Games Demons Play (Mystic Isle, Book 3) (10 page)

Read Games Demons Play (Mystic Isle, Book 3) Online

Authors: Selena Blake

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #demon, #paranormal, #contemporary, #werewolf, #sensual, #pleasure, #selena blake, #mystic isle

He closed his hands around her
waist, marveling at how small she was. But she didn’t feel fragile,
compact rather. And strong. Like a ball of muscle just waiting to
be flexed. Unable to help himself, he pulled her flush against him.
Water droplets soaked his shirt as her breasts flattened against
his abs.

She nipped his earlobe and a jolt of
desire zinged along his nerve endings.



He could hear the smile in
her voice.
“You’re messing with fire,

She nipped his chin next. “I know.
I like it. I like you.”

She kissed him, hard, opened her
mouth immediately.

Hot openmouthed kisses were
hands-down his favorite. Arms wrapping around his shoulders, she
dueled his tongue with her own. She moaned, and he absorbed the
sound, relished it.

He returned each kiss, his hands
roaming over her back, then down to cover her ass. She was a vocal
little thing. The sounds humming out of her were music to his

Then her fingers joined the mix,
working the buttons on his shirt. He leaned away from her just
enough to give her space to maneuver. Ever so gently, she tugged on
his lower lip with her teeth. He admired the control she had over
her fangs even as he felt another jolt of lust.

Moaning, she ran her palms over his
bare chest, twin planes of ice.

“Warm me up, demon.”

Before he could reply, she flopped
backward, pulling him on top of her. They splashed into the water
and she laughed as bubbles sloshed over the edge. Shocked, he
barely managed to put a hand out to keep from dunking her

She didn’t share his alarm.
Instead she kissed his throat, chin and jaw. He tucked his legs and
sought a more comfortable position.

“Mmm. The water is already

He felt her fangs rake over his
skin. Shifting their positions, he rolled, his shoulders colliding
with the end of the tub. He cradled her against his chest, and used
his hands to slowly warm her skin. She continued a steady stream of
moans and sighs as she explored him with her lips.

is in my way,” she said, tugging up the hem of his shirt. Her
cool fingers skimmed his abs. “I want you naked.”

He grinned. “Your wish is my

The massive tub shrank in its
roominess as they unbuttoned, unzipped and shimmied his soaked
clothes off until he was as naked as she. She slipped between his
thighs and plastered herself to his torso, a delighted purr
vibrating from her chest. He closed his hands around her waist,
holding her close. He shouldn’t have been surprised that his
fingertips touched behind her back. She was a tiny little thing,
but full of sass and fire.

“That is better.” She nipped his

His erection strained against her
belly, wanting inside her. “That depends on your definition of

“You promised fire,” she

“I did.” Coasting one hand down
over her ass, he squeezed.

She moaned against his
“I am ready to feel

He let heat rush to his palms. Then
used hot fingertips to draw circles over her skin. She shivered
against him and her nipples grazed his chest.

“I like that.” She licked and
nibbled her way up to his right ear, each caress tightening his
gut. “Being a vamp is cold.” He could tell there was something else
she wanted to say but she didn’t.

“Lucky for you, I can always make
more heat.”

She pulled back and gave him a
thousand megawatt smile.

Bracing her palms against his chest,
she straddled his hips. He used the position to his advantage and
slid a palm down her stomach to cup her mound. Moaning, she rubbed
herself against his hand and he felt the uber slippery

“You’re so wet,
. Do you want
something?” He couldn’t help but tease her. Loved the unfocused way
her eyes settled on him and then closed. He slid is other hand up
her body, over a hardened nipple and closed gently around her
throat. Those azure eyes widened for the briefest of seconds before
she focused on him. He felt the intensity all the way to his

Vamps were extra cautious about
their necks and since they survived by feeding from the neck, it
was no surprise. What surprised him was that she didn’t utter a
single concern about the placement of his right hand. No, she
simply ground her cunt against his other hand, further coating it
in her juices.

He explored her with his
fingertips, and she sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth.

“You’re so sexy. You know that,
right? That little sound you make.” He wanted to eat her up. Take
her into the bedroom and spend the rest of the day kissing and
licking every last inch of her delicious little body. He wanted to
find out which crevices were most sensitive, which ones turned her
on the fastest, where she was ticklish.

Her gaze was unfocused again,
far-off and dreamy.

With one finger as deep it
would go in her tight little pussy, he used his thumb to rub her
clit. Slight,
almost there
touches. Tiny caresses guaranteed to drive her

It worked. Not ten seconds later she
was whispering his name, curling her nails into his

“What is it,


“More what?”

“More everything.”

He laughed softly. “I have
something bigger, if that’s what you’re after.”

She made a sound in the back of
her throat that sounded awfully close to a purr. “Yes.” The word
came out on a hiss and she shimmied against his finger. Then, in a
lightning fast move she dismounted his hand, grasped his cock and
started sinking down onto it.

He grabbed her hips and held her
still. “Hold on, wildcat.”

“You are on edge, demon?” she
asked, her voice husky.

“Of course I am.” He’d been that
way since the first moment he’d seen her. Ethereal with gorgeous
blonde hair and haunting blue eyes. He’d wanted to taste that
rosebud mouth the instant he’d found her on the side of the road
and it had taken all his willpower to let her alone.

