Read Getting Some Online

Authors: Kayla Perrin

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #General

Getting Some (15 page)

I turn to Roger. “Okay, I’ll bite. What was that about?”

“Everywhere I went today, that girl was there.”

“And you don’t like attractive young girls following you around?”

“Not when they start stalkin’ me and shit. Know what she said to me?” Roger leans close, and his warm breath tickles my ear. “She came up to me and whispered, ‘I wanna taste your dick. Give you the best blow job of your life.’ You believe that?”

“Uh, yeah. That’s typical, isn’t it? Don’t you get that kind of offer everywhere you go?”

“It don’t make me feel good, if that’s what you think.”

I eye Roger suspiciously. “Most guys would be in a bathroom with her so fast…”


“Really?” I ask, wondering if he’s trying to pull my leg.

Roger shakes his head. “Girl like that—she dangerous. She ain’t into me. She’s into any guy with some fame. A girl like that’ll cry rape an’ try to take you for all you got.”

“I understand that,” I tell him. And I do. As much as I’d like to believe that a guy in his position would take advantage of all the sex offered to him, I know firsthand that as a person in the public eye you have to be careful what you do and with whom you associate. You can’t accept all favors people offer you, because some of them come with strings you didn’t bargain for.

The music switches from an upbeat dance tune to a heavy hip-hop bass. Frenzied cheers erupt in the club. And then I realize that it’s one of Rugged’s songs. They know he’s in the house.

I look at him, and we both chuckle. Then he extends his hand. “This is my song. If I can’t dance to it, I can’t expect anyone else to.”

I accept his offered hand, and Roger leads me to the dance floor, where we move our bodies to the rhythmic beat. The guy really knows how to get down. In fact, he gives me a run for the money with all his hip swaying and fancy footwork.

I find myself laughing. A lot. I never would have thought it, but Roger is a lot of fun. Along with his dance moves, he makes these silly faces that have me cracking up. God, I’m laughing like I’m young and carefree again.

When the second Rugged song begins, I kick off my sling-backs so I can really get down. My hips go into high gear and I thrust my hands in the air. My entire body is feeling the magnetic beat.

It’s not hard to understand why Rugged is so popular.

I do a half spin so that my back is facing Roger. And now I get a little more seductive, running my fingers through my hair, and tossing coy glances over my shoulder at him.

When his body touches mine, I feel a zap of pleasure. I can no longer deny the truth—something about the guy turns me on.

He grips my hips and pulls me close. His cock presses against my ass, and I get this tantalizing visual of Roger pushing my skirt up to my waist and fucking me from behind.

I think of Claudia’s words, that young guys in bed are like the Energizer Bunny. And I can’t help wondering if Roger would be able to keep me satisfied all night long….

His hands slowly move higher, to my rib cage, and stop there. But I’m feeling frisky so I link my fingers with his and guide his hands even higher—to the swell of my breasts, then over my nipples. My clit is pulsing wildly. It needs to be stroked. Licked.

“Girl, you got a brotha on fire!” Roger exclaims.

I let my head fall backward onto his shoulder. He glances at me, and our gazes lock. I read in his eyes what I know I’m feeling—that we’re ready to fuck.

As he turns me around in his arms, I have to hold myself back from running my tongue along his neck. I love his scent. It oozes strength and sexuality.

I’m almost about to whisper something in Roger’s ear when Claudia comes up to us.

“I’m gonna go upstairs,” she tells me.

“You’re leaving?” I excuse myself from Roger and walk with her a few feet away. “What about that bodyguard? It looked like you two were getting very cozy.”

She shrugs. “I’m not feeling it.”



“Oh.” I honestly feel bad for her. I’d like to see Claudia let go of her reservations and have a fling.

“You’re gonna be okay with Rugged?” she asks me.

“I’m fine,” I tell her. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m feeling it. Maybe I’m just feeling the effects of too much alcohol!”

“So you’re cool?” Claudia asks. “You’re going to stay with him?”


She winks. “Enjoy yourself.”

“I plan on it.”


At the door to his suite, Roger says to his bodyguards, “I’m cool for the night. You guys can take off.”

