Getting Lucky (The Texas Tycoon Series, #1) (2 page)

Read Getting Lucky (The Texas Tycoon Series, #1) Online

Authors: Ana Munroe

Tags: #billionaire, #romantic erotic, #new adult, #love, #vacation, #Romantic Sex, #wealthy, #rich

"Margaret? Hi, could you do me a favor? I need some women's clothes. Stylish. Sexy. Something to sleep in too. I'd say a size..." He ran his eyes up and down her as Macy's mouth hung open. "Probably a size eight. Shoe size?" He raised his eyebrows at Macy.

"I'm a ten. In shoe and clothes." She couldn't bring herself to blurt out her bra size and hoped that there would be something to cover her. Going braless in a t-shirt made her look like a porn star.

Lucky smiled and finished his instructions. The limo pulled to a stop and a few minutes later there was a knock on the back door. Lucky rolled the window down and pulled two take out bags inside. Spicy scents filled the limo and Macy's stomach growled.

"Dig in." Lucky said. He pulled gold plates from a sideboard and served her a few tacos. Macy rolled her eyes at the gold plates. Of course, he would have gold plates.

Macy quickly devoured her tacos, trying to avoid Lucky's scrutiny and failed.

"I like a girl that isn't afraid to eat in front of a man. All those skinny debutantes who pick at their salads and pout. It's annoying."

"Ha! Well, I've failed dreadfully in the debutante department much to my mother's disgust. I don't think she even knows what to do with me. She never really did." Macy thought of her perpetually perfect mother and winced. She could only imagine what she would say about this.

"Ah yes, Judith. I remember her. She was the head of everything in high school it seemed. Quite the perfect mom with the perfect daughter." The last words came out a bit resentfully.

"Far from it. I hated all the things she made me do in high school. I never could quite live up to my sister." Macy wiped her mouth and downed her champagne without realizing it. Talking about her mom stressed her out.

"What? Miss perfect head cheerleader? Dated the prom king? Miss popular? How could that not be enough?" Lucky spoke bitterly.

Macy looked at him. His tanned face turned away from her and he crouched low in the limo as he approached her, cleaning up her plates and refilling her glass. This time, he sat next to her, his legs sprawling open and brushing hers. Lucky leaned back against the seat and loosely toyed with a lock of Macy's hair. His sudden closeness made her jumpy.

"Ha, dated. You know the prom king was gay, right? Mom forced me to go out with him because we were family friends. He's a nice guy though."

Lucky had heard that rumor years later. He'd wished he'd known it in high school. It would have saved him some bouts of blinding jealousy. "So, not is all that it appears to be." Lucky murmured as looked at Macy's chest and then into her eyes.

"What about you? You were always so mean to me in high school." Macy blurted out.

Lucky dropped her hair and stared at her. "I was not mean to you. I avoided you. You were everything I wasn't."

"You were. You were a nasty snotty geek and every time I tried to be nice to you, you gave me such shit back. God, I thought you were so annoying." Macy couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. She stared at the champagne and took another sip. Perhaps drinking without eating all day was making her tolerance a little lower than normal. She looked around for a place to put the glass.

Lucky grabbed it from her, downed it and threw it across the limo. Macy sat back, stunned.

"You drove me crazy. You still do. I couldn't be nice to you. I had to keep you at a distance."

"Drove you crazy? I did no such thing. I was nothing but nice to you and you were a total shit. You still are." Her cheeks flushed at her audacity and her breath came in small puffs. Her chest rose as she struggled to breathe against the constraints of her dress. Lucky stared down into her heaving bosom, the sequins amplifying their glory, and fixated on her mouth.

"Well, since you have such a poor opinion of me anyway." He grabbed Macy's arms and pulled her to him, forcing her to sprawl across his lap, and devoured her mouth with his own.

Macy gasped and tried to push him back. How dare he put his hands on her? This wasn't a part of the auction rules. She lay across his chest and his strong arms held hers down, unable to move. She squeaked her outrage as his mouth assaulted her own. He sucked at her bottom lip, teasing it and nibbled. Despite herself, she moaned. He seized the chance her open mouth presented and slipped his tongue inside, mimicking a slow rhythm. In and out, dipping and diving, suckling. He made love to her mouth, and Macy's resistance trembled.

