Four Shades of Recovery: Boxed Set (16 page)

Read Four Shades of Recovery: Boxed Set Online

Authors: J. S. Luxor

Tags: #Fiction, #Psychological, #Retail, #Suspense, #Thrillers

Chapter Three – Seduction



Matt must really trust me with this high-end deal and it’s not simply because of my business sense. I’m sure he wants to lure this fellow in on several levels. Matt knows that when it comes to sex, I’m a pro at the angles. I can’t wait to meet this Michael Kingsfield, high roller. I’ve known Marissa from the past a bit but wonder about her capacity to approach a client in the appropriate way. I need to set her straight about her role. My phone signals. Marissa’s on the line.


When Marissa enters the business suite at my hotel, I can see why Matt selected her as a submissive. She’s got the look and the attitude. Her long brown hair, pale complexion, blue eyes and thin build call to mind images of his alcoholic mother. She’s less than 25 years old. He wanted to punish that mother. Perhaps Mr. Kingsfield has BDSM tendencies as well. No matter. We can play it straight or kinky. I may even want Kingsfield for my submissive. It’s always a joy to bring the high and mighty to heel.


“Hello, Marissa. It’s good to hear your voice again,” I utter.


“Yes, it’s been a long time, Mrs. Kitner,” she replies with a soft tone of voice. She’s a pushover.


“Has Mr. Frazier explained what he needs you to do?” I get right to the point. There’s no time to lose.


She sounds quite robotic. “My role involves being a courier. Like bringing, scanning, faxing and mailing real estate documents between you and the client.”


“Yes, of course, but what about using your skills?” I probe.


“Do you mean flirting or possibly encouraging a relationship with this client?”


“Yes, apparently, you look like the sort of woman he desires,” I continue.


“Well, I no longer function as a submissive, if that’s what you mean. I made a clean break of it since I began taking college classes again. But, if he wants a straight relationship, I can explore that with him.”


“Let’s start slowly. On your first meeting, smile demurely and don’t wear sexy clothing. Offer to help him with the documents by showing him where to sign, copying and the whole nine yards. You can do that, right?”


“Oh, yeah, of course. He’s a successful middle aged man, and I’ve had plenty of clients from that sort of background. That used to be my specialty, that is, working with powerful men who wanted total control over a woman.” She smirks at some memory I can’t fathom.


“For your first meeting, I think you should behave in a compliant and professional manner. If he shows interest, then we can notch it up a bit.”


Marissa already sounds like a submissive with her response. “Yes, ma’am err, Ms. Kitner.”


I smile with gratitude. She’ll be so easy to train. I show her several pictures of Mr. Kingsfield. She seems mildly interested.


“Your meeting takes place later this afternoon. I’m going to give you clothing that you should wear to the meeting. Is that understood?” I’m using my Dom voice and she responds like a trained show dog. Matt knows how to pick them, alright.  


“Yes, of course. I’ve already been briefed. Can you show me which documents you want me to handle?” At least she’s able to think ahead a bit.


I give her an overview of the real estate materials that’ll be handled by all three of us. I review the materials that will need various types of scanning, copying, PDFing, sending and so on. She’s quick to catch on and rather bright. That makes my job easier.


“Now, what should you tell Mr. Kingsfield, if he asks about where you live, Marissa?”


“I’ll explain that I’m your assistant and that I live in Portland. You’ll be returning there tonight but I’m to remain here to handle any and all paperwork or other communication issues from all parties concerned.”


“That’s correct, Marissa. Any questions?” I feel like the female warden at a prison as I take on my usual authoritarian role.


Marissa pauses and then asks in a very timid voice, “Will Mr. Frazier be looking in on me from time to time?”


“No, only if there is an extreme emergency. I’m your first contact in all matters with this deal. Right?”


She nods her head in resignation and we part shortly thereafter. I give her a few tips on how to wear her hair and makeup before she leaves to rehearse for her role.


My role in this deal involves memorizing the specifics of those documents. Matt trained me about the financing, deeds, leases and other aspects of the operation. I also happen to be familiar with the specific bay front property that’s under consideration. It’s quite an outstanding location. Mr. Kingsfield should be impressed. It appears to be a win-win type of agreement.


I look at my phone. It’s now time for me to make my way to Mr. Kingsfield’s offices. I take a Valium to ensure that I’m fully in control of my nerves before meeting him. I put all the relevant materials in a valise, as well as my IPad, and wear my best blue business attire. My makeup is impeccable and not one hair on my head is out of place.


When I arrive five minutes early, I tell the receptionist of my appointment. She looks at me with admiration. I’m fully aware of the fact that my appearance is outstanding.


“Mr. Kingsfield will be with you shortly, Ms. Kitner. Please make yourself comfortable. Would you like some water?”


“No, I’m fine. Thanks!”


At exactly five minutes after noon, the receptionist signals that Mr. Kingsfield will see me. I take a breath to steel my reserve and put on my best game face. When I walk into the office, Michael Kingfield’s high backed chair is turned away from me. Hmmm, what could this mean?


