Read Forgiven Online

Authors: Rebecca Brooke

Tags: #Romance

Forgiven (36 page)

There was talking all around me, but I couldn’t concentrate on anything except for the fear building up inside me. I felt my body start to shake slightly, and it only got worse when my eyes locked on a familiar set of brown eyes entering the courtroom. Staring at his shit-brown eyes, the same ones I’d had the misfortune of inheriting, I could tell he was shocked—he hadn’t expected me to be here. Caleb rested his hand on my thigh.

He bent his head to whisper in my ear. “He will never touch you again,” he promised.

I nodded because I couldn’t speak. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Claire smiling down at me. My surprise in seeing her helped me find my voice. “Claire?”

Caleb whipped around, “Mom, what are you doing here?”

She shook her head at her son. “You don’t actually think we would leave Angie to face this without any support we can give her. Your father had an emergency patient, otherwise he would be here too.”

She bent down to look me in the eyes. “You look scared to death, angel. Take a deep breath and remember, we aren’t going to let anything happen to you. I’m going to have a word with the prosecutor.”

I looked back at Caleb who still hadn’t wiped the shocked look off his face. “You didn’t know she was coming?” I asked.

“No, I didn’t tell her when the court date was,” he said sounding confused.

“I did,” Emily spoke up.

We both turned to look at her. She shrugged her shoulders before continuing. “We talked about it Sunday night while Caleb was helping you to bed. My parents wanted to come, but with the drive and work it was impossible. They’ll be here this weekend to check on you though. Your mom figured it was an easy drive for her and your dad, so they decided to come and support Angie.”

I felt the tears sting my eyes, but for the first time in weeks they were happy tears. I turned to Caleb. “Your parents are kinda awesome.”

He pulled me close. “Yeah, they are.”

Claire came back over and sat on the other side of Emily. “He’s agreed to only call you if necessary. I made him aware of what happened a week ago and he has promised to be as gentle as he can if he does have to call you.”

I gave her a nervous smile, but there wasn’t time to reply because the judge entered the courtroom.

“All rise, the honorable Judge James Stanton presiding.” We stood and waited for the judge to take his seat.

Once he sat down, the bailiff walked over and announced the case. “Docket number 10776, State of New York vs. Roger Powers.”

“You’ve entered a plea of not guilty,” Judge Stanton stated.

My father and his attorney—probably appointed by the state since he couldn’t afford one—stood. “Your Honor, my client would like to change his plea.

I felt Caleb squeeze the hand on my thigh, as my head snapped in the direction of my father. He was changing his plea? Why did he wait until now? The prosecutor turned to me with a smile on his face. I wasn’t going to have to relive that night—I wouldn’t have to testify.

“Your attorney has advised you of the consequences of pleading guilty?” the judge asked.

My father nodded his head. “Yes he has, Your Honor.”

The judge continued to address my father. “Mr. Powers, I find you guilty of assault in the second-degree.” The judge turned to the prosecuting attorney. “Are we ready to proceed with sentencing?”

The prosecutor nodded. “Yes we are, Your Honor.”

The judge gave a quick nod and turned back to look at my father. “Considering the fact that you were under the influence at the time of the assault on the victim, I hereby sentence you to three years in prison. However, because this is your first offense, I am going to give you an opportunity to get yourself cleaned up and put your life back together. Instead of serving the sentence in a state of New York correctional facility, you have the option of entering an anger management program, as well as a treatment program for alcohol addiction. If you are able to complete both programs, I will grant you probation for the remainder of your sentence.”

My father looked like he had been given a reprieve from the guillotine. “If however, you are unable to complete the required programs, you will be returned to custody to finish your sentence in a facility to be determined by the state of New York. The choice is yours Mr. Powers.

Both men leaned in to discuss the judge’s offer. After a few tense moments they stood back up. The thought of him being released had my insides a quivering mess. I wanted him put away, but Officer Simons had warned me, that since this was his first offense he might be offered treatment programs instead.

My father’s attorney spoke up. “My client would like to enroll in the treatment programs” No, no…this couldn’t be happening. My body started to shake again and Caleb pulled me close.

“Mr., Powers, you have a week to get enrolled into a program, your counselors will keep the court apprised of your progress in the programs. I am, however, leaving the restraining order in effect as well as releasing you on your continued bail, until both programs are set up and completed. You will need to submit the certificate of completion to the court. Until then, court is adjourned.” The judge said banging his gavel.

The judge stood up to leave. “All rise,” called the bailiff.

We stood, but Caleb kept me tucked into his side until the judge left the room. He turned to Claire. “Mom, take Angie for a minute.” I was still in a slight daze as he handed me over to his mom and Emily.

My father had been talking to his attorney, but finally they got up to leave. Caleb stepped in front of my father as he walked down the aisle to his freedom. Caleb had about four inches on my dad, so when my father looked up and took in Caleb’s size I saw the fear in his eyes. “I want to make something very clear, Mr. Powers. I love your daughter and if you ever try to lay a finger on her again, you will have to go through me first.”

My father stood there speechless for a few moments, before nodding his head and stepping around Caleb. He walked out of the courtroom faster than I had ever seen him move before. Caleb moved back to my side and pulled me into a hug.

