Georgia On My Mind (23 page)

Read Georgia On My Mind Online

Authors: Marie Force

Her eyes widened. “

Ian smiled as he nodded and continued to fight the overwhelming desire to touch her.

She directed his attention to the fat wad of cash she had rolled into her fist. “I was heading up to the office. Want to come?”

So badly he ached. “Yeah,” he said, reaching for his wallet to pay for the beers.

She stopped him. “It’s on me,” she said with a signal to the bartender. Pointing to Ian, she made a writing gesture.

The bartender responded with a thumbs-up.

“Thanks,” Ian said. He followed her back the way he’d come in. Halfway down the long, dark hallway, she ducked through a door that led to a stairwell.

Using a key at the top of the stairs, she pushed open a heavy door and stepped into a large, cluttered space. One whole wall was a window that looked down over the club.

“My home away from home,” she said as she stashed the money in a safe behind her desk.

Cases of beer were stacked against one of the other walls, her desk was piled high with paper, and a screen saver on her computer provided the only light in the room.

When she reached for a switch on the wall, Ian took her hand before she could turn on a light, brought her into his arms, and captured her mouth for a deep, searing kiss. Tongues met in a fierce battle, and when her teeth clamped down on his, Ian almost passed out from the surge of pure lust that streaked through him.

He scooped her up.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and tightened her arms around his neck.

Pressing her back against the window that overlooked the club, he broke the kiss. “One-way glass?”

“Uh-huh,” she said, pulling him in for another torrid kiss.

Long, passionate minutes passed before Ian came up for air. Planting his lips on her neck, he whispered, “I’ve needed this all day.”

“Mmm,” she sighed, tilting her head to encourage the attention he was paying to her neck.

“You, too?” he asked, hating his needy, hopeful tone.

“I liked finding you at my bar.”

The confession made him ridiculously happy. “There’s no chance of this window letting go, is there?”

“That would suck,” she joked, rotating her pelvis against his straining hard-on.


,” she teased in the same tone as she bit down on his earlobe.

He was so painfully hard, he was afraid it would break right off if she kept pushing on it. “Does that door have a lock?”

He saw a moment of hesitation in her eyes that disappeared as fast as it had come. “Sure does.”

He let her slide down the front of him and, for the second night in a row, watched her slide a lock into place.

She turned back to him, and with a sexy, confident smile, she reached for the hem of her T-shirt and lifted it up and over her head. Her eyes locked on his, she unbuttoned her camouflage pants and let them slide into a puddle at her feet.

Ian’s hands rolled into fists at his side as he bit down on his lower lip to keep his tongue from hanging out of his face. Watching her strip for him was like having every fantasy he’d ever had come true all at once.

Her smile shifted from confident to tantalizing as she reached back to unhook her bra. She took it off and threw it at him.

Surprised, he caught it, felt the heat of her body in the soft cloth, and was certain he was going to explode any second.

As she sashayed toward him, Ian was paralyzed and terrified that she’d only have to touch him and he’d be done.

“You’re kind of overdressed for this party,” she whispered, inching his shirt up and over his head, her lips exploring each new bit of skin as she uncovered it. “Condom?”

“Wallet,” he managed to say.

Reaching into both back pockets and squeezing his ass, she removed his wallet and flipped it open.

He watched her smile fade when she encountered a photo of Rosie. That would be something he could think about later, after he had slaked the burning desire. Taking it from her, he found the condom and tossed the wallet on the floor with his shirt. There was something highly erotic about getting naked in front of a window where hundreds of people who couldn’t see them gyrated to music they could feel but not hear.

Unbuttoning his shorts, she pushed them down and kneeled in front of him. “Cat,” he gasped as she took him into her mouth. No way would he survive this—not after the striptease. “Babe, wait.” He wove his fingers through her short hair. “I can’t . . .”

She sucked hard and skimmed her tongue over the tip.

His legs failing him, Ian leaned back against the window. This was going to be quick. “Cat.”

“Let go,” she whispered before she took him deep again. “Let it go.”

