Read Fyre & Revenge Online

Authors: Mina Carter

Tags: #erotic romance, #erotic fiction, #contemporary romance, #adult romance, #rockstar romance, #mina carter, #revenge romance, #romance sex, #rock band romance, #rockband romance

Fyre & Revenge (21 page)

Bless her soul,
Estelle hadn’t batted an eyelid at the request. As he looked Rae up
and down he reminded himself to give Estelle a raise for this. He’d
checked the closets earlier whilst Rae was in the shower, smiling
at what was in there and wondering if she’d brazen it out or fold
her hand.

He’d only known
her a couple of days but even so, he knew it would take some balls
for her to flaunt herself in the clothing Estelle had picked out.
It all depended how much she wanted to keep that little house of
hers and how far she was prepared to go.

But she hadn’t
folded and, somehow, she’d turned tarty into classy. The almost too
tight shirt and short skirt gave her a naughty secretary look, but
teamed with boots. Her messy pleat and smoky eyes screamed ‘take me
to bed.’ Logan’s body leapt to instant attention, something
possessive inside him demanding he just hustle her back into the
bedroom and take his time stripping the seductive outfit from her
body. He ignored the temptation and checked his watch.

“You look
fantastic but if we don’t hurry up, we’ll be late.” He put his
glass down on the sideboard and walked over to her. Without a word
he slid his hand into the nape of her neck and pulled her to him
for a brief but thorough kiss. She opened instantly for him. Oh
yeah, he had her. Hook, line and sinker. Now to just reel her

* * *

Despite Rae’s
nerves, the meal went well. Once she let herself forget the
precarious situation she was in the conversation flowed easily,
Logan more charming than she’d ever seen him. Somewhere in the
middle of it all she paused, realising again he really was a nice
man. She’d thought he was a right bastard, ready to rip him limb
from limb when he’d turned up on her doorstep the other day. Could
she have been wrong? She watched him as he poured her another glass
of wine, smiling as their eyes locked over the glass.

“You look very
serious there.” His blue eyes reflected the warmth of the candles
set in the middle of the table. They’d been seated in a small
alcove at the back of the main room, a spot Rae easily picked out
as the best in an exclusive restaurant. So exclusive they had
bouncers on the door turning away people without a reservation. And
there were no prices on the menu, which said far more about the
place than the expensive décor or the fine crystal and china.

“Can you… Can
we afford this Logan?” She whispered under cover of the dessert
menu. Her eyes twinkled with amusement, an amusement covering a
very real worry. “Because if we end up doing the dishes, I am so
not letting you forget it, you know!”

He laughed, the
rich sound of his amusement surrounding them and making several
diners glance their way. “Sweetheart, seriously. Don’t worry about
it. I might not remember the last couple of years but I’m afraid
you’ve been labouring under a misapprehension about me. I’m not a
property developer.”


“Of course you
are, you have your card in your wallet and I have a le—” She cut
herself off quickly; he didn’t need to know about that letter.
Thank God she’d caught him before he’d done more than look at the

He shook his
head, an enigmatic little smile curving his lips. He had sensual
lips, not too full but not thin either, just… perfect. And the
things he did with them! Rae shivered, dragging her mind back to
the present as he spoke.

“I do have a
card but the property development is just a hobby. I’m a lawyer
Rae, a good one.”

Logan watched
her as the news of his occupation and what it implied for their
situation registered and sank in. Panic showed plainly for a moment
before she got herself under control and she lifted a shoulder in a
casual gesture.

“You always
told me you were a property developer,” she replied, applying
herself to the dessert which arrived at that moment, and avoided
his gaze.

Oh, well
recovered, good girl
. Logan smothered his smile, delight and
challenge filling him as their game took another step along its
intricate dance. She’d actually given herself away, but managed to
pull it back. Bizarrely, even though she was trying to play him, he
was proud of her… Proud of the quick responses and the quicker wits
required to keep up with him. If he found those in a paralegal or a
legal secretary, he’d move heaven and earth to get her working for
him. It took a special sort of skill to do what he did. Even though
she was new at the game, with coaching she could even give him a
run for his money. The perfect partner, the perfect challenge.

