Read Fur Factor Online

Authors: Christine Warren

Tags: #NC-17

Fur Factor (20 page)

Even in rut, a state he’d said none of his kind could control, he was trying to protect her. He was afraid he would hurt her if he ended the hunt by fucking her in his wereform, and Missy could see why. Even in human form, he was strong enough to crush her with his bare hands. In wereform he was more than a foot and a half taller than her and probably two hundred pounds heavier. He overwhelmed her, standing completely still. But he was still her Graham, and he needed her.

She bit her lip, torn between fear and love, unsure if she could give him what he needed, sure she couldn’t live with herself if she didn’t. She hesitated for long heartbeats, debating and agonizing and finally saying a quick, fervent prayer.

Then she laid one hand back on his chest, meeting his eyes as she slid it down over his velvety pelt to curl around the shaft of his flagrantly erect cock.

“You need me,” she whispered, leaning forward until her tongue could dart out and caress his nipple. She felt the shudder wrack him and smiled. “And you can have me.”

Christine Warren

Fur Factor


Chapter Thirteen

For one heartbeat he remained utterly still, and Missy wondered if she’d made a horrible mistake. Then his clawed hand curled around her wrist, prompting her to look up at him once more.

“Don’t tease,” he growled, his teeth bared in a feral expression, but his eyes still full of Graham. “Need you. Now.”

Her other hand wrapped around his balls and cuddled their soft weight. “Then have me. Now.”

He broke. The fierce tension binding him in place snapped like a rubber band. He reached for her, burying his hand in the neck of her body suit and ripping it from her with one, rough tear. He fisted his hands around the tattered cloth and snarled. “Last chance.”

Fronting a defiance she hoped looked more convincing than it felt, she unzipped her boots and kicked them off into the underbrush. “It’s about time.” She had about half a second to look tough and feel terrified before he sprang, wrapping his arms around her and carrying her to the chilly earth under their feet. He rolled so she landed on top of him, and not the rough ground, but the move still took her breath away. Before she could so much as draw a breath, he lifted her and deposited her on her knees beside him. She sat back on her heels, prepared to chew him out for continuing to try and save her, but before her mouth could even open, he planted a hand between her shoulder blades and tugged her gently forward until she knelt on all fours. When he got on his knees behind her, she curled her fingers in the rough carpet of pine needles and braced herself for a brutal entrance and a short, wild fuck. She got neither.

She heard him move behind her and tried to look around to see what he was doing, but he placed his hand on the back of her neck to pin her head in one position so that all she could see was the back of her own hands. He held her there while he positioned himself behind her, bracketing her legs with his own so she could feel the heat of his muscle and the velvety pile of his fur against her bare skin. She expected to feel his cock pressing immediately against her entrance and burrowing inside, to feel his weight draping over her back and surrounding her while he claimed her as his mate. Instead, she felt a stir of warm breath against the top of her buttock and then the hot, wet glide of his tongue sliding slowly along her spine, vertebra by vertebra until she wanted to scream. She managed to contain the sound, but she couldn’t contain the shudder that rippled through her. Graham reached the nape of her neck and swirled his tongue in Christine Warren

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the little hollow at the base of her skull, and the sensation made her teeth clack together on another violent shiver.

She heard a low rumble, more a purr than a growl, and his tongue traced a damp path from her neck to her ear to flick the lobe and tease the sensitive shell. Her hands clenched in anticipation, and her back arched to press against his chest, needing the contact of his heat against her bare skin. He made another rumbling noise and nuzzled his way around to her other ear, treating it to the same arousing torture.

“Graham,” she murmured, savoring his name like she savored the sensations of his touch. She shifted her weight to press her bottom against his groin, feeling the familiar contours of his hard cock and the unique, heady sensation of fur caressing her. She had looked on this mating as a chore or a favor, something she would do for him because he needed it, despite how it might frighten or unsettle her. Only she felt perfectly settled and not at all afraid. She felt eager and had the achy, wet pussy to prove it. Neither her body nor her heart cared what he looked like, because she knew this was Graham, and every time she got within fifty feet of him, she wanted him. Suddenly empty and needy, Missy began to shift her hips in a languid thrusting motion, rubbing her ass firmly against his cock and feeling it swell even harder against her. “Graham,” she repeated. “I want you.”

