Forsaken Control (Oathkeepers MC) (6 page)

“Brother,” 2 Piece grunts heavily, turned on, after a few moments of watching me.

“Hmm?” I start to suck ruthlessly as her legs bend and dart to the sides, squirming.

“I want in her. I can’t wait. It’s too fuckin’ hot, seeing you making her feel so fuckin’ good.”

I sit back, resting on my knees, reaching over and dutifully untying each of her ankles. I rub each foot briefly, relieving the skin from the indentions caused by her pulling against the belts.

Once she’s free from my grip, 2 lies beside Avery and I help direct her body to climb on top of him. He opens the condom he had resting on the pillow next to him and quickly slides it on between them. 2 rubs the head of his dick against her wetness and then easily glides her onto his hard shaft.

I use the brief break to slide on my own Magnum I had gotten from my wallet when I had retrieved the belts.

Avery straddles him, his knees bent up and spread, making her completely exposed from behind. I see clearly his dick seated inside her core, her pussy creaming with wetness around it, his sac lying heavily and a peek of his own tight hole. My dick rejoices inside, hardening further at the amazing sights right in front of me.

I lie down between his spread knees, savoring the absolutely amazing sight before me. Starting with Avery, I lick up all of her juices, occasionally swiping the bottom of his shaft with my tongue. She starts to move slightly, so 2 Piece begins rocking her leisurely, since he’s distracted with her, I lick his sac, witnessing them tighten up for a moment, he probably thinks I grazed them on accident.

Rather than stop, I pull them into my mouth, drawing on each one deeply.

“Oh fu-ck,” he moans.

I can’t wait any longer. I lick up to Avery’s anus, using some of her own juices for lubrication. I’m fucking kinky, so this shit turns me on even more than if I was just to lick her plain or use lube. To know she’s surrounding me, even her wetness, is beyond erotic.

I sit back up on my knees, aligning my hefty cock up to her entrance, and begin working myself gradually and tenderly into her. The sensations are fucking insane. I can feel my dick rubbing against 2’s cock inside of her. I curl my toes, gritting my teeth. It feels so good it’s almost maddening.

2 Piece and I trade off, entering her and pulling out, always in an even rhythm. We’re in sync with each other in more ways than one…if only he would start to notice it.

“Goddamn, you feel fuckin’ phenomenal, angel.”

“Yes,” Avery moans and my dick throbs, as her sexy raspy voice magnetizes the sensations floating throughout my body.

I suck on two of my fingers, priming them for 2 Piece. He didn’t protest my little mouth exploration I did earlier, so I’m going to push him a little further.

I place the opposite hand on the bed, bracing myself just in case this doesn’t go over well. I reach between my legs with my other hand. He grunts as I brush his nuts, finding my way to his hole. The next drive I make deeply into Avery, I thrust my fingers into him at the same time.

“Fuuuck, fuck, fuck!” He gasps. I’m met with some resistance as I pump my fingers into him twice. His dick starts to throb crazily, losing control and erupting inside Avery.

I pull my hand free, using it to grip her hip, as he starts rubbing circles on her clit, biting her neck where she likes it, making her shoot off next. His eyes are closed, so I have no clue how to read what he’s feeling, and it makes me a little nervous inside.

“Ohhhhhh!” Avery screams, freezing up as she rides through her intense orgasm and I clamp my hand over her mouth, effectively muffling her. It’s amazing if nobody thinks we’re in here fuckin’ killin’ her.

She collapses in an exhausted heap on top of 2 as I continue to move inside her tight hole. I watch 2 Piece over her shoulder and finally after a few beats he meets my gaze. He knows what just happened, and he knows he fucking loved it.

2 Piece doesn’t say anything, just watches me, never breaking eye contact as I pump into Avery a few more times, eventually emptying myself into the condom, experiencing one of the most gratifying orgasms I’ve had in quite a long time. It just happened, but all I can think of is doing it again. I want to watch his eyes this time as I thrust my fingers in him, making him cry out. I know it won’t happen though. It’s too soon.

The spell is broken when Lily starts to whine in her cage. She’s not used to being locked up in her kennel when people are in here. Eventually with the right training, she won’t have to be locked up at all. Poor girl, it’s probably her dinnertime, and she’s tired of waiting.

