Read Game for Tonight Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #Game for It, #football, #Monica Murphy, #erotic romance, #quarterback, #laura kaye, #Karen Erickson, #brazen, #Game for Tonight, #Lauren Blakely, #entangled, #fake relationship

Game for Tonight (4 page)

Chapter Three

The minute Flynn and Aubrey entered his giant house via the garage, he had her pinned against the wall, right next to the door. The room was dark, no lights were on, but she could tell it was the kitchen. Stainless-steel appliances gleamed in the dim light cast by the full moon shining through the window over the sink. It also cast the man looming in front of her in a silvery glow, touching his hair, his cheekbones, his firm, strong jaw. He looked…determined.

Very, very determined.

That was the last glimpse she caught of the room before a set of wide shoulders and a firm chest blocked her view completely. Not that she was protesting.

Flynn cupped her cheek and bent over her, his mouth hovering above hers for a long, agonizing moment. He was so big, she tilted her head back to look him in the eye, her breath catching when she saw the unrepentant hunger in his gaze. He wanted her. She wanted him. They were all alone. In Flynn’s house, where no one could interrupt them and ruin this moment.

“Finally,” he whispered as if he could read her mind, just before he devoured her mouth with his own.

She stood as tall as she could, winding her arms around his neck, burying her fingers in his silky, soft hair. He tilted his head, deepening the kiss, his tongue tangling with hers, and she tugged on the strands, probably a little too tightly, but God, she couldn’t bother to care. She was too overwhelmed, too excited, too relieved this moment was finally happening.

He groaned into her mouth, and she answered him with a whimper, molding her body to his, as close as she could. As in, she didn’t want even a piece of paper to fit between them. She felt him through his pants, hard and hot and unyielding, pressing against her belly, and it was as if a thousand tiny sparks of electricity raced over her skin. God, what would he look like naked?

Amazing. Perfect.

His tongue slid and teased. His teeth nipped at her lower lip and he squeezed her waist, the fabric of her sweater dress bunching in his large hands. The man was so incredibly big, but his touch was gentle. As if it took everything within him to be so restrained.

Well. She didn’t want him restrained. She wanted him out of control and wild to possess her. She wanted him tearing her clothes off and then racing his mouth over each bit of skin he bared. She wanted to feel his hands everywhere, and then she wanted to run her hands all over him.

Yeah. She wanted a lot. She wanted it all.

For one night, at least…

“Aubrey.” Her name was a husky whisper in that deliciously deep voice. His mouth at her ear, his lips brushing against her lobe and making her shiver. He slid his hand to her nape, cupping the back of her head, his fingers slipping into her hair as he held her firm.

“Yeah?” She opened her eyes to find him studying her, his lips parted and damp from their kisses. Oh God, was he having second thoughts? Maybe he realized exactly who he’d brought home and was now kissing in the kitchen. Maybe he thought she was a…

She closed her eyes briefly and shook her head once. No way could she even think the word.


Whoops. She’d just thought it.

“Aub.” He pressed his mouth to her forehead in a chaste kiss. One of those sweet, lovable kisses that a boy you hopelessly crushed on gave you when he knew you were crushing and he didn’t feel the same. Her heart squeezed tight in her chest as she waited for his next words. “You’re thinking too much again.”

“Am not,” she breathed, shocked at how easily he had her figured out. She believed she was the one always paying close attention to him, but maybe he’d been doing the same thing with her all along.

The thought set off a special little quiver low in her belly.

“Are, too.” He kissed the spot between her brows, the little line he’d tried to rub out back at the restaurant, and, with a sigh, she slid her eyes closed once more, bracing herself against the wall as best she could so she wouldn’t fall in a heap to the floor. The man weakened every bone in her body, with just a mere touch, a few sweet words, and a couple of deep kisses.

Okay. She was all for sweet words, fleeting touches, and deep kisses, but it was time for her to get bold and move this to the bedroom. Not that she was against wall sex. Not that she’d ever actually had wall sex before, so she was totally game to try. But not right now. Not for their first time together. She wanted a bed. A giant bed so she could sprawl across it naked and let him have his way with her.

Oh yeah. That sounded beyond promising.

