Galilee Rising (36 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Harlow

"What?" Jem asks as he adds the bug to the saline solution.

"Never grow a beard. You look ridiculous."

"That's a promise I can keep. I only put it on to imitate Dr. Barnes."

"That how you sneaked out of the hospital?"

"I hacked the hospital signal days ago then filmed myself working in the office for two hours. Good thing I'm incredibly boring and only wear a few different outfits, huh? This will be cold." He wipes my arm with an alcohol swab.

"Jem, you are many things, but boring is not one of them. Sexy, brave, bonkers in bed, ow!" He injects me with the tracker, and it hurts like a mother. "Fuck!"

"Sorry. Here." We wipes the blood away and seals the hole with superglue so it's not completely obvious. "It needs a minute to dry. Don't move." He tosses everything back into the box. "Are you alright?"

"Well, my arm hurts."

"You know what I mean. It's not too late to back out."

"He threatened my family. He even threatened to blow up Pendergast. All in, remember? You didn't flinch with the possibility of your life ending, neither will I. This ends today. One way or another."

Jem nods. "I just…I can't believe he actually stopped you."

"Well, he loves you." I slide my hand into his. "Miracles happen. I mean hell, you even unfrosted
cold, dead heart."

"Did I now? I wasn't sure."

"Yeah, sorry about that," I say with a grimace. "Mind if we erase it from our memories and try again? I promise no nervous breakdown this time."

"Suppose we can give it a shot," he says with a smile. He pauses and that brilliant grin grows. "I love you, Joanna Fallon."

"I love you too, Jem Ambrose. With all my heart. I love you."

He grins, then leans across to kiss me again. The moment we touch, the tears rise. This could be the last time we do this. He knows it too because his desperation and ardor matches my own. Oh, I do love this man. I love him so much I'm afraid I might burst from it. Thank you God for this man. He breaks away first, resting his forehead on mine. "I don't want you to do this, I don't want you to do this, I don't want you to do this," he whispers as desperately as his kiss.

"I have to. You know I have to," I whisper back. I kiss him again. "Just like you know what you have to do. You have the much harder job here. Can you do it? Look at me." I move his chin to meet my gaze. "We will give him every opportunity to come in alive, I promise you that, but if he doesn't…can you live with what might have to happen? Because it may come to that. He will keep coming after us. You just need to be prepared for that eventuality." I pause. "And the chance something may happen to me too."

"No," he says, shaking his head.

"There are a million ways today can go wrong. The odds are not in our favor. And if it does, I just need you to know…I don't regret a second I've spent with you. Not a one. You healed me. You brought me back to life, and I would rather have one night with you than a million without. So don't you dare blame yourself if I don't make it out of this. It was all my choice, and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. Because you're worth it. Because to me you're perfect. You have blessed my life in ways you cannot fathom, and from the bottom of my heart thank you. Thank you for loving me and making me a better person. I love you. Just keep my family, friends, and city safe, okay?"

He cups my head and wipes my tears as they fall. "Okay," he says breathlessly.

"Good." I give him a quick peck and pull away before I completely lose it. "I have to go now." I kiss him again. "I love you."

I can't look at him as I retrieve my diamonds and rush out of the room. It isn't until I get to my car that I really break down and cry. Because I'm scared. I've never been so scared in my life. Because I finally have something real to live for. And I am going to fight with my dying breath to keep hold of it. And I know I'm going to have to prove that today.

All in.




My Hero


Diamonds? Check. Tracking devices in my sneaker, another in my collar? Check. All black today. Fitting for a funeral. Plane on stand-by, though I doubt I'll make it there? Check. I assume my co-conspirators are in place. No way to find out though. Faith, Jo. Faith. I pace around my office like a caged panther clutching my cell hard enough to break it. I haven't sat still for fifteen minutes. I am sure Jordan is watching my meltdown with amusement from the camera in the credenza. It's five past one and no call. Fucker. He's late just to drive me crazy. Keep me on edge. It's working like a fucking charm, asshole.

There's a knock on my office door, and I gasp in fright. "Joanna?" Lane asks on the other side.

Oh, good. A distraction. "Come in."

Lane steps in with a file folder. "I've been reviewing your data on the acquisition of Ambrose Pharmaceuticals. I just, I can't see it, especially considering the offer we just received from Goliath to sell our existing pharma."