Pressing a tender kiss to Avery’s shoulder, I rise carefully, climbing over their depleted bodies and heading into the small bathroom. I take care of the condom, flushing it and wash my hands with the girly smelling soap on the counter.

Avery and 2 Piece are lying comfortably in the middle of the bed snuggling when I finish with the restroom.

She sends me a tired, sated smile. “Ares, come lie down and relax with us.” Avery gestures with her hand for me to come closer.

Grinning slightly, I shake my head. “Nah, angel, not really my style. How about I take Lily outside and get her dinner? You can stay in bed and rest up.”

“That sounds wonderful, Ares. Thank you so much.”

I nod, glancing briefly at 2 Piece. He watches me the entire time, wearing a contemplative look. I know he must be questioning everything that just happened. I’ll find out soon if we’re going to have more fun or if he will pull away completely. It will fuckin’ hurt losing him, but I can only control myself so much when it comes to being with them both like this.

Pulling on my dark jeans, I tuck my shirt into the back of my pants so it hangs out like a shop towel. I slide my feet into my boots, grabbing Lily’s dog food. She has her own bowl in my room also, so I just need her and the food.

“You’re good?” I question Avery, peering over her worriedly. I don’t think I hurt her in any way, but I still want to make sure. I was hurt too much growing up. I would never want to hurt anyone I care about in any way, ever.

“Yes, we’re great, Ares.” She beams a bright smile, and I grin even bigger at her. She’s so fuckin’ beautiful.

“Cool, then we’re out. Later.” I grab Lily’s kennel, stuffing the dog food under the same arm and leave their room. The good-bye part is definitely always the weirdest.



My chest puffs out with pride as I leave the chapel. The vote happened, and it all passed. I’m the new vice president of the Oath Keepers MC.

Cain got his vote and patch showing he’s the new club Enforcer. The vote then moved to 2 Piece also, even though he wasn’t in church today. The brothers voted him on as the new Sergeant-at-Arms. He was already pretty much handling any kind of weapons deals we’ve had and working alongside the Road Captain, Smiles, coordinating the runs to transport our weapons business we have going. He’s done a great job so far and deserves the recognition.

Prez said he’d call him in the office later to discuss it with 2 Piece and make sure he’s good with it, but as far as everyone’s concerned he already has the spot. I couldn’t be more pleased with how everything turned out today. I’m a little surprised it went over so smoothly, but I’m not gonna complain one bit.

I head outside to get in a quick smoke. Sometimes when I get excited or deal with getting rid of a really bloody body, I’ll have a smoke. I don’t do it nearly as much as I used to or Cain will bitch at me about my health like he has a damn vagina between his legs.

The back door of the club closes behind me and I walk straight into 2 Piece going to town on Sadie. He’s yelling at her about seeing Twist again. Being her big brother, it’s eating him up inside that she and Twist have been getting really cozy lately.

Sadie takes off past me in a rush, heading inside the club, appearing a little embarrassed that I caught the tail end of their conversation.

“Calm the fuck down, brother.” I place my hands on 2 Piece’s chest, trying to get him to take a few breaths. He knows Twist wants his little sister, and it’s been driving him nuts all week. I don’t know what exactly happened this week to set him off more, but he’s been like a goddamn bear toward people and a few are starting to get sick of it.

“Fuck that, man. My sister is already pregnant by God knows who. Twist needs to stop sniffin’ around Sadie. He’s no good for her, we all know it. She’s had enough shit to deal with, she don’t need to be dealin’ with fuckin’ Twist of all people.”

“Look, I get that it’s your sister, but you gotta let her make her own decisions. Ever since you guys came back from Cali, he’s been taking care of her and that babe.”

“I don’t give a mother fuck.
take care of her.”

“Yo, it can’t be like that anymore. You have Avery. She needs to be taken care of first. You might not wanna hear this shit, but Sadie is a fuckin’ grown ass woman. Back off some, brother.”

“Are you fucking kidding?” He barks, looking like he’s ready to head-butt me.

