Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance) (18 page)

Read Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance) Online

Authors: Terry Towers,Stella Noir


“Cute girl. That’s not the plan at all.” I grabbed her hips and flipped her onto her back, straddling her waist. “Flip over to your stomach.”


She hesitated a moment and then did as told.


Grabbing her wrists, I pulled them up and over her head, then leaned down, flatting myself over her, and whispered in her ear. “So, you’re not scared of being handcuffed again? You know what happened last time I had cuffs on you.” Slapping the cuffs on her wrists, I secured her to one of the rungs of the headboard.


Her body stiffened. No doubt she was processing the possibilities of this statement. I fucking loved I could make her think. While she was practically fearless, and I doubted anyone or anything could break her easily, I managed to find cracks in her armour from time to time, and I relished each and every moment I did.


Chapter 18




When he leaned over me, I’ll admit I had a momentary fright when he’d whispered in my ear. I didn’t fully trust him yet, but that was part of the excitement and lure of him. It’s what made me turn away from the car and freedom and go back to him. Though, I had a sneaking suspicion he wouldn’t let me do as easily as just that. He needed me.


Kyle got up from the bed, and I turned my head to watch him pull his pants down and kick them off. “Have you had a man in your ass before?”


I actually hadn’t. I’d been fingered there before, but I never stayed in a relationship long enough to allow someone to slip into my back entrance. “No.”


His gaze caught mine, and there was an intense heat in his stare. “You will tonight.”


A surge of desire raced through me. “You think so?”


He grinned. “I know so.” Kyle climbed back on the bed and
held his hands on my hips, forcing me to my knees, while my chest remained flat against the mattress. My pussy clenched as he spread my legs and began to massage my mound.


I moaned softly, the anticipation building within me.


“So anxious,” he said, as he slipped a finger into me, but not all the way, just enough to tease. I bucked back against his hand, further spearing myself on his finger.


“I want more.”


“Greedy, greedy girl.
You need patience, baby.” He removed his finger from me and gave me a quick slap on the ass. I yelped as I felt the sting of his hand print.


“Patience isn’t my strong suit,” I gasped.


“I noticed.”


He leaned over me and opened the drawer in his night side table. Pulling out a bottle of lube, he flipped the top and squirted some on my backside. I gasped as the cold liquid slipped down the crack of my ass. As he rubbed it along my slit and toyed with my back entrance, the liquid became warm and soothing.


“Mmm. So nice.”


“Oh, it is.” As he said it, he slipped his thumb into my ass.


I gasped, clenching around his thumb, but I forced myself to relax, and slowly, the feeling of him in my ass became pleasurable, and I began moving against it. Just when I was getting used to and enjoying the feeling, he was gone, and I groaned. “Kyle!”


“You don’t always get what you want, baby.”


“I want you fucking me.” My desire was beginning to override all senses. I needed the relief he could give me. I squirmed against the chains, cursing them. I couldn’t even give myself some relief. I was at his mercy.


His hand returned to me. He slid two fingers along my slit, back and forth, taking a moment to tease my clit with each pass. “Kyle!”


“Say please,” he demanded.


I groaned inwardly. I had no choice, because he could out wait me. I knew it. “Please.” The begging left a sour taste in my mouth, but I had no choice.


He chuckled, no doubt knowing how hard it was for me to beg him to fill me. He slipped two fingers deep into my pussy and immediately beginning to stroke my inner core. I rocked against his fingers. I swore, this man was a God when it came to pleasuring me.


“Fuck, you get so wet for me.”


“I need your cock, Kyle. I need it.”


As he continued to stroke me, I heard a soft buzzing sound and then pressure pushing against the tight ring of muscle protecting my back entrance. My hands clenched as I forced myself to relax as the buzzing toy was gently pressed into my backside.


I cried out as he gave it another push, and it went all the way into me. Just as he finished pushing it in, his finger’s torture bought me to the brink. I gasped and cried out a second time as my body tensed and then gave way to a pleasurable release.


But he wasn’t done – not by a long shot.


“Oh fuck, you come so hard.”


He delivered another slap onto my bottom, but this time the sting only managed to amplify the pleasure of the vibrating dildo in my ass.


“My turn.” He aligned himself to the entrance of my core, and in one fast, hard motion, slammed into me, his balls slapping against my pussy.


I gasped, my body shaking, my hands pulling at the chains binding me. With his throbbing member in my pussy and the toy in my ass, I’d never felt so deliciously full. This was amazing. Incredible.




He stayed in me, not moving as I bucked and rotated against him.


Please move, please thrust. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!
I thought, biting at my tongue to keep from crying out again. My body continued to tremble. He’d barely done anything, and I was preparing to come again. If only he’d move in me!