She heard him growl, heard his breath rush out in a hiss and felt it feather against her skin. He let his weight drop above her until he covered her like a blanket and his hands rested palms-down on the earth beside hers. His head fell until he rested his velvety chin against her shoulder. He surrounded her, and she shook with excitement.

“Can’t go slow,” he bit out. His voice sounded loud and rasping in her ear. “Can’t be gentle. Sorry.”

She hitched her ass up high so his hard cock nestled between the round cheeks and wiggled her hips so they rubbed teasingly against his length. “I don’t need slow, or gentle,” she hissed. “I just need you.”

This time, she felt
shudder, and then his hands were gripping her hips with bruising force and his weight lifted off her. “Sorry,” he repeated, poised for one heartbeat at her twitching entrance, before he thrust his pelvis forward and buried his cock deep in her grasping cunt.

The long, high howl that tore from Missy’s throat sounded more Lupine than human, and she wondered at it for a heartbeat before the feel of Graham’s shaft impaling her tender flesh drove every thought from her mind except the need to get closer to him. She braced her clenched fists against the forest floor and locked her elbows, using the leverage to force her hips higher and harder against him.

Graham grunted his appreciation and pulled back until just the head of his cock remained inside her. She bucked, trying to force him deep again, but he held her in place with his powerful hands.

“Mine,” he snarled, teasing her with a shallow thrust that moved no more than an inch or two against her sensitive opening.

Christine Warren

Fur Factor


Missy moaned and tried another thrust. Again he held back. If this was his idea of fast and rough, they needed to have a serious talk. Right after he got on with it and fucked her!

“Mine!” His growl was more forceful that time, but his thrust was not, and Missy decided he had developed a fondness for torture.

“God, Graham, please!” she gasped, shaking and shivering beneath him, her pussy clenching hard around the meager number of inches he allowed her, trying desperately to lure him deeper. But he resisted.

“Mine!” More force this time, along with one, blessedly hard thrust that sent his cock driving deep inside her, nudging her cervix before he drew back and paused again just beyond her entrance.

Her entire body clenched and shook under his brutal teasing. Her breath panted out in shivering sobs, and she had to clench her teeth hard to keep them from chattering. He reduced her to practically begging, and she would do it gladly if it meant she would feel him driving her hard and fast toward orgasm. “Graham!”

” His hands clenched on her flesh hard enough to bruise, and he began to ease out before her muddled mind finally grasped what he wanted.

“Wait!” Half gasp, half scream, the word tumbled from her in a rush, and she just prayed she’d spoken clearly enough for him to understand. It must have been enough, because he paused, the thick, plum tip of his cock barely breaching her pussy, but he wasn’t pulling away anymore and that was important. Now she just needed to get him back inside her, and she could die a happy woman. She drew a deep, shuddering breath, licked her lips and give him everything. “I’m yours, Graham. Your lover, your mate. Whatever you want me to be. Yours!”

“Mine!” And he thrust forward so hard, Missy thought she’d died. He pierced her to the core, his thick cock tunneling through her moisture until he filled every aching bit, and when he started moving, she thought she’d been reborn.

After that thrust, he kept his promise. He fucked her hard and fast, his shaft pounding forcefully within her, his hips thudding against her ass with the raw, slapping sound of sex. Every forward motion drove the air out of her lungs and every withdrawal made her sob for more. It was fast, hot and primal, and it made Missy understand what it meant to be claimed as his mate. Every time he filled her, she felt like a brand of ownership burned deeper into her skin, and every time he pulled away, she wanted to beg him to mark her more indelibly. He had hunted her and fought for her and now he was making her his. The logic of it resonated on an instinctual level, and she gloried in it.

Graham tightened his hands on her hips and jerked her back to meet his thrusts.

