Games (Timeless Series) (21 page)

Black leaned back into his chair, picked up
the cards he’d been dealt, and grinned belligerently, displaying none of his earlier concern. “I go by that name now and again. What do you want, mister?”

“It’s Harrington,” he replied gruffly, pulling up a chair and straddling it backward, resting his arms on
top of the rungs. “I have a couple of questions to ask you.”

He squinted at Simon, a cigar hanging out the side of his mouth
. He took a huge puff before flicking the ashes and placing it in an ashtray. “It’s a free country. Ask away.” His attention went back to his cards.

Simon put his hand on Black’s cards, effectively stopping him from pulling a couple out
. “In private. Unless you want the world to know your business.”

“I’m out this round
.” Black scowled and threw down his cards, pushed back from the table, and stood. He gathered his money, pocketing it, and turned to Simon. “After you, Harrington.”

Simon led him out of the building
. When they were a good distance away, he said, “I heard you were working at the Hillier place when her stallion got loose and broke his leg. Is that true?”

“Yeah, so what?
Lots of men were working that day.”

Simon’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes
. “Way I heard it is you were the only one in the stables at the time. Care to explain what you were doing there?”

“Working,” Black said.

“Doing what?”

“Hell, I don’t know
. I was probably shoveling horse shit.” He held his gut while he laughed, clearly amused at his little joke.

Harrington didn’t laugh
. Instead, he eyed Black, until the other man fidgeted under his scrutiny. “Yes, well while you were shoveling, did you happen to see or hear anything?”

“No, I was totally absorbed in my work.”

Still piercing the man with a cold stare, he said, “So you didn’t see or hear anything?” He stayed silent not releasing his gaze. Then, realizing he wasn’t going to answer after a full minute ticked by other than the slight nod, he asked, “When did you notice the horse missing? Weren’t you the one who sounded the alarm?”

“Yeah, but like I said, I was working and the next thing I noticed the horse was gone and his stall door open
. No one was around and I went out to try and find him.”

“Convenient story, Black.”

“Maybe. But it’s the truth.” His manner turned confrontational, his tone hostile.

“Do you know a man by the name of Clint Mathers?”

“Never heard of him.” Black shook his head. “You got any more questions, Harrington?”

“Not right now.”

“Good, ’cause I wanna get back to my poker game. I’m on a winning streak.” He turned and started toward the bunkhouse.

Simon said to his back, “I may have more questions later, so don’t go anywhere.”

Black laughed. “Now where would I go? My plans don’t include more than playing a little poker.”

Simon stayed rooted to the spot, watching him go inside
. He then headed for the stables to talk with Hastings.

He found his quarry in the tack room, and said as he walked up to him, “Are you Hastings?”

The man turned around at the question and grinned affably. “That’s the name I go by. And you would be?”

“Simon Harrington
. I’m investigating a couple of incidents that have happened at several stud farms in the area. I’ve been told you go into town a lot.”

“Yeah,” Hastings said, giving a half laugh. “I’ve been known to
sow a few oats now and then in town. If I get up late because of it, Gus lets me work late in here. Is that a crime?”

Simon shook his head
. “No. I’m looking for someone and I’ve been told the gentleman I’m looking for also goes into town a lot. I was hoping you knew him.”

“I might
.” Hastings shrugged and went back to working on the leather he was softening. “What’s his name?”

“Clint Mathers.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard of him. He’s a mean son of a bitch and not someone you want to tangle with. You might wanna speak with Black. The two are thick as thieves.”

Simon’s attention flew to Hastings’ face. “When was the last time you saw him?”

“I don’t know
. It’s been awhile.” He was silent for a few seconds. “Come to think of it, he was with Black the last time I saw him about three weeks ago.”

“You’re sure it’s been three weeks?”

“Yeah, I remember it well
. Black was furious with him. It looked like they were going to fight, but then nothing happened. The last two times Black’s been in town, he’s been alone. Which was odd because the two were always together before then. I figured they had a falling-out. So, what’s Mathers done?”

“Nothing that I know of,” Simon
said. “I simply want to talk to the man.”

Sorry I couldn’t be more help.”

Simon smiled and turned to go
. “You’ve been a big help, believe me.”

His thoughts on the way back to the house were now centered on his case
. Information was starting to lead somewhere. What reason would Black have for denying knowing Mathers unless he was hiding something?

he entered his room, his train of thought was still on the details of the case, which absorbed his attention so that he missed the form sitting in the rocker. That is, until a feminine voice broke through his thoughts.

“Hello, Simon
. I have come to honor my debt.”


Chapter 14

Simon stopped his progression and glanced in the direction of the voice.

“Giselle, I’m not in the mood for your games tonight.” He closed his eyes, trying for patience. “Will you please leave?”

Giselle started rocking
. “It is more than a game,” she said earnestly. “I am not leaving. Not until I acquire what I want.”

“I’m getting ready for bed
. When I come out, you’d better be gone,” he said, striding into the washroom without a backward glance.

