Garrett's Choice (2 page)

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Authors: A.J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

The sun had started to rise as he reached pack lands. He pulled into the driveway, screeched to a halt, and sprayed gravel into the

AJ Jarrett

yard. Lachlan threw the car into park and jumped out. As he started to run to the front of the house, a large wolf ambled down the porch.

Lachlan stopped. His heart pounded out of control, and his breath rushed out of him in deep, heavy pants. A wolf with black, shiny fur trotted up to him. Garrett in wolf form definitely outweighed Lachlan when in his lion form. Lachlan would estimate Garrett’s wolf to be as big as a freaking moose and lined with thick muscle.

“Garrett,” Lachlan said softly. The clear blue eyes staring back at him made Lachlan’s knees go wobbly. The first time he’d seen Garrett’s eyes, Lachlan was a goner. His soul got sucked into those peepers to mingle and combine with Garrett’s to become one.

A light breeze blew across his face, and Lachlan felt goose bumps prickle across his skin. He gazed up at his mate. The wolf started to quiver, and its body fell to the ground. The sound of bones popping and joints going back to normal size crackled like popcorn popping.

The sound was grotesque, but it was a part of shifting from human to animal and vice versa.

It only took about twenty seconds for Garrett to fully turn back into himself. He kneeled on the ground, naked, with a fine sheen of sweat covering his body.

Lachlan’s cock pulsed in his pants, and he stepped toward his mate. He had to quench his desire for the only man he’d ever give his heart to.

As he got closer, Garrett stood up. Lachlan’s eyes locked on his mate’s broad shoulders, tracing down to his rippled abdomen that tapered down to the muscled V of his waist. The sheer strength his body emitted spurred on Lachlan’s desire.

Garrett closed the distance between them and wrapped his strong arms around Lachlan’s waist. The robust, outdoors, wild scent of his mate was like a punch to the gut, knocking Lachlan off his feet.

Garrett smashed his mouth down hard onto his. His mate’s tongue plunged deep, and Lachlan held on. The aggressive nature of the kiss spurred Lachlan’s libido.


Garrett’s Choice


Garrett started to pull and tug at his clothes, and Lachlan leaned back. “Baby, stop.” Lachlan looked around them. “We can’t do this out here.”

“In the woods.” Garrett’s excited eyes darted between his. “I want to take my mate under the sky and in front of nature.” He trailed his fingertips down Lachlan’s cheek. “Can I claim you on the grass-covered ground, with the birds to serenade us?”

“Yes.” That was all he got out before Garrett lifted him off his feet. Lachlan wrapped his legs around the man and allowed himself to be carried to the woods surrounding the house. He wasn’t small, but Garrett was larger. It still must have been a sight for someone to witness if they saw his mate carrying him across the yard.

Garrett started to run, and Lachlan rested his head on the man’s shoulder. He didn’t want to block Garrett’s view of what lay ahead.

They were paranormal and immortal, but still, a fall to the ground would hurt like hell and put a damper on the moment.

The speed his mate used was impressive. Before long they were in a clearing in the woods. A small brook trickled on the far side of the area. Birds chirped here and there. The sights and sounds were romantic. Lachlan felt the sensual pull of this place as if going back to the basic needs of life where there were no thrills or expensive things, just two men coming together to start their forever.

His mate laid him on the ground and hastily removed Lachlan’s clothing. Garrett’s moves were precise and confident. A man sure of one thing, that sex was most certainly in his near future.

“I’m going to love you so good, you’ll never want to leave me again,” Garrett said as his eyes and hands roamed over Lachlan’s now-naked body.

Lachlan let what Garrett said go without a fight. He hated that Garrett still thought he left him on purpose, because he didn’t. He was a warrior. It was part of his job to assist when need be.

Garrett urged Lachlan’s arms up over his head and gave him a look that said not to move. He then trailed his tongue down Lachlan’s

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neck to his hardened nipples. His mate’s moist, smooth tongue lapped around the pebbled peaks, alternating from left to right. Lachlan squirmed on the ground. The pleasure too much to bear. His cock had swelled to beyond the point of pain. He needed to come and fast.

“Fuck, Garrett.” Lachlan put his hands on Garrett’s shoulders and tried to push him to the desired location he wanted his lover to be.