She cried out, a sound of pure excitement, and he pounded into her pussy with even greater force. She felt the tension in her belly knot harder, felt her thighs clench and her heartbeat race double time in her chest. Her climax approached like a tornado, quick Christine Warren

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and powerful, and she reached toward it, wanting nothing more than to be swept up in the force of her mate’s fierce sexuality.

She threw herself back against him, pressing every possible inch of her skin into his hard frame, but when he leaned forward and caught her shoulder between his dangerous jaws, she fell forward into the storm, her entire body clenching with the force of her pleasure. The orgasm ripped through her, and she came with a howl at the very instant that his teeth cut through her flesh, marking her forever as his one, true mate.

In the haze of her pleasure, she heard his growl, felt him pull away and lap at the small wound he had made. She felt him thrust deep within her and stop, holding his cock high and hard inside her spasming pussy, and then she felt him swelling. She felt his cock twitch and throb and grow impossibly thicker, stretching her tender flesh until she cried out and threw her head back on a wild moan. Graham echoed the sound with a roar, gave one last mighty lunge and began coming.

The force of his final thrust knocked Missy’s legs out from under her, and she sprawled in an inelegant mess on the cold ground. Graham followed her, collapsing on top of her and blanketing her with his heat. While she felt boneless with contentment, she felt his presence still hard and thick inside her while he pumped her full of his semen. She lay still, struggling to catch her breath, content to have him in her forever, loving the feel of him finishing inside her.

But he wasn’t finished.

He jetted a load of sperm into her and relaxed, the tension fading from his muscles even while his cock stayed rock hard within her. Missy frowned and turned her head until she could rub her cheek against his plush fur. “Are you okay?” she murmured sleepily. “Aren’t you…?”

“I’m not finished,” he growled back, though the sound lacked any sort of ferocity and sounded more like the natural gravel of his wolf form’s voice. “Not nearly finished.”

Then she felt his cock twitch inside her and fill her with another burst of hot seed, and her eyes opened so wide she thought they would pop out of their sockets. Her pussy twitched at the fresh stimulus, and she gasped. “What are you—ah!” His tongue slipped out to caress her cheek, followed by a gentle nibble to her earlobe. “Lupines have a few other things in common with wolves,” he rumbled as his cock stopped throbbing to rest inside her again. “In our wereforms, the males climax like wolves, staying inside the female and coming in lots of short bursts over an extended period of time.”

Missy’s pussy clenched involuntarily, sending another shiver coursing through her.

She noticed that his cock felt just as hard as it had before he started to come. “How extended a period?” she managed to gasp while she struggled to bring her rioting nerves under some semblance of control. It wasn’t working.

Christine Warren

Fur Factor


“Well, it varies,” he drawled, and if he’d been in human form, Missy was willing to bet she’d see one of those wicked grins curving his mouth. “But it’s usually around twenty minutes or so.”

“Twenty minutes?!” Her voice squeaked out like a rusty hinge, and her pussy clenched while he made a sound in her ear that sounded suspiciously like a chuckle.

“About that. Sometimes a little more.” He brushed the hair away from the side of her neck and gave a nibble. “I hope you’re comfortable. This could take a while.” Christine Warren

Fur Factor


Chapter Fourteen

They didn’t make it back to his house until shortly after dawn. It would have been even longer if Logan hadn’t been an extremely efficient beta and left a duffle bag with a change of clothes for each of them along with Graham’s cell phone at the base of a tree a few yards from where they’d spent the night. If Missy tried really hard, she could almost keep herself from thinking about the sounds the Lupine must have heard coming from their part of the forest. The man just knew way too much about her sex life.

Some things it didn’t pay to dwell on, so she let Graham bundle her into some clothes and call a cab, and she didn’t even protest when he carried her swiftly out of the Ramble and to the nearest park entrance. The cab was already waiting for them. He loaded her inside, slid in after her and gave the cabbie his address. Then he cuddled her in his lap all the way home, where he swept her right up the stairs and into bed. When she tried to protest and mumble something about talking, he shushed her and told her there would be time for that when she woke up.

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