Freefall (The Indigo Lounge Series, #5) (17 page)

Read Freefall (The Indigo Lounge Series, #5) Online

Authors: Zara Cox

Tags: #sexy billionaire; wounded heroine; damaged hero; indigo lounge; erotic sex

“No right to ask why two minutes ago you were okay with all of this and suddenly, you’re wound tight enough to snap?”

“Yes! How did we get here anyway? You didn’t want personal, remember? Well, it goes both ways. You don’t ask questions of me and I don’t ask them of you. If you’re changing the rules, then you have to be prepared to answer a few of my questions, too.”

His jaw clenches. “It’s not that simple.”

“Of course not. The great Mason Sinclair is so much more complicated than I am, aren’t you?”

“I didn’t say that. My personal issues won’t interfere with how and who I fuck. If yours do, then we have a problem.”

I don’t believe that for a second, but I’m not going to probe. Probing will open doors I want firmly shut. We stare at each other for a few charged seconds. Then I shake my head again. “I guess this wasn’t a good idea, after all.”

His fingers spear into my hair to hold me captive, and the other hand grips my hip and slams it into his. “Like hell it wasn’t. My only agenda was to make this an even more pleasurable experience for you. And yes, I do like control. But unless I’m way off base here, I haven’t forced you to do anything against your will, have I?”

“That’s not the point.”

“Of course it is.” Despite our heated argument, he’s still hard as a rock and his erection nudges me, reminding me of what I’ll be giving up if I walk away. He’s fucking with my mind again, and I’m beginning to question why I’m fighting this at all. Truth is I want sex with him. Really, really badly. Enough to loosen my stance on control to get what I want.

Loosen, not abandon. I could never abandon my control. But for what Mason Sinclair promises, I could let go. For one night.

He tightens his grip on my hip, his fingers digging into me with ruthless intent. “This is all that matters, Keely. Everything else is bullshit.”

Everything else
bullshit...but okay. I swallow and nod. “Okay.”

He immediately shakes his head. “No, not okay.”

, Mason, what the hell do you want from me?” I demand in a plaintive voice I absolutely do not recognize as mine. Is this what I’m reduced to? A needy, panting
willing to pretzel herself for some sadist who can’t make up his mind whether he wants to fuck or not?

“I want for you not to sound as if I’m coercing you into doing something you don’t want to do. Either you want this or you don’t.”

I take a deep breath to sustain my withering patience. “I want this. I’ve wanted this for the last hour, the last day, hell, since you almost killed me on an icy road in Montauk two weeks ago. I’ve wanted it enough to give you a goddamn hand job—and FYI, I’ve never done that before. I’ve wanted you enough for me
to walk out after a spanking I absolutely hated. I want to be fucked, Mason. I’m dying to be fucked by you. I’m naked, and I’m soaking wet, wetter than I’ve ever been in my life. How else do you want me to prove it to you?”

A slow smile lights up his face. “I can think of several other ways, but this is enough for now.”

I exhale in relief and start to slide my hand around his neck. He captures my arms and kisses my inner wrists. My hands start to frame his face, but he subtly pulls away. “You’re on the Pill.”

The statement isn’t quite framed as a question, but I don’t want to start another argument by asking him how the hell he knows, so I answer. “Yes.”

He nods and returns my hands to my sides before he cups and fondles my breasts once more.

I sigh in pleasure and fall into the deep kiss he bestows on my mouth. Within seconds, the fire is back. His touch turns rough and demanding, and I can’t get enough of him.

“Shit, I want you so fucking bad,” he groans against my breast before he sucks one nipple into his mouth. The hungry little noises he makes at the back of his throat as he feasts on me, turns my bones liquid.

I’m a useless sop by the time he snatches me up in his arms and carries me to the stool he spanked me on a mere half hour ago.

He senses my tension and smiles. “We’re in the punishment-free zone now, baby. It’s pleasure from here on in.” He slaps the surface of the leather stool. “Up.”

I hop up, and he pushes me back until most of my ass is hanging off the edge. I brace my feet on the rungs and he swivels the stool so I’m facing the counter with my back to him. Strong arms slide around me, and he enfolds me with his upper body. I’m bathed in heat and my senses jump in frenzied excitement when his cock nudges my ass.

“We’re going to do things a little differently, baby. I’m going to save this,” he reaches between my thighs and taps my pussy, “for when I can take my time with it.”

