Read Galen Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Galen (11 page)

He wanted nothing more than to hold her to him. He needed to touch her, to have her touching him, but he wasn’t certain he could keep driving if he didn’t put at least a small amount of distance between them.

Minute after minute, mile after mile, her scent called to him. He wanted to stop, to kiss her senseless and to make her his, but there was some part of him that kept his sanity at the forefront.

Though he knew he needed her, his body raging to mark her, mate her and make her his, there was another part of him that knew he must put her safety above all else. That meant making it to the safe house before he even dared to kiss her again.

There was no doubt in Galen’s mind that if he touched her again, he would be lost. They
would be lost and they would be vulnerable if he couldn’t manage to get them surrounded by shifters he could trust.

His mind and body ticked away the minutes and miles. His control stretching ever tighter as the wheels of the SUV ate up the miles to the safe house. Galen knew he was skirting the edge of sanity when he saw the sign for the safe house. It was also a hotel for shifters and humans alike. As a rule, shifters attempted to keep to themselves. However, times being what they were, they had to try to fit in with the local population.

Since the lodge had been there for a long, long time, the operators and the shifter council had thought it best to go public with the lodge. The more people who had visited the lodge and found nothing unusual with it would lay to rest any claims from someone who might attempt to cause trouble for them.

“Grizzly Gorge?” Kendra glanced at him, that little crease appearing between her eyes. “There aren’t any grizzlies in Tennessee.”

“Not now.” He smiled. “At least there aren’t any
grizzlies.” He turned onto the long drive and headed for the large log structure. The proprietors had added onto the place throughout the years until it was a huge lodge made of hewn logs. They’d done a good job. It almost blended in with the surrounding forest.

He pulled up in front of the large building, the tires sliding in the inch or so of dirt that covered the parking lot to give it a more rustic appearance of a dirt parking area instead of asphalt.

“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” she said as she leaned forward, peering through the windshield.

“Neither have I,” Galen replied, but he wasn’t looking at the lodge. He kept his gaze firmly locked on his mate’s face. “I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life.”

She glanced at him, her face turning bright red when she realized what he meant. “I was talking about the lodge.”

“I wasn’t.” He grinned, shut off the engine and pulled the keys from the ignition. “Wait there. I’ll be around to get you.”

“I’m perfectly capable of opening my own door,” she replied dryly as he slid from the truck.

Galen knew modern women and wasn’t surprised to find her standing just outside the passenger door when he rounded the front of the truck. She pushed the door closed, stretched and smiled up at him.

“Please tell me this is where we’re staying. I don’t think I can spend another minute in your vehicle.”

“This is it.” Galen held his arm out. “Shall we go inside?”

The muscles of his arm bunched beneath her hand when her fingers made contact with him. His wolf crouched low inside him, obviously ready to pounce. It sent out its psychic tendrils, trying to
anything off with their surroundings.

Other than the parking lot being empty, nothing seemed or felt strange.

“Is it closed for renovations, or something?” Kendra asked as she spun around, looking at the deserted resort. The large main building had an almost entirely glass ground floor.

They could see a large indoor swimming pool, a center floor fireplace and a long, polished bar past the tables and chairs Galen could only assume was the restaurant, though it was bigger and in a different place than the last time he was here.

“It looks gorgeous on the inside.”

gorgeous on the inside.”

Galen and Kendra both spun around and looked up. The owner of the deep, deep voice stared down at them from a second floor balcony. “Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for Bear. Is he around?”

Bear was the owner of the Grizzly Gorge—at least he used to be. Galen had no idea who this young cub was staring down at them.

“Oh, he’s on vacation with Mom.” The man stared down at him. “You look familiar. Do I know you?” He waved his arm. “Wait a minute, hold that thought, I’ll be right down.” The young man didn’t go inside, as Galen expected. Instead, he hopped over the railing, landing on the ground in front of them.

“Holy God!” Kendra stepped back. “Are you trying to kill yourself?”

“He’s a shifter, baby.” Galen stepped closer, wrapping his arm about Kendra’s waist in a show of possession.