He closed his eyes tight against the pain and the pleasure of her hot, wet mouth sliding over him. Cupping the back of her head, he held on as the climax slammed into him hard and fast. When it was over, he slid down the glass to the floor and gathered her into his arms. Her breasts were soft against his chest as her lips toyed with his nipple. He was amazed to feel his dick stir to life again.

“Good?” she asked.

“So good I think I died for a minute there.”

“Do I need to give you CPR?”

“No, but some mouth-to-mouth might be in order.”

Smiling at his joke, she crawled up his chest to lock lips with him, and then suddenly they were rolling across the carpeted floor. He cupped her breasts and bent to suck hard on her nipples. As she squirmed under him, begging him with the rise and fall of her hips to hurry, he stopped long enough to locate the condom and roll it on.

Perched over her, he wanted to take it slow, to savor the sweet satisfaction of having her spread open beneath him. But she wanted fast. She wanted frantic. And she wanted it now. After what she had given him, he happily obliged. Since she had taken the edge off, he had plenty to give.

Long, deep strokes, the wet slap of his flesh against hers, the press of his body tight into hers. He couldn’t believe it was possible to top the night before, but here on the floor of her office, with the flash of strobe lights from the club giving her skin a variety of rapidly changing hues, it was even better.

Dipping his head, he caught her nipple between his teeth and reached down to where they were joined to coax her. He felt her tighten around him and sucked hard on her nipple. Her legs fell open wider as the orgasm rolled through her in wave after wave of sensation.

She shrieked with pleasure, and rather than muffle it the way he had the night before, Ian let her scream, the soundproof room keeping the noise in as much as out.

He watched her face as she came back down to realize he wasn’t done yet. Not even close.

Chapter 23

Nathan walked Georgie to the front door. Cat had left the porch light on when she left, but otherwise the house was dark.

“Looks like I’m the first one home.”

“Seems like it.”

An awkward pause hung in the air between them.


“I had fun today.” She smiled up at him. “Sorry. What were you going to say?”

His face grew serious.

Her heart raced.

“I want you so much,” he said in a soft, sexy voice. He rested his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “I want to feel your silky skin against mine. I want to kiss you and taste you and smell you. I want to be inside you, so deep I can’t tell where you end and I begin. I want you. Desperately.”

No one had ever said such things to her. “Nathan,” she sighed. “I want you, too. I want to spend another night with you the way we did before. I want that so much.”

He hooked an arm around her neck and kissed her with a ravenous appetite that took her breath away. That this strong, decent, kind, beautiful man wanted her this much . . .

“Nathan.” She pushed gently but insistently on his chest. “What you said last night, the reason you couldn’t stay. Nothing’s changed. And if we do this, it’ll only make it harder—”

“Not possible,” he joked.

“Stop,” she said, laughing. “Don’t make jokes. I’m serious.”

“I know.” His mouth twisted into a grudging expression. “And I know you’re right, as much as it pains me.”

She looped her arms around his waist and pushed hard against his arousal. “Does it help to know I want you just as much?”

“Ah, yeah,” he said through gritted teeth. “Sure.”

“I do. And if I wasn’t certain it would make things worse rather than better, I’d be dragging you upstairs right now.”

He groaned. “I could do without that visual if you’re saying no.”

“I’m saying I wish. I wish so many things were different.”

He leaned his forehead against hers and stayed there for a long time before he pressed kisses to both her cheeks. “Are you opening the center tomorrow?”

She nodded. “And then I’ll be at the hospital waiting to hear about Gus’s surgery.”

“I have court first thing, and then I’ll try to come by the hospital.”

“You’re going back to work? Already?”

“Light duty this week. I have to appear at a hearing on that pedophile case.” His face clouded. “I was the first one in, so I’m the only one who saw . . .”

Georgie swallowed. “Saw what?”

“What he was doing to her before he pulled a gun from under the pillow and started shooting.” His tone was matter-of-fact, but she saw the truth in his eyes.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Once in court will be plenty. Besides, I’d never want you to have that picture in your mind. Never.”

She reached up to cradle his face in her hands. “You take care of everyone, Nathan Caldwell. Who takes care of you?”

“I’m advertising to fill the position right now. Interested in applying?”