“Suck me. I can’t stand it anymore. I need to come.”

Garrett started to chuckle. “You’re not going to come until I’m in this sweet ass.” He squeezed Lachlan’s ass in clarification. “The first time you release your seed and scream out my name in pleasure I’m going to be buried so far inside you, you’ll know who you belong to.”

Again the wording sounded a bit off. Technically he didn’t belong to anyone, but he wanted his heart to belong to Garrett. He blamed the intensity of the situation for Garrett’s poor choice in wording.

“Then you better fuck me now. I don’t want to wait any longer.”

Lachlan could hear the pleading in his voice, but he didn’t care. As long as it got him what he wanted, fuck his pride. He grabbed the sides of Garrett’s face and let his sharp nails come out to lightly graze across his mate’s flesh. “Claim me.”

Garrett let out a low growl and captured Lachlan’s lips in a searing kiss. He forced Lachlan’s hands back over his head. He eased a hand between them and used his fingers to swipe up the pre-cum leaking from the head of Lachlan’s cock. The fingers then went lower to play across Lachlan’s rippled entrance. Lachlan felt his hole flutter at the contact. He edged his hips forward trying to get the teasing fingers in deeper.

Garrett smiled mischievously down at him. “Are you impatient, my love?”

“Fuck yeah.” Lachlan didn’t have any pretty words for his lover.

He was beyond that at the moment. Lachlan needed a solid, hot, and thick cock inside him stat.

Garrett pushed up on one arm to hover over Lachlan. He then used his free hand to rub his damp tip over Lachlan’s heated hole. Lachlan
Garrett’s Choice


roared his frustration, sending some birds in a nearby tree to flight.

Garrett smiled down at him and pushed forward in one forceful thrust.

“Holy shit!” Lachlan hadn’t bottomed in a long while, and the burn was intense. He sucked in mouthful after mouthful of air. His ass tightened around the large pole shoved up nice and deep. He just needed a second to adjust.

His mate didn’t move or rush him. Garrett lowered his body to cover him, and the slight shift caused Lachlan to jerk beneath his mate.

“Shh, breathe, Lachlan.” Garrett dropped soft, gentle kisses to Lachlan’s jawline and cheeks. “Accept me into your body.”

Lachlan tried to do as Garrett asked, but without lube his channel wanted to protest the dry claiming. He closed his eyes and wiggled slightly to accommodate the large dick in his body. After a few swirls of his hips, the pain ebbed a bit. The pinch of pain added to the fire coursing through Lachlan’s cock to settle in his balls. He wanted more.

Garrett growled as he plowed forward taking what he wanted from Lachlan’s greedy hole. With every slap of Garrett’s hips, Lachlan raised up to deepen the stroke. Now that the pain faded to mind-blowing arousal like he never felt before, Lachlan needed more.

If Garrett wanted to shove his balls in Lachlan’s ass, he’d let the man.

He craved everything about his mate and wanted the man to crawl inside him and never leave.

“So tight, so good,” Garrett grunted. “Please god, say you’re close. I’m not going to last much longer. It’s been too long.” Garrett’s hips never faltered.

Reaching between their bodies, Lachlan fisted his overheated cock. The veins bulged around his length feeling about ready to burst.

Lachlan stroked the taut skin in quick tugs. He wanted them to come together this first time.

“Yeah, that’s it. Fuck yourself for me baby.” Garrett groaned as pulled out of Lachlan’s body. He bent his head forward, where

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Lachlan’s leg creased at the hip and bit down hard. Lachlan gasped at the initial contact. Garrett’s canines sliced through Lachlan’s skin like a knife through butter.

“Garrett!” Lachlan screamed heavenward. The bite almost threw him over the edge to utter and complete ecstasy.

“Hang on, baby.” Garrett bit into his own wrist then swiped up a collection of his and Lachlan’s blood and covered his cock in the fluid. Grabbing Lachlan around the hips he surged back in, balls deep.

Lachlan lifted his legs higher in the air, needing more of that deep-seated pleasure only a hard cock fucking him good and proper could supply.

He kept the steady down-up pull on his dick. The tingling in his balls fanned out across his body, making him feel a warm and fuzzy heat in his veins. He locked eyes with Garrett as the first jet of cum left his body to spatter along his chest.