He turns it around slowly and I am now face to face with a smiling, devious looking mogul. He stands and comes around his desk to shake my hand. His hands feel like paper; cold, thin and dry. He appears to be controlled, powerful and obsessive. He’s attractive but there’s something odd about him.


“Ms. Kitner, I assume you’ve reviewed the documents that we’re to discuss, thoroughly.” He’s not the kind to be dominated. Not my type at all. He demonstrates an icy, calculating demeanor. Marissa may have better luck with the chemistry.


I decide to play it straight with him. “Yes, Mr. Kingsfield. Let me give you an overview of the property,” I begin and then launch into a forty-five minute overview of the property while displaying several documents on my IPad. I also explain the papers he’ll need to sign to begin the transactions with the property owner in Portland.     


He seems more than pleased with the opportunity to develop a pivotal portion of the Portland waterfront with his kind of condominium. He calls the landowner in Portland for additional details while I prepare more documents. His attorney joins us during the second hour of discussions. He peruses the contract and gives it an all clear. By the late afternoon, Kingsfield appears to be satisfied that the deal looks solid. He signs the key documents and has the attorney certify them. We shake hands after the deal has been brokered and he ushers me out of his office.


“Well, Ms. Kitner, I understand that you’ll return to Portland and that my next contact will occur with your assistant,” he states rather than asks.


“Yes, I’d like to introduce the two of you before I leave town. Will you be free in about fifteen minutes?” I keep my voice cool and clipped, like his. He nods his assent. As I exit his office, I release a breath in relief. That was tense! I’m usually the one in control of social interactions. He’s not to be toyed with. I assume Matt knows what he’s doing with Marissa and the sex angle. I pull out my PDA and call her. She’s been waiting nearby.


Marissa arrives within ten minutes and meets me near the women’s restroom. I check her over, add some makeup, straighten her jacket and comb her hair. We proceed to the reception area. Mr. Kingsfield emerges from his office as soon as he’s told of our presence.


The moment he sees Marissa, his entire demeanor shifts. He’s staring at her to the exclusion of anyone else and the look in his eyes frightens me. It’s more than obsessive, perhaps the best term is possessed. A full minute passes before he speaks again. Is he drooling?


“Please, come into my office, ladies,” he pleads and nearly falls over himself in the rush to accommodate us. Is this the same man that I spent nearly four hours with today? I’m floored at the dramatic transformation in Michael Kingsfield’s personality.


“This is Marissa Stone, my assistant and courier, Mr. Kingsfield,” I announce with pride.


“Please, Ms. Stone, call me Michael.” He smiles at Marissa in a nearly maniacal manner.


“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Michael.” She shakes his hand and smiles innocently. He melts.


“I guess you’ll be needing some of our technology while we work through the different phases of the Portland development?”


“That would be convenient, but…,” she pauses and looks surprised at his more than generous offer of support.


His solicitous behavior shocks me. “I’ll ask my receptionist to find a room for you to work from here at my office, while we move ahead with the construction plans.” Has lightening just struck Mr. Kingsfield?


Marissa smiles broadly and looks at him with admiration. Does she feel a spark for him as well? Things are getting out of hand quickly, here.


“Thank you so much!” I offer, but he hardly notices my voice. His eyes haven’t left Marissa’s face since she entered the office.


“Let me give you my card,” he offers to Marissa but not me. “I hope you’ve given your contact information to my receptionist.” We both nod.


I decide that Marissa’s had enough exposure for one day. Matt’s instructions were clear. “Well, we’d best be on our way, Mr. Kingsfield,” I interject.


“May I take you to dinner?” he asks. “We can discuss the highlights of the project.” His eyes fill with enthusiasm.


He’s truly a man on a mission. “Marissa and I have things to discuss, together, before I leave town, Mr. Kingsfield. She’ll be at your service tomorrow.” She nods in agreement and gives him a demure grin. There’s nothing like a little tease to keep them coming back for more.


He sighs with yearning. “Until tomorrow, then! Let me walk you to the elevators.”  He bids us goodbye as though we’re his dearest family members. I’m surprised he hasn’t made an attempt to hug Marissa. This man is truly weird.


When the doors of the elevator close on us, I turn to Marissa. “What was that all about? Did you feel his intensity?”


She deflates with a long breath. “I think that he’s confusing me with his deceased wife. I’ve never felt so cherished, though. I’ve done nothing to deserve it.” She’s acting a bit star struck herself.


“And to think, he’s a multimillionaire falling all over himself over you…,” I restrain my next, rather uncharitable, thought from leaving my mouth.


“Well, that was the plan,” Marissa admits.


“Yes, let’s go to dinner and talk strategy,” I command. Marissa nods.


We make our way to a nearby restaurant. Marissa excuses herself to use the restroom and I call Matt. He answers my signal immediately.


“Mission accomplished. The initial documents have been reviewed, certified and signed,” I report with enthusiasm.

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