At the basin, he filled it with water
. The mirror caught his reflection, but his face held none of the torment of the battle being waged in his mind right then. It was taking all of his willpower not to rush over, swoop the maddening creature up, and take her to bed, giving her exactly what he wanted to give her. God, what a nightmare! Giselle sat rocking, having no idea of her precarious position. The picture she presented—a goddess with her hair flowing around her shoulders to her waist, wearing some flimsy virginal nightgown that would take him seconds to tear off of her—was playing havoc on his senses.

While washing his face, Simon prayed she would leave him in peace
. As it was, it would be a long time before he’d get any sleep when all he could think about was the vivid image of her rocking naked in that chair, a picture too firmly planted in his brain for him to shake it. Since last night, desire for her had steadily eaten away at him.

Unable to
stall any longer, he left the washroom. A feeling of dread washed over him as he spotted Giselle at the small bar in the room, filling two crystal goblets with bourbon.

Giselle picked up the glasses
and walked over to him. A confident smile formed on her lips as she held one out. “Drink up. I have a feeling you are going to need the reinforcement.”

Simon took the drink and kept his wary
gaze on her. After taking a large gulp of the drink, he asked, working to hold his irritation at bay, “Why are you still here? I thought I told you to leave.”

“You did
. But you forgot the part where I told you I was staying.”

“What the h
ell do you think you’re doing? The game is over. I distinctly remember telling you I’m not playing any longer.” His annoyance was evident in his gesture when he pointed with the drink in his hand. “There’s the door. Now go!”

!” Her light laughter floated in the air around them, mocking him. “Face it, Simon. You are stuck with me for the night. Unless you want to concede defeat and let me help you with your case.”

“I’ll concede nothing
. I don’t want you here. You’re making a pest of yourself.”

“You set the rules and you can
not change them midgame just because you do not like the way they are going. Since I lost the wager, I am here to pay, and will not leave until dawn.”

She went over
to sit in her previous position, took a swallow of her drink, and began rocking.

Sighing, he squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing them
. “Please, Giselle. Just go before we both do something we’ll regret.”

“I can
not, Simon. I wish I could.” Her whispered words were just as fervent as his.

Simon stood with his eyes closed
. When he opened them, he could see from her stubborn demeanor she had no intention of leaving.

His shoulders slumped in defeat as
he took a different tack. “All right. Let’s just say I go along with your new bet. Before I do, we need to set some rules.”

“What kind of rules?” She stopped rocking, glancing at him with

“I don’t want you coercing me or tempting me in any way
. No getting naked and throwing yourself at me. Understand?”

“I think I can resist the urge,” she said
with a wry smile.

He smiled
back. “So we’re agreed?”


“Good,” he stated firmly, his smile turning satisfied.

He went over to the bed and sat. After taking off his boots, he fluffed some pillows behind him and leaned back, placing his feet on the bed. He reached to turn down the kerosene lamp before closing his eyes as his head hit the pillow.

She stopped rocking
a second time. “What are you doing?”

He raised his head
toward her, squinting. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m going to sleep.”

“But you can
not,” she sputtered.

laid his head back down and closed his eyes. “Maybe not, but I’m going to try. I only have to lie here until dawn, right?”

“You can
not just lie there the entire evening.”

“Why not?”
He chuckled at the pure dismay in her question. “Isn’t that the idea? I’m merely following your rules.”

“But what about us?
I want my chance at helping you.”

“You should be happy I’m honoring the new rules
. God only knows why I am. I should’ve gone ahead with my original plan.”

“Fine, then,” Giselle replied haughtily
. “We will just see how long you last.”

“Don’t worry about me
. I can last all night. It’s you I’m worried about,” Simon taunted.

“Why woul
d you worry about me?” Glowering, she glanced at him.

“That chair is going to seem mighty uncomfortable in a few hours.”

“I will climb in next to you then.”

“Oh, no
. That’s not part of the bet,” Simon said, moving his arm around his head. He took a deep breath, keeping his eyes closed while one corner of his lips curled in a half smile. “You agreed you wouldn’t coerce or tempt me. Lying next to me would do both, providing an unfair advantage. If you expect me to play, you have to give me a sporting chance. I don’t expect you to throw yourself at me.”

“How would I be throwing myself at you, if I just lie next to you?”

“Why don’t you come over here and I’ll show you,” he said, raising his head and eyeing her intently. “Of course if you do, you’ll lose.”

“Forget it
. I will stay right here,” she huffed. She crossed her arms and began rocking again.

. You do that.” He put his head back and chuckled.

At some point in the next several hours, Simon must have dozed
. When he woke, a chill permeated the room. The earlier blazing fire was now but a few embers. Looking over, he saw Giselle asleep in the rocker. He got up, padded to the fireplace, added more logs, and stoked. The fire flared hotter.

Before climbing back in bed, he checked on Giselle
and smiled. She didn’t look very comfortable. The firelight played on her face. Sleeping peacefully, she had the appearance of an angel—so innocent and young. He stood just watching her, taking in her beauty. Then he grabbed a blanket from the bottom of the bed and placed it over her. While tucking it in, her luminous brown eyes opened. His fascinated gaze met her sleepy one.

The radiant, genuine smile she bestowed upon him made his heart lurch and his pulse quicken
. Her inviting lips drew his focus.

Just one kiss
. What could it hurt?

Once the thought was out, he couldn’t resist meeting her lips with his own.

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