Freeing a Tiger's Soul (Tiger Series) (10 page)

“I will not permit this to tear us apart.  You are my mate and I will endure any manner of pain to be in your arms.”

He reached for Krisi, ignoring her protests and crushed her to his chest.

Krisi felt his warm arms wrap around her and she welcomed the feel of him.  She gasped when his lips crashed over hers and he kissed her savagely.  She could no longer keep him from her mind when he was inhabiting her body.  She let the shield fall away and screamed when she felt the pain ripping through Euan’s body and mind.  Her body convulsed with the sheer intensity of the torment he was forcing himself to endure and she felt selfish and childish for not allowing him the only comfort offered to him.  Serina.

Euan frowned when Krisi began to writhe on his lap.  He tried to pull back from her mind, but she held him firm.

“How can you attempt to live with this?”  She gasped as she gripped her head.

“It is my burden.  It is nothing compared to the pain I felt when you refused me.”

Tears ran in rivers down Krisi’s face.  “I could never refuse you.”

“Aye, lass ye did.  Ye turned away from me and shut me from your mind.”

“I wanted to protect myself from the thoughts you would have about Serina.  I couldn’t bear to know that you lusted after her.”

Euan smiled, but Serina saw the strain in his face.  “I ken no lust, but for ye lass.  You are my mate and the only woman I can desire.”

Serina stepped behind them and placed her cool hand on Euan’s wide shoulder.  Euan shuttered with the sudden absence of pain even as Krisi felt the peace the other woman brought to him.  She knew she could not selfishly inflict this pain on him any longer.   Her eyes drifted to Serina’s and she saw the torment in the blue depths of the other woman’s gaze.  She would not attempt to steal her mate because she loved another and mourned his absence.

“I am sorry.  I was being selfish.  I know that you are both suffering as well as I and I do not wish to make this worse.”

Euan squeezed her a little tighter.

“There must be a way for the two of you to remain close and avoid alienating your mates.

Serina smiled.  “Perhaps we should all sleep in the Hall.”

“Nay.  That would nay be safe for either of ye.”  Euan said with a dark scowl.

Krisi and Serina beamed at him.

“Owen would nay agree to that either.”

“Nay he would not, but we might find a similar solution.  Perhaps we could all share quarters.  That would be the answer to
our problems.”

Krisi beamed and Euan scowled harder.  Serina was convinced that this was the perfect solution however and she grasped Euan’s hand and tugged him to his feet.

“Where are ye taking me lass?”  He insisted.

“To find my mate!  I think this will solve our unease.”

“I do not think I need to be along for that

“I cannay leave you again so soon.  Come on and you can help me convince him.”

Euan shook his head as Serina dragged him through the halls of the keep in search of her mate.  He had a feeling Owen would strike out first and listen later.  Euan only hop
ed Owen’s
would cause little damage because he was sure to meet with that part of the other man and he feared it would be sooner than later.


The meeting with Owen went better than Euan had expected.  Euan was pleased with how the events of the evening had played out, although the arrangements were cramped.

Euan lay in an enormous bed that was draped in deep blue curtains with intricate designs embroidered on them.
The soft mat
ress under his back felt as though he lay on a cloud.  The thick furs kept the chill of the room from seeping into their bones while the fire crackled merrily in the grate fought to warm the room.

Krisi in Euan’s
arms and Serina pressed against his back.  Serina’s nearness kept the darkness from invading his mind and holding Krisi in his arms kept the ache from his chest.  He knew Owen felt much the same way even if he and Serina hadn’t truly mated yet.

Euan felt the low rumble when Serina moved in her sleep.  He knew Owen was suffering from her nearness even if it was a sweet ache.  He would not be allowed to mate Serina for several more years.  The pain of restraint was evident to Euan, but Serina seemed naive to the effect she had on him
as she nestled her body closer to his warmth

Krisi took his mind off of the other couple when she pressed her round bottom into his groin and her felt his body react to her.
He allowed his eyes to wander over his beloved mate.  Her hair lay in a tangle on her pillow like a silvery cloud and her face was completely relaxed in her slumber.  She was the most exquisitely perfect creature he had ever laid eyes on.  He couldn’t help but wonder why he was given such a precious gift, but he was thankful.  He held her a little bit tighter as his heart warmed with love for her.

She sighed deeply
and he heard a contented sigh escape her lips
when she felt his rigid length pressed against her bottom and she rubbed against him.

Euan allowed a low growl to rumble in his chest and he opened his mind to her allowing her a glimpse of his thoughts.

Krisi gasped at the erotic images flashing through her mind.  She felt her
heart speed up and her body gre
w warm.  She wanted Euan.  She pressed against him and wiggled.  She was rewarded with his heavy breathing as his lips found her ear.

“It is a risk ye’re taking lass.  I have only so much control and it is slipping my grasp.  Would ye like to be stripped down as we share a bed with Serina and Owen?”
  Euan spoke into her hair as he inhaled her lush scent.

Krisi couldn’t speak.  Her mind screamed
, but she knew it was impossible.  She just shook her head and settled against Euan. 

Krisi felt his smile against her throat as he continued to nibble on her skin and then she felt the prick of his teeth as he sank his fangs into the mark he had made on her.  She shuttered with renewed pas
sion as she felt her warm
blood seep from the wound
.  He allowed his tongue to caress her flesh and close the wound and she felt her core begin to pulse.  She moaned and fell into a euphoric slumber as Euan settled her in his arms again.

Krisi’s mind drifted into a peaceful sleep as the thoughts of peace and contentment filled her thoughts.

