Forever Pucked (36 page)

Read Forever Pucked Online

Authors: Helena Hunting

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary, #Sports, #General Fiction

Lance coughs.

She cringes, and we both look to him to start the ceremony. I try to pay attention, but I find myself staring at Violet. And then all of a sudden it’s my turn to say my vows.

“I, Alex Robert Waters, take you, Violet Marie Hall, to be my wife.” I pause to smile, because I love the way that sounds. “I promise to love you with the same depth and intensity as the moment I first fell for you, to treasure you and every moment we share, whether it’s full of laughter or tears, or both. I promise to take care of you and to let you take care of me.” I pause to wink at her wide eyes and stifled snort. “I promise to be the man you need and not just the man you want.”

I run my thumb over her shaking hand and reach up to wipe away the tear slipping down her cheek.

“I will always love you, Violet. I won’t ever be perfect, and I’ll make mistakes, and I’ll definitely say things that will make you angry, but I promise to tell you every day, not just with words, but with actions, that you are the center of my universe. You’re the sun in my sky and the breath in my lungs. I promise to be yours for every second of this existence, and to cherish every moment of that love with you.”

Violet takes a deep, unsteady breath and sticks her finger in her cleavage. When she looks up, she’s panicked.

“I have them!” Charlene rushes over and hands Violet cue cards.

Violet puts her hand to her heart and heaves a sigh of relief. She looks down at them, then back up at me. “Maybe I should’ve gone first. Mine aren’t as nice as yours,” she whispers.

I skim her cheek with gentle fingers and follow a trail down to her chest where I rest my hand. “They’ll be perfect because they’re from here.”

“From my boob?”

I laugh. “From your heart, Violet.”

“Oh! Duh.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m so nervous.” After several more deep breaths, she nods. “Okay. I’m ready.” She glances down at the cards and then back up at me. “I, Violet Marie Hall, take you, Alex Robert Waters, to be my husband.” She looks up and bites her lip, like she likes the way that sounds as much as I do. “To have as the most important person in my life, to hold whenever we’re sleeping.” She pauses and looks up at me. “At least until you turn into a radioactive furnace, and then I have to take a break, but you always end up wrapped around me later, so…” She looks around, like she realizes she’s started rambling and consults her cue cards again. “I promise to love you, all of you, your best parts, and the other ones, too.”

Red blotches form on her chest and start spreading up her neck. I’m worried for her. Maybe we should’ve gone with the traditional vows.

She mutters, “Screw it,” and drops the cards on the floor. This could go really well or really badly. Thankfully it’s just our closest friends and family here, and Randy can edit the video he’s making if he needs to.

“I love you, Alex Waters. I think I started loving you when you sent me that silly stuffed beaver, or maybe even before that. Maybe it was the moment you smashed into the plexiglas and scared the crap out of me. But after that moment, you were always with me. And then we had… Well, anyway, after the night I met you, you stayed in my head, and then you started stalking my emails and my text messages. You tried so hard.

“I love so many things about you. But your perseverance and your tenacity, that’s how you won your way into my heart. I promise I’ll keep you there forever.

“I want all the things with you, Alex. I want the tears and the laughter, but more laughter than tears. I want the downs so I can appreciate the ups even more. I will try to be the best version of me, so I deserve the best version of you for the rest of my life.”

After a brief pause she finishes with, “The end.”

Everyone chuckles, and Violet’s face turns red.

We exchange rings. Violet drops mine and almost head-butts me in the dick trying to pick it up off the floor. Lance manages to get it for her, and she slips it on to my finger.

I can’t take my eyes off her as Lance rambles on with the rest of the ceremony, and then he pronounces us husband and wife.

Violet throws her arms around me, and I lift her off her feet to kiss her.

“I love you.”

“Forever,” she whispers.


After the ceremony, we go out to eat. I keep a close eye on the time, because we have a flight to catch. I can’t wait to surprise Violet with our honeymoon. It’s the one thing I’ve kept secret.

We’ve been drinking champagne most of the afternoon. Violet has such a low tolerance that we have to start switching out her drinks for non-alcoholic versions.

After our meal, we have exactly enough time to get back to the room, throw all our things into our bags, rush through goodbyes, and catch our limo to the airport.