"Huh?" Oh, right, I have to keep the hating Jem farce alive. "What about purchasing the hospital from the city? Privatizing it?"

"That's more viable, especially with Dr. Ambrose's drug trial showing promise. We buy the hospital, we own the patent."

"He'd never go for that. Too much of a do-gooder. Push the offer forward regardless. Even if Ambrose resigns in protest, it's still a moneymaker."

"I doubt the board--"

Another knock stops this pointless conversation. Shannon scurries in without invitation, holding an envelope. "I'm sorry. This package just arrived. It's marked urgent."

And away we go. About fucking time.

"Would you please excuse me? Lane, we'll continue this later." Hopefully.

Shannon escorts Lane out as I stare at the package in my free hand. Medium sized, brown, small. And ringing. It begins ringing. For a split second I anticipate an explosion, tensing and even holding my breath. All that comes is a second ring. I rip open the package, finding a cell phone, a strange looking Bluetooth, Metro card, and black velvet bag. I quickly place the Bluetooth in my ear and receive the call. "Joanna Fallon."

"The phone has a webcam function. The camera is in the Bluetooth," Jordan says through my earpiece. "There's a switch on the side. Flip it on." I do. "It's transmitting. Think of me as the angel on your shoulder, I see, know and judge all you do. Now, remove everything in your pockets and show me as you do. You are to leave here with nothing but what I've provided." I have nothing in my pockets, and I show him such. "Where are the diamonds? Show me as you place them in the bag provided." I move over to the office safe behind the Dali painting, following instructions to the letter. Diamonds in the bag "Now with only the bag, walk out the door to the elevator."

"Can I take my jacket? It's cold out."

"You'll just have to suffer. Go now. And remember, I have eyes and ears in the sky. No funny business."

"I'm not feeling humorous today, don't worry."
Just put
one foot in front of the other, Jo
. Go. With a sigh, I amble out of my office. "I'm leaving for the day," I tell Shannon. "Something came up. I'll be back in a few days. Hold down the fort."

I don't wait for her response, I just keep moving. In exactly thirty seconds, she'll send a text to Cam that I've left for the meet. "Ground floor," Jordan says as I enter the elevator. "Then walk to the Gaines Street Metro station, South platform."

"I could just take a taxi to the airstrip," I offer.

"You go where I say the moment I say it or the bomb set to prime in the Thornton wing blows."

Oh shit. "That's not necessary."

"Simply insurance. You asked for this, Joanna." He pauses. "Metro. You have five minutes."

The elevator ride takes an eternity as workers keep getting on. A few attempt conversation but my glare stops their words. Boss of the year, me. Like most, I get off on the first floor and trek through the lobby with its water features and golden "PI" logo a story tall. No one stops me as I rush out to the street. Somewhere Kowalski sits parked, waiting to pull out in a fake cab in case Jordan went for my suggested mode of transportation. He'll still trail me as he's linked to the tracker in my shoe.

I wasn't lying. It's damn cold, low forties, with the wind pounding against me. I hurry the three blocks to the Metro, occasionally glancing back to see if I have any shadows. Only one person I recognize. "Yes, you are being tailed," Jordan says. "Eyes forward, Joanna."

The station is bustling with commuters. Thank goodness not a one pays me any attention. I swipe my Metro card and walk to the south platform. "Find the bench in front of the poster of Our Lady Hospital, then get in the train car directly in front of it. Hurry. The train's arriving."

Shit. Advertisements line the entire red and white tiled wall. Just as the train pulls in, I find the spot. I dash into the car as told. This ordeal just began and already I'm exhausted. "Remain standing and don't get off until I say so."


The train jerks to a start. Bye, Kowalski. Hope you made the train, Mirabelle. Three, four, five stations pass, all the opposite direction of the airport. Not that I expected to arrive there. That would be far too easy. I wall up my terror somehow and brick by hard won brick until I'm numb. Alert, but numb. I'm aware of everyone around me. No one is above suspicion. The college student with the purple hair. The tourist checking me out without his wife noticing. The businessman beside me chatting to his mistress on his cell. Mirabelle keeping an eye on me through the glass partition between the cars. I learned hand to hand combat skills at the police academy, even how to disarm someone, I'm ready to strike if necessary. The doors begin closing at the sixth station when Jordan yells, "Get off the train! Now!"

