Four Shades of Recovery: Boxed Set (28 page)

Read Four Shades of Recovery: Boxed Set Online

Authors: J. S. Luxor

Tags: #Fiction, #Psychological, #Retail, #Suspense, #Thrillers


“Thank you all so much for letting me back into your lives. The catered meal was fabulous and I love you all so much. Let me assure you, I love Matt more than life itself now,” I announce and the family breaks into applause when I’m done speaking. It’s the most wonderful evening of my life.


Once outside, Matt turns to me with concern. “What was that about the Pine-Frazier marriage?” he asks with annoyance.


“Matt I want to keep my surname, after we’re married,” I assert and brace for a fight that I know is coming.


“You’ve got my hand ready for action, Megan. Looks like we’ll be working this arrangement out in the Spanking Room tonight,” he announces with a grim line to his mouth.


I swallow with a mix of lustful anticipation and fear. “Matt, please don’t be upset about my name. It’s just that I’ve got a reputation as an blogger and column editor as Ms. Pine.”


“Megan, I want the world to know that you’re my wife,” he states in no uncertain terms and without a trace of humor in his voice.


“If I use a hyphenated name like Pine-Frazier, people will know that you’re the Frazier in the joined surnames. It’s actually got a nice flow and cadence to it,” I point out with enthusiasm. “Please, Matt.”


“Megan, I’ll consider it since you’ve asked nicely,” he responds with caution. “It’s not a yes, just a possibility at this point.”


I knew that using the word please would soften him up a bit. But, there’s a long way to go before he’ll cave in to my hyphenated married name. Perhaps an hour in the Spanking Room will do the trick, especially if there’s some reward involved.


“Can we discuss it in the Spanking Room tonight, before we go to sleep?” I ask with a bit too much enthusiasm. “This is the twenty-first century after all, Matt. It doesn’t mean that I don’t love you any less. Further, if I’m to spend years working on my career I need to feel that my work is recognized.”


“Let’s get you home and satiated then,” he suggests with growing desire. My challenge got his palm and other body parts going. I may have my way after all when we’re done with the spanking. Yes!

Chapter Seven – Death and Taxes



Shortly after our wedding announcement appears in the local and on-line versions of Portland's most important papers, my life turns weird again. That is, people start changing and my temporary sense of security begins to melt away. Matt's seemingly paranoid ideas about privacy may be correct after all.


First, Matt gets a call from an absolutely fuming Jillian. Matt puts the call on speaker phone so that I can listen. It's absolutely hysterical.


"Now I know why you wanted Marissa and Michael to get together, you bastard. You're no match maker. You simply wanted Michael out of the way in order to make your claim on Megan Pine. You're a jealous, out of control, megalomaniac," she shouts loud enough for me to hear her string of insults from across the penthouse.


"Jillian, face it. I'm in love and happy. I wanted Michael and Marissa out of my life in a profound way. You simply helped me make that happen," Matt laughs with delight. I blow him a kiss for standing up to Jillian and telling her the truth.


"You are detestable, Frazier. I've always told you that love was for fools."


"Jillian, I've tried living without Megan and my life was a ruin. Megan makes it all worthwhile. Admit it, love is wonderful. I can't wait to become a married man and start a life with her. Eventually, we’ll have children."


"Fuck off, Frazier. I never want to see you again. I hope Megan runs off with another man once she gets to know you better."


"That's not going to happen, Jillian. As a matter of fact, from here on in we want you to stay out of our lives entirely," he commands.


"With pleasure, you monster. I hope your marriage really fails and that your children are brats," she curses. At that point Jillian is so enraged that she clicks off and that's the end of it.


"Great. At last, we're free of that witch," I say with enthusiasm.


"I wonder what sort of wedding present she'll send us," Matt muses with a sardonic look on his face.


"I’m hoping some sort of whip," I jest. "If she shows up at the reception, I'll use it on her."


Unfortunately, for Jillian the whip that I envisioned wasn't used for a sendoff. It was wound around her throat. Four days later, Jillian Kitner was found strangled to death in her car with a BDSM type whip trapping off all air to her windpipe. She was bloated and purple by the time her body was discovered.


A massive hunt began for her killer. The hunt was going to take a very long time because of Jillian's connection to the large BDSM scene in Portland. I hope that Michael wasn't involved in her death in any way.


Jillian's death sobered me up in a hurry and sent a chill through Matt's profound reaction could be felt all the way to his penis. My poor baby couldn't even get it up for me that evening. I tried everything to coax a response out of my man's member but it wasn't budging.


I guess the violent death of your first sex partner with an instrument often used in their own sex play was shattering. Matt removed every belt and whip from his playroom the next day. Hopefully, they were all sent to a charity for BDSM types. That purging of the Spanking Room improved our sex life a bit. However, it took another shock to really pick up the pace of our encounters.


The next event that shattered our world was the news that Marissa had actually gotten herself engaged to the bear, Jim. Matt was pleased that Marissa was out of the picture for us. But I was now nearly frantic about Michael.


It was Abby, of all people, who let us know. She called early on a Saturday morning.


"Megan, remember that young woman that Michael was seeing after you left?"


"Yes I do remember Marissa," I state with the most innocent voice I can muster. I was so pleased that Matt arranged for their merger via Jillian.


"She was about your age but Michael was wild about her."


Hmmm. "Did they get engaged too?"


"Well, Marissa got engaged but not to Michael."


"Really?" I nearly choke on my morning orange juice as Abby delivers the news.


"She's engaged to a fellow in his thirties who looks very virile and frankly, hairy."


I burst out laughing since I can no longer contain myself. "When is the big wedding, then and who's the lucky man?"