“What? No! God, please, Mason—”

“Shh,” he whispers in my ear. “I promise, my intention isn’t to make you beg. I’ve kept you waiting long enough. I just sense the need to prove to you as quickly as possible how great it can between us.”

“Fucking me will solve all that,” I almost pant.

His answer is to nip the skin below my ear, while his thumbs flick over my nipples. “Trust me, Keely. Just for tonight?”

I close my eyes and let sensations wash over me. “Okay.”

He exhales and I know I’ve said the right thing. “Have you ever been ass-fucked?”

I jump a mile wide, or at least that’s what it feels like. In reality, his hold tightens around me, keeping me firmly on the stool. I can feel his gaze on my heated face, awaiting my answer.

“Tried once. Didn’t work out,” I mumble.

“I’ll make it work for you.”

, this man took edging to a whole new level. My gaze meets his, and I remember his pledge from earlier—
I’m going to fuck you everywhere
. I’d believed him then, I just hadn’t thought anal would be the first option. I pull in a shaky breath.

“God, I knew you were an asshole the moment I met you.”

He laughs deep and low. “How about I be a pain in your ass? The good kind?”

My mouth twitches. The next minute I’m laughing. He tucks his head into my shoulder and kisses my jaw. “You’re fucking gorgeous when you laugh.” He nibbles my earlobe until my laughter turns into a strangled moan. “Is that a yes?”

I feel like a damn wilting virgin in a period drama, but I need to ask, “Will you be gentle?”

He hesitates and my stomach knots in anxiety. “Probably not, but we’ll take it slow until we can’t. Is that okay with you?”

I nod and he reaches for a box I hadn’t noticed sitting in the middle of the counter. He sets a tube of lube in front of me. “Open it.”

He massages my shoulders and my back as I shakily uncap the tube. Kisses trail down my spine again until he reaches my ass. His firm grip on my thighs is the only warning I get before his tongue flicks over my puckered hole.

“Oh!” I drop the tube and grip the counter as sharp pleasure shoots up my spine. He licks again, then pushes his tongue firmer against me. Tiny stars dance before my eyes and I release a deep moan. He swirls, probes, flicks and generally makes out with my backside as if it’s his new best friend. All the while, I grip the counter and try not to pass out with the pleasure overload.

When I think I can’t take it anymore, that I’ll come just from the attention he’s paying my back channel, he pulls back and blows on me. The stars double, then triple, until a kaleidoscope fills my vision.

“God, Mason. Please, just do it.”

“You’re not ready,” he replies.

The embarrassingly soaked feeling between my legs says otherwise. I’ve never been this wet. Or this desperate. I look over my shoulder, and he’s staring up at me as his hands part me wider and he replaces his tongue with his thumb.

“Fuck! I need you. Please...”

“Do you want to come?” He circles me once, twice, then pushes in.

Heat erupts up my spine. “Yes!”

He stands and crouches over me. “There are condoms in the box. Grab one for me,” he says.

I start to reach for the shiny black square, then hesitate. I may be crazy to contemplate it, but I want to feel everything. I want to squeeze every last drop of pleasure from this encounter, because I’m intelligent enough to know that Mason and I aren’t sustainable. We disagree on too much, have serious control issues that would fuck up any chance of this being more than a one night thing.

So why waste a perfectly good medical report that says we can fuck the way nature intended for us to fuck?

He sees my hesitation and I hear his breath catch, but he remains silent. Waiting. The only movement is his thumb, still working the screaming bundle of nerves.

Slowly, trembling, I pull my hand back and grip the counter.

“Say it,” he says gruffly. “I need to hear you say it.”

“Take me, Mason. Fuck me raw.”

My words shudder through him and his cock jerks against my back. A touch of apprehension dribbles itself across my excitement. Mason is big, and although I’m worldly enough to know that he would probably fit back there, a part of me reels at the thought of his cock in my back ass.

“You’re tensing up. Don’t. I won’t hurt you, but I need you to relax.”

“Easier said than done,” I return tightly. Now that I’ve let the doubts in, I can’t push them away, and I feel myself coiling tighter with each pass of his thumb.

“Shit, this isn’t going to work if you keep tightening up.” There’s a bite of frustration in his voice, along with a ragged edge of hunger, which echoes inside me. He cups my breast and tweaks on the nipple. My insides melt, but not enough to take my mind away from what he’s doing behind me.