Lucky gently released her arms and pulled her closer, delving his tongue more deeply into her mouth. Macy's insides turned into liquid fire and her clit screamed. Unable to move, she wantonly rubbed her nipples across his chest, the silk of the dress multiplying the heat of their bodies until she wanted to beg. Imprisoned by his arms, Macy's hips began an involuntary rhythm against his body.

Lucky sucked her tongue and lifting her effortlessly, he rolled until she was beneath him on the long bench of the limo. He pulled the top of her dress down and her breasts exploded into his hands. He stared at her for a moment and Macy gaped at him in shock. He flashed her a smile and bent over and licked her nipple. Macy gasped and arched her back. Instant heat shot to her stomach.

"Oh god, more, please more."

Lucky looked up at her a wolfish grin on his face. He slid his hand up her leg and slid a finger inside her pussy. Macy jumped. "Wait, whoa, oh god." Lucky continued to bombard her nipples, his five o'clock shadow roughing them up as he sucked, nibbled and teased. Macy could barely think as sensations bombarded her. His fingers did a slow dance on her clit and she could feel her juices dripping down her leg.

She arched her back towards him as he bit her nipple roughly and buried his face in her breasts. His hand played a merciless rhythm across her pussy, sliding in and out of her, one finger, two and then three. She groaned as he stretched her, deeper, reaching for that oh-so-yummy-spot. She tried to close her legs around him. God, how she wanted this, she panted, but was afraid he would learn her deep secret. She thought of the two other times it had happened and how embarrassed she'd been with the men she'd been with. Heat flooded her face as she thought of their reactions as her juices had exploded over them.

"Stop, please, stop." Macy gasped for breath ready to scream. He was so close.

His hands stilled.

"I can't. Not here. Not like this."

Macy was scared to look at Lucky. She could feel him raging hard against her, all man and muscle and intensity. She couldn't believe she had let this happen. She hadn't been able to stand Lucky in high school and now she was on the edge of orgasming all over his elegant leather seats.

He removed his hands and smoothed her dress drown. He pulled her up and tucked her boobs in her dress, gently cradling her breasts in each hand as he brushed her nipples and looked into her eyes. She licked her swollen lips and tried not to faint.

"Ok, not here. That was your free pass. Next time, you'll show me your secret."

Macy gaped at him. He knew she was hiding something.

Chapter 4

ucky could have killed her. She was all of his wet dreams in one and right as she was ready to explode in his hands, she stopped herself. Why would she deny herself such pleasure? The way she had gasped when he mentioned her secret made him all the more determined to learn what she hid. Like a dog on the hunt, Lucky would find it out. Her scent was on his hands, on him, and he wanted to bury his face in her pussy and lick the juices that dripped down her legs. He could all but taste her sweetness, and his cock throbbed with wanting to thrust himself deeply inside her. He breathed shakily and checked his watch. They were almost at the airport so it was for the best anyway. He handed her a cloth and she blushed as she wiped her legs.

"Ready to go?"

Macy nodded silently and checked her makeup and hair. He wanted to laugh at her. She was trying so hard to be demure, but her swollen lips and the beard burn on her neck gave her away. His driver would know just what they'd been doing back here. He made a mental note to feed her more champagne. Silently, they walked to his private jet and he nodded to the stewardess.

"Please bring us more champagne and don’t disturb us." He led Macy through a small sitting area in the plane and sat her on a leather couch. Wood grain lined the walls and soft tones of gold and white echoed through the cockpit. A door led to a small bedroom in back, but he had a feeling she'd balk at going there with him. There would barely be time anyway, their flight was just 45 minutes long. Just long enough to drive her crazy, he thought.

Lucky sat back and like a wolf after his prey, he picked up her hand and kissed it. He lingered over her palm and licked it, placing soft kisses. Her eyes were wide and she licked her lips nervously. He wondered if she knew how sexy she looked when she did that. Mussy hair tumbling around her head, swollen lips, and a flush across her cheeks. He wanted to play with her all night long.

The stewardess brought them champagne and announced departure, she quietly left the cabin and closed the door behind her. Macy grabbed her champagne and took a large sip; she gulped, and sputtered, spilling a few drops across her chest.

"Shh, calm down. It's ok."

Macy nodded. "Sorry. I just, I think champagne goes to my head a bit. Sorry about the limo." Macy smiled and tried to breathe.