The time for willpower was long
gone. He let her sink down over his cock slowly enough to drive
them both crazy. But she was tight and he had no intention of
shooting off before he was ready to. Her pussy closed around him
like a sensual clamp and he ground his back teeth

Cool wet fingertips trailed over
his jaw. He’d closed his eyes at some point. Seeing the tender yet
desperate look on her beautiful face was almost his

“I will not break,

“Don’t want to hurt you, vamp.”
That would be worse than coming too soon.

“You would not. Will not.” A half
smile lit her face as she leaned forward. He sucked in a breath as
her tight little cunt shifted over him. Hands braced on his
shoulders, she kissed him. The light brush of her lips made him
feel powerful, in control. While he was distracted with sensations,
she began a slow lift off his cock.

He growled deep in his throat. She
wasn’t supposed to move yet. He didn’t like —

The kiss deepened and she sank back
down, taking him as deep as she could. He sucked on her lower lip
and felt her pussy ripple around his cock.

Hell yes.

The next time she lifted, he
didn’t try to stop her. Endless minutes of bliss ticked by as she
fucked his cock. He liked how she used him to find her

Super hot.

Somehow, only Lucifer knew how, he
held off the orgasm roaring up from his balls. Thoughts of the
beach, the forest, even her accident ran through his mind like an
endless montage. When her inner muscles began to ripple around him
and the sounds of her orgasm rang in his ears, he knew it was time
to move. There was too much space between them. Not enough

The instant she collapsed against
his chest, he wrapped one arm around her and rocked forward.
Bracing his free hand against the side of the massive tub, he
pushed to his feet. “Hold on.”

Her slender arms snaked around his
neck. He used his free hand to heat the wall tile behind her and
then leaned her against it. She made a sound of delight and her
arms tightened around his neck.

“My turn, beautiful.”

She nodded, a sexy smile
stretching her lips. He couldn’t resist kissing her as he started
the deep thrusts that would bring him release. Body against body.
Tongue against tongue. He fucked her with long, deep strokes and
relished the feel of her gorgeous womanly curves pinned between him
and the wall. Every time he sank home a soft little moan traveled
up her throat.

“You make the best sounds,” he
whispered against her mouth. “The question is can I make you come

His words, or maybe it was their
close quarters, set off another orgasm in her. This time, he didn’t
try to stop the rush of cum speeding out of his cock. He grunted as
his dick twitched inside her slippery channel.

When he came down from his
extraordinary high, he dropped his forehead against hers. Their
chests brushed as they tried to catch their breath.

“I want to do that again.” The
words spilled from his lips before he could stop them. As much as
he’d enjoyed himself, he didn’t want to rush her.

“Me too.” Her grin said more than



Chapter Ten


Now that they were lovers he saw no reason to
put her in the guestroom. Crossing the living room, he hit the
button for the shades as he entered his bedroom. The black,
sun-blocking panels, slid into place as he laid her in the center
of his bed.

He retrieved a towel from his bathroom and
took great care in drying her off, a smile hovering on his lips as
he got his first full look at her. Gorgeous all over. Cute knees.
Nibble-worthy ankles. Suckable toes with midnight blue toenail

Where had she been his whole life?

Once he was done drying her, he used the
towel on himself.

Since he doubted that she’d suddenly give up
her idea of playing in the tournament and didn’t think she would
take the money from him, that left him one option. Getting her a
seat at that table the old-fashioned way. Earning the money. Which
meant she needed to go back down to the casino and sit her cute
little ass in a chair at a poker table. With a little tutelage from
him, she could double her money in no time. Especially if the men
she was playing against didn’t think she was a threat.

And looking at her right now, sleeping so
peacefully, she looked about as threatening as a baby bunny.

It was time to do some shopping. She couldn’t
sit at the table butt naked. Although… He smiled.

The idea had appeal. But only if he was the
only other person in the room. It might be the first game he’d ever


Izzy found a purple T-shirt on the end of the
bed. There was no sign of the handsome demon who had driven her
wild earlier. She snatched up the shirt and held it in front of
her. The rhinestones caught her attention and she felt mesmerized.
So pretty. So sparkly. It was a wonder she’d won any money at all
last night with all those distracting chandeliers hanging


Her smile fell and she leapt from the bed.
What time was it? Whirling, she searched the nightstands for a
clock. Oh. Thank the gods. She hadn’t slept the night away.

She glanced down at the shirt crumpled in her
hands and read the words aloud. “I have fangs and know how to use
them.” Her smile returned. She glanced back at the bed and saw a
gorgeous set of lingerie and a new pair of jeans.

But where was Shade? Why wasn’t he lying in
that bed, all sexy and naked? She rolled her shoulders. It
shouldn’t matter. She was here to win the money. If his mechanic
said the car was totaled…
. She’d need a carload of

After slipping into the clothes, she wandered
into the living room. The demon sat at a table, a newspaper open in
front of him. How old-fashioned.

She loved it.

He must have sensed her because he folded the
paper and glanced over at her. A slow, sexy smile curved his lips,
and desire bloomed inside of her. One time was usually enough to
get a man out of her system. She had a hard time resisting a sexy
smirk or a muscular physique. He had both. In spades.

“You’re up.”

She glanced at his crotch. “So are you.”

He laughed. “What can I say? I have a thing
for beautiful young vamps who speak with a Russian accent.”

Drawn to him, she strode across the room. She
didn’t have time to waste, but she couldn’t resist the laughter in
his eyes. “Have you met many?”

“There’s this one in particular that’s snared
my attention.”

She trailed a finger along the back of the
couch. “Anyone I know?”

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