Read Friday Night Brides Online

Authors: Samantha Chase

Friday Night Brides (16 page)

Even though she was tired, Angie knew she could have kept talking to him all night. It seemed crazy how all of a sudden—over just a few short sentences—she actually wanted to talk more. She sighed. Tomorrow night would be here soon enough and if she really put her mind to it, she could possibly surprise him by being the first one to stray from safe topics of conversation.




I’ll see you tomorrow



Yes you will



Goodnight 3



Goodnight 3



“Okay, is somebody going to explain to me why I had to give up my waffles in bed so we could be in the car this early?” Angie asked.

It was nine in the morning on Saturday and they were all back in Becca’s car. “That’s what I’d like to know,” Becca said sleepily. “I was perfectly content to sleep in this morning and had planned on one of you driving my car home so I could ride with Max.”

“Yeah well…sorry,” Hailey said quietly from the back seat. “I just…I needed…I couldn’t stay at the hotel a minute longer. I had to leave.”

“Oh no,” Ella cried. “Was it because of Logan? Did last night not go well?”

Angie turned in her seat and faced them. “Was the sex bad? Like awkward bad?” Then she gasped. “Are you totally traumatized by the whole thing?”

Becca pulled out of the parking lot and onto the highway. “In case anyone was wondering, I had great sex last night and was hoping for more of it this morning!”

“Oh shut up,” Angie sighed. “We spotted your good-sex glow from across the lobby. You can brag later. Clearly we have an emergency here.”

“Right. Sorry Hails,” she said while looking in the rearview mirror.

“No problem.”

“So?” Ella asked. “What happened?”

“Logan’s gay.”

“What?” they all cried.

Hailey nodded. “It’s true.”

“And he waited until you got him alone in your room to tell you?” Becca asked. “That’s just wrong.”

“No, no, no,” Hailey said and then she told them about her interactions with Logan—and George—at the hotel bar. “And you know what the strange part is? I was kind of relieved.”

“Okay…so…that’s a good thing, right?” Ella asked uncertainly.

Hailey nodded. “It was like I didn’t have to feel bad about being disappointed about Logan not having the kind of career I wanted him to have or of him falling short of my crazy expectations. And…FYI…George is a lawyer.”

“Go figure,” Angie said.

“I know,” Hailey agreed.

“Wait…so now I’m confused. If you didn’t sleep with Logan and things went well with him—and George—last night, why did you want to leave so early?” Ella asked.

Hailey groaned.

“Oh my God! You totally slept with someone else!” Angie cried, clapping her hands excitedly. “Am I right? Am I right? Who was it? Was he hot?”

Hailey groaned again.

“Well that’s not a good sign,” Becca said.

Ella reached over and squeezed Hailey’s hand. “It can’t be that bad.”

“Trust me…it is.”

Ella looked worriedly at each of her friends before focusing on Hailey again. “Are you okay? I mean…are you…are you hurt?”

Hailey shook her head.

“Okay, you’re starting to freak us all out, Hails,” Angie said. “What happened? Use your words!”

“It was Jack,” Hailey mumbled.

“Who?” Becca asked. “I can’t hear her.”

Hailey mumbled his name again.

Angie turned the radio off and spun back around. “Who?”

“It was Jack!” Hailey cried out. “I slept with Jack! Jackson! There! Did you hear it that time?”

There was a collective gasp.

“I know,” she said, placing her hands over her face. “I can’t believe it either.”

“There is no way you are going to tell me the sex was bad,” Angie said. “That man is like sex on a stick.”

Hailey shook her head, refusing to look up.

“So wait…was the sex bad or not?” Ella asked. “I’m not sure what exactly you’re shaking your head about.”

That made Hailey look up. “The sex was incredible. Off-the-charts fantastic.”

“But…” Becca prompted.

“But…it was…it was a mistake,” Hailey replied with a shaky breath.

Angie’s gaze narrowed at her. “Uh-uh. No way. I’m not buying it. No one says incredible sex is a mistake. It just doesn’t happen.”

“Why would you think it’s a mistake, Hails?” Becca asked.

. Where did she even begin?

“We’ve got a three-hour drive,” Angie reminded her, “and nothing to do but wait you out. Your choice.”

“Fine. Okay. The sex was…amazing. It was wild and intense and…and I’ve never felt so completely out of control in my entire life!”

“O-kay,” Ella said cautiously. “That’s still not a bad thing.”