“Well.” She reached out, hooking her finger in the belt loop of his pants, the one closest to the button in the center of his waistband. He sucked in a breath when she rested her remaining fingers against his fly, pressing gently against his unmistakable erection. “Maybe you should help me out. Distract me for a little bit.”

“I can do that.” The words rushed out of him as his fingers curled in her hair, gently jerking her head back so their mouths could meet in a heated, way-too-brief kiss. “Though it’ll be longer than a little bit.”

She pressed her lips together to suppress the laughter that wanted to escape. “Bad choice of words?”

“Extremely.” He trailed his lips along her cheek, her jaw, her throat. His mouth was soft and warm and damp, and she hummed with pleasure when he finally took her lips once more, in a decadent, far-too-short kiss. The man was a tease, with his lips and tongue.

An absolute, wonderful, horrible tease.

Taking her hand, he stepped away from her. “Come with me.” His voice was so deep that she felt it vibrate down to her very soul.

Aubrey entwined her fingers with his and they walked through the dark quiet of his house. She couldn’t see much but could tell it was sparsely furnished.

Flynn tugged her hand, and she turned left, following him down the long hallway, until they came to the partially closed door at the end. He pushed it open, flashing her a wicked smile from over his shoulder, before he led her into his bedroom. It was spacious, mostly empty, save for a dresser against one wall and a California king-size bed against another. He moved away from her to go to the dresser and switch on the lamp that sat there, the room becoming illuminated with a warm golden glow.

“Big bed,” she observed, a huff of breath escaping her when he crowded her from behind, his arms coming around her, his hands at her stomach.

“I had it custom made so I could fit,” he murmured against her neck, pushing aside her hair with a nudge of his nose, tickling her, making her lift her shoulders to fend him off. Not that she really wanted him to leave. “They’re never long enough.”

“I’m sure,” she murmured, settling her trembling hands atop his. She had a sense of how long he was elsewhere. She’d felt it up close and personal only moments ago. And…yes, she was definitely feeling his erection nudge against her butt right now. “It’s a nice room. Nice house. Not much furniture, though.”

“Don’t have time to shop for furniture,” he murmured against her neck just before he licked it. A jolt of heat speared through her, settling like a direct hit between her legs. “And why are we talking about furniture again?”

No clue.

She turned in his arms, resting her hands on his chest. “You’re right. No more talk. Let’s focus on the action. You like that sort of thing, right?”

He raised a brow. Such a good look for him. “I’m all about action over words, though words can be good, too.”

Oh, how she loved those earnest things he said. The man was brutally honest. If he didn’t want her, he wouldn’t hesitate to stop this from happening. He’d do it in a nice way, though. Never insulting her or being mean, he’d let her down gently.

But he didn’t let her down. He didn’t turn her away. Flynn Foley had dragged her into his bedroom, which meant she needed to get over any leftover insecurities lingering in her subconscious and get this party started.

Breathing deep, she kept her eyes focused on the task before her and started to slowly unbutton his shirt. One by one, she slipped each little button from its hole, revealing a sliver of skin. Then a width of skin, until finally the shirt was completely undone and it was hanging open, his broad, smooth chest on display just for her.

She’d seen him without a shirt before. Seen him in low-hanging athletic shorts, in sweats, in his uniform sans shirt, just those tight pants that drove her crazy with lust.

But never before had she seen him this up close. She let her gaze eat him up, not quite sure where to look next because it was all so good. His pecs were firm, the skin smooth with a scant amount of dark hair in between. Washboard abs, flat stomach, perfect belly button with a trail of hair that started just beneath it and disappeared beyond the waistband of his pants.

Her mouth went dry and she swallowed hard, lifting her head to find him watching her as he slowly shrugged out of the shirt, letting it fall to the ground. His biceps bulged with the movement, and her knees went weak. How she adored his arms. They were her favorite part of him.

Well, all his parts were favored. The man was absolute perfection. And in about thirty seconds, she was going to launch herself straight at him.

But he beat her to the punch, reaching for her face so he could cradle her cheeks just before he blew her mind with a soul-stirring kiss. Deep, hot, and wet. Her favorite kind of kiss, the only kind of kiss a girl deserved just before she was about to get down and dirty with the hottest man on the planet.

