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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

“It’s always right when it’s the three of us
together, my lady,” Lock murmured, kissing her neck again. “Though
I have to admit, this is
. I can feel Deep’s shaft
rubbing against mine.”

“And I feel yours as well, Brother,” Deep
growled. “So tell me, how shall we fuck our lady? Shall we move
against each other or as one?”

“As one,” Lock answered at once. “The lady
Kat needs to feel both of us sliding in and out of her pussy and
rosebud in tandem.”

“That sounds…sounds good to me.” Kat couldn’t
help how breathless her voice had become. She’d never felt this
filled before—not even when both her lovers were filling her pussy
at once. The double penetration was a whole new sensation—one so
incredibly intense she felt like the moment they started to move
within her she would go off like a rocket.

That’s exactly what we want,
Deep sent
her, having obviously caught her thought.
The more intense your
orgasm, the further we can travel.

Then let’s go,
Kat sent, leaning up to
give the dark twin a passionate kiss.
I can’t wait any longer—I
need to come!

As my lady wishes,
Lock murmured. He
and Deep locked eyes and the dark twin murmured

A low gasp was drawn from Kat as both thick
shafts pulled slowly out of her ass and pussy and then pressed back
in again, even deeper than before. She threw back her head, resting
it on Lock’s broad shoulder as they did it again, fucking her
together in a way that went beyond any pleasure she’d ever known or

And it wasn’t just their cocks inside
her—large, warm hands and hot mouths were all over her. Lock was
licking and kissing the side of her neck while he pinched her
nipples and Deep had worked his hand between them again and was
stroking her swollen clit much more firmly than before.

Suddenly the sensations of having two cocks
inside her, fucking her, loving her as her men pleasured her every
way they knew how was too much for Kat. With a loud, gasping cry,
she felt her orgasm take flight.

Blast off!
she thought

And suddenly there were stars everywhere…

Chapter Nine


“Here you go.” Lauren walked to the front of
the ship and held out Xairn’s shirt.

“Leave it on the back of my seat, please.”
His red-on-black eyes never left the viewscreen. In the time it had
taken her to change and stow away the blue and crimson slippers he
had piloted them from the dark alley to what appeared to be…another
dark alley.

“Where are we?” Lauren asked as he made
preparations to land.

“The parking accommodations of the Alteration
House of Slk.” He pulled the ship neatly into a large stone stall
and set them down gently. “There. And not a moment too soon.”

“Why? What do you mean?”

Xairn cast her a sidelong look. “It is not
safe to be out in the public part of the splicing district after
dark. This area communicates directly with the House of Slk.”

“I thought you said the man who was helping
you was named Vrr?”

“It was but he is retired. Slk is his son who
is equally skilled…if considerably more expensive.” Xairn frowned.
Then with a sigh, he locked the controls and rose. “Come. He’ll be
waiting for us.”

He brushed against Lauren as he reached for
his shirt and she felt something warm and wet on the back of her
arm. Looking down, she saw a smear of dark red on her skin.
“Xairn?” She looked up at him questioningly.

“What?” He was already shrugging into the
shirt but she stopped him with one hand on his arm. Looking closer,
she saw the source of the red liquid. Blood—it was welling up from
a cut on his side, somewhere under the waistband of his black
flight pants.

“What’s that?” she demanded, pointing to his
side. “Why didn’t you tell me you were wounded?”

The big warrior looked down as though
noticing his wound for the first time. “A scratch. I got into
several altercations on my way back to you. That’s the main reason
I was late.”

“It’s a lot more than a scratch. Let me see
it.” When he started to refuse, Lauren made her voice strict. “I
let me see it.”

“I would prefer that you didn’t,” he said
stiffly. But she was already unbuckling his belt and pushing the
black pants lower down his muscular abdomen and hips to see the
extent of his injuries. Sure enough, there was a long, nasty gash
running up from the front of his right hip to the curve of his
back. Thankfully, it didn’t look deep but it was still oozing blood
and Lauren was afraid it might become infected.

