Fulfillment (Book 3 in The Temptation Series) (14 page)

Read Fulfillment (Book 3 in The Temptation Series) Online

Authors: K.M. Golland

Tags: #romance, #sex, #true love, #humour, #love triangle, #australian, #alpha male


Bryce had
worked in his office after dinner, finalising paperwork from the F1
Grand Prix which had been held weeks ago, and while he worked, the
kids and I had cuddled in bed, watching the movie
. When the film finished, I tucked them into bed while all of
us sang ‘Afro Circus’ and laughed—that bloody song was going to be
stuck in my head for quite some time.

drained and exhausted from the constant stream of baby related
questions from Charlotte, I had a quick shower and laid down in bed
with my book—a new adult style story about a boy and girl in
college who were insanely perfect for each other, but just couldn’t
get their shit together long enough to be privy to this vital
Oh, young love is so aggravatingly simple, or so it
seems when you are reading it.

I must have
unintentionally fallen asleep, because for a split second I entered
that realm where you were tentatively trying to distinguish the
difference between dreaming and reality. It wasn’t until I moved my
hand down to in between my legs and ran my fingers through Bryce’s
hair, that I realised I was in reality, but living my dreams—this
becoming strongly evident when his tongue slid up then down my
sleek clit.
Oh! Hello, Mr Tongue Twirling Clark.
My hips
instantly bucked, magnetising toward him.

I practically
purred. “Oh, fuck.”

“Did I wake
you?” he asked, wickedly.

“I don’t know.
I think I might be dreaming.”

He chuckled
then slid two fingers inside me, my eyes fluttering open while I
gasped. “No, I’m definitely awake.”

“Yes you

He deliciously
moved his fingers in and out as he twirled his tongue over my
sensitive spot.

“Did you
finish your work?” I moaned.

“No, not


“My work is
not done until you are coming all over me, Hunny.”

I squirmed from the mixture of sensation and hearing his
dirty words. “Mmm, best you get to work then, Mr. Clark.”

He growled and
blissfully mauled in between my legs until I was clenching my
thighs around his head. He had turned the lights off and lit a few
candles, giving the room a sensual, amber glow. I gazed at his
hungry, sexy eyes as he released himself from my legs and prowled
slowly up my body, stopping to kiss my stomach. Propping myself up
on my elbows, I watched him spend a small moment bonding with his
baby who was none the wiser of what its parents were getting up to.
He continued on with a knowing smile stopping again at my breasts;
both of them eagerly anticipating his attention.

My head fell
back has he teased my nipples with his lips, tongue and teeth.
Holy shit, he is mind-blowing.
He lifted his head the same
time I brought mine back up to watch him. Then suddenly, our lips
were together, his mouth pressing hard against mine, our tongues
reuniting after hours of being apart. I simply adored kissing him,
tasting him, feeling the wet warm roll of his tongue against

I nipped at
his chin and chiselled jaw line then dragged my lip back up to his
mouth, hungrily deepening my insatiable need to taste him and
groaning at my desperation to devour him entirely.

“Fuck, Alexis.
Your need for me is the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen and

“Good, because
you; I
you in my
mouth now.”

An alluring
grin appeared across his face as he continued to crawl up my body
until he was kneeling directly in front of my face, his erection
prominent and gloriously close to my craving mouth. He placed his
palm at the base of his shaft and slowly dragged his hand up then
back down again.
I’m going to come from the sheer sight of him.
Geezus! He is downright sexually dangerous.

Slowly, I
extended my tongue, lightly teasing his tip with my small swirling
action. The hand he had wrapped around his cock flexed, sending a
shock of excitement right through me. I opened my mouth and pressed
my lips onto his warm crown, a bead of moisture already
visible—evidence that I had the exact same effect on him as he had
on me. I sucked at it then ran my tongue over my teeth while
watching the fire in his eyes as he took pleasure from my

His hips
jerked involuntarily, igniting my core. Then, sliding my lips over
him and moving forward, I took him into my mouth, as much of him as
I could possibly take. He growled my name and his entire facade
tensed deliciously; his pecks, biceps, abdomen and that luscious V
shaped muscle at the top of his pelvis.
I don’t know what that
muscle is called, and to be honest I don’t freakin’ care.

