Read Friday Night Brides Online

Authors: Samantha Chase

Friday Night Brides (26 page)

It should have irked her that what he really wanted was for her to admit she was wrong but…she was. So very, very wrong. For so long she thought she was the one missing out on some key life experiences when the reality was that her life had been so much better without them. As much as she loved her friends, she wouldn’t trade her life for any of theirs.

Closing the distance between them, she looped her arms around Dylan’s neck and waited until his eyes met hers. “I was wrong,” she said softly. “Our life together was so much better than anything else in the world. I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate it more, that I didn’t realize what a gift I’d been given. But if you come home with me tonight, I promise I’ll never take it for granted again.”

He gave her that slow grin that never failed to make her go a little weak in the knees. “I’m so sorry, Ella,” he said, his voice gravelly and thick with emotion. “I know I’m equally to blame for all of this. I didn’t stand up for you—for us—with all of the wedding plans and I let you carry that burden all by yourself.” He rested his forehead against hers. “It won’t happen again. I promise to be more supportive, more vocal, and together—when you’re ready—we’ll have the wedding we’ve always dreamed of, not the one our families were orchestrating.”

Her eyes lit up. “Do you mean it? You still want to marry me?”

He reached up and cupped her cheek. “Ella Gilmore, since the first time I laid eyes on you I knew you were the girl I was going to marry. Not seeing you these last few weeks nearly killed me. I want to see you every day, lie beside you every night and wake up next to you every morning. You’re my everything, Ella.”

Unable to hold back any longer, she got up on her toes and pressed her lips to his. Dylan met her halfway and as soon as they touched it felt like coming home. She melted against him and felt an overwhelming sense of peace come over her. When Dylan lifted his head, he smiled at her. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” She was about to suggest that they go back inside and let everyone know they were okay when Dylan bent and picked her up, hauling her over his shoulder. “Dylan!” she cried. “What are you doing?”

“Taking you home,” he growled and playfully swatted her ass. “We have a lot of making up to do.”

Ella giggled as happiness filled her to the point of overflowing.

And that’s how Angie, Hailey, Becca, Jack and Max found them as they all stepped outside. Without a word, Hailey hooked her arm through Jack’s and hugged him.

“Thank you.”


“So…a lot of drama tonight,” Jack said as he and Hailey walked up to her front door.

“Honestly, I’ve watched soap operas with less.”

Jack chuckled. “I think the highlight was Ella singing Bon Jovi. In a million years I never thought I’d see something like that.”

“That makes two of us,” Hailey said as she opened the door. She tossed her purse on the sofa and asked Jack if he wanted something to drink. Kicking off her shoes, she went to grab herself a bottle of water.

During the ride home, she had meant to talk to him about what had happened tonight, but they only got around to talking about Angie and Sean’s situation—which was really enough to keep them talking for days. Unfortunately, she wasn’t going to be able to do more than sit and wait until she got together with Angie and the girls tomorrow. Or, at least she hoped they were going to get together. With the new turn in Dylan and Ella’s situation, there was a good chance she was going to be busy in the foreseeable future.

“So I have to ask,” she called out, “when did you go and talk to Dylan?”

Jack came into the kitchen and took the bottle of water she was offering. He shrugged. “I went and saw him yesterday. Your mom told me where I could find him.”

Her eyes went a little wide at that information. “So what did you say to him?”

“I kind of played it vague. I told him how Ella wasn’t doing too well and she really wanted to talk to him, but on neutral ground. Then I told him where we’d all be tonight and told him to come by.” He smiled. “And the rest…is history. You can tell me I’m brilliant. I can stand it.”

She swatted at him playfully and grabbed her own drink. “Like you need that kind of an ego boost?”

“It can’t hurt!” he teased as he walked out of the room.

When she came back to the living room, she found Jack sitting on the sofa and all she could do was smile.

“What?” he asked softly.

“You,” she replied with a happy sigh.

“Me? What about me?”

How could she even put it into words? He had come into her life in the most unexpected way and had proved how first impressions could be deceiving. To say that Jack had turned her world upside down would be an understatement.