“No, I know that,” Hailey replied, “but it just never should have happened. I got all dressed up for Logan. I was prepared for a night with

“Yeah, but it was never going to happen,” Becca said. “So you moved on. Not a big deal.”

“But it is!” Hailey cried. “I don’t even like Jack! He’s rough and crude and…”

“Sexy as hell!” Angie yelled back. “And what exactly is your gripe with him? He’s a nice guy—always friendly and helps out with all the shows. He’s friends with everyone.”

And that was really the million-dollar question. What
her gripe with him? Sure he was rough around the edges and had tattoos but…she groaned out loud as she remembered licking each and every one of those tattoos.

“Someone’s having her aha moment,” Ella sang and then giggled. “Sorry.”

“No. You’re right. I am having an aha moment,” Hailey said. “I’m being a snob again!”

“Oh no,” Angie grumbled. “Not this shit again.”

“Hailey…” Becca began.

“It’s true! I look at Jack and I’m like…tattoos, get a haircut and I’m totally judging him because of how he looks!”

“Then you’re judging him completely wrong,” Angie said with a grin. “Because the man is seriously hot. He’s got the whole bad boy thing going on. It’s very attractive. Ask any of the other models. Hell, I’m sure even Logan thinks he’s hot!”

“Please…I can’t even think of that.” She paused. “And he may be nice to everyone but he’s normally teasing me about something.”

“Okay but it’s just that—teasing. He’s not mean, Hails,” Ella said. “He tried to warn you not to go and hit on Logan and then he was there when you did. Did he tease you or mock you for it afterwards?”

Hailey shook her head.

“If he was going to tease you and be mean about it, there was his perfect opportunity,” Angie said. “So really, you gotta give him points for that one because he could have totally rubbed your face in it.”

“You’re right. All of you. I know it, but…” Hailey sighed, “but it doesn’t change everything. I can’t take back sleeping with Jack, but it’s all that’s going to happen. It certainly can’t happen again.”

“Why not?” Becca asked. “If you said the sex was great and you can admit that you misjudged him, why not let it happen again?”


“Oh my God…you snuck out on him!” Ella cried out, gasping. “You totally ditched him this morning and did the walk of shame to your room and that’s why we had to leave!”

Hailey felt the blush heating her body from head to toe.

“You didn’t wake him up before you left?” Angie asked, her eyes a little wide.

“No,” Hailey said quietly. “I…I pretty much put my dress on, grabbed my shoes and purse and left.”

“So there’s no trace of you in the room?” Ella asked. “Not even a note?”

Hailey shook her head. “I…my panties are still there. I couldn’t find them so I just…left.”


And more silence.

And still more silence.

“Oh come on!” Hailey finally said. “Now you all decide to clam up? You’ve had a hell of a lot to say about just about everything over the years and this is the thing that makes everyone go quiet? Seriously?”

Becca cleared her throat. “Okay. I’ll go first.” She paused. “Personally, I think you’re scared. I think that on some level you
have feelings for Jack—that aren’t hate—and last night meant more to you than you’re willing to admit.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Angie interrupted. “I’m going to need more info for clarification purposes.”

“Oh God…” Hailey groaned.

“Who initiated the sex?” Angie asked.

“He took me to his room,” Hailey said defensively.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…he took you to his room. Maybe he took you there to make sure you were okay after finding out that the guy you’ve been chasing after has a boyfriend. Did you ever think of that?”


“Okay, so the question still stands—who initiated the sex? Who kissed who?”

“I did,” Hailey said quietly, staring down at her hands.

“What? You did?” Becca asked from the front seat giddily. “I can’t believe you made the first move! I’m so proud of you!”

“I practically climbed him like a tree,” Hailey said and covered her face again.

“Okay, no more of that,” Ella said, pulling Hailey’s hands down. “You’re a big girl who obviously went after what she wants, so what’s the problem?”

“Kissing isn’t sex,” Angie commented blandly. “So you kissed him. You’ve kissed other guys without it leading to sex. We all have.”

“Not me,” Ella murmured.

“Not the time, El,” Becca replied.

“We kissed and then Jack carried me over to the bed. He asked if I wanted to stay and I said yes.” Hailey looked at her friends. “So it was really a mutual thing. My throwing myself at him pretty much put the whole thing in motion.”

“And you’re going to sit there and honestly say you’re fine with it never happening again?” Angie asked with disbelief. “For real?”