“Where’re you taking me?” Violet’s changed into a pair of leggings and one of those long shirts that’s too short to be a dress because it barely skims the bottom of her ass.

“You’ll see when we get to the airport.”

“Are we gonna join the mile-high club?”


She pouts.

“Do you really want the first time we have sex after we’re married to be in a bathroom on an airplane?”


Violet’s been in the bathroom—and not the airplane bathroom—for a long time. I assume she’s getting ready for me, because it’s the first place she went as soon as we arrived at our villa in Hawaii. I don’t know what could possibly be taking so long. I’ve had my face between her legs recently, and I’m highly aware of how nice and smooth things are down there, so I’m concerned about what’s happening behind that closed door.

After another ten minutes, I start to get impatient. She went in there with an entire bag of things. We’ve been married for almost twenty-four hours, and we have yet to consummate.

I roll off the bed and pad to the bathroom. Salty ocean air fills my lungs, and a warm breeze blows through the open curtains. I’m not worried about anyone hearing Violet when we finally get to having sex. Our little villa is nicely buffered from the ones surrounding it. The view from our deck is stunning. White sand turns into blue water and in the distance are green mountains rising from the ocean. Later, once we’ve had time to enjoy each other, we can go for a swim, and then come back and enjoy each other some more.

I put my ear against the door. I can’t hear anything but water running and Violet mumbling.

“You coming out soon?” I tap with a knuckle.

“One more minute. I’m almost ready!”

I don’t go back to the bed. Instead, I put a hand on either side of the jamb and wait.

It’s another two minutes before the door swings open. Violet jumps and screams. “Jesus, Alex! You ruined my entrance! Go lie down and let me do this again.”

She shoves on my chest and tries to close the door, but I’m not inclined to move. Violet looks like the bridal version of Little Red Riding Hood.

She’s wearing her veil. But that’s not all. A white lace bra cups her boobs, and my gaze gets stuck there before I can check out the rest of her as she slams the door in my face.

“Baby, come on out.” I try the handle, but she’s locked it. Smart woman.

“Not until you lie down.”

“Okay.” I’m not about to argue with her. Obviously she has a plan. If allowing her to execute it will get me inside her sooner, I’ll do whatever she wants.

I lie back down on the massive bed with its gauzy curtains. The setting is perfectly romantic. I’m spending an obscene amount for us to be here, but I only get one honeymoon with Violet, so it’s worth the expense.

A minute later the door opens an inch, and Violet’s eye appears in the crack. When she sees me lying on the bed in my boxers that say “Just Married” across the front, she opens it wider.

Now I have a fantastic view of the entire package. Sweet fucking Christ, my wife is hot. In addition to the veil and bra, she’s wearing garters, and I think a lacy pair of panties. She’s clutching what seems to be a picnic basket. And she’s wearing red heels. Not super-high ones, but heels nonetheless.

My dick is punching at the release hatch of my boxers with urgency. Violet carefully saunters over.

“Gimme a little spin, please.” I twirl my finger in the air. “I wanna see what that looks like from the back.”

She does as I ask, her heels clicking on the floor as she gives me her backside. The ribbon edging the veil skims the curve of her ass. Which appears to be bare. I don’t think she’s wearing panties after all.

“You look incredible, wife.”

She turns around again, her smile as shy as it is coy. “Thanks, husband. I thought you might like the virginal slutty look.”

“I love the virginal slutty look.” She knows me so well.

Violet places the basket, which I hope is full of fun, on the end of the bed. When I sit up and reach for it, she smacks my hand away. “Nuh-uh.” She wags her perfectly manicured finger. “You have to wait for that. I have some special surprises planned.”

I raise my hands in supplication and lie back again, watching as she crawls over to me on her knees. Her bra is covered in crystals, and it shimmers in the light. I take in the rest of her, appreciating the dip in her waist and the lace band of the garters as they draw my eye down.

“Uh, Violet?”

She sets the basket down beside her as she settles back on her heels. “Yes, Alex?”

“What’s going on here?” I smooth my hand up her thigh, but before I can get anywhere good, she rises up on her knees.

“I made my beaver a veil!” She thrusts her hips forward so I can get a better look. It’s a mini replica of the one she’s wearing on her head.

