Read From The Ashes (Life After War) Online

Authors: Angela White

Tags: #survival fiction, #fantasy series, #apocalypse story, #angela white, #new fantasy book, #life after war, #magical fantasy, #from the ashes

From The Ashes (Life After War) (83 page)

I was trimmed, that’s it!”

Angela was frowning as she agreed. Adrian was assuming they had a camp to return to, an experienced doctor there to help. What if he was wrong?

He’s in no position to choose
,” the Witch spoke up reluctantly. “
Maybe you should think of something.

I don’t want his job!”
Angela protested.

Who says you do? If you’re wrong, it’s a plan that goes into a file and never gets used.”

Angela swallowed. “
But what if I’m right?”

The Witch cackled fearfully,
“Then it’s up to you to keep everyone alive. That’s what he’s been training you for. Not to make female teams, or further camp goals. He chose you for moments exactly like this one. If you can’t do it, tell him now while he can give that chore to someone else.”

Angela’s heart protested every word, but her mind fell into planning their salvation against an unknown threat. Not sure if she could carry the weight for long, Angela forced her mental doors to open wide as she considered all the options. This was what he'd chosen her for, and she would do it.

Adrian’s hand went out to Kyle’s arm. “Code Raven is a go.”

You got it, boss.”

Angela looked over with bloodshot blue eyes. “You’ve honored me.”

Adrian waited, holding onto consciousness to be sent out with her coming remark in his thoughts instead of fear.

fuck you
very much for it!”

Adrian chuckled, cramping up.

He slowly fell over against her arm, and Angela adjusted him as she talked to Kyle in short, urgent tones that questioned, schemed, planned, and prayed to be wrong.



Here they come! Where's Hudson?!”

Theodore thought fast. Hudson and the Major were dead–that's the only way Mitchel had gotten by them. Which meant...

I claim leadership!” one of the rear men called. None of the Major's crew was stupid.

Theodore waved at the two UPVs they hadn't finished modifying. “The windows are weak, and so are the gas tanks. The man who captures or kills Mitchel Sr. will lead us.”

What about the Major's son?” another man asked.

Theodore raised the launcher as the vehicles started up the small hill toward them. “Whoever darts him gets to be Lt–mine if I make this shot. Mitchel Sr. is in the front of the first UPV.”

Satisfied, the 29 other men also raised their weapons. It was how things worked now. Men needed a leader, and that had to be covered before the slugs flew.



Angela and Kyle spotted the distant outline of the road they needed to take, and an instant later, the trouble standing between them and home.

Look out!”

Kyle swerved to miss the incoming grenade, and it flew by to hit the UPV full of Eagles behind them.

It lifted the front end into the air and then slammed it down. The UPV rolled onto its side, flames shooting outward.

Kyle immediately began to circle their vehicle. His team was in that truck!

Watch out!”

From the trees, armed men in full battle gear were rushing toward the downed vehicle, preparing to open fire.

Angela shoved at Adrian, getting him low enough to be protected by the steel plated-doors.

Kyle brought them to a dust-billowing stop by the rear of Kenn’s vehicle.

Men down! We have men down!” Kenn blared through the sparking radio, before getting out ahead of the next shot.

He rolled to the ground and under the burning truck as bullets flew.

He looked out and quickly began scrambling toward the rear.


The second grenade rattled the UPV and sent Kenn's knees and hands into high speed.

Eagles poured out of the destroyed vehicle, helping the wounded as they went.

Angela heard their door go up but didn’t get out to help. She wasn’t leaving Adrian’s side.

She and Kyle opened fire on the men close enough to interfere with the transfer of passengers, leaning over Adrian as bullets slammed into the cab.

Get down!”

The man with the grenade launcher had reloaded.

Go!” Kenn shouted from the rear, slapping the metal.

Both of them held on as the truck rolled forward, leaving Kenn’s UPV exposed to another shot. It exploded in their mirrors and their hearts.

Kyle hit the gas, leaning into the ride. “Eat this!”

He plowed into the man who’d been about to fire again, and then swung wide to chase two others.

Angela leaned out the window, shooting them down as they fled.

Kyle turned the UPV again as more gunfire echoed from the rear. He charged the biggest part of the group, making sure that he and Angela had plenty of targets. He continued circling their fallen truck, keeping the enemy away while the Eagles jumped into the back on his wild passes–threw others inside.

The rear door slammed down, and Kyle rolled by the burning wreckage.

Bullets slammed into the truck as he brought the UPV around for another sweep of gunfire and crushing wheels. And, saw the second grenade launcher.

Shoot him!”

He's too far...”

Your rifle!”

Angela grabbed it from behind the seat and tried to remember how to breathe and think as terror settled onto her shoulders.

Push it back. Lock it down.”

Adrian’s bleary voice from the floorboard gave comfort and more pressure. When Angela fired, she made sure it was good.

Bang! Thump.

They ran over the body, taking bitter satisfaction.

Straight to camp?”

Might be more of them there already. We’ll finish these first,” Angela ordered.

The hatred was clear, and Kyle slowed them down a bit, now that they were out of range of the scavenging enemy. “You have a plan.”

Angela reloaded her gun and then did Kyle’s for him. She also made sure Adrian’s were loaded, and put one in his chilly grip.

She motioned toward a thick grove of trees. “Pull us in there and find a place to hide. We’re going to treat them way we did the wolves in Nebraska. These animals deserve no less.”

