got there
James was in a room nearby so can hear them shouting with
excitement about being there and he smiles with a tear in his eye.
Ben and Amber walked into the room to greet everyone with Alexia
coming in behind them. Ben was wearing a black and white thin
stripe shirt and black tie with black trousers looking very
handsome, Alexia thought. Amber was wearing a really pretty pink
dress with her hair in braids making her look like a little
princess. Alexia was wearing a mint green maxi dress with a keyhole
front and round neckline with nude heels shoes, with her swooping
just over her shoulders, just how James liked it. She knew today
would be the first family photographs she would have of them
altogether and wanted them to be special. She greeted everyone and
noticed how nice everyone else looked too and started taking

They looked around the box and
it had a very large table and chairs in the middle of the room, a
TV on the wall and sliding doors that lead out to on a small
balcony area with comfortable seating which is just for them. Tracy
came up to her and whispered in her ear, ‘James is in the room over
there and he’s looking mega hot in his grey three piece suit,’ she
winked at her. Alexia felt like a giddy school girl as she got all
excited to herself.

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