Authors: Noah Andre Trudeau
Hanover, Pa., June 30 fight, 130, 133-35
Hanover Road, 255, 304, 307, 313, 373, 375, 397, 400, 437-38, 447, 455-56, 473, 515, 533
Hardie, James A., 100-101, 102
Harmon farm, 230
Harper’s Ferry, Wv., 46, 50, 52-53, 58, 65-66, 86, 92-93, 106
Harris, Andrew L., 401, 403, 409
Harris, Edward P., 285, 290, 335
Harris, Loyd G., 148, 173, 188, 194
Harrisburg, Pa., 104, 123
Harrisburg Road.
Heildersburg Road
Harrison, Henry T., 100, 114-15, 559
Harrison, Walter, 333, 463
Harshbarger, A. J., 269
Hart, John W., 390n
Hart, Patrick, 472, 486
Hartwell, John F. L., 58
Haskell, Frank A., 12, 423-24, 455, 464, 476-77, 484, 489, 499, 507, 512-13, 559
Haskell, John Cheeves, 514
Haymarket, Va., 73
Hays, Alexander, 86, 291, 451, 469, 502, 511
Hays, Harry T., 407
Hazard, John G., 276
Hazlett, Charles E., 348, 410
Heath, Francis E., 393
Heildersburg, Pa., 138, 140, 164
Heildersburg Road, 222
Heintzelman, Samuel P., 74
Herbst, Samuel, 123
Herbst Woods, 166, 168, 179, 182, 184, 186, 203, 224, 230-31, 232, 236, 248
Herbster, Charles W., 355
Herr’s Ridge, 165-66, 168, 170, 179, 200, 201, 209, 212, 213, 216, 224, 225, 226, 233, 236, 237, 247
Heth, Henry, 121, 128, 140-41, 212, 220, 279, 441-42, 559; analysis of performance, 271; command decisions, 153, 162-63, 166, 170, 176, 179, 201-2; wounded, 236
Hill, Ambrose P., 25, 140-41, 146-47, 192, 201-2, 212, 233, 247, 279, 282, 316, 412, 441-42, 458, 466, 522; described, 19; strategic decisions, 153, 237
Hincks, William B., 511n
Hirst, Benjamin, 12, 25-26, 54
Hofmann, William, 176, 178
Hoke, Jacob, 48, 81
Hollinger, Liberty, 254, 283-84, 414
Hood, John B., 289, 318, 334, 559; described, 113; modifies attack plan July 2, 322-23; unhappy with assignment, 321-23, 332; wounded, 336-37, 417
Hooker, Joseph, 7-10, 59, 62-63, 70, 74-75, 92-93, 96, 100, 109, 559; communications with Lincoln, 26; feud with Halleck, 15-18, 51, 86-87, 92-94; orders Union army across Potomac, 66; performance at Chancellorsville, 11, 14; relieved, 105; resignation, 93, 98-99; strategic analysis, 63
Horan, Thomas, 385n
Horner, Mary, 243
Hosmer, George W., 386, 419
Hospitals, 248, 417, 468, 537-38
Hotchkiss, Jedidiah, 294
Houck’s Ridge, 314, 340-41, 345, 355, 366
Howard, Oliver Otis, 137, 157, 180-81, 277, 456, 559; actions on Cemetery Hill, 244; analysis of performance, 271-72; assumes command July 1, 188, 191-92; Chancellorsville performance, 13; command decisions, 235-36; decision to hold Cemetery Hill, 198; surveys battle lines, 214-15
Howell, Horatio S., 248-49
Huckaby, Leander, 16
Hudgins, F. L., 62
Huidekiper, Henry S., 217n
Humiston, Amos, 163, 241-42, 560
Hummelbaugh farm, 417
Humphreys, Andrew A., 326, 353, 378-79
Humphreys, Benjamin G., 371-72, 380, 390-91
Hunt, Henry J., 281, 286, 326, 336, 477, 506, 560; disagreement with Hancock, 472, 486; July 3 fire plan, 465, 486-87; reinforces Union center, 458; rides with Sickles along Union left, 301-2
Hunterstown, Pa., 154, 330-31
Hussey, William, 269
Illinois troops: cavalry (8th Regiment, 132, 147, 162, 165, 170)
Imboden, John D., 530-31, 536
Indiana troops: cavalry (3rd Regiment, 174); infantry (7th Regiment, 11, 162, 260, 269), (19th Regiment, 36-37, 149, 163, 185-86, 228), (27th Regiment, 439-40)
Ireland, David, 395-96, 404-5, 408, 560
Irish Brigade.