“Wait right here,” she said. “I think I saw
some kind of first aid kit thingy in the bathroom. I’ll be right

She grabbed the mini-suitcase she’d seen
earlier—it was filled with what looked like bandages and bottles
with alien script written on them—and brought it back to Xairn. He
was still standing in the middle of the ship as still as a statue
with a frown on his face.

“Okay now,” Lauren said. “You’re going to
have to help me with this because I don’t read Kindred.” She looked
up at him. “Uh, do you?”

“I am fluent in over two hundred languages
and dialects. And yes, the Kindred common tongue is one of them,”
he answered.

Lauren let out a low whistle. “Wow! That’s
amazing. Is that a Scourge thing?”

He shook his head. “I have an aptitude for
languages. To my knowledge, it is not common among my people.
Perhaps…I may have inherited the ability from my mother.”

“You’ve never talked about her before,”
Lauren said softly. “Were you…very young when she died?”

“I do not know if she is living or dead,”
Xairn said stonily. “Only that my father took me from her soon
after I was born.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just assumed…”

“It doesn’t matter.” He shook his head and
then pointed to a green plasti-glass bottle with a strange looking
stopper on it. “That is the disinfectant. You should use it

“Of course.” Lauren felt like she’d really
put her foot in her mouth, asking about his mother. It was clear he
didn’t want to talk about her or her fate—whatever it had been. She
fiddled for a moment with the stopper on the bottle—and it came off
in her hand. “Oh!” She looked at it in surprise. The stopper was
attached to a long wand with a bulbous end. It was dripping with
clear, viscous fluid. She looked up at Xairn. “So I guess I
just…spread it on with this?”

He nodded. “Yes.”

Lauren shrugged. “Okay.” Carefully, she
touched the bulbous end of the wand to the start of the long gash
and began to paint the wound with the viscous liquid.

Xairn drew in a hissing breath and all the
muscles in his big body clenched at once.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Lauren looked up at him.
“Does it sting?”

“It’s not pleasant but I will survive. Please
continue—Slk is waiting for us.”

“All right.” Lauren went back to painting the
wound but as she went, she blew a soothing stream of cool air to
try and ease the sting.

Xairn looked down at her frowning. “What are
you doing?”

“Just trying to make it feel better.” Lauren
looked up at him sheepishly. “Uh, my mom used to do it for me.
She’d always blow on my cuts before she put the band aid on.” She
shrugged. “It made it hurt less. Do you want me to stop?”

A strange look came over his face and his
voice was a little less remote when he answered. “No, that’s all
right. You can continue if you want.”

“Good.” Lauren smiled at him and went back to
the business at hand. When she had the entire cut painted with
disinfectant, she put the stopper back in the green bottle and
rummaged around in the little suitcase for what looked like a roll
of gauze. But as she was about to unroll it, Xairn held out a

“Give it to me.”

Lauren frowned. “You can’t put it on
yourself. This cut goes halfway up your back.”

“I won’t try to but I need to activate the

“The what?” Lauren frowned at the roll of
gauze in her hand.

It means the Goddess of
Mercy bandage.”

“Does it have some kind of microchip in it or

“Hardly. Like most Kindred inventions, it’s
actually a living organism. But it must be activated in order to
work.” He held out his hand again and raised an eyebrow at her.

Giving in to his unspoken request, Lauren
handed him the roll.

Xairn raised it to his mouth and whispered
something in a foreign language. Then he pressed the roll to his
forehead, both cheeks, and lips before handing it back to Lauren.
“There. It should work now.”

“What did you say to it?” Lauren asked,
beginning to unroll the gauzy substance.
No, not
substance—animal, I guess. How weird.

“The exact wording is ‘Drink of my blood and
be nourished. My body is thine to heal as thou will. A gift for a
gift. A life for a life.”