Euan felt Krisi relax beside him even as his own body grew more rigid with need.

“This is torture.”  Owen whispered from beside Serina.

sighed knowing the other man was suffering far greater discomfort that he was.

“Aye it ‘tis.  How are ye fairing Owen?”

“As well as I am able.”

“She is an innocent.  You are doing verra well to keep from doing more than ye should.”

“I may not be able to take much more of this.  I pray ye will soon be well.”

Euan chuckled.  “As do I and for very similar reasons.  The pull is fierce before the mating, but it is still difficult after.  I ken verra well what heaven lays beside me and I am unable to take it.”

Owen groaned and fell silent, but Euan knew the other man did not sleep.  They both lay beside the mate they desired more than their next breath and waited for the sun to rise and end their torment.


The next morning dawned with a bright sun and two very tired men.

“Good morning!”  Krisi sang as she kissed Euans scowling mouth.

He only grunted and closed his eyes more tightly.

He heard a similar grunt from Owen and was comforted by the camaraderie he felt with the other man.

Serina’s voice floated on the light breeze.

“What is the matter with the two of you?  I slept like a bairn.  I don’t think I ever slept that soundly.”

Owen groaned again and Euan cracked his eyes open to look in Owen’s direction.  Serina sat on her knees in the bed wearing her night dress and snuggling against Owen’s side.  Euan felt a smile curving his mouth.  He wasn’t that bad off.  Owen caught him looking and scowled in his direction.  Euan chuckled at the absurdity of the situation and all too soon his mirth grew into
full blown guffaws.

“I don’t ken what ye find so damned funny Euan.  Ye’re in the same boat as me.”

“I am sorry Owen, but I am not.  Ye see I can slip away and relieve this ache with my mate and ye cannot.  I think I am the fortunate on for a change.”

As he finished he pulled Krisi into his arms and crushed his mouth to hers.

Serina gasped and looked to Owen as understanding dawned on her innocent mind.

“Owen?  Are ye sufferin’?”

Owen was unwilling to lie even to spare her feelings.

“Aye lass.  I suffer from not being able to touch ye the way I want to, but you are worth the torment.”  He picked up her slim hand in his roughened one and kissed it tenderly.  “I will wait for ye lass and we will be verra happy.  I do not mind the wait.”

Serina gasped and buried her face in Owen’s warm neck.

“I want you too.”  She said and her soft lips caressed the stubble on Owen’s jaw as she ran her lips over his skin.

Owen shivered from the contact, but shook his head and set her away.

“Nay Lass.  I will not take ye without yer father’s consent.  I will not betray him in that way after he welcomed me into the family and has treated me with such respect for so many years.”

Tears filled Serina’s eyes but she nodded.

“I love you Owen.  My earliest memory is of loving you.”

Owen allowed his lips to caress hers for a moment before he spoke.

“I was nothing before you chose me and I would be nothing without your love.  I love ye Serina.”

Owen growled and covered Serina’s eyes as he glanced to Krisi and Euan who were getting carried away with their passion.

“I think we should let them alone for a while Serina.”

She tried to look in their direction, but Owen stopped her.
  they quickly climbed out of bed and made their way to the door which led to a large sitting room where their breakfast had been laid out already.



Euan sighed as he watched Serina and Owen leave the room.  He burned for Krisi with a fire that raged out of his control.  He felt that if he didn’t have her he would burn alive with his own passion.

Krisi gasped when Euan’s warm mouth enclosed her muslin covered nipple.

“Euan!  What about…”  She trailed off when Euan’s mouth found hers again.

His mind entered hers and she felt his desperation and it matched her own.  In that moment she didn’t care where they were or who was with them she need him.

They are gone Krisi.  I would not allow another to witness our loving.

Krisi sighed and sank into the warmth of the bed as she felt Euan’s weight settle on top of her.  his large hands rasped against her thigh as he pushed the night dress above her waist. 

I cannot go slow this time, love.  Are ye ready for me?”

“Yes!”  Krisi gasped as she felt Euan’s thick finger probe her core with insistant need.

Euan growled deep in his chest when he found Krisi slick with need.  He allowed his finger to slip from her body and held her eyes when he lifted the slippery digit to his mouth.

“You taste of sweet cream and honey.”  He said in a low voice that resonated with need.

Krisi felt her core grow molten as she watched Euan savor the taste of her want.  She wrapped her legs around his hips and tried to force him to her, but he grinned and resisted her for a moment.

“Eager lass?  What kind of woman have I been given as mate then?”

“One that matches your passion with equal need.”  Krisi panted as she squirmed
beneath him.

chuckled and then groaned as the tip of his manhood rubbed against Krisi’s slick opening.  He pressed the tip in further and had to stop as the feeling of love and rightness filled him.

Krisi wasn’t satisfied with only having a small portion of him.  She lifted her hips and moaned with contentment as she felt her body stretch to accommodate his girth.  Euan still didn’t move though, and Kris became frustrated.

“Please Euan!  Move!”

Her words seemed to snap Euan out of his day dreams and he looked down into her blue eyes and found them glowing with the power of her people.  He smiled down into her angelic face and began to move slowly within her.  His smile grew as he watched her face transform into a picture of sublime
enjoyment.  He dropped his face to her neck and ran his tongue along the mating mark he had left there.  He immediately felt her quiver around him and began to move with swifter thrusts.  He plunged deep into her slick heat and sank his teeth into her flesh just as he felt her body squeeze around him like a silken fist.  As the coppery taste of her blood touched his tongue he felt his own release pour from him and fill her womb with his seed.

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