As soon as Cain steps through the club door out back, he’s beside me, probably from hearing all of the yelling. We must be getting loud if people are hearing it inside. “Look 2, maybe just cool the fuck down some, bro.”

“You two are un-fuckin’-believable,” 2 Piece growls. “Especially you.” He shoves his finger into my chest harshly, emphasizing his point. “I figured that out of everyone, you’d be the one to have my fuckin’ back the most.”

“Fuck, man,” I shake my head. “Of course I have your back. I also have to think of the club though, not just about you and Avery.”

2 Piece flings his arm out. “Is that what this shit is really ‘bout? I have her cunt, but you don’t?”

Cain looks at me and shakes his head, “Not ‘bout to get in the middle of this shit here, bro.” He grumbles and walks to the picnic bench. He steps up on the seat to sit on the actual table part. The brothers won’t want any part of this fight if they hear what’s going on. I can’t blame Cain for stepping out of it.

“You know that bullshit isn’t true.” My eyebrows raise as my temper starts to build. Just because I wear a smile on my face toward him sometimes, don’t mean that a fuckin’ demon don’t still live inside. Trust that shit is still there, just waiting for the wrong motherfucker to piss me off enough to let him come out and play. “This has nothing to do with her ass.”

“Oh no? It ain’t ‘cause I get that pussy every night? Funny ‘bro, I see the way you fuckin’ look at her.”

“For fuck’s sake, 2 Piece, I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I suggest you clean that shit up real quick. You’re not only bein’ a fuckin’ prick to your brothers, but now you startin’ to disrespect a little lady that damn well don’t fuckin’ deserve to have no one talkin’ ‘bout her like that.”

huh? I get it that you’re the fuckin’ Enforcer and all, but last time I checked, I wear a fuckin’ patch too. Doesn’t that count for shit anymore ‘round here?”

We’re interrupted by a throat clearing as Prez walks up behind us. “2 Piece, have you looked at Ares patch lately, brother? You’ve been in this weird fuckin’ funk, you been too busy to notice fuck else. As of the vote this mornin’ this here is the new vice president of the Oath Keepers MC, and you are out here talkin’ to him out of your fuckin’ ass. I don’t know what’s goin’ on with you or if Avery has anything to do with it, but you need to fix your shit brother and congratulate your VP.”

“Avery ain’t got a motherfuckin’ thing to do with this. It’s about Twist chasin’ after my fuckin’ baby sister. I warned every motherfucker at the table to leave my sister alone.”

“I hate to say it, but that’s between Twist and Sadie. We don’t need no fuckin’ drama around here, 2 Piece, and you need to get your shit straight with Ares.”

2 Piece clenches his jaw but nods. At least he remembers to show the President some respect. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. He never acts this way toward me, and I have no idea what the fuck to think of it.

2 Piece turns, still angry, but walks away. As he passes the picnic table he glares at Cain. “The fuck you lookin’ at, bitch boy?”

“Bro, I’ll fuck you and that little attitude up real fuckin’ fast,” Cain spits back, and I rush to the table to break up the huge disaster about to happen. Cain will fucking murder 2 Piece with his fists if he gets angry enough.

“Yo, 2! Calm the fuck down!” I glare, standing in front of him with my muscles fully flexed and ready for who the fuck knows at this point.

His eyes flare, and he shoves into my chest angrily.

I can’t help myself; I grab him by his throat with one hand, lifting him off the ground. Growling, I storm forward until his back slams into the brick wall of the clubhouse.  His blue eyes widen in shock when he makes impact and the air whooshes out of his mouth.

I hold his taut body against the wall, one of my forearms pressed into his chest, the other wrapped tightly around his tattooed neck.

Leaning in close to his ear, I feel his hot breath panting against the side of my face. “Calm. The. Fuck. Down,” I hiss. I can’t help taking in a deep breath as I’m assaulted with his smell.

For fuck’s sake, I’m going to Hell for being so fucking turned on right now. I adjust, moving my legs a little, so no one can see my rock hard dick straining against my jeans. If I had my way right now I’d fuck him so goddamn hard, he wouldn’t be able to walk for a week straight, then I’d shove my dick in his mouth to teach him not to talk to me like he’s lost his ever loving fucking mind.

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