“Don’t worry, old man. I’m not after your mate,” the young bear said with a shake of his head. “I’m nowhere near ready to settle down.” He led them to the front door and opened it. “I take it you need a safe house?” He held out his hand. “I’m William, by the way.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Galen took his hand with a frown. “I didn’t know that Bear had cubs.”

“You wouldn’t. It’s not like he advertised it. He wanted to keep us safe until we became adults.”

“We?” Galen was surprised to find one cub, was this young man telling him there were more?”

“Yes. We,” he said with a twist of his lips. “I’m not the only one. Mom had three pregnancies.”

“Oh, there are three of you then.”

“Not hardly.” He raised his face to the ceiling and let out a bellow. “Get your butts down here. We have visitors.”

Galen thrust Kendra behind him as it seemed all hell broke loose. It sounded as though a herd of cattle headed toward the stairs. When he glanced up, he saw five more boys and two girls headed their way.

“Holy shit! Your mom had two sets of triplets?” He knew it was common for bear shifters to have more than one cub at a time, but it wasn’t a given.

“Yeah. She had me and my womb mates, Edward and Charles first. They’re easy to spot. They’re the ones who look like me. The second set of boys, Richard, James and George came along three years later, and our sisters, the twins, were last. They’re only nineteen, but they’re enough to drive a person crazy.”

Galen wasn’t sure they should stay here at the lodge if Bear wasn’t here to lend his strength to Kendra’s protection. “We had thought to stay a few days and wait for some of my friends to arrive and accompany us to Michigan.” He glanced at the group of young shifters and shook his head. “Though now I’m not sure we should stay. I don’t want to put you in danger.”

“Don’t worry about that. Mom and Dad should be home soon. Mom would never let us spend a holiday without her here to cook for us.”

Almost as though his voice conjured them, the door opened and Bear walked through with his mate.

“Galen! It’s good to see you.” Bear grabbed him up in a huge hug before he set him away to inspect Kendra. “She smells like a shifter, but not.” He glanced at Galen. “What’s going on and how can we help?”

Galen followed Bear across the room as his mate gathered her children in her arms one at a time, fussing over them as mothers were wont to do.

“That crazy scientist turned her.”

“Jesus! Another one?” Bear pulled him further into the corner and lowered his voice. “Is she safe? I mean, she’s not going to go screaming to the authorities, is she?” He glanced back at his family. “I can’t afford to have her drawing attention to us.”

Galen could feel Bear’s anxiety and knew that the old bear would do what he must to ensure the survival of his family. “She’s learning. And she’s my mate,” he added just to let Bear know he would defend her to the death—not that his wolf was a match for a grown bear. “I understand your need to protect your family.”

“We need to protect each other.” Bear’s face split into a huge grin as he slapped Galen on the back and almost sent him sprawling. “Let’s get you two a room.” He waggled his brows. “I’ll put you on the top floor away from everyone. We don’t need to hear any strange noises.”

Grinning, Galen shook his head. “I don’t know about you, you old bear. Do you think you can put in a call to Bastien and get some back-up out here? I think we’re still being followed, though I can’t be sure.”

“Just as soon as I see you settled.” He scowled at his daughters. “Elizabeth, Victoria, have your brothers get their bags and bring them up to five-twenty-two.”

“Yes, Papa.” The girls turned as one and headed toward where the boys congregated around their mother who handed out food from a basket.

Bear shook his head with a sigh. “Boys will be boys, they’re always worried about sating one appetite or another.” He winked at Galen, reached behind the counter for a key and gestured to the elevator. “After you.”

They followed Bear up to their room. The older shifter opened the door and handed Galen the key. “Here you go. Just call if you need anything.” He waited until his boys dropped off what little luggage they had. “Breakfast is at eight. Our Thanksgiving dinner is usually at two o’clock, though Marietta will let us know at breakfast.”

“We can’t possibly intrude on your holiday,” Kendra said, her face red as she stood before the large four-poster bed.

