GGS: Good Gaelic Souls A Biker Saga (G.G.S) (19 page)

Now, as here he stood there looking at a second more violent threat, he realized that for the G.G.S, time had run out. This threat was not an idle one, it was personal and they had either left Slacker for dead, or was in the process of trying to kill him when they were interupted by the sound of the women pulling in the parking lot. He figured that they must have taken out the back, as Stax came in the front. It was fortunate that she arrived at that exact moment, if Slacker hadn't recieved immediant medical attention, he would not have made it to the hospital. He was mildy shocked to find that the message on the wall didn't bother him half as much as seeing Slider's picture hanging upside down. It hurt his heart to know that Stax had witnessed that too. Her strength and ability to cope continued to amaze him on a daily basis. He had made the mistake of trying to protect her from reality, and ended up hurting her more. He wasn't going to make that mistake twice. He needed her with him, and he needed her input. Hell, it was going to take all of them, and they had to get started now. He headed back out to the parking lot where she waited.

Stepping back outside, he motioned them all towards the doorway. "Stax, Serenity, Samson and umm, Serenity's friend, sorry we haven't been introduced yet, but soon. Anyway, ya'll come with me. Rage, Moby, Griff and Twitch, ya'll go take care of the office, you know what to do. Ladies, we'll need a few of you behind the bar to box up everything that wasn't trashed. Some of you can box up the kitchen, the pantry and storage room. The rest of you can help the guys clean up all the glass and shit so they can set the furniture straight. Stay in groups, nobody is to be left alone. Rage, you pick a couple of guys to take the van and gather boxes, but make sure they are armed. Hit the produce section of the grocery stores and get the heavy banana boxes if you can, the liquor stores will have sectioned boxes for bottles and glasses. Save what you can damn it, it's all part of Slider's legacy. Remove everything from the walls, including the bedrooms. Oh yeah, stay out of the V.P's room. Moby, I want at least six armed with AK-47's on watch outside, front back and all four corners. There are eyes and ears on the streets, so if I hear anything while we are at the hospital, I'll let you know immediately. I'm thinking that they have probably got the fuck out of Dodge by now, but we can't assume anything. Griff, I want you to supervise and trouble shoot, if there are any issues, call me immediately. Are we all good?" He looked at the sea of faces listening intently to his instructions, "All Good." They answered, ready to get to work. "Good, I'm gonna send trucks for loading, we are evacuating and setting up in the Castle. I'll send more instructions and an update on Slacker as soon as I can. Ya'll do whats necessary to stay safe."

He turned towards Samson, "Brother, you take the girls in the truck, Stax can ride with me. Stax, leave your keys with Twitch, he can take care of your bike. First thing, we go to the house and get everyone on the same page. Next we head to the hospital to see Slacker and get an update from Tandy. Afterwards, we'll call everyone to the new Clubhouse and go from there.

When they arrived at Stax's house, she made them all a drink. Serenity introduced Lee to Strangler, but left out their relationship status, as this was not the time for such revelations. She could see that Lee didn't like it, but Serenity wasn't going to let this update go off topic before it even began. Stax asked for more ice, so Serenity took Lee into the kitchen for a quick minute to explain, while they grabbed a couple bottles of coke and broke up some ice. "Are you ashamed of me now?" Lee asked her bluntly while breaking ice tray's into the bucket. "No, absolutely not," Serenity answered, "But I am pissed at how you acted towards my family at the Clubhouse." She turned to look at Lee, who had stopped what she was doing. "This isn't the time for us to come out Lee, my family is in trouble, don't do it again. For the moment we are stuck in limbo, we will either work it out later or give it up right fucking now, that's up to you. You have to decide if I'm worth it and if your willing to do whatever needs to be done at this point in time. Your other option is maybe you need to call the Sheriff and see if they can arrange a way for you to get out of here safely. Whatever you choose, choose it now before this gets in any deeper."

Serenity picked the bottles up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Lee alone with her decision. Stax waiting to finish up the drinks, as they were taking a seat in the living room. Lee came out of the kitchen with a full bucket of ice, to help Stax. Sitting it down, she picked up her drink, poured in and extra shot and went to sit beside Serenity.