Army of the Potomac
Iron Brigade.
Army of the Potomac
Irsch, Francis, 254
Irvine, Robert H., 505
Iverson, Alfred, 144-45, 210-12, 560
Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall,” 2, 46
Jacobs, Henry, 85, 154, 215, 243, 303, 356-57, 429, 465, 481, 532, 533, 560
Jacobs, Julia, 533
Jellison, Benjamin H., 511n
Jenkins, Albert G., 82, 297; described, 46, 55; wounded, 307-8
Jennings, William W., 77-79, 84
Jerome, Aaron B., 159, 168, 172
Johnson, Edward “Allegheny,” 257, 373, 428, 443, 447-49, 560
Johnson, Wallace W., 390n
Johnston, David E., 16-17
Johnston, Samuel R., 279, 287-90, 312
Jones, H. P., 218, 222-23
Jones, Israel D., 73
Jones, John B., 1-5, 32, 43, 60-61, 113, 261, 418, 523-24, 560
Jones, John M., 402
Jones, Marcellus E., 160, 163
Jones, William E. “Grumble,” 69
Keckler’s Hill, 198
Kelley, Thomas B., 156, 160
Kemper, James L., 485, 501-2, 521, 560
Kendlehart, David, 86
Kershaw, Joseph B., 351-52; Stony Hill action, 358-59
Kilpatrick, H. Judson, 560; described, 130-31; July 3 actions, 516-19
Kimball, George, 235n
Knox, Edward M., 368n
Kress, John, 182-83
Krzyzanowski, Wlodzimierz, 214, 225-26, 532-33
Kuhn’s brickyard, 240
Lane, James H., 239-40, 373, 504
Lane, John R., 144, 224, 232
Lang, David, 382, 391, 501, 513-14
Latimer, Joseph W., 274, 313, 331, 372-73; mortally wounded, 397
Law, Evander M., 324, 336, 340, 341, 460, 471, 518-19
Lawley, Francis, 279, 411, 540
Lee, Fitzhugh, 157, 262-63
Lee, Henry, 158
Lee, Robert E., 20, 25, 27, 28, 39, 43, 55-56, 146, 165, 175, 192, 212, 218-19, 284, 293-94, 315, 466, 480, 505, 520-22, 530-31, 536, 541-42, 551, 561; analysis of performance, July 1: 271, July 2: 420-21, July 3: 526-29; command decisions, 219, 246-47, 252-53, 261-62, 267-68, 278-79, 288-90, 297-98, 316-17, 411-12, 436, 440-43, 453-54, 460-61, 480-81, 491-92; command style, 17-18, 315, 411; concern about Stuart, 122, 212; described, 81, 133, 412, 430; learns Meade commands, 122; lobbies for reinforcements, 19, 27-28, 39-40, 49, 63-64; May Richmond meeting, 1-7; reorganizes Army of Northern Virginia, 17-20, 29; strategic objectives, 64, 71-72, 94-95, 104, 114-15, 121, 551; offers to resign, 543-45
Leister house, 283, 457, 468, 522
Lemon, Charles, 174
Leon, Louis, 46
Letterman, Jonathan, 538
Lincoln, Abraham, 9, 14, 35, 418; asked to relieve Meade, 549; comments about Hooker, 80-81; communications with Hooker, 26, 34, 42-43, 45, 52-53, 62, 86-87; Gettysburg Address, 552-55; replaces Hooker, 98-99, 113-14; unhappiness with Meade’s post-Gettsyburg performance, 549; victory proclamation, 539
Little, George, 356
Little Round Top, 281, 283, 288, 289, 292, 294, 301-2, 312, 314, 320, 322, 324-27, 335, 340, 342, 344, 345-46, 348, 349, 353, 354, 357-58, 359-62, 364, 371, 385, 410-11, 414, 452, 487, 488, 508, 533
Lochren, William, 73
Lockwood, Henry H., 398
Lohr farm, 161
Lokey, J. W., 349
Lonegran, John, 397n
Long, Armistead L., 252, 279, 293, 441
Longstreet, James, 20, 49, 67-68, 133, 165, 252, 259, 297, 321-22, 351, 377, 412, 459, 473, 510, 520, 521, 561; command decisions, 289-90, 495; conducts flank march, 312-13, 315-16, 320-21; described, 18; exchange with Alexander, 459, 460, 461-62, 474-75; modifies attack plan July 2, 322-23; modifies attack plan July 3, 430, 436, 441-42; orders July 3 assault, 463; plans July 3 assault, 459; strategic perspective, 18, 252-53, 278-79