“So you did.” I laugh, because of course Violet made a veil for her beaver. “How is that even on there?”

“I used double-sided tape.” She flicks at it with her fingertip, making the material flutter.

Under the white gauzy fabric are letters. I lift it to find the words Beave + MC stamped with black block letters.

I palm her ass, laughing. “C’mere. I wanna show the beave how much I love her.”

“Wait! We have to have a ceremony first!”


“The beave and Super MC—I have a ceremony planned. Don’t worry, I’ll be quick. Then they can hug it out.”

I lie back, because honestly, she wouldn’t be the woman I love if she didn’t do things like this.

She opens the basket and peers inside. Then she plucks something out and puts it behind her back. “Close your eyes.”

“You’re not going to tie anything to my dick, are you?”

“Nope. No tying.”

I do as I’m asked. Violet gives my erection, which is at full mast, a long, slow stroke. I peek through a slit in one lid when I feel the light brush of her veil—the one on her head—on my abs. It’s followed by her humid breath on the head of my cock, and the soft press of her lips. I groan when she takes me in her mouth, but just up to the ridge.

“Violet, baby, if you’re going to give me a blow job while you’re wearing all this, I’d really like to watch.” I’m still peeking—because fuck missing this—but it mostly looks like my eyes are closed.

She shifts so I’m looking at her veil and her hair, like she knows I’m not really following directions. “Don’t worry, Alex. You’ll get to watch me blow you soon enough.”

She sucks on the head again, and I groan. I can’t shove my hands in her hair because she’s wearing the veil. A strange ticklish sensation follows. And then her mouth is on me again. Her warm, wet tongue strokes the length of my entire cock, all the way around. Something smooth and cool is wrapped around me; it’s unfamiliar. Violet sits back on her heels again. She’s smiling.

I look down at my dick. He currently has eyes, but this time they look like the candy ones, and again there’s a mustache. And he’s blue.


“It’s his superhero suit!” Violet pulls something else out of the basket. “And here’s his cape!”

“Is that a Fruit Roll-Up?”

“Yup! Smart, right? No snuffie suffocation this time, and it’s edible!” She licks the edge of the cape and attaches it to the suit.

“You’re crazy.”

“You love me anyway.”

“This is true.”

She grabs her camera phone, and I don’t stop her when she snaps a few shots of my artificial fruit flavor-wrapped dick. She gets a few more with her veil-covered beaver in the shot as she performs a “ceremony.”

I take the last shot, which is of her hovering over my cock so the tip kisses her clit. It’s ridiculous, and I’m about ready to get inside her.

“You done with your photoshoot? We’ve been married almost twenty-four hours, and I haven’t made love to my wife yet.”

“I really love it when you call me wife, husband.”

I toss the phone aside and rearrange her legs so she’s straddling me. I sit up so I can kiss her. At the same time, I reach around behind her and flick the clasp on her bra.

I kiss my way from her shoulder up her neck to her mouth. “How about Mrs. Violet Waters? You like that, too?”

“I really like that.” Violet moans and rubs up against me. Unfortunately, all the Fruit Roll-Up action is muting the sensation.

“We need to get rid of the costume.”

“I was planning to eat it off.” Violet pushes on my chest so I lie back again. Her nose wrinkles at the way the cape is now stuck to the suit. “Hmm, maybe not the part that’s all wet now.”

She starts peeling it away; some comes off easily, but other stuff is stuck pretty good to my shaft. I’m not going to complain as she sucks the little candies off the head and then goes about licking and sucking the bits of blue off. As bizarre as it is, it feels amazing.

There are stains left behind, and her tongue is blue when she’s done, along with her lips. She reaches into her basket of tricks and pulls out a washcloth so she can clean me up.

“Looks like you thought of everything. What else you got in there?” I grab the basket and check out the contents. It’s full of sex toys and lube and all sorts of amazing things. One item in particular catches my eye. It’s still in the package. “What’s going on here?”

“Shit. I didn’t mean for that to be in there.” She tries to grab it out of my hand, but I hold it out of reach.

“When did you get it?”

“Charlene bought it for me. We’re not Area 51-ing the first time we have married sex.” She goes for it again, so I pull her down to my chest, then I roll over on top of her. Parts of me still feel sticky as I fit myself between her legs.

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