Strangler looked around the room and began, "Samson knows everything that I know, so he can jump in on anything that I may be leaving out. No more withholding information, this is what I know." He began at the beginning, when Slider had heard the first rumour and didn't stop until he had them completely up to date. There was no need for Samson to add anything, Strangler was on point with every detail. He looked at Stax and asked her to advise him and Samson of everything that had happened since they had last seen each other. She gave a detailed account of everything that she had done and everyone she had encountered up to today.

"A concrete man!" Strangler exclaimed, "Perfect. We have a shit load to do at the compound and we are running out of time." He sat there thinking for several minutes, while Lee stood up and offered to refresh everybody's drinks. "Lee," Strangler said, turning towards her, "Would you consider yourself a decent secretary?" She had a look of confusion on her face mixed with what looked to Serenity like a touch of contempt, "What I mean is, would you be willing to take notes and write some lists of things to get and things to do, during our cruinniú tonight? Our club secretary will most likely be pre-occupied." Serenity saw Lee's face relax into a slightly forced but dimpled smile, "Sure," she said lightly, "Whatever you need me to do." Strangler flashed her a smile, appreciating both her beauty and willingness to help.

Serenity saw the way that Strangler was checking Lee out while she made the drinks and decided that it was time to enlightened him with a quick realilty check. "Brother, this is not the appropriate time for this, but since we are all getting on the same page, I need a minute to explain something of importance," She stood up and walked over to Lee, putting her arm around her waist, "Lee is not just a friend from school, she is my girlfriend."

Strangler's face told them all exactly how confused he was. "Your-ummm-your girlfriend? As in your girl-fucking-friend?" He glanced at Stax and Samson, who nodded in affirmation. "Fuck me running, that's a game changer. Damn Serenity, really?" He exclaimed, looking from one to the other. He didn't know Lee, but he knew Serenity well enough to be aware that his reaction to what she was telling him, would be paramount to their future relationship. Stax was getting a kick out of Strangler's reaction, she had noticed his glances in Lee's direction too, but then who could blame him.

Strangler loved Serenity and wanted her to be happy. This was completely out of left field and had caught him off guard at a time when he was focused on so many other important things. Through the years, he had learned that this particular  "Serenity-ism" was something that they had all come to grips with at one time or another. Her timing sucked, alway's had, Serenity was led by her emotions and you never knew what to expect from her. He really shouldn't feel so damn shell-shocked and he didn't want to hurt her feelings. He would have expected her to say something more along the lines of, "Hey, I'm dropping out of college" or maybe even "I'm pregnant" but this, this was one for the books. If he was negative, it would only add to the flames that he saw flickering in her eyes, and their world was already on fire. He really didn't care that she had decided to be with a women, hell, he couldn't blame her. He had always joked that he too was part lesbian, and Lee
fucking gorgeous.

"We'll then Lee, welcome to our world." He said, standing up to to give her a hug. "Wait, there's more," said Serenity, stopping him in his tracks, "I want to make this perfectly clear to everyone. Despite the way that she is built and the way that she was pretty much forced to dress lately, Lee is normally in men's clothing and prefer's to be seen and treated as a male. Please respect the fact that she does not like being treated in a feminine fashion."

Strangler looked at Serenity and then back to Lee. He was trying to picture this little sex-pot dressed like himself. "Damn, what a fucking waste, such a perfect little ass too." Was exactly what he was thinking, but what he actually said was, "We'll then Lee, I'd like to shake your hand, you have exquisit taste in women." He winked at Serenity as he held his hand out to Lee. "Not much of a grip." He thought to himself after the handshake, he reached over and kissed Serenity on the cheek. "Thank you for the update sister, you probably kept me from making an ass out of myself later." He whispered, trying to keep it light as he looked back at Lee, "If I offended you when I asked you to play secretary tonight, my apologies, I was only thinking that as a college student you would be able to assist us with something like that." He said, and still smiling he added, "And just for the record, our club secretary is male."