Louisiana troops: artillery (Donaldsonville Artillery, 128), (Washington Artillery, 25, 463); infantry (8th Regiment, 405), (10th Regiment, 306), (14th Regiment, 428)
Low Dutch Road, 437, 447, 455, 473, 515
Lowrance, W. Lee, 504
Lutheran Theological Seminary, 159, 168, 172, 174, 181, 183, 187, 200, 206, 211, 219, 278, 466
McAllister, Mary, 215, 531
McCammon, Thomas, 90
McCarren, Bernard, 511n
McClean, William, 172, 304, 414
McClellan, George B., 80, 105, 174
McClellan, Henry B., 412, 455-56
McConaughy, David, 52, 85, 141
McConnellsburg, Pa., 82
McCreary, Albertus, 86, 215, 464, 553, 554
McCreary, Jennie, 243, 304
McCurdy, Charles, 132, 203, 243, 268, 303, 429, 465, 481
McGilvery, Freeman, 385, 398, 466, 472
McKim, Randolph H., 21, 82, 306
McLaws, Lafayette, 289-90, 312-13, 315, 318, 320-21, 377, 521
McMahon, John T., 54, 70
McMillan Woods, 284, 301
McPherson’s farm, 185, 190-91, 203, 204, 213, 233, 247, 248
McPherson’s Ridge, 143, 147, 165, 166, 170, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 185, 188, 196, 197, 198-200, 202-3, 205, 206, 213, 215, 219,
224, 226, 228, 230, 232-34, 236, 237, 247, 257, 272, 321, 324
McPherson Woods.
Herbst Woods
Macy, William W., 231
Mahone, William, 394, 458
Maine troops: artillery (2nd Artillery, Battery B, 174, 176, 190), (5th Artillery, Battery E, 402); infantry (3rd Regiment, 309-10), (4th Regiment, 341-42, 345, 355), (16th Regiment, 36, 149, 234-35), (17th Regiment, 54, 109-10, 341, 347), (19th Regiment, 59, 393), (20th Regiment, 11-12, 305, 340-41, 349, 353-54, 357, 359-60, 364-65, 370-71)
Marsh Creek, 135, 136, 144, 148, 156, 158, 163, 180, 200, 267, 324, 333, 537
Marshall, Charles, 16, 104-5, 114-15, 247, 267
Marshall, John K., 483, 497
Martin, Rawley W., 506
Martin, Stephen E., 73
Marye, John L., 274-75, 467, 484
Maryland troops (Confederate): artillery (1st Battery, 372); infantry (1st Battalion, 447)
Maryland troops (Union): infantry (1st Potomac Home Brigade, 398)
Massachusetts troops, artillery (5th Artillery, Battery E, 328), (9th Artillery, 36, 328, 384-85, 386-87); infantry (2nd Regiment, 439-40), (12th Regiment, 136, 235), (15th Regiment, 353), (28th Regiment, 302), (33rd Regiment, 398, 406), (37th Regiment, 294)
Mayberry, John B., 511n
Mayo, Joseph, 502, 510
Mayo, Robert M., 163, 485, 488
Medal of Honor, 186n, 196n, 210n, 212n, 217n, 233n, 254n, 282n, 356n, 368n, 379n, 389n, 388n, 390n, 391n, 396n, 397n, 411n, 417n, 419n, 471n, 494n, 498n, 500n, 509n, 511n, 516n, 519n, 522n
Medical treatment, 257-58
Meade, George G., 9, 96, 106, 118, 125, 175, 292, 306, 413, 455, 469, 505, 512-13, 536-37, 561; analysis of performance July 2, 467, July 3, 527; appointed Army of the Potomac commander, 102; briefs corps commanders July 2, 319; command decisions, 280-81, 283, 299, 319, 326, 377-78, 444, 472, 492-93, 520; communications with Halleck, 158, 319, 413, 522, 532, 534, 541; confronts Sickles, 325-26; confusion with Slocum, 394-95; described, 112, 286, 305-6, 522; July 2 P.M. conference (council of war), 414-15; July 3 P.M. conference, 540-41; monitors events at Gettysburg July 1, 197, 207, 264-66; offers to resign, 546-49; reaches Gettysburg, 277-78; strategic decisions, 112, 118-19, 131-32, 135-36, 150-51, 175