Cool for the night…the implication that we’ll be fucking all night long makes me flush. I can’t believe I’m upstairs with a rapper, but what I experienced with my masseuse was simply foreplay. My body needs so much more.

Roger closes the door and turns around. My breath catches in my throat as he walks toward me.

“Want something to drink?” he asks me. “I’ve got Cristal in the fridge.”

“I kinda just want to fuck,” I admit. Brazen, I know, but what’s the point in beating around the bush?

“We’ll get there,” Roger tells me. “Trust me. We don’t have to rush.”

“All right.”

My answer seems to satisfy him, and he heads to the kitchen area and opens the fridge. A minute later he returns to me with a champagne flute filled with champagne.

“Having another drink is probably not a good idea,” I tell him. My head already feels like it’s stuffed with cotton balls. “And, hey, where’s your glass? Still trying to get me drunk?”

Roger places a finger over my mouth to quiet me, then he takes a sip of the champagne. “I wanted to share this with you. One glass. Symbolizing how tonight we’ll be one.”

I can’t help it, I laugh. It’s so…so damned corny.

But the look of hurt on Roger’s face tells me he’s entirely serious about the romantic gesture.

“You don’t take me seriously, do you?” he asks.

I don’t answer right away. Then I say, “I feel like I’m in the middle of a rap video.”

“That so?”

“I don’t know. What do you expect me to say? That this is about love? You and I both know that’s not the case.”

Now Roger lowers the glass onto the coffee table. “I see.”

I get a weird vibe…a vibe that tells me he’s pissed. “What do you see?” I ask him.

He faces me and says, “You know—maybe you ought to go.”

For several seconds I don’t say a word. I’m not sure what to say.

“You want me to go?” I finally ask.

“According to you, I could have any girl up in here, right? It’s not about you. It’s about getting off.”

Now I really don’t know how to respond.

“That’s what I thought.” Roger starts walking away from me. “Suddenly I’m feeling kinda tired. You can see yourself out.”

Oh my God. He’s kicking me out.

I hurry toward him, stepping in front of him and placing a hand on his chest. “So that’s it?”

“You think I live and die by my cock? That I don’t care who I sleep with as long as she’s got a pussy?”

“I didn’t say that.” I don’t dare admit that I certainly thought it.

“You didn’t have to.”

“I’m sorry, Roger. It’s just that…at my age, I’ve heard a lot of lines. I’ve been through a lot of bullshit.”

Now Roger grips my shoulders. “When will you stop throwing the age thing in my face? I’m not a boy.” He takes my hand and forces it onto his penis. “Trust me, this is all man.”

His eyes lock on mine, and I’m left breathless at what I see in their depths.

“You really like me?” I ask softly.

“Why the hell you think I came to Vegas?”

“For the same reason anyone comes to Vegas. To hang out, do some gambling, maybe see some strippers.”

“Fuck that shit,” Roger says. “I came ’cuz of you.”

That shocks me. Totally. “You’re telling me that you came to Las Vegas because…because of


I’m not sure I should believe him. If he’s lying, he’s damn smooth.

“But how’d you know?”

“Your girl Claudia. Her cousin told me y’all would be here. Mentioned it in passing. And I figured…” He shrugs.

“I’m sorry,” I apologize, meaning it. If he’s lying to me, then he’s one of the best damn liars alive. Next to Glenn. But I believe him. Believe that he likes me enough to have tracked me down.

“What’re you sorry for?” he asks me, not like he’s curious, but in a tone that says he wants to hear me explain that I understand how I’ve misjudged him.

“I’m sorry for being judgmental. For being a bitch. Like I said, I’ve dealt with some guys who have been less than honest.”

Something changes then. Roger touches my face, a delicate gesture that tells me he no longer wants me to leave.

“I’m not like most guys,” he tells me.

I smile. “And I bet you’ll prove it to me, too.” I kiss his palm. “All night long.”

“Maybe some day.” Roger pulls his hand from my mouth. “But not tonight.”

My eyes widen at that. “Not tonight?”

“Nope. Not tonight.”

I pause for a second, wait for Roger to laugh and say the joke’s on me. But he doesn’t.

“Are you telling me,” I begin, “that we’re not gonna fuck?”

“In the future—maybe. But tonight—uh-uh.”

“You’re still mad at me.”