Logan shifted
in his seat. Even the thought was arousing. He’d found few men with
the capability to match him, and far fewer women. The ones he did
know were either married or complete ball-busters he wouldn’t want
to get in a lip lock with, much less get into bed. But Rae was all
soft curves and sharp wits. He smiled. The game was afoot and
was it fun…

“I know.” He
didn’t offer an explanation. The waiter hovered at his elbow so
Logan requested the bill. Rae cast him a quick, sharp look but
didn’t say anything when he turned back to her.

“You look
beautiful.” He slid his hand out, covering hers on the table. “I
still don’t understand how on earth I managed to capture your
heart. How did we meet?” He tilted his head curiously, his
expression open and honest. He was a good actor—it was necessary in
his line of work—and he was interested to see what tale she’d spin
him. Before he took her home and screwed her senseless of

“I thought we
were talking about the future, about trying again?” she prompted,
neatly diverting him. He was still smiling about that as she
climbed into the taxi ahead of him a little later.

* * *

Logan folded
her into his arms as soon as the door closed behind them, taking
her lips in a no-holds-barred kiss that had her hot for him in a
heartbeat. She gasped and wriggled against him, all her previous
worries and concerns drifting away as she wrapped her arms around
his neck to kiss him back with passion. The unaccustomed alcohol
swirled in her system, conspiring with his kiss to make her

“You…” he
whispered against her lips, sliding his hand up under her skirt. “…
are gorgeous. I can’t wait to get you home and strip these off

“Logan… the
driver.” Rae protested as his hand slid higher, trying to struggle
up in the seat and push it away. He was stronger though, ignoring
her, his fingertips flirting with the lace of her thong under her

“Shhh, it’ll be
fine.” His voice was quiet in her ear as he moved his hand long
enough to flick his coat over their laps. His warm hand returned to
her thigh, pushing her skirt up as he stroked his fingers over the
dampened lace between her thighs.

Rae flushed,
sure the driver knew exactly what was going on. But he kept his
eyes on the road ahead, not as much as a flicker towards the mirror
into the back compartment.

“You’re hot and
wet already.” Logan’s hand cupped her mound, massaging through the
damp fabric. She was. There was something about him, the low level
flirting, the occasional intense looks he sent her, that fired her
blood and had her hot and ready for him.

His fingers
dipped under the lace, into wet heat and Rae shuddered. She tilted
her head to allow him better access. His lips wandered across her
jaw and down the throat she bared for him as he urged her thighs
further apart. His clever fingers moved and spread wet heat over
needy flesh.

Then he found
her clit, circling the tiny bud of flesh, soft brushes of his
fingers followed by harder pressure, driving her arousal higher.
Gasping, she turned into his kiss, their tongues duelling as she
spread her thighs a little wider, desperate for his touch and the
release it would bring.

He chuckled, a
low rumble in his chest as he stroked again, bringing her almost to
the brink. She moaned, trying hard to keep the noise down and her
ass from wriggling at the delicious torment. Any minute now the
driver was sure to notice what was going on… She broke the kiss,
too close to the edge to concentrate, her head dropping back
against Logan’s arm.

He tightened
his arm, pulling her closer to place a kiss on her forehead. A
gentle, innocent kiss as, under the coat, he slid two fingers deep
inside, massaging the silken walls of her inner channel as he used
his thumb over her clit. Rae’s eyes closed, rolling back as
pleasure exploded through her. White hot pleasure that drove her
hips against his hand then invaded every cell. She moaned in
disappointment as he withdrew, smoothing down her skirt.

“Oh don’t worry
sweetheart, that was just the beginning,” he promised. “We’re home,
and as soon as we get upstairs I’m going to take you every way

They tumbled
out of the cab, Rae barely aware of Logan paying the driver as she
stood on the pavement waiting for him. She shivered as the bite of
the oncoming winter found its way under the heavy coat, raising
goose bumps over exposed skin. Skin humming with sensual pleasure,
an empty ache between her thighs as she shifted from one foot to
the other, trying to ease the effects of the climax in the taxi. It
was no good, she needed more. Much, much more.