He let me go after a few moments and gave his mom a hug. “Thank you for coming today.”

“Always…your father and I will always be here,” she looked between me and Caleb. “For both of you,” she promised.

Emily must have seen the unsettled look on my face because she pulled me to her. “It’s over. Maybe this is for the best—maybe he’ll get the help he needs. And if not, he still can’t come near you. Just remember you don’t have to go back there this summer.”

I saw an odd look cross Caleb’s face, but I was too worked up to put any thought into it. “Thanks for always being there for me, Em.”

She just hugged me tighter.

We left the courthouse and decided to stop for lunch, where once again Claire took care of the bill. Over lunch they managed to get me to relax and eat something. Claire figured my dad changed his plea to not guilty when he realized that I had shown up to testify against him. I knew I would always fear my father being out there somewhere, but I didn’t want to live my life in a hole. I had a wonderful man and friends in my life. I had to trust in them to be by my side when I needed them, and I knew they would be.

After lunch, we dropped Emily back off at the apartment and Caleb took me back to his place to rest. He’d agreed to let me go back to class on Wednesday, but only if he drove me. I tried to remind him that would mean a lot of sitting around for him, since we only had one class together, but he was adamant that I wasn’t allowed to do anything strenuous. In his mind, that included carrying my books to class—which he had every intention of doing himself.



The rest of the week continued in the same manner, until it was time to visit Dr. Peterson and have our stitches removed. We were able to get appointments in his office, the following week. I still cringed when I looked at the cut on his arm. At least it looked much better than it had a week ago.

Caleb held my hand while Dr. Peterson removed my stitches. I’m not sure why, but I think it bothered him more than it did me—just like when I got my tattoo. Dr. Peterson told us that everything was healing as it should, but he still wanted to see me again in four weeks. I made the appointment before we left the office.



The next few weeks passed quickly. We were getting near the end of the semester, so it was mainly reviews for the finals during class time. Caleb and I studied together and things were going really well, except for one tiny problem. He still hadn’t touched me more than to place a quick kiss on my lips. I kept trying to tell him I was fine, but he wouldn’t hear of it—not until I got the all clear from the doctor.

At least he’d finally let me drive my own car. I had my final appointment with Dr. Peterson and was surprised that Caleb wasn’t going with me, but apparently he had his own appointment at the same time. Once class was over, I headed over to the doctor’s office. The appointment was fairly straightforward, and I was given the all clear to resume my normal activities, which just meant that Caleb could no longer keep me at arm’s length.

When I got back to the apartment, I decided that I wasn’t taking no for an answer this time. Instead I text Caleb to find out how far away he was, before stripping down to my bra and panties. I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist me with almost no clothes on. He’d had a difficult time in the shower that first week and I’m sure that it was only the sight of my stitches that enabled him to keep control.

I heard the front door open and a set of footsteps move towards the bedroom door. Caleb opened the door and groaned at the sight of me lying half-naked across his bed. He took a deep breath. “I’ll be right back,” he said uncomfortably. He backed out of the room and closed the door behind him.

What the fuck?

After all we had been through, he’d walked away from me, again. I lay there, staring at the ceiling, and debating whether I should get dressed and head back to my apartment.

A few minutes later, the door opened again to Caleb, only in his boxers. He looked at me and I could see the fire burning in his eyes as he crawled over me. He said nothing, just quickly captured my mouth with his. I felt him slide his tongue across my lips, seeking entrance. Desperate to taste him again, I opened, sucked his tongue into my mouth, and heard a low growl from the back of his throat. He moved his mouth away from mine, down my jaw and up to my ear.

“What did the doctor say?” he whispered.

I couldn’t think clearly as his tongue circled my ear. “All clear,” was all I managed to get out, before he sucked on the spot directly behind my ear that drove me wild. This time the moan was mine.

“Fuck, I’ve missed you,” he groaned as his hand moved to cup my breast through my bra.

I ran my hands up over his shoulders and saw him wince. “What’s wrong?” I asked, quickly shaking off the sensual spell he was weaving around me. He reached behind me and unsnapped my bra, before slowly pulling the straps down my shoulders, and throwing it to the floor.

“Nothing, I’m fine,” he assured me as he lowered his head to my breast and I ceased to think at all.

His tongue drew circles around my nipple—it felt wonderful. It had been so long since we’d been together that I wanted all of him. His teeth raked over my nipple before licking it better.

I fisted my hands into his hair and held his head to my chest. “Oh, Caleb, that feels amazing.”

He lifted his head back to mine. “I know baby, and it’s only going to get better.”

He began kissing his way down my chest, taking the time to stop and suck on each one of my nipples, before moving his head lower. His lips reached my abdomen and moved to the scar that was now on my left side. He stopped and kissed every inch of the scar. He was still trying to apologize in his own way, and I loved him for being so sweet.

When his mouth continued to move lower my head lifted off the pillow to see what he was doing. His tongue came out and ran along the line of my underwear, it felt so good that my back arched off the bed. Grabbing the top of my panties, he pulled them down my legs, running his fingers across my skin as much as possible. It sent shivers up my spine, as his hand slid back up the inside of my legs, his fingers finding the spot I needed them the most.

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