“You make a joke whenever something strikes too close to home.”

“I do?” he asked, seeming genuinely surprised.


He shrugged. “I don’t need a lot.”

“Everyone needs some.”

Turning his face into her hand, he kissed the palm. “Are you offering?”

“For what it’s worth, I wish I could.”

“It’s worth a lot. What about you? Who takes care of you when you’re in

Georgie had to think about that.

“Doug the agent?” he asked with a sneer.

She laughed. “Hardly.”

“Then what were you doing with him?”

“He was a distraction.”

“Is that what I am?”

“No, Nathan, you’re a delight.” She shifted her hands from his face to the back of his head, pulling him down to her. Pouring herself into the kiss, she tried to show him, to tell him.

He raised his head to stare at her.

Georgie’s heart thumped in her chest.

“I have to go,” he whispered. “Before I can’t.” Hugging her tight, he touched another light kiss to her lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Thank you for sharing your family with me. It was a wonderful day.”

“My pleasure, sweetheart.” He squeezed her hand and released it. “I’ll wait until you get in.”

Georgie unlocked the door and turned back to him. “Sleep well.”

“Not likely,” he said with that irresistible smile.

From inside, she watched him amble down the stairs to his car. He waved on his way by.

Georgie stood there for a long time wondering why she had let the best thing that had ever happened to her leave.

She trudged up the stairs with a heavy heart. While she had succeeded in putting most of her worries aside during the day with Nathan, they all came back down on her the minute she was alone in the big, quiet house.

After being surrounded all afternoon and evening by Nathan’s big, loving family, she was more acutely aware of what was gone from her own life.

She wondered if Tess had given in to temptation and slept with Ben. They had been awfully cozy by the fire, and Georgie wouldn’t be surprised if Tess didn’t make it home that night. Cat was at work, but Ian had put Rosie to bed in Kevin’s house and left a short time later. Georgie had suspected he was going to find Cat.

Wound up and frustrated after sending Nathan home, Georgie decided to do some more work in her mother’s room. She changed into the boxers and cami she slept in and put her hair up in a high ponytail. She taped together another box and took it in with her.

The room was so quiet, almost eerily quiet, that she flipped on her mother’s bedside radio and brought the jewelry box over to the bed. She sat to go through the mostly costume pieces, again making a small pile of things to keep for herself and Ali and a larger pile to get rid of. A few of the pins brought back memories of Christmases and Halloweens past. Long after Georgie and Ali had given up trick-or-treating, their mother had still dressed up to hand out candy to the neighborhood kids.

Inside a velvet box, she found her grandmother’s engagement ring and realized she needed to add it to the list of valuables she had to bring to probate court on Tuesday. At some point, she and Ali would have to decide what to do about all the valuables, including the house.

At the bottom of the jewelry box, she found a false bottom that she lifted to make sure she hadn’t missed anything. Two pieces of paper were folded into the small space. One was addressed to Ali, the other to her. Georgie opened hers to find a key taped to the bottom and her mother’s familiar handwriting.

My darling Georgie,

If you’ve found this, then you’ve reached the point where you feel strong enough to go through my things. I’m so sorry for all I put you and your sister through the last few months, but having you both here with me brought me such joy in my final days.

By now you’ve probably discovered there’s not much of any value among my things. As you well know, I was never one for fancy clothes or jewelry. The things I valued most in my life couldn’t be paid for with money or worn on a finger. You, my darling child, you and your sister were the ones I cherished above all others. You were the loves of my life.

Georgie held the letter aside when she was so blinded by tears she could no longer see through them to read. A few minutes passed before she could work up the courage to continue.

When I look back over my life, I have few regrets. But the ones I do have are not insignificant. I regret that I smothered you, that when you went far away to college you never came home again because you knew if you did you’d never truly be independent from me. I’m sorry it took me so long to let go, and I’m sorry you felt you had to go so far away—and stay there so long—to make your own way.