Meade, George G., Jr., 292, 294, 413
Mears, George W., 390n
Melcher, Homer, 370
Meredith, Solomon, 173, 174, 183, 224, 228, 230
Merritt, Wesley, 118, 459-60, 470-71
Messersmith’s Woods, 81
Meysenburg, Theodore A., 181
Michigan troops: cavalry (1st Regiment, 330), (5th Regiment, 106), (6th Regiment, 106, 330), (7th Regiment, 473); infantry (16th Regiment, 95, 305, 340, 360-61), (24th Regiment, 54, 163, 185, 227, 251, 257)
Military intelligence, 106; balloon surveillance, 22, 23-24; Confederate failures, 420; shadowing Lee in Pennsylvania, 51-52
Miller, John, 511n
Miller, Merritt B., 463
Miller, William E., 375, 516n
Milroy, Robert H., 38, 42, 45-46
Minnesota troops: infantry (1st Regiment, 45, 73, 392-393, 419, 511)
Mississippi troops: infantry (2nd Regiment, 48, 156, 166, 180, 190, 194), (11th Regiment, 16, 156, 424-25, 453), (13th Regiment, 321, 371), (16th Regiment, 335), (17th Regiment, 321, 368, 371), (18th Regiment, 371), (19th Regiment, 335), (21st Regiment, 368, 371-72, 384-85, 386-87, 390-91), (42nd Regiment, 156, 166, 178, 180, 189), (48th Regiment, 335)
Mitchell, William G., 513
Monocacy River, 95
Moritz Tavern, 148, 156, 169, 199, 260
Morrill, Walter, 349, 370-71
Morrow, Henry A., 226, 251
Mosby, John S., 64, 88, 118, 561
Mudge, Charles, 439-40
Muffley, J. W., 58
Muhlenberg, Edward D., 434
Mummasburg Road, 178, 205, 206, 208, 209-10, 214, 233-35
Munsell, Harvey May, 345, 355-56
Murray, John W., 125
Myers, Salome, 171, 253
Nadenbousch, John Quincy Adams, 375
New Hampshire troops: infantry (2nd Regiment, 380), (5th Regiment, 108)
New Jersey troops: artillery (2nd Artillery, Battery B, 380); infantry (6th Regiment, 349), (12th Regiment, 301, 335, 339, 439, 443, 494, 503-4), (15th Regiment, 45, 535)
New York troops: artillery (1st Artillery, Battery B, 479), (1st Artillery, Battery I, 405), (1st Artillery, Battery L, 202), (1st Independent Battery, 496), (4th Independent Battery, 276, 296, 314-15, 345); cavalry (5th Regiment, 131, 517), (8th Regiment, 132), (9th Regiment, 154), (10th Regiment, 375); infantry (39th Regiment, 300, 390-91), (40th Regiment, 349), (41st Regiment, 157, 260, 282, 311, 398, 406), (44th Regiment, 96, 305, 327, 340, 346, 361), (45th Regiment, 205, 208), (54th Regiment, 217), (58th Regiment, 532), (64th Regiment, 535), (68th Regiment, 217), (76th Regiment, 173, 174, 178, 189), (80th Regiment, 163, 230), (82nd New York, 353), (84th Regiment, aka 14th Brooklyn, 162, 178, 182, 191), (86th Regiment, 50), (95th Regiment, 175, 182, 191, 194-95), (97th Regiment, 206), (111th Regiment, 388-89), (119th Regiment, 533), (120th Regiment, 379), (124th Regiment, 315, 342, 343, 344-45), (125th Regiment, 300, 301, 388-89, 502), (126th Regiment, 300, 388-89), (134th Regiment, 241), (136th Regiment, 80, 157, 535), (137th Regiment, 395, 404-5, 408), (140th Regiment, 358, 361-62), (147th Regiment, 175, 177, 180, 189-90), (149th Regiment, 408), (150th Regiment, 398), (154th Regiment, 50, 137, 150, 157, 163, 240-41, 260), (157th Regiment, 149, 209, 226, 228-29)
Newspapers and reporting, 59-60, 111, 322, 419, 432-33