“Settle down.” Kyle ran his hands along my backside, then gripped me, and pulled me as tight as possible to him. “I’m not letting you come again, not yet.”


“Cruel bastard,” I growled, glaring at him over my shoulder.


He grinned and chuckled, but I could see the strain that waiting was having on him as well. His jaw clenched, and I’d never seen such feral hunger in his eyes before now.


After a minute, an excruciating minute, the trembling started to dull and my breathing slowly to nearly normal. Then he began to thrust, not soft and sweet. No. No. He began ramming into me, slamming my chest deep into the mattress with each forceful, almost violent thrust.


I was going insane, being tore out of my mind as the pleasure wasn’t just small waves, it was massive tidal waves crashing over me again and again.


“Kyle, Kyle!” I pulled at my cuffs. Damn these restraints!


“Yes, baby.” Kyle’s hands slid up my back, one hand grabbing my shoulder, pulling me in as he thrust against me, and the other wrapping around my hair and giving it a yank. I yelped.


It was too much; it was all too much. The knot in my stomach was about to break. Close, close, so close.


His dick throbbed within me, preparing for release, and that sent me over the edge. I cried out as my pussy clenched around his dick, and then with a gush of my fluids, I came over it.


“Oh fuck yeah, baby,” he groaned as he came with me, his cock pulsing and releasing deep within me. The feel of him coming in me sent me spiralling again. All tension slipped from my body. I was totally and completely spent, but so completely satisfied. My knees gave out under me, and I flattened spread eagle on the bed, Kyle landing on top of me.




“Yes, baby.”


“You’re crushing me.”


He chuckled and slowly got up, pulling himself out of me. A stream of his seed came dripping from me and onto the mattress. “Happy?” he asked rolling off of me.


“Mmm- huh.” I closed my eyes and curled into a little ball, cuddling into him. It had been an extremely taxing couple of days. Being here and locked in that room had brought on nightmares, which made me wonder after the breakthrough I had earlier today, which images were nightmares and which were actual reality.


No wonder I was so fucked in the head. But I was surprisingly good with that.


TT ~*~




“What the fuck!”


I laughed. “Yes, honey.” I’d been waiting for her to wake up for the past few hours. She really must have been exhausted. Of course, she had been locked in a room after being kidnapped.


There was a violent rattling of the handcuffs I’d used to chain her to the bed. I had stuff to do this morning and wasn’t stupid enough to leave her unchained without my being in the immediate area to keep an eye on her.


“Why am I chained up?” More rattling. “Get in here and let me out of these cuffs, now!”


“Getting kinda demanding considering you’re the person handcuffed to the bed.” I got up from my place at the counter separating the kitchen from the living room, where I’d been going through some emails and other random things, and made my way into the bedroom.


“I have to pee!”


Leaning one shoulder against the door jamb, I casually crossed one ankle over the other and allowed my eyes a minute to drink in the sight of her. She looked radiant. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair had the just been fucked look, and seeing her handcuffed like that on my bed gave me an instant hand-on.


But I wouldn’t act on it just yet.


“You son of a bitch! Stop grinning and get over here and uncuff me. I have to go, now!”


Her chastising me only made me grin even more. “Say please.”


She shot me one of the dirties looks I’d ever received, and believe me, I’d received a lot of looks could kill glares in my day. “Fine. Please.”


“Hmmm, I could have done without the condescension in your tone, but - ” I shrugged, walking over to her and digging the keys out of my jeans pocket as I walked, “ - Considering the circumstances, I suppose I’ll let it pass this once.”


As soon as the cuff around her wrist was undone, she leapt from the bed, pushing me as she ran past. I followed her out of the bedroom and waited for her at the spot at the counter where I’d previously been sitting.


“What was the big idea, cuffing me?” she asked, glaring at me as she rubbed the wrist that had been cuffed.


“Because I don’t trust you’ll not take off or kill me while I’m not expecting it.”


“Boy, do we have a great relationship,” she said, sarcasm dripping from her tone.


I cocked a brow at her, my smile returning to my lips. “We’re in a relationship? Like boyfriend – girlfriend?”


Her eyes narrowed at me. “We stopped being in that type of relationship when you drugged me and threw me in a trunk, if we ever were to begin with. We’re nothing more than two people with the same goal helping each other out.”


“What? So you’ll fuck me but won’t call me your boyfriend?” I was just fucking around with her, but at the same time I was curious as to where her mind was. I honestly hadn’t figured out my own mind on the present situation. I chuckled to myself. It’s really pretty hard for a couple to get past kidnapping. But then again, we weren’t exactly normal people, so I didn’t think the
people rules applied to us.




Chapter 19

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