“Why was it okay for me to have a fling with Logan and not Jack?” Hailey asked accusingly. “Why was everyone on board with me having
wild night with Logan and walking away but now that I went and did that with Jack, I’m wrong?” Her voice was nearing hysteria and she sat back with a huff and turned her gaze out the window.

The next ten miles were spent in silence. Becca pulled off the highway and into the parking lot of an IHOP. Without a word, she turned the car off and climbed out. By the time she was opening the door to the restaurant, Hailey, Ella and Angie were right behind her. Once they were seated, she looked at her friends and smiled.

“It seemed like a good time for a waffle break,” she said.

As soon as their orders were placed, Hailey apologized. “I shouldn’t have freaked out like that,” she began and then turned to Becca. “I’m sorry you had to leave Max this morning.” Then she turned to Angie. “I’m sorry I got pissy with you.” When she looked at Ella, she chuckled. “And I’m sorry you think all of this crazy bullshit that we all go through with relationships is even remotely appealing to you. Cherish what you have with Dylan because seriously, this stuff is painful.”

They all laughed.

“Since we’re all feeling a little calmer,” Ella began, “I think maybe we should put all serious conversations to the side—at least during breakfast.”

“Agreed,” Hailey said, reaching for the coffee they’d just been served.

“I heard your mom finalizing the plans for next weekend’s barbecue,” Becca said to Hailey. “I think it’s a great idea. I’m glad she’s doing it.”

“Me too. I thought she was going to wait until the end of the summer to do it, but she was so excited that she couldn’t wait. She’s always wanted to do it but my dad’s been a bit of a stickler about it,” Hailey replied.


“He feels like she already spends too much time on the business and when she’s home with him, he wants to spend time with her—without anything related to weddings. So I’m surprised she got him to go for it.”

“I would imagine it’s hard for him,” Ella said. “She does give all of herself to the brides and the business and then every weekend with the shows…but then again, your dad always seemed to have the patience of a saint.”

“I think so too,” Hailey said. “But lately it feels like they’re just co-existing with each other.”

“Do you think your mom will ever retire?” Angie asked.

Hailey shook her head. “I can’t see her doing it. She keeps talking about me taking over the business, but I’ve told her a thousand times, I couldn’t compete with her. And seeing how much of herself she gives to it, I don’t know if I’m willing to do that.”

“To be fair, it wasn’t always like that,” Becca commented. “The business has grown so much and if you took it over, she’d be there to help you in the beginning and then you could get an assistant and delegate.”

“I suppose. I still don’t know. I do love working with the brides and our shows but…I don’t know if I’d love it if I had to do it for the rest of my life.”

“Your mom is lucky,” Angie began. “She found something she loves to do and made a career out of it. I envy that.” She took a sip of her own coffee. “I don’t think any of us can say the same.”

“I know I can’t,” Becca said. “Although, someday I’d like to think that I’ll be brave enough to leave the security of my cubicle and take the risk…do my own thing.”

“I think you’d make an awesome café owner,” Hailey said.


“At least you guys have some idea about what you want to do,” Ella said. “I hate to admit it but…I don’t have any dream job. I really want to be a mom. I always have. And not a working mom, but a stay-at-home mom, full-time.” She sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, I love working at the daycare center and I get to snuggle babies all day long, but I’d like to stay home and someday just snuggle my own babies.” She looked up at them sheepishly. “I know you all probably think it’s lame…”

“Why would you even say that, El?” Becca asked. “When have we ever put you down about anything?”

Ella shrugged. “Well…you all make fun of me because of how I feel about missing out on stuff because I’ve only ever dated Dylan.”

“Oh geez,” Angie mumbled. “Again? Didn’t we talk about this last night?”

“Fine. Yes we did. But I can’t help how I feel. My life is…barreling forward like crazy and I feel very alone in the whole thing.” She held up a hand to stop Angie before she could interrupt. “I know what you said last night and I get it. I do. But that doesn’t just make these feelings go away.”

“Seriously, I thought we were going to eat waffles and talk about the weather,” Angie said with a hint of exasperation. “Why is everyone in crisis mode right now?”

Hailey turned to Angie. “You’re in a crisis? What crisis? I thought things were going well with Sean?”

“And I thought we weren’t going to talk about this stuff over breakfast,” Angie snapped. “All I want is a Belgian waffle and some breezy conversation. Is that too much to ask?”

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