“My body is thine,” Lauren murmured. “Hmm. I
think I like that.” She had the right length of bandage that she
wanted now but she wasn’t sure if it was permissible to cut it to
fit. Maybe she should just wrap it around and around Xairn’s waist
until it— The thought died in her mind to be replaced by wonder. As
she watched, the
shortened itself to the exact length
she wanted. It broadened a little as well, becoming a little wider
than the palm of her hand. “Well.” She stared at it a minute then
shrugged and began to press it gently to Xairn’s side.

She wasn’t sure how it would stay on—was
there some kind of glue or tape she could use? But the
adhered to his muscular side at once and stuck nicely without any

Lauren was impressed. “That’s good. That’s
really good,” she murmured, stroking her hand over his side to make
sure the living bandage was smooth and evenly applied. “I wish the
Kindred would share this with Earth.”

“Actually it’s old technology. They have much
more sophisticated healing methods now.” Xairn’s deep voice sounded
strained. Lauren noticed that his big hands were curled into fists
at his sides and he was positively trembling as she touched him.
She frowned.
Am I hurting him?
“Are you okay?” she asked

“Fine.” He gazed down at her, his eyes
blazing. The look on his face was so intense she drew back a

“Xairn?” she asked, trying to keep the unease
out of her voice and not quite managing.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
When he opened them, the fire in their red-on-black depths seemed
to have died down a little. “Forgive me but Slk is waiting. Thank
you for tending to my wound but now we really must go.”

“All right.” Lauren got to her feet and
rubbed her aching knees. “That floor is
Let me just
put the first aid kit back and we can go.”

* * * * *

Xairn refastened his flight pants as he
watched her go, her curves still visible—at least to him—even
through the voluminous silvery-blue garment he’d bought for her. It
was much too large but he had wanted it that way. He didn’t want to
be tempted by her, by the sight of her lovely body. But she might
as well not be wearing anything at all as far as he was concerned.
He kept remembering how she looked completely nude.

Don’t think about it,
he told himself
fiercely. But he couldn’t help it.

Just before they had left the Fathership and
taken off for the Scourge home world, Lauren had dropped the cloak
he had given her and offered herself to him. When he closed his
eyes he could still see the curve of her hips, her full breasts
tipped with tight, berry-brown nipples. And most enticing of all,
the tender lips of her sex, half hidden by the neatly trimmed mound
of black curls. Gods, she was beautiful. So beautiful it made him

Of course, Xairn was under no illusion that
she actually wanted him—she didn’t. She’d only done it because she
preferred his touch to the AllFather’s—as any female in her right
mind would. His father held horror and madness in his boney,
scabrous hands.

And what do I hold in my hands?
asked himself as she disappeared briefly into the bathroom.
Lauren or any female?
There was no gentleness in him. No tender
caresses—of that he was sure.

It had been all he could do to control
himself when she was touching him so gently, healing his wound. Her
face had been right on the level of his throbbing secondary shaft
and her soft hands on his body had been maddening. His head had
been filled with forbidden thoughts—images impossible to block

He could almost see her delicate hands
wandering just a little to the right and reaching into his
unfastened pants. Her fingers would feel cool and soothing,
caressing his secondary shaft. And then she would slip her hand
around him and touch his primary shaft, his bonding shaft and he
would…But Xairn didn’t want to think about what he wanted to

I am filled with desires I don’t want,
he thought in despair.
Why could they not have remained dormant?
What is it about Lauren that brings my body to life in this

He didn’t have any answers.

Just then Lauren came back. “Xairn,” she said
in that soft, sweet voice he loved to listen to. “I just want to
say again how sorry I am.”

He frowned. “Why are you apologizing?”

“You got hurt because of me.” She reached
out, her fingertips lightly grazing his wounded side in a way that
made Xairn quiver. “You were out fighting those horrible splicers
to make it possible for me to get home and I didn’t even trust you
enough to wait. I went outside the ship even though you told me not
to, and gave you a whole new problem to deal with as soon as you
got back. I’m so sorry for that.”

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