“Naw, I ain’t mad at ya.”

“Then why—”

“’Cuz I know that there’s a part of you, even if it’s a small part, that thinks I’m playin’ you. A part that doesn’t trust that I’m into you.”

“I thought we were past that.”

“Tell me I’m lyin’.”

I stare up at Roger and, God help me, I can’t tell him he’s lying.

“That’s what I thought.”

“Do I trust you the way I would some guy I’ve known for years? No.” The hypocrisy of my statement, given that I trusted Glenn and he royally screwed me over, slaps me in the face. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t trust you enough to fuck you—”

“Ain’t gonna happen.”

Now I place my hands on Roger’s chest. I’m suddenly desperate to get him naked, to fuck him wildly and end my body’s suffering.

He takes my hands into his and removes them from his chest. “Look, if we stay in touch, and things change…” He shrugs.

“Things like what?”

Roger kisses me on the forehead, a chaste kiss that lets me know we definitely won’t be getting naked. “You get some sleep, okay?”

Though I’m crushed, I do have some pride. I’m not about to beg.

“Okay,” I say softly.

Roger puts his hand on my lower back and guides me to the door. “We’ll be in touch,” is all he says as he sees me out.

And I’m left standing in the hallway not quite believing what just happened.



hen I get upstairs, I knock on Annelise’s door. Then knock again.

There’s no answer.

Resigned to the fact that I have no one to talk to, I head into my suite, plop down on the living room sofa and turn on the television. I channel surf for about five minutes before I wonder why the hell I’m upstairs alone.

I think about what Lishelle said to me about Arnold—that if he left me with his number, there’s still hope we can connect. I’m not sure why I’m still thinking about him, other than the fact that I regret a missed opportunity.

Maybe all I really need is to bring out the rabbit. Give myself an orgasm and then go to bed. I head to the bedroom area determined to do just that. But as I look at the king-size bed with its canopy covering, I suddenly realize that I don’t want to be alone.

I go to the night table and find the card Arnold gave me. Fingering it, I contemplate what to do. It’s not like I expect him to be free right now, not on a Friday night in Las Vegas. He could be admiring some other woman’s pussy right now, making her private fantasy a reality.

He won’t be around,
I tell myself as I punch in the digits to the number he gave me.
I’m only humoring myself by calling.

I truly believe that, which is why I’m stunned when a male says hello. “Arnold?” I ask.

“Yeah. Who’s this?”

I pause. “Arnold, it’s Claudia. We met this—”

“Hey, Claudia.” I can hear a smile in his voice. “I didn’t think you were going to call.”

“I almost didn’t. I figured you’d be busy. You probably have plans, right?”

“Actually, I don’t.”

“No massages scheduled?”

“If you want me tonight, just say the word.”

If I want him…

“I want you.” I blow out a shaky breath, unable to believe how easily those words came out of my mouth.

“Then I’m on my way. Want me to bring anything over? Beer or wine?”

“Just yourself.” I run my fingers down my neck, to the area between my breasts. “How long will it take you to get here?”

“If I take a shower now—”

“Take it here. With me.”

There’s a pause. Then Arnold says, “Give me ten minutes.”


My heart thunders in my chest when there’s a knock on my door exactly ten minutes later. I’m not sure why. Arnold has already seen me more exposed than most people ever will. Why the heck should I be nervous?

But I am, and I hesitate a few seconds before I get up from the sofa to head for the door. By the time I reach the hallway there’s more rapping, this time louder. I take a deep breath and swing open the door.

And there stands Arnold, dressed in a form-fitting black T-shirt that shows off his beautifully defined torso, and complements his deep tan. And, Lord, the man smells incredible.

He smiles at me. “Hello, sexy.”

“You look…” My voice trails off on a breathless sigh.

I can see the edge of a tattoo on his arm, but I can’t make out what it is. All I know is that everything about Arnold oozes bad boy.

And I love it.

He steps forward, placing his hands on my waist as he does. It’s as though his hands are a live wire, sending an electrical charge through my body.

He wastes no time running his lips along my neck to the sensitive spot beneath my ear. I moan softly, right before Arnold gently pulls my earlobe between his teeth and nibbles on it.

Yeah, this is a guy who knows how to fuck. A guy who knows exactly how to please a woman.