With my free
hand, I reached out and traced my fingertip along the defined V,
trailing it from his left hip, down into his groin, across the
front of him then back up the other side.
Oh. My. God. That
thing is fucking insanely attractive.
My eyes flickered,
aroused by the feel of him in my mouth together with taking in his
exquisite form.

“Fuck, I need
to be inside of you, Hunny. I can’t fucking watch you stare at me
like that anymore and not come.”

I opened my
mouth and he pulled away, moving back down the bed. He lifted my
legs, placing kisses up my calves until my heels were rested on his
shoulders. Tilting my pelvis, and angling it toward him, he eased
himself in slowly. I could feel the walls of my pussy clench around

His eyes lit
up at the tightening of my muscles. “You like it like this, don’t

“Is it that
obvious?” I smiled.

“Yes.” He
began to rock into me with an amatory look upon his face, feeding
the journey my orgasm was taking. I bit down on my lip as I felt
him delve deep. He rocked in and out, in and out, gripping my hips
and flexing his fingers. “Fuck.”

He shook his
head at me and smirked as his rocking increased—my orgasm with it.
My fingers bit down into the bed sheets as the sensation of heat
rushed to my head. And, as he slammed his pelvis against my arse, I
let go; my orgasm rolling out of my mouth in the form of unmuted,
explicit, sexual filth. I fucking loved it...and I fucking loved


The next
morning, I woke up thoroughly sated and smiling constantly
throughout the day. I loved and hated how Bryce had that power over
me, the power to make me forget everything but him and how he made

My family and
friends arrived at City Towers for my birthday party; my actual
birthday not til the day after. Bryce had taken it upon himself to
organise the gathering—whether I had wanted it or not—convincing me
to agree by saying it was a great way for the special people in our
lives to see where we lived and how happy we were as a family. He
had also convinced me that it was the perfect time to tell them all
that we were expecting a baby. I tended to agree with him that one
big announcement was much more appealing than many small private
ones, with exception of my Mum and Dad, and of course, Rick.

Regardless of
the fact that my soon-to-be-ex-husband and I had been at each
other’s throats in recent times, and as much as I was still angry
at him for having an affair, I still felt he deserved to know about
my pregnancy in private—directly from me. Not in a room full of
people we all knew. I respected him enough to give him that

Bryce had sent
all our guests text messages informing them to check in upon
arrival and make their way to the penthouse suite at 6 p. m.—I’m
guessing Lucy had a hand in getting Mr. Creepy-Research Clark all
the contact details. I had to hand it to them, the brother and
sister duo were well organised and a force to be reckoned with.

My parents
arrived earlier that day upon my request as I couldn’t wait any
longer to let them know about their newest grandchild. Mum had been
beside herself when we told her our exciting news, congratulating
us both over and over and rubbing my tummy every few minutes. Dad,
on the other hand, had been a bit shocked at first, smiling only
mildly and sitting in silence. It wasn’t until I explained to him
that I had no doubts that Bryce was the father and not Rick that he
seemed to relax a little. He hadn’t said much to me about Rick’s
and my separation and break-up, but I could tell he was furious
with his son-in-law for breaking his daughter’s heart. I could also
tell he was happy I had left him.

Dad had given
me a tight hug, saying he would have a nice number of little
grandchildren-farmers to help him with his jobs around the farm
soon enough, and perhaps he could retire early and watch them do
all the work for him. Bryce’s brow had furrowed when Dad mentioned
wanting to retire early, and I had a good idea of what Bryce was
thinking at that particular moment. I made a mental note to speak
to him about it at a later date. As much as Bryce had all the money
in the world and was more than willing to share it with me and my
family, my dad was still a very hardworking proud man, and I’m not
sure if he would take kindly to Bryce meddling in his private
financial affairs—good intentions or not.