He showed her how much she was missing out on by having such a rigid outlook and standards. He made her laugh and smile and…oh, did the man know how to make her feel good. In the bedroom and out. And to look at him right now, Hailey felt like she was looking at her future.

“I love you,” she simply said.

Jack’s smile grew. “Is that right?”

Hailey rolled her eyes. Leave it to Jack to challenge her even in a situation like this. At one time, it would have ticked her off, but now? Now she was able to laugh at herself—and him. So she nodded. “Yeah. I think so.”

Slowly Jack came to his feet. “You think so? A minute ago you sounded like you were pretty sure.”

She shrugged coyly. “What can I say? I’m fickle.”

Reaching out he banded his arms around her waist and pulled her close, smiling the entire time. “Fickle, huh? Well…what if I said I love you too? Would that make you a little less…fickle?”

She purred as she pressed closer. “It can’t hurt,” she teased.

Jack’s hand came up and he caressed her cheek, his expression going serious. “I do, you know. I love you, Hailey. I have for a long time.”

“You have?” she asked, her gaze scanning his face.

“Hell, I fell in love with you when you were blowing me off and treating me like I was beneath you.” There was no condemnation in his words, he was simply stating a fact.

“I’m so sorry. I…”

“Shh…” Jack pressed a finger against her lips. “You don’t owe me an apology, Hailey. We’ve been over this before. That’s all in the past. I want to focus on the here and now.”

She smiled. “I want that too.”

Then his smile turned a little wicked, a little sexy. “How about we go inside and work on that?” His hands traveled up and down her sides and then he shifted around so that his hands gently kneaded her ass.

“Ooh…I like the way you think.” Taking him by the hand, she led him to her bedroom and closed the door behind them.

The here and now sounded just about perfect to her.


“You look like you’re going to throw up. Again,” Becca said when Angie came back into the room. “Do you need some crackers? Or more ginger ale? Tea?”

“Stop mentioning food or I will seriously throw up again,” Angie grumbled as she curled up on the couch. They were all supposed to meet at Hailey’s but when she couldn’t seem to be away from her bathroom for more than five minutes at a shot, they changed plans and everyone had come to Angie’s place.

And right now she loved and hated them all equally.

Damn hormones.

“Okay,” Hailey said as she sat down at the other end of the sofa. “Tell us where you left things with Sean.”

At just the mention of his name, Angie’s heart seemed to kick in her chest. “I told you. He wants to get married.”

“Yeah,” Becca replied, “but you never said if you told him right then and there that you didn’t want to or how he responded. Stop procrastinating and just tell us.”

Angie groaned as she let her head fall back and closed her eyes. “I told him I didn’t want to get married, that I didn’t love him.” She paused. “Basically I told him I had no interest in any relationship with him, that this wasn’t working for me.”

“Holy shit,” Hailey said. “What in the world?”

“Yeah,” Ella chimed in. “I thought things were going great with the two of you. You were practically living together.”

“They were and…we were, but…it’s all just too much,” she replied with agitation. “He was smothering me and I couldn’t stand it.” Before she could say anything else, she was on her feet and running for the bathroom.

“Geez,” Becca murmured. “If that’s what pregnancy is like, I’ll gladly wait.”

“It’s not like that for everyone,” Ella said. “Some women get away with little to no morning sickness. Poor Ange. I hate this for her. To have to be dealing with all the throwing up while going through a breakup at the same time? That’s just too much.”

“I think there’s more to all this than she’s sharing,” Hailey said.

“What do you mean?” Becca asked as she reached for one of the muffins Ella had brought with her for them to share.

“She was happy with Sean. Not once did she mention that he was smothering her or that she was looking for an out. I know she’s scared because she doesn’t want to end up like her parents but…” She paused. “I’m telling you, we’re missing some key information here.”

“I don’t know,” Ella said thoughtfully, “Angie doesn’t hide anything from anyone. She says exactly what’s on her mind. Maybe she was just going through the motions and trying to make it work and then decided that it didn’t?”