Lucky laughed. She was apologizing to him? He'd all but jumped her bones. He watched the drop of champagne run down her chest. He leaned in and she flattened herself against the back of the seat. He smiled. God, he loved having this power over her. Him, geeky scrawny Matthew Breton had Macy Bradshaw all but cumming in his lap. It was beyond his wildest teenage dreams.

But he wasn't a teen anymore and he'd had many lovers since he'd finally experienced sex at Harvard. His initial awkward fumbling attempts had turned into a campaign of learning the ins and outs of what women wanted. He was determined to erase Macy's high school image of him.

Lucky leaned over and traced the path of the champagne with his tongue, dipping into her cleavage. He smiled as Macy shuddered. Her breasts appeared to be a sensitive spot for her and he decided to devote the rest of the flight to them.

Chapter 5

acy almost whimpered as Lucky's tongue flicked under the neckline of her dress. The structure of her dress pushed her large breasts up and out, and Lucky only had to pull the material down slightly before her nipples bounced out. She groaned as he gave an evil smile and licked each one gently.

"You're so beautiful, you know. Your breasts are glorious."

"They're too big," Macy breathed. Lucky ignored her protest, tracing her large nipples with his fingers. Looking into her eyes, he dipped his finger in the champagne and dripped some on each nipple. The coldness spiked against the heat of her nipples and Macy whimpered.

"Here, taste it." Lucky slid his finger in her mouth as he rubbed her nipple. Macy gasped at the intrusion and then desperately began to suck as he rolled her nipples in his fingers. Lucky bent over and teased her nipples with his mouth. Macy groaned and bucked against him.

Lucky pulled his hand from her mouth and breathing hard, he poured the champagne over her chest and held both of her breasts high up.

"Taste it, I want to see you lick yourself."

Macy blushed. Her breasts were huge and her nipples were swollen with lust. She raised one breast to her mouth and licked her nipple tentatively. Lucky groaned and watched her as he rubbed himself through his pants.

"You're going to be the death of me."

Macy's lips quirked and a red flush spread across her cheeks. Gathering courage, she licked her nipples in small circles, raising and lowering her huge breasts, reveling in touching herself. She looked at him coyly from under eyes and was pleased to see him breathing hard.

"I want to fuck you. I want to make you scream. I want to lick your juices and have you cum on my face." Lucky was breathing so hard, Macy couldn't help but laugh at her sudden power. She felt sexy and in control – a seductress.

"Oh? You like this?" She licked her nipples again, running her fingers around her brown nipples.

He nodded. Reaching out, he grabbed her hands and pulled them over her head.

"Mine." Lucky buried his head in her chest, circling her nipples with his mouth and sucking hard. Macy gasped and arched against him as he held her arms down and bit her nipples. Her pussy flooded and she rubbed her legs together. She ached for release ¬– was scared to release.

He slipped his finger back in her mouth and kept her arms pinned with one hand. Macy sucked hungrily. She wanted his cock. God, she wanted it all.

"You want to fuck me, don't you?"

She nodded vigorously and sucked harder as he continued the assault on her nipples. The sensations slipped through her stomach and an acute need began to build. The rhythm of his tongue and the sucking almost sent her over the edge. Her clit ached and she squirmed against his mouth. Her breasts were on fire.

A dull ache built in her stomach and she squirmed, pushed against him, trying to stop the flood of sensations. With one final bite, Lucky buried himself in her breasts as she went over the edge, screaming as sensations washed over her. Macy gasped and felt heat flood her cheeks. She'd never orgasmed like that before, not just from someone playing with her breasts. She slowly raised her eyes and looked at Lucky.

Damn if that man wasn't smiling like he'd just won the lottery.

"You beast. You did that on purpose!" Macy smacked him.

"Oh, you have no idea what I have in store for you. You're as dirty as they come and I'm going to have you screaming all night."

Macy sniffed and pulled her dress up as the plane began its descent.

"You will do no such thing, sir. I don’t have sex on the first date."

Lucky burst out laughing. He laughed so hard he had to bend over and tears seeped from his eyes.

"It's far too late to pull your "lady" card on me, Miss Macy Bradshaw. I'm going to ride you hard. You're going to be begging me for it before the night is over."

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