As he stopped, Angela keyed her radio. “If you can fight, we need you.”

Angela looked at Kyle. “I’m not leaving the vehicle.” Meaning Adrian.

Kyle reached over and locked his door, indicating he wasn’t, either. “What’s the plan?”

Angela gestured towards the wounded, furious Eagles coming up to surround the front of the truck. “We count on his army.”



Garret's men had taken a hit. Only twenty of them walked into the woods, following the tracks of the truck.

The sight of the UPV wedged behind thick clusters of trees had each of the hunters rushing closer, eager to claim leadership.

They surrounded the vehicle, not picking out any movement. Edging closer, many of them started searching for tracks to determine which way their prey had fled on foot.

The Major’s men cleared the trees.


The female shout was unexpected. It drew them to the cab, where Angela began pulling the trigger without mercy.

The Eagles opened fire from the trees above them a second later.

Angela and Kyle used the mirrors as they hunkered down. With their vests covering the windshield and sharp-eyed guards determined to take out those closest, it was a rough place to ride out the attack, guaranteed to take the most gunfire.

Angela hit the mic, “Kill them all! No mercy!”



Do we help them?”

Do you think it's wise?”

I'm not sure.”

The conversation came from a different group of men lurking nearby.

The top bounty hunter among the group shrugged. “Show of hands. Challenge them now or stick to the Major's plan?”

Boyd offered a third option. “What if we fell back to make a new one? Maybe the Major missed a few things.”

Vince didn't need to count to know what his men wanted. “Agreed. Fall back.”

The two dozen men slid quietly into the woods and resumed their march toward Mitchel's home base. Behind them, bounty hunters screamed for help that wasn't coming.



When the gunfire stopped, Angela started to rise, and Kyle put a hand on her arm. “Not until the call comes.”


All clear.”

Kyle let go of her wrist, staring at his idol’s slumped body. “Now, it’s your ship. Make him proud.”

Angela lowered the vest, very glad to find Eagles standing outside her door. She and Kyle had both run out of bullets. “We all will.”

All accounted for,” Lee reported tiredly through Kyle's shattered window. “We count twenty eight.”

Kyle couldn't deepen the obvious displeasure already on his face. “Garret had them running 6-man teams. That doesn't add up.”

Angela looked at Lee.

Still not answering,” Lee stated before she could ask. “We'll keep trying.”

Just making it up to the front, Kenn saw Adrian, and Angela locked him down firmly. “Not dead. Doesn’t want them to know. We need to go ASAP.”

Not so fassst.”

Angela looked through the shattered window frame, staring in the side mirror as Nuna stepped from the rear of their UPV. In her merciless grip, was Ray.

Kyle was also watching in her mirror, and Angela spent exactly three seconds considering a different option. She didn't find one.

What is it that you want?” Angela called loudly, motioning to Kenn.
“She's not alone.”

Nuna pulled Ray closer, arm around his neck, knife to his throat. “You.”

That one word had the Eagles moving closer.

Stay back!” Nuna shouted, looking like she was prepared to kill Ray. Her eyes were full of it.

Kenn looked to where Adrian should have been and found Angela's cold blue eyes giving the expected order.

Company,” Kyle muttered lowly.

Dozens of Snake women moved into view, surrounding the entire team with guns, knives, and hatred.

We will be paid for our servicesss.” Nuna stated harshly, dragging Ray back into the protection of her girls. “We helped you and lost our leader. You'll take her place.”

Kyle started to motion the Eagles to open fire, not sure if they would, and heard Angela give the order.

Do it now!”

Kenn was in motion as she spoke, unslinging his rifle, grabbing a bare aim and popping off the shot before there was even time to think.


Nuna teetered unsteadily in astonishment, letting go of Ray, who slumped to the ground. “You shot him!”

The snake woman sank to her knees, blood bleeding through her scale-covered chest. “You shot...”

As Nuna's body fell over, the small army of snake women fled.

Let them go.” Angela ordered, not looking away from the Marine that she had finally made peace with. Kenn was hers to command now.

Kenn lowered the rifle reluctantly. He wasn't sure letting them go was the best idea, but the others weren't going to open fire on females. Not after all their time in Safe Haven. Everyone of them had hesitated.

Kyle stared at Kenn with a horrible, peace-delivering realization. He understood why Adrian had chosen, and then kept, the abusive man. None of them would have been able to do that unless the women had fired first.

And that's why she chose Jennifer for XO, Kyle thought.
Jennifer would have done it, using different weapons.

The Eagles had rushed to Ray as soon as they knew the women weren't going to continue the fight. Two of them tried to stem the flow of blood from his arm as the others helped load him into the UPV.

Straight through!” Lee called. “He'll live.”

What's up with the camp?”

Angela couldn't get a clear read on anything–she was too tired. She ignored the Marine's question. “You have to convince the men that the bunker was a lie–that it was personal.”

Kenn started to argue, but saw the V in her chin. He grunted. “That won't be easy.”

Angela locked eyes with him. For this to work, he had to get onboard. “Adrian wants them to stay together. If they found out the government is coming for him, they'd split. You have to make it happen.”

Kenn didn't need to look at those around them to know their expressions were demanding that he give her what she'd asked for. “I'll do my best to cover it.”

Satisfied, she bent down to check on Adrian. “Let's roll.”

The bullet-ridden UPV was moving toward the still silent camp less than two minutes later.

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