At that moment Angie walked back into the room and they all grew quiet. She growled slightly as she sat back down. “Oh for crying out loud, I know you were all talking about me. No need to stop because I came back in the room.” She sighed and got comfortable. “If you’ve got something to say, just say it.”

Hailey turned toward her. “Okay, here it is. I think you’re full of shit.”

Angie’s eyes went wide. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me, I think you’re full of shit. I think there’s more to all of this than you’re telling us. I think you’re scared and freaking out, but I think you
love Sean. So what gives?”

“Ease up, Hails,” Becca said. “Can’t you see she’s still looking a little green?”

“Yeah, I see how she looks,” Hailey said but her tone was far from sympathetic. She turned back to Angie. “So? What’s your deal?”

“I don’t know,” Angie replied tartly. “Why don’t you tell me? You seem to think you know freaking everything, so why don’t you share with the class?”

Hailey stood and paced the small living room. “You are the most fearless person I know. Out of all of us, you’re the only one who has never backed down from anything and it kind of pisses me off that you’re choosing to do that now, especially because this is something that really matters.”

“You don’t think I know that?” Angie snapped, coming to her feet. “Do you think I like feeling like this? A week ago, I was in complete control of my life! Things were going along fine with Sean and we were taking things one day at a time! Did I ever think about getting married? Yes! Did I ever think about getting married to Sean? Yes! But it was going to be on
terms! And all this?” she cried, pointing to her belly. “This isn’t on my time! And I have no idea what to do about it!”

“The baby?” Hailey asked cautiously.

Angie sighed. “No. I’m having this baby. That was never in question. But Sean?” She shrugged.

Hailey’s expression softened. “Okay, so it’s not quite the way you had it planned, but that doesn’t mean it’s not good. Plans change. Things happen. Sometimes you need to just roll with it and open yourself up to the possibility that there’s a bigger and better plan.”

“What? Like you?” Angie asked snidely. “You chased after a gay guy for a year because you refused to open yourself up to the possibility that he wasn’t the one. And all along there was a great guy practically jumping through fiery hoops to get your attention and you shit all over him!”

“Yeah. Exactly like that,” Hailey said, crossing her arms across her chest. “I’m not going to deny it, if that’s what you were hoping for. I pretty much missed a year of my life, when I could have been with a great guy, because I was too stubborn to see what was right in front of me. But—unlike you—I pulled my head out of my ass and figured it out. And now I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.” Turning to Ella and Becca she smiled. “Jack and I said ‘I love you’ to each other last night.”

“You did?” Ella gushed. “That’s awesome!”

“Definitely,” Becca agreed. “Must have been something in the air last night.”

“Why?” Hailey asked.

“Because when Max and I got back to his place, things got hot and heavy quickly and then…just when it was about to get seriously good—you know, naked good—he told me he loved me.” She sighed and looked at them with a completely sappy grin. “Life is good.”

“Dylan and I spent the entire night saying it,” Ella said giggling. “And I have to say, there is something to be said for make-up sex because it was amazing! Seriously, Dylan was like a wild man! And I loved every minute of it!”

“I’m just so glad the two of you…”

Remember me?” Angie yelled out. “I’m the one with the problem here! We’re supposed to be focused on

The three of them turned toward her with mumbled apologies as they all sat back down.

“Geez,” Angie huffed, “you think you can get your minds off of your perfect lives for a few minutes and help me figure out how I’m supposed to be a single mom?”

“First off,” Becca began, “none of our lives are perfect. Far from it. And you know it. In case you’ve forgotten, I’ve had the worst luck with guys up until I met Max.” She shifted in her seat and took a steadying breath. “And the night we met? Max and I? He had witnessed Danny dumping me in the parking lot.”

Nobody said anything—mainly because Max had already told them about it. But they never told Becca that they knew.

She nodded. “It’s true. I was so humiliated and he was just…he was so damn sweet. It took me a little while to get over that. He literally saw me at my lowest.” Then she looked at Angie. “Have you ever been publicly dumped and then find out you were being cheated on all along?”


“No, you haven’t,” Becca responded quickly. “So yeah, right now? Things are good. But it’s been a long road to get here so don’t belittle it.”

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