She returned the kiss with enthusiasm, her hands roaming all over his naked torso, and she felt his muscles twitch beneath her palms when she skimmed them across his stomach. Feeling bold, she curled her fingers into the waistband of his pants, her fingers going for the button so she could undo and then unzip, but he settled one hand over hers, halting her progress.

Damn it.

“Hold on.” His voice was ragged, and his breathing was accelerated. His fingers gripped hers, and for a heart-stopping moment, she thought he was going to stop her.

Because, yeah, he was going to say he was a virgin and he was saving himself and wow, it’s been real, but maybe he’d better take her home after all…

“We need to get you out of that dress, Aub. And those tights or stockings or whatever you call them.” He smiled down at her. “Gotta put us on a fair playing field, right?”

Overwhelming relief almost had her slumping to the floor, so thank God he still had a grip on her. Slowly, he released her fingers and settled his hands on her shoulders, looking her square in the eye.

Just before he pushed her so she had no choice but to fall backward onto the bed.

“Hey,” she said in gentle protest, laughing when she found him smiling down at her. His hands were on his hips, and all those crazy muscles of his gleamed in the gentle light from the lamp. The laughter died in her throat when he knelt before her and took hold of one of her booted feet, nimble fingers reaching for the zipper and slowly undoing it.

Okay. This was hot. Hotter than hot. Flynn Foley was undressing her. Taking off her boots, letting them drop to the floor with a
. He glanced up, his lids lowered as he examined her, mouth parted, head cocked, and then he was reaching for the hem of her dress, gathering the fabric in his hands and pushing it up, up…

“Lift your pretty little ass, Aub,” he commanded, his voice about ten octaves lower than normal and sending a pulse of heat right between her thighs.

She did as he asked and he shoved the fabric up past her hips before he reached for the waistband of her black tights. “Um, maybe I should help you…” She had a hell of a time taking them off on her own. Who knew if a guy could muster up the skill?

But Flynn did have skills. She really shouldn’t be surprised. He could do anything he set his mind to. He carefully rolled the tights down, his fingers teasing the skin along the silk and lace of her white panties, and she sucked in a harsh breath at his not-so-innocent touch. He peeled the thick black wool and Lycra down her thighs, fingers tickling, touching her sensitive skin, and almost making her eyes cross. Past her knees, her calves, until he was tugging them off first one foot, then the other, before he let the fabric fall onto the ground at the foot of the bed.

“There,” he said, the satisfaction in his voice loud and clear. His gaze lingered and she almost wanted to squirm. “You have the sexiest legs,” he murmured.

Ha. The Hawks cheerleaders had legs to their noses. Now, those were sexy. Hers? Not so much.

Before she could utter a word of protest, he grabbed hold of her ankle, then drifted his fingers up, teasing her skin with his light touch. She closed her eyes, everything inside of her focused on those long, calloused fingers making their journey up her quivering flesh. Over her knee, the tops of her thighs, her inner thighs…

As subtly as she could muster, she spread her legs, indicating she wanted more, that she wanted those assured fingers right on the front of her panties, but then he hesitated. For a split second that she should’ve never noticed, but she did. Her eyes flew open, and the first thought that came to mind flew right out of her mouth.

“Flynn, tell me the truth.” She paused for a millisecond before she blurted, “Are you really a virgin?”

Flynn stopped in his pursuit of removing a pair of pretty white panties and lifted his head to find Aubrey watching him, her lower lip caught between her teeth, her brows lowered in worry.

Aw, hell. Had she really just asked that? He’d been hoping they could move right on into sex and she wouldn’t question him. Being with Aubrey, kissing her, touching her…it felt good. He liked the way she looked at him. As though he was her hero and personal sex god, all wrapped up in one.

Women acted as if they wanted to service him. As if they wanted to please only him, forget if they had their own mind or opinions.

Not Aubrey. She was all about seeking her pleasure, too, and he liked it. She was allowed to be a little selfish. So was he.

But he really didn’t want to have this particular conversation right now. Not when he was about to get his fingers beneath her panties and find out just how hot and wet she was.

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