“Come on.” He
grinned, all but dragging her to the front door of the large and
distinguished looking building looming over them. Logan’s
apartment, the luxury apartment she’d been amazed at when they’d
arrived earlier, was on the top floor. She’d wondered when they
arrived how a property developer could afford such a place. Of
course, now she knew.

Rae’s heels
rang out over the marble in reception, her eyes down as she avoided
the gaze of the security guard. She was sure what they’d been up to
in the cab was written all over her face. She’d had her legs spread
as Logan brought her off for heaven’s sake. She was the slut the
clothes in the closet said.

“Come here,
you.” Almost before the doors had closed Logan was crowding her
into the corner of the lift. He pulled her up against his hard
body, her soft breasts mashed against his chest. Their eyes caught,
held, the sexual tension in the tiny space nearing breaking point.
“I could kiss you all night.” He growled, bending his head to kiss

Rae’s lips
parted, anticipating the warmth of his lips over hers when the
doors pinged and opened. Mischief filled her as she slid past him,
giggling as she evaded his grasp to dance onto the landing.

“Gotta catch me
first,” she called back, laughing as she ran. She had his key card
in her hand, recovered from her handbag, and she was through the
door in a flash. Quite where this light-headed mood had come from
Rae didn’t know, but she would enjoy it whilst it lasted. For the
moment she just wanted to pretend they were a proper couple, with a
real future.

“Oh no you
don’t!” Logan appeared, catching her in the doorway of the bedroom
as she paused. She squealed, a sound more of delight and pleasure
than anything as he grabbed her and kissed her deeply.

His lips
descended, a single quick brush to orientate himself before he
tilted his head and deepened the kiss. The merest pressure of his
lips coaxed hers apart and then his tongue swept in to duel with
hers, a heated exchange that had fire coursing through Rae’s
already sensitised body.

She groaned,
sagging against him as his hands slid into her hair, holding her
still as he plundered her lips, taking his fill.

They moved
towards the bed, hands helping each other remove clothing. Whose
hands removed what Rae didn’t know, didn’t care. She sighed as her
back hit the cool sheets, the sensual pleasure of crisp cotton
almost ignored as the heat of Logan’s body settled over her. Her
thighs parted on automatic, cradling him in the softness of her
hips. Her sigh became a gasp as he moved, the blunt head of his
cock presented at the slick entrance to her body without warning.
He thrust into her, stretching her and seating himself up to the
hilt in one powerful movement.

Rae arched her
back, the full sensation of being stretched rippling through her in
a delicious cascade. Her legs had lifted to wrap around his hips as
he started to pull out when there was a sound in the apartment
beyond the bedroom. Rae didn’t register it at first, pulling Logan
down to her for another kiss.

She froze as a
feminine voice rang out, “Honey, I’m home!”


Oh shit. There
was only one person that could be. Logan’s wife. His
wife, not the stand-in. Shit, she knew this had to happen. Knew at
some point the real Mrs. Fyre would turn up and she’d be done

Panic filling
her, she pushed at Logan’s shoulders, trying to push him off. She
couldn’t see his eyes in the dark of the room but he resisted her
for a moment. Rae shoved again, desperate to get him off. It was
one thing to be caught in bed with another woman, quite another to
actually get caught with your pants down and in the middle of the

He rolled off
her with a sigh, lying on his back with his arm over his eyes. The
light from the door fell across the bed, highlighting every inch of
his beautiful male body, including the heavy and incredibly aroused
manhood jutting proudly against his taut stomach. A mouth-watering
display of male flesh. At any other time Rae would have taken her
time and had a good look. Not now though; she was too busy grabbing
a sheet and trying to cover herself.

She scooted up
the bed, eyeing him in disbelief. He didn’t seem to be at all
bothered that there was another woman in the apartment calling him
‘honey.’ Which was weird, if he thought
was his wife,
shouldn’t that raise some suspicions?

“Logan?” she
queried through the lump in her throat, dreading his response. In
fact, she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole right
at this moment. What alcohol she’d had in her system had been burnt
out by the sheer adrenalin surging through it. Adrenalin hurtled
around her bloodstream by the manic pounding of her heart.

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