Shit. I leap through the doors just before they shut. Bye, Mirabelle. "Go to the opposite platform and embark the next train." I'm like a trained seal jumping through hoops. I keep leaping though. This time I only ride two stops before he orders me off. "Find the hospital poster to your left." I walk down the wall and spot it. "See the maintenance door beside? Enter."

The door opens without issue. I take one step inside when a hand clamps on my free wrist, yanking me all the way inside. I gasp and try to pull it away. "Stop struggling," Jordan says. "He won't harm you unless you make him."

I recognize Gary Acevedo as my assailant. "Hi, Gary. James Ryder says hello," I say as he shuts the door.

"Strip," Jordan says over the Bluetooth.

"Excuse me?"

"Take off all your clothes, underwear included. He won't touch you."

Wonderful. I've gone from seal to stripper. Without hesitation, I remove my sweater, pants, jewelry, undergarments, the whole lot. To his credit, Acevedo doesn't leer. He's all business. "Yes, sir?" Acevedo listens over his Bluetooth. He picks up the bag beside him, removing a white bra and panties.

"Put those on," Jordan says, "then spread your arms and legs. He's going to check you for trackers." Ugh. I assume the position as Acevedo sweeps a black rod over my body. It buzzes when it reaches my arm. Jordan tsks over the earpiece. "I told you no bugs."

"Can't blame a girl for trying."

"And you can't blame me for this. Present your arm. This will hurt."

Acevedo receives his instructions before pulling out a scalpel and tweezers. I can't look. I stare at the broom and pan in the corner as the scalpel slices me apart. "Think happy thoughts, Joanna," Jordan says in my ear. I whimper as the tweezers plunge into the hole and root around in there. Fuck that hurts! I bite my lower lip to stop from crying out. "Who is on the other end of that bug?"

"Dobbs," I wince. "He's tracking me from the manor." Of which I am sure you are verifying on the surveillance camera right now. As planned, Dobbs will be sitting by Doris until the signal goes dead.

"So, what's the plan?" Jordan asks.

"If the signal dies, or he doesn't hear from me in the next hour and every two hours after that, the information on Jem is released and he contacts the Feds."

Acevedo finally locates the bug. The torture is over. "Just leave it on the floor?" He listens again and nods before handing me the first-aid kit.

"Fix your arm then put on the rest of the clothes," Acevedo says.

As I do--just jeans, gray sweatshirt, and white sneakers--Acevedo places the bug on the floor before swiping the diamonds with the baton. No tracers. He replaces the diamonds in the bag. I slip on my new shoes and tuck my hair under the Galilee Angels cap provided. "Now, follow Mr. Acevedo. And remember: bombs, children, no fleeing." Acevedo yanks on my arm and maneuvers me out of the closet. I activate the fourth tracker in my finger.

We file to the opposite platform to embark the southbound train. After two stops, we switch again, riding three north then switching to westbound for five stops, then south to the end of the line. I suppose it's not really paranoia if they are out to get you. Like a good hostage, I don't struggle or say a word when I'm led from the subway up to a parked car near the docks. Ah the fresh ocean air. May your enjoyment not be ruined by the day's events. "Don't you even want to know where you're going, Joanna?" Jordan asks as I climb into the car.

"Does it matter? Wherever it is, I'm going there anyway."

We don't drive far, only six blocks to a private dock. Once again, I'm manhandled down a wooden landing with half a dozen johnboats, to the small blue speedboat where I'm promptly shoved onto the bench while Acededo fires up the engine. Charon guiding me down the river Styx. No one made it out of that boat ride alive either.

"Guess we're not flying to our final destination," I say to Jordan.

"No shit, Sherlock. Just sussed that one out?" Jordan replies.

Acevedo maneuvers the boat through the busy shipping lines filled with steel cargo boats as long as a city block. My fear, which I was doing a fine job of keeping at bay, spikes and spikes through my defenses the further we zoom out to sea. Thirty seconds in I'm trembling and not just from the cutting wind and splash of the freezing water. There are GFPD Marine boats patrolling the harbor, but it'll take longer than two minutes to get to me. Wonderful.

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