My hands find his chest. They rest somewhat tentatively on his hard pecs. Part of me wants to pull his shirt off, push him onto the floor and ride him wildly all night long. The other part is unsure that I should even be doing this.

Arnold moves his mouth to the other side of my neck, walking forward as he does, moving me further into the suite. I hear the door click shut.

Arnold must sense my hesitation, because he’s gentle as his lips travel down my neck. He pauses briefly, as though waiting for permission. When I say nothing, he continues, kissing a path down to the area between my breasts.

“Can I tell you something?” I ask. My voice is breathy.

“Sure.” He continues to kiss my skin.

“This is going to sound stupid, and I’m not sure why I’m saying it, but I’ve never…never been with a white guy before. Well, never fucked one.”

Arnold suckles on my neck. “Then you’re in for a pleasant surprise.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt that.” If he can work his cock as well as he’s working his mouth, I will be very satisfied.

“And those myths about white guys and size?”

“Uh-huh?” I ask.

“False.” Arnold takes my hand and places it on his crotch. “At least where I’m concerned.”

“I can feel that.”

“How do you want it, baby?” he asks me. “Nice and slow? Hard and raunchy?”

“I want it hard. And I want it over and over and over again.”

My answer seems to please him, if the megawatt smile on his face is any indication. That I can ask for what I want and he’s willing to give it empowers me.

And turns me on big-time.

The best part about this suite, aside from the king-size bed, is the extralarge Jacuzzi tub. And that’s where I lead Arnold for the first part of what I hope will be an all night fantasy turned reality.

“You said you needed to shower,” I begin as we enter the bathroom. “But I set a bath instead. With lots of bubbles, as you can see. Is that all right?”

“I love bubbles.”

The way he says that is as erotic as if he’s just told me that he wants to eat my pussy.

“Good to hear.”

I pull my dress over my head. Arnold just watches me, and man if I don’t get a rush from that. There’s something thrilling about taking your clothes off in front of a guy for the first time. One you know will become your lover in a matter of minutes.

“I know I saw it this morning,” Arnold begins, “but your body is perfection.”

I shoot him a coy look. Without my dress, I’m wearing only my thong and my sexy-as-hell Jimmy Choos. Knowing how sinful I must look, I turn slowly, neatly folding my dress as I do. I lay the dress on the bathroom counter.

When I spin back around, I gasp. Arnold is right there, not more than half a foot directly in front of me.

“Rich girl, right?”

“Excuse me?”

“The way you folded your dress so nicely. The expensive watch on your wrist.”

“You mean my timepiece,” I correct him.

“Rich folks. They always have fancy names for ordinary things.”

“Is that a problem?”

He runs his palms over my flat belly, his sensual touch telling me it isn’t. “I’m just trying to figure out if I should do all the things to you I’d like. If you can handle it.”

I think of Adam, all the freaky sex acts he introduced me to. Then I forcefully pull the snap open on Arnold’s jeans. “You have no clue what I can handle. And that’s the truth.”

I force his jeans down his hips and run my fingers up one leg as I bite his thigh.

“Fuck, the way your ass looks when you’re squatting like that. You are mad beautiful.”

I lift his T-shirt and dip my tongue into his belly button, then slowly rise. As I do, Arnold pulls his shirt off. My eyes slowly roam over his upper body, noting the large tattoo of a scorpion on the right side of his chest. Now I see that the tattoo on his left arm is that of a topless woman on her haunches.

Slowly I finger the tattoo of the scorpion. “I’m a Scorpio,” he explains. “Guaranteed to please,” he adds whispering hotly in my ear. “Every time.”

Damn, I want to be naked already. I slip my thumbs beneath the waist of my thong, but Arnold places his hands on mine.

“No,” he says. “Let me.”

But he doesn’t pull my thong off. Not right away. Instead, he lowers his head and takes one if my nipples into his mouth. He grazes it with his teeth, flicks his tongue over one, then the other. The feeling is utterly delicious.

I place my hands onto his shoulders and moan. I explore the hard planes and muscles of his shoulders while he nibbles his way down to my thong underwear. He secures the waistband in his teeth.

“Rip it,” I tell him. “Rip it off.”