“Don’t worry about it. You aren’t the first guests we’ve had on a holiday. I’m sure you won’t be our last.” He smiled. “Welcome to Grizzly Gorge. I’ll see you in the morning.” Bear shooed his cubs through the door. “Have a good night.” He winked and closed the door, leaving them alone.

Galen turned to Kendra and pulled her into his arms. He lowered his head, unable to keep himself from touching her any longer. He stared down into her eyes for a moment, giving her the time to pull away, if that was what she wanted. Kendra didn’t move. She returned his stare with wide eyes and nervously licked her lips.

Galen’s body hardened as he watched her tongue trail across her bottom lip. He wanted to know how it would feel to have her use her pink tongue on his flesh. What would it feel like to drive his hard cock into her mouth?

His heart pounded and his breath heaved in his chest as he stared down at her. “I’m going to kiss you now.” Galen couldn’t stop himself from giving her that warning. He wanted her to know, to give her the chance to deny him, though he hoped like hell she would not.

The muscles of his stomach clenched, his heart pounded in his ears and his cock grew larger, thicker, as he pictured what he wanted to do to her, with her. When she licked her lips again, he almost groaned with the need to pull her into his arms, cover her mouth with his and draw her tongue deep into his mouth.

It had only been a few days and already this woman had worked herself so far beneath his skin he couldn’t imagine a day—an hour—without her in it. His mind wanted her, his heart and body needed her more than he ever thought possible.

Unable to stop himself, he reached up and cupped her face. His thumbs lightly traced her full bottom lip.

“I can’t resist you when you do that.” He had to tell her so she would stop tempting him.

“When I do what?”

He almost groaned again when he noticed her gaze on his mouth. It was almost as though she dared him to kiss her, to take her and make her his.

“When you lick your lips like that. It makes me crazy.”

Kendra pressed her lips together for a moment, her expression one of shy indecision and then her lips curved up at the corners and she licked her lips once more.

This time her tongue mad a slow, circuit of her upper and lower lips, her mouth slightly open.

“Do you mean to tempt me, woman?”

“Yes, Galen, I do.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to hers. “Now kiss me, before I change my mind.”


Chapter Twenty-one



Galen stared down at her for a minute, his gaze shifting from her eyes to her lips. His hand found her hips, pushing her shirt up, his warm hands drawing circles on her quivering flesh.

He lowered his head, his lips covering hers, urgent, demanding. Kendra’s head spun, her knees going weak as Galen sipped at her lips.

His hands skimmed up her torso, pushing her shirt up until he broke their kiss, slowly drawing her shirt over her head. She stood before him, her breasts straining against her lacy bra, as he stared down at her hard nipples.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he breathed the heady words against the side of her neck, working his way down to press kisses between her breasts. “I’ve thought of nothing else for the last few days. I daydreamed of this. Imagined it. Hoping that you wouldn’t reject me when we finally found ourselves alone.” He licked a trail between her breasts and back up to her mouth before sucking her bottom lip between his teeth.

“I hungered for you, imagining what I would do first when we finally stopped.” He pulled her closer, the ridge of his erection pressing into her lower stomach and mons. “I knew what I wanted to do to you.” He stopped long enough to place another mind-numbing kiss against her lips. “With you. I want to know everything about you, taste every inch of you.”

Reaching behind her back, he released the strap of her bra, letting it fall to the floor. “Not once have I ever wanted a woman as much as I want you. Never have I spent days thinking about what I would do or how I would do such things, before you.” His breath came in labored gusts against her breasts as he cupped them, lifting them to the moist heat of his mouth. “I want to lick every inch of you. Taste every crease and crevice, mostly, I want to draw your essence within me, lapping up your sweet cream as your body readies itself for mine.”

She drew in a sharp breath and moaned when his mouth covered first one turgid nipple and then the other. Lifting her arms, she cupped his head, drawing him closer, holding him against her.

“God, I love the way you talk. I love your deep voice, the way it touches me deep in places I barely knew existed. I love the way you talk to me in that hot, sexy voice of yours.”

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