I’m proud of you, Georgie. Truly proud of the caring, compassionate, independent, successful woman you grew up to be. Since I’m not around for you to kill, I suppose it’s time to confess that I’ve been planning your wedding in my mind for years. Upstairs in the attic you’ll find my wedding dress hanging in one of the garment bags. I have little hope that it’ll suit your finely tuned sense of style (how you came by that with me as your mother is anyone’s guess!), but it’s yours if you’d like to wear it or alter it to suit you. My feelings won’t be hurt (even in heaven) if you wear something of your own choosing. Whatever makes you happy makes me happy.

I’ve been squirreling away the money to pay for this big day I dreamed of for you from every paycheck I’ve ever received at the center. The key below is for a safety deposit box at the credit union. Inside you’ll find a passbook for an account in your name. When you’re ready to get married, I hope you’ll use this money to pay for a day that makes all
dreams come true. Or, if you’d rather, use it as a down payment on a house. Either way, I hope you’ll think of me and remember always how very much I love you.

Be kind to yourself, follow your heart, put love before everything else, and be happy, Georgie. Be very, very happy, my love. You made my life.


Georgie’s sobs echoed through the quiet room. Without taking the time to think about the implications, she crossed the hall to her room and rifled through her purse in search of the note Nathan had written to her after the first night they spent together. When she found it, she wiped her eyes and used her cell phone to call the number he had given her.

His voice was heavy and sleepy sounding.


“Georgie? Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

“I . . .” She couldn’t seem to form a coherent thought, let alone a sentence.

“I’m coming. I’ll be right there.”

Before she could protest or remind him he had court in the morning, the phone went dead.

Downstairs, Georgie unlocked the front door and sat on the bottom step, her face buried in her crossed arms. She hadn’t known this kind of pain was possible. The numbness that followed her mother’s death had lifted, leaving her raw and unprotected from this latest blow.

When she heard the pounding of Nathan’s footsteps on the porch stairs, she raised her head.

Before she could get up, he was through the door wearing only gym shorts and running shoes.

He came to a halt at the sight of her tearstained face and dropped to his knees in front of her. She could tell by the sheen of sweat on his forehead that he had run to her. Right in that moment, the door to her heart swung open and let him in.

Reaching out to brush a tear off her cheek, he said, “What, baby? What happened?”

“I found . . .” She shook her head when she couldn’t continue.

He pulled her onto his lap and sat on the floor with his arms around her. “Georgie,” he whispered, curling his hand around her neck under her ponytail. “Shh.”

“I’m sorry,” she said. “You were sleeping.”

“I wasn’t. I was thinking of you and wishing I was with you.”

His hair was damp and his jaw smooth.

“You smell good,” she said, burying her runny nose in the crook of his neck.

“I took a long
shower when I got home.”

Despite her tears, despite her heartbreak, he made her laugh. “You forgot your shirt.”

“Be glad I remembered the shorts. I was moving pretty fast.”

“I just wanted to talk to you, but thank you for moving fast, for coming.”

“What did you find, sweetheart?”

“A letter from my mother.”

“Georgie.” He tightened his hold on her.

“Do you want to read it?”

“Only if you want me to.”

“I do. I want to show it to you.” When she started to get up, he stopped her.

“Wait until you’re ready.”

He held her for a long time before she said she felt better. She got up and extended a hand to him.

Keeping his hand wrapped around hers, he followed her upstairs. At the door to her mother’s room, he took a long look at the boxes. “Don’t you have anyone who can help you with this?”

She shook her head, picked up the letter and handed it to him. “Let’s go in my room. I’ve had enough in here for today.” On her way out, she turned off the radio and the light and closed the door behind her.

Nathan stretched out on Georgie’s bed and held out his arm to invite her to lie with him.

She curled up next to him and listened to the steady cadence of his breathing as he read the letter.

“Wow,” he said when he finished. “That’s amazing.”

“You know, it’s funny. She used to say all the time that she couldn’t picture herself as an elderly woman. What’s ironic is that she knew everything there was to know about old people except how to become one.”

Nathan fingered the key taped to the bottom of the letter. “Are you going to get the passbook?”

“At some point. I still can’t believe she did that.”

“It’s an incredible gift, Georgie, the letter, the money, all of it. I don’t know if you can see it that way right now, but maybe someday . . .”

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