The evening
rolled around quite quickly and deciding what to wear to my
birthday party had been somewhat challenging. Firstly, I didn’t
want to choose something that was over-the-top glamorous, as
wearing a label such as Versace to begin with was already singling
me out amongst my friends and family, which I didn’t really want. I
wanted this gathering to be intimate and comfortable, one where
regardless of our surroundings we could all feel relaxed and enjoy
ourselves. Secondly, I had to choose a dress that was not tight
fitting. Even though I was not obviously showing at this point in
time, a tight dress could reveal our secret, and having someone
guess my pregnancy before we made the announcement would kind of be
a buzz-kill.

Clarissa had
been a Godsend, helping me find extra pieces of clothing for my
wardrobe that were perfect for my soon-to-be swelling waistline.
She was such a wonderful help and we had become good friends in the
process. So, with Clarissa’s amazing fashion know-how, she finally
convinced me to wear a mid-length, black strapless Versace. It was
loose enough to inconspicuously hide my secret, and it was
perfectly simple and elegant. I loved it.

Being that the
dress was black, I could pair it with pretty much any shoe I
wanted, and I really wanted to pair it with the Gucci Sofia Étoile
Peep Toes that had been patiently sitting in the walk-in-stadium
waiting to be loved by my feet. I stared at them longingly every
time I passed them, fighting the desperation to put them on and
wear them just for the hell of it. The thing with these shoes
though, was that they had to be respected, and wearing them ‘just
for the hell of it’ was breaking that cardinal rule. Therefore, my
birthday being the perfect opportunity, I didn’t hesitate in
choosing the gold pailletted, beige heels. As I slipped them on, I
swear a heavenly beam of light shot down from the sky, illuminating
them at the same time as an angel sang ‘Ahh’ at me.
Okay, maybe

Charli was
also overly excited that we were having a party and had put on her
prettiest dress—pale pink chiffon with a layered tutu style skirt
and a rose on the lapel. She was also excited that Lil’s daughter,
Jasmine—Charlotte’s close friend—together with all my other
friend’s children, were coming along for the celebration. Bryce had
organised for the hotel’s nanny-service to be in charge of the kids
for the evening, supervising them at the arcade centre in the
Entertainment Precinct. He had even arranged for it to be closed to
the general public for the evening, making it a private event just
for the kids which Nate had said was ‘totes sick’, as it was gonna
be him and his ‘mains’
??? I need a freakin’ Nate

All in all
though, with an amazing venue, children supervised, and
accommodation taken care of, we had the foundation set for an
incredible night.

I’d set aside
some extra time prior to getting ready to give both myself and
Charli mini makeovers, pinning her beautiful blonde curls into a
bun. I even let her wear some pink lip gloss—she looked gorgeous.
Nate had dressed as quickly as Bryce had, Nate in black trousers
and a navy shirt, and Bryce in a charcoal suit with a black

Both of them
were waiting patiently for us in the lounge area looking incredibly
handsome when we appeared at the top of the stairs. Charli made her
way down first, taking slow steps like she was walking down the
aisle—the biggest smile radiating from her little face.

When she
reached the bottom, Bryce knelt down and handed her a single rose.
“A pretty rose for a pretty girl, Miss Charlotte,” he said.

She took it
from him and blushed, twisting her body from side to side. “Thank
you, this is my first flower from a boy.”

chuckled. “Oh, well I’m glad it was from me then.”

I smiled at
them from the top of the staircase before I began my descent, Bryce
raising his eyes to meet mine. He stood up, gently patting Charli
on the head while continuing to eye me from top to toe as I took
each step closer to him. When I stopped at the bottom, he held a
rose in front of me and gently dragged it down the bridge of my

“Your beauty
flaws me, Alexis. It literally strips me of all cognitive function;
I’m absolutely useless.”

I smiled
seductively at him. “Oh, you are definitely not ‘useless’. I can
vouch for that...many times.”

He smirked at
my compliment and placed his hand at the top of my arse, passing me
the rose with his other hand and pulling me to him. “Happy

He pressed his
lips firmly to mine and I could feel the fire igniting and burning
in my core, so against all will, I doused it and pulled away.

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