I don’t have to tell him twice. Arnold grabs one side of my Victoria’s Secret thong and easily snaps the elastic. Then he does the same with the other side. He pulls the fabric away and covers my pussy with his hand.

“When I told you this morning that you had the sweetest pussy I’ve ever seen, I wasn’t lying.” He strokes my clit with his thumb. “I love the way your clit peeks out from your luscious lips. It’s not shy. It knows what it wants.”

A shiver snakes down my spine. I expect Arnold to go down on me, but he doesn’t. Instead, he rises and kicks his jeans off, then strips out of his boxers. I allow myself a moment to ogle his beautiful, erect penis before I bend to take off my shoes.

My walk is slow and seductive as I cross the room. I step into the tub and slip down into the hot water and bubbles.

“Get in,” I tell Arnold.

He does, easing his body across from mine. I position one of my feet between his legs and brush it across his cock.

“Would you believe it if I said that I was thinking about you all day long, regretting that I hadn’t fucked you this morning?”

“Would you believe if I said I turned down going out with some friends tonight—because I was hoping to hear from you?”

“Really?” I ask doubtfully.

“Really. I’ve been dreaming of your pussy all day.” He strokes my leg. “I couldn’t bring myself to accept that I wouldn’t get to know it a little better.”

“By the end of the night, you’ll know it a lot better.”

“You’re not a shy one, are you?”

“I told you—you have no clue what I can handle.”

Arnold narrows his eyes as he looks at me, as though he’s trying to determine how serious I am.

“One thing.” He holds up a finger. “Tell me one thing that no man has ever done to you. One sexual thing that might’ve gotten you off but you’ve never asked for it before. I want to do that to you.”

I stroke his penis with my foot, then inch it upward along his chest until it appears above the bubbles. I skim my big toe along his bottom lip. “No one has ever done this,” I tell him. “Sucked my toes.”

He holds my foot in his hand. “No?” he asks, his tone saying he’s surprised. “And damn if you don’t have the prettiest feet.”

Arnold takes my big toe into his mouth and doesn’t just suck it—he makes love to it. Gently nibbles on it, suckles it softly. Flicks his tongue over it the way I imagine he would a clitoris.

I close my eyes and savor the pleasure. Never would I have considered my feet an erogenous zone, but damn, this toe-sucking stimulates me. Maybe it’s about power—enjoying the feeling of a gorgeous guy literally worshipping your feet.

My body temperature starts to rise, and it’s not just because the water in the tub is so hot. Arnold excites me, turns me on in a way I didn’t imagine possible for a guy I just met.

The rich girl and the bad boy.

A totally appealing fantasy.

As Arnold works his tongue over my other foot, I play with my nipples. The rush of pleasure is overpowering, and I want more.

Need more.

I slip my hand into the water and run a finger over my sex. My nub is swollen and hard. My pussy is slick with my juices.

Lifting my hand out of the water, I move toward Arnold. I offer him my fingers. “Taste me. Taste how much I want you.”

Arnold takes three of my fingers into his mouth and greedily sucks on them. He laps up my essence without reservation. It’s so erotic I almost come.

“I want more,” he tells me.

I dip my hand into the water, finger myself, and offer him more of me.

“More,” Arnold rasps when he’s had his fill.

Every time I touch my pussy, I don’t want to stop. As Arnold sucks on my fingers once more, I say, “I just thought of something else…something else I haven’t done.”

“Anything you want, baby. I’m game.”

“I…” I can’t believe I’m going to say what I’m going to say, but I want raunch. I want naughty, uninhibited sex. “I want to masturbate, and I don’t want you to touch me. I just want you to watch.”

Standing, I begin stroking my clit.

“Holy fuck, you are beautiful.”

I sit on the tub’s edge and spread my legs, giving Arnold a complete view of my sex. I rub my fingers over my clitoris before pushing them into my folds. “I want to come like this. With you watching.”

Honestly, I can’t tell you how exquisitely sexy I feel doing this. It’s so friggin’ naughty. It’s taboo. But exposing myself to a stranger this way is the most incredible thrill I’ve ever experienced.

Moans escape my lips as I finger myself, massage my nub, and tweak my nipple. Arnold’s eyes never leave my pussy.

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