Garrett’s hips moved at supersonic speed as he slammed into Lachlan’s body. Lachlan’s ass muscles contracted around Garrett’s length, sucking the pearly-white seed from his mate’s body. Garrett’s breath hitched and his body went jackknife straight. His body was like an angled plank across Lachlan, every muscle strung taut and quivering as Garrett’s cum bathed Lachlan’s insides.

Lachlan could feel pieces of Garrett’s soul fuse to his, melding together as one. They were no longer two separate souls but one stronger that held the promise of eternal love.

When the spasms died off, Garrett fell forward resting his chest against Lachlan’s. Lachlan had to admit that was one of the best things about having a male lover, never having the fear of crushing his partner. He loved to feel the heavy weight of a man surrounding him, and now Garrett held that honor for the rest of his life. Lachlan hugged Garrett close, tucking his head into his mate’s neck, breathing in the scent of their lovemaking.

“It’s done,” Garrett whispered into his ear. “We’re bonded together until death do us part.”


Garrett’s Choice


A smile curled his upper lip. “I love the sound of that,” Lachlan said, unashamed to admit it. Garrett was a good man who would love him forever.



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Chapter Two

“So let me get this straight.” Lachlan sat forward in his chair to stare at Ben. “I’m being ordered by the council to move back in with my mate?” Taking a breath, Lachlan took a moment to arrange his thoughts. “Excuse me if I’m wrong on this, but since when is it the council’s business what takes place between mated couples?”

Lachlan didn’t like being a hard-ass, but Ben knew why he left Garrett. After only one fucking week of actually living together, the whole relationship went south. Garrett felt since he was the alpha that Lachlan had to obey his orders. Well that was all fine in theory, but that was not the way Lachlan had been wired.

Garrett being a demanding prick was only half the problem. There were some of Garrett’s pack members who just flat-out hated Lachlan. They thought him being a lion shifter made him less of a paranormal being when compared to a wolf. The things they would say were just too disrespectful for Lachlan to have to bear. If he stayed beyond the one week he tried to make the relationship work, he’d be charged with murder. The teasing and callous attitude was too much for a man to have to handle. So Lachlan did the adult thing and left.

Garrett tried to give some song and dance that he had to stay impartial with these matters. Lachlan understood that, he truly did.

With the witch, Damon, on the loose, they had to take precautions, but Garrett could have at least stood up for him and made it clear that Lachlan was to be treated fairly.


Garrett’s Choice


“Typically they don’t, but this is a different matter altogether.”

Ben ran a hand through the already-mussed strands. Lachlan could see the strain on his boss’s face from having to request this of him.

“How so?” Lachlan asked.

“Questioning Garrett’s pack hasn’t gotten us anywhere. Either they don’t know anything or they’re just not talking. Take your pick.

But now there is talk about the pack wanting to appoint a new alpha.

It’s all hearsay, but you never know. I’ve met a few of the Carrington Pack members, and they all seem to just adore Garrett. So this could just be the council getting their panties in a twist.”

“Ben, how does all this involve me?” Lachlan didn’t understand how his choosing to leave Garrett had any effect on the council and the possibility of Garrett losing his rank as alpha. Garrett was a fit and athletic guy. He’d win against any challenger who would choose to fight the man. “Garrett’s a fierce and strong alpha. He wouldn’t lose a fight for his leadership.” Lachlan shrugged like what he said made perfect sense and that anyone would have to agree.

“I’d like to agree with that assessment, but we can’t chance it.

With the possibility of witches being involved with this wolf pack, we can’t allow them to let another wolf challenge Garrett for alpha. This could be the witch’s plan all along. There’re too many unknowns for us to just put Garrett at risk of losing leadership of his pack.”

“Once again how does this involve me?” Lachlan was getting snappy, but he wanted the straight truth.

“It boils down to this.” Ben pointed his finger across the desk at Lachlan. “You need to move back in with your mate and show a united front. There are talks that some of the wolves in his pack aren’t happy that the alpha’s mate has chosen to live away from him. They think if Garrett can’t control you, then he can’t keep control of the pack.”

A bitter taste clung to Lachlan’s tongue. There’s that word again,
. What was with these wolves and the need to control everything and everyone in their path? He didn’t want to let down the

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