"She's going to wed him at some gay club in Atlanta this summer. His name is Jim something or another from New Orleans."


"Gee, isn't that a coincidence? She's getting married at the same time that we are. How does Michael feel about that?"


"About the two of you getting married or Marissa and Jim?"


"Oh well, I guess both. I assume you told Michael about my engagement?"


"Yes he knows. People at the real estate office claim that he's really upset over the entire thing with Marissa though. He hasn't been seen for days and has lost a lot of weight. Maybe I should call him up and chat," mom suggests.


"I don't think that's a good idea at all mom. Michael can be quite irrational when he's upset and I'd suggest, unpredictable. Maybe I’ll call him just to make sure he's alright."


"Alright, Megan that's probably the best idea. He's always had a thing for you, you know." If she only knew how much Michael had a thing for both of us, she'd be running for the hills.


Matt overhears my conversation with Abby. He's more than pissed at what I'm telling Abby about what I intend to do concerning Michael. His arms are crossed over his chest and he's pacing as he listens to my end of the conversation. I can see that his face has contorted into its thermonuclear expression at this juncture. I decide to cut my conversation short with Abby and attend to my man's shifting mood.


"Gotta go mom. Matt needs me."


"Alright, Megan. Bye sweetie. I love you."


"Talk soon, mom! Love you."


"What the hell are you thinking Megan? You weren't serious about actually calling Michael were you?"


"Well, Matt, he's really hurting just now. At first he thought he was part of a threesome and now Marissa's paired up with a younger version of Michael. After all, you were the mastermind behind the Marissa and Michael hookup. Maybe you should call him since Jillian won't be talking to anyone from here on in."


"The hell if I'm calling Michael. You will certainly not be talking with him. In fact, I'm going to take you into the Room and spank you for even suggesting the idea; for even thinking about making such a call."


"Really?" my gut begins to clench with desire at the idea of me and Matt in the Spanking Room. I'm sure my eyes are alight with excitement at his suggestion. He's been off his game lately due to Jillian's death.


Matt pulls me gruffly by the arm and all the way down the hall to the Room. He slams the door behind us and strips me of all my outer clothing. I'm across his lap in a matter of seconds with my head hanging down and facing the floor while my rear is exposed to Matt's open palm. My breasts are crushed beneath me on his thighs. I'm enjoying every moment of the attention.


Matt takes a deep breath before the first slap is heard. He massages both of my buttocks gently and then I'm given one swat after another for a total of ten spankings. I'm sure my ass is a shade of crimson before he's reached the count of ten. He's salivating with desire as he stares at the color of my skin.


"Now are you ever going to call Michael Kingsfield, Megan?"


"No sir. I will never have any verbal or physical contact with Michael Kingsfield again,” I promise. My ass burns but my juices are flowing when Matt finally releases me from the position across his lap.


I guess jealous Matt has just reared his head. This version of my guy has no trouble with impotence.


"Good girl. Now come to me, Megan," he commands while pulling me to his lips. He's kissing my mouth like a man who's been starved. After our scorching kiss, he pulls me over to the red satin sheets and tosses me on the mattress. God this is sexy as hell. I'm more than wet.


"Take off all of your clothes, baby."


I do as he commands though it's a bit hard to sit up now that my ass is burning. Once I'm completely naked, I hold my arms out to Matt. He strips off his clothing and literally tackles me on the mattress. He's shoved himself inside me in seconds. His rod feels like steel as he pumps away on top of me.


I'm moaning with pleasure at his enthusiasm this morning. I guess a little fear puts a lot of energy into Matt's lovemaking. We're both rolling around on the mattress and making sounds that some would describe as painful. I'd call them nothing but carnal. It's wonderful.


"Deeper Matt," I urge as my hips grind up into his. This feeling is incredible. "This feels great, baby. Go faster," I urge. Within moments I'm spiraling into an amazing orgasm. He hasn't been this hard in weeks.


“Oh, Megan, I need you so!” he huffs out while pushing ever deeper.


"I love you, Matt, and you feel so firm," I scream and bite his neck gently as I spasm.


Matt's face is ruddy with exertion as he finally grunts and comes undone loudly. "I love you so much. But, dammit, Megan, don't ever frighten me like that again."


"I don't know. That was a phenomenal performance, Matt. You were so energetic and powerful."


"It was amazing wasn't it Megan? If I keep up that sort of pace with you all the time, however, I could have a coronary."


"Maybe we can do some role plays on the theme of me calling Michael."


"No we cannot develop some role plays along those lines. Don’t ever suggest it again, Megan or I'll buy some new whips," he insists in a serious tone.


"Yes sir," I agree and reassure him with a long and grateful kiss. We're exhausted when we emerge from our Spanking Room later in the morning.


"So if Marissa's marrying Jim, Michael needs a new distraction then."


"I'm done playing the matchmaker," Matt announces. He marches down the hall toward the shower carrying both of our clothes in his arms.


That gives me an idea. I remember another ex-sub of Matt's. Her name was Roseanne. Perhaps she ought to meet Michael.


I'm going to search through Matt's files tonight while he's busy and see what sort of connection I can make. The idea of Michael in a rage or worse is enough to send me into a tailspin and I'm desperate.


Matt's working on another merger well into the evening. I find Roseanne's contact information in his yellowing paper files at the back of our Spanking Room. There are cobwebs and dust on the files. That simply confirms to me that the BDSM scene is now part of Matt's past.


I send Roseanne a text and ask to meet her for lunch in a few days. I'm anxious to hear her response. While waiting to hear from Roseanne, I call my mother.

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