After another minute, he sighs, “Show me how to make you relax, baby. Tell me what gets you soft and horny. But it can’t be anything to do with your pussy. I don’t want you coming from me touching you there.”

Well, fuck, there goes that life-saver. I bite my lip and heat slowly fills my face as I consider his request. I don’t know why the hell I’m embarrassed when he’s the perfect guy to make this a mind-blowing experience. “I...”

“Don’t be shy, kitten. Just say it and it’s yours.”

“Talk...umm, talk nerdy to me.”

He stills for a moment and mortification engulfs me. He continues to play with my nipple, but a second later I feel his breath on my ear. “So nerd talk gets you off, huh?”


“Sure, baby. I can do that. How about
Letters of Cicero to Atticus VII
? Does that work for you?”

My heart jumps and I nod eagerly.

“Latin or English version?” he asks as he continues to play with my nipple and my asshole.

Oh, God
. “Latin.”

Mason puts his mouth to my ear and starts whispering:  “
Dederam equidem L. Saufeio litters et dederam ad the unum, quod, cum non esset temporise mini ad scribendum satis, tamen hominem tibia familiarem sine meis litters ad the venire nolebam;”

Each whispered word is like a little morsel of decadent dessert on my senses. I close my eyes and let the low, sexy words infuse me.

Sed, ut philosophi ambulant, has tibi redditum iri putabam prius.”

I moan when the tip of his thumb slips inside me. It burns, but the sensation is unlike anything I’ve every experienced and I let it flood my senses as his words flood through me.

Sin aim ills accepisti, scis me Athenas venisse pr.”

Liquid warmth touches my sensitive skin. It feels so good I melt into it and the caresses from Mason’s fingers. I hardly feel any pain when his middle finger slips into my tight sheath. He slowly eases in and out and I shudder at the incredible sensation.


“Does that feel good?” he whispers.

“Hmm, yes,” I gasp.

He kisses my jaw, my cheek, his mouth never straying far from my ear. “
Idus Octobres, e navi egressum in Piraeum tuas ab Acasto nostro litters accepisse, conturbatum, quod cum...”

I’m pure liquid sensation as I moan and move my hips against his clever finger and cleverer words. He continues to serenade me in mind and body, and I give over to the pleasure welling up inside me.

I hardly feel his fingers leave me and his head nudge my opening.

But then he pushes into me and my eyes pop open. “Mason, God!”

“Shh, easy, kitten. Breathe, just breathe.” One hand holds me in place on the stool and the other rolls my nipple, tugging hard enough to distract me from the probing in my backside. “
...Febre Roman venires, bono tamen animo...”

I exhale, and he pushes deeper. Intense burning is followed by intense pleasure, the two mingling to create a surge of bliss so powerful, I scream.

The sound seems to trigger something in Mason. He lets go of my nipple and grips my hips with both hands. On my next exhale, he slams into me. Another scream rips through my throat, and my eyes brim with tears.

“Fuck!” Mason’s voice is thick and rough and filled a menacing edge that tells me he’s cresting his own endurance. He pulls out slowly and slams back into me. “So hot. Incredible. I knew you would be...” he mutters almost under his breath.

After the first few thrusts, the lube is doing its work and the burning recedes a little, but not enough to completely make me forget Mason’s huge cock is in my ass.

More than that, I’m being ass-fucked and I’m loving it. Hell, I don’t want it to stop.


“Are you okay?” he asks when I’m too hoarse to scream anymore.

“Yes,” I croak.

“Tell me how you feel, baby.”

“I...feel like I’m going to shatter into a zillion pieces.”

“You will. Can you hold on a little longer?” he asks.

Can I? I’m a seething ball of sensation, poised on the point of detonation. “I...don’t think so,” I answer truthfully in a choked gasp.

One hand leaves my hip and wraps around my shoulders. He pulls me back into his chest and aligns his rough cheek against mine. “Just a few more minutes. It’ll be worth it, I promise. You feel so good, kitten. Like hot, tight silk fisting my cock. Christ, I want to fuck you forever.”

A red haze washes across my vision, beckoning with a promise of untold ecstasy. “Mason, I can’t hold on. Please...”

“Look at me, Keely.”

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