Lee was pleased that Serenity had chosen to make the announcement despite the situation at hand. She didn't understand what brought it on so abrubtly, but she felt much better now that everyone was on the same page. Strangler interupted her thoughts when he said, "Guess we should put that announcement on the top of our agenda tonight, before we get started with everything else." Lee looked around the room and back again at Strangler, he hadn't been out there when she was so rude to everybody, so he wouldn't understand her next comment unless she explained, "No Strangler, the first thing on the agenda will be my apologies to everyone." She saw Strangler's eyebrow go up and continued, "I embarrassed Serenity by being a real ass to everyone, when Samson was only trying to be nice. He didn't know about us either. I need to apologize. I'm sure they are all under the impression that I am a complete and total bitch, when in reality I'm just a total butch." She said, disarming him with a dimpled smile, "I truly don't mind helping out by playing temporary secretary, as long as you don't use words like 'Cruinniú' that I don't understand or know how to spell."

"Fair enough," stated Strangler, "Except for the Gaelic Trio, everybody else speaks fluid english, but it's a give or take on the accents." Looking around the room he asked "Anything else that we need to go over?" Before anyone could answer, his cell phone went off, it was a call from Dimples at the hospital. He flipped it open quickly, "How's our boy?" He asked. "K, on the way." He said closing the phone, "Let's ride, Slacker just came to." At that, they all headed out the door.

At the hospital, they piled into the elevator, "Shit, I should have picked up something to eat for the guys" Stax stated in a distressed tone. "Tandy or Dimples will see that they eat, don't sweat the small stuff Angel." Strangler told her. They reached the ICU and nodded at the deputy on watch at the end of the hall. Dimples met them and showed them to the room. It wasn't too hard to find with two bikers standing cross armed at the door. Strangler hugged both brothers and felt their firearms through their jackets. "Anything?" He asked. "All quiet." Ryker answered. Scratch looked at Strangler, shaking his head, "They got him good Prez, I wish them mother-fucker's
show up here." Both were on watch until 3 a.m when the next shift would arrive to relieve them. "When your done here, call me and I'll make sure that your both updated with the latest before you get some sleep, and in case I forget, pass that message on to Vick." Strangler told them as he walked into the room.

Standing at Slacker's bedside, Strangler waited for the nurse to adjust his I.V and give him his painkiller. "He won't be coherent long," she advised, "This painkiller will kick in quick, let me know if he indicates that he's still in pain." She took another look at his monitors and she turned and left the room. Stax was on the other side of the bed holding Slacker's hand, with Samson stood at the foot. Serenity and Lee took the chairs by the window, after Smiling Vick left his post for a quick smoke outside.

Smiling Vick was another long time full patch member, who had been with them for about 15 years. He didn't talk much, he would just stand back, arms crossed with a sly smile on his face as if he knew the secrets of everyone else in the room. Standing 6' even, he was a handsome man with coal black hair and steel blue eyes. With a chisled face and the bronzed body of a greek god, he could easily have been a movie star. However, the full sleeves and multiple body tattoos that he had added to natures work of art, would have limited his movie role options considerably.

Strangler leaned in to take a good look at Slacker's stiched up face. That wasn't a knife cut, more like a piece of glass from a broken bottle. Slacker opened his eyes, startled that Strangler was hovering over him. "Your fine my brother, it's me," Strangler assured him, "We're here to see how your doing. Are you in pain?" Slacker was barely able to nod "no" but he gave it his best shot. Strangler waited a minute before speaking again. "Slacker, are you able to talk with me?" The prospect tried to speak but his mouth was so dry, he couldn't feel his tongue. Stax understood immediately, "Hold on baby." She said, pouring a cup of water from the bedside table. She held it to his lips and he took a sip from the straw, and then another before laying his head back on the pillow. "I try" He whispered "Ever one k?" He managed to get out. "Everyone is fine lad, and your gonna be fine too." Strangler said, "How many were there?" Slacker briefly held up three fingers before his arm fell lifeless to his side. "Did you recognize them?" Strangler asked hopefully, "tex pis" Slacker slurred weakly and Strangler tried to confirm "Do you mean the guys from the pictures that were texted to us? Are you saying that it was the U.C.?" Slacker gave a brief nod, but it was obvious that the drug was now in full effect. "One more question brother-, damn!" Too late, he was out and Strangler had to accept that he had garnered all of the information that he was going to get from the prospect, at least for this night.

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