Read GianMarco Online

Authors: Eve Vaughn

GianMarco (9 page)

For the most part, GianMarco remained distant from her as well, speaking only when
to Maggie only when he needed a file or something typed. Though she didn’t care to
admit it, it felt a bit like being rejected. It didn’t help matters that she fantasized
about him daily. She tried not to let her secret lust for him show, however. She’d
gotten pretty good at hiding her feelings. She wasn’t new at pretending anyway; she
had made believe that she had had the perfect marriage for twenty-three years.

Maggie tossed and turned in bed, trying to get to sleep but unable to get the earlier
event out of her head. After several futile attempts to, she gave up and tossed the
covers off. It was all GianMarco Grimaldi’s fault that she couldn’t sleep. She stripped,
removing her nightshirt and panties, before digging into her dresser drawer to retrieve
her little black vibrator. Her pussy throbbed with need and wept for relief. Making
herself comfortable on the bed, she turned the vibrator on and rubbed the gadget over
the tips of her hardened nipples.

Maggie moaned softly, imagining GianMarco’s fingers circling the turgid peaks, remembering
how heavenly his hands and tongue had felt against her skin. The very thought of him
sent a jolt of pleasure through her body. She ran the vibrator over her belly, tracing
slow circular patterns over her skin.

She bit her bottom lip as she slid the dildo lower still. As she moved the vibrator
toward her pussy, a voice in the dark whispered, “You don’t need that when you have
the real thing, Maggie.”

She gasped, startled out of her sexual haze. When Maggie was able to focus her heart
plummeted at the sight of a monster with glowing golden eyes and large, white fangs.

Maggie let out a bloodcurdling scream.



Chapter Seven


There are no such things as monsters, at least not the mythical kind. This kind of
monster was in a class of its own, someone who had completely lost their grasp with
reality The neighborhood she lived in had its fair share of crime, but it was still
considered safe enough where she didn’t fear someone breaking into her apartment in
the middle of the night. Whoever her potential attacker was, he apparently had a horror
movie fetish. Why else would he wear a set of vampire fangs and glowing contact lenses?

How the hell had he gotten in? Maggie distinctly remembered bolting her door going
to bed. She’d never been so scared in her life. Just when things were starting to
turn around for her, she was about to be murdered. Frozen in terror, all Maggie could
do was scream in hopes a neighbor would hear and call the police. The intruder slapped
his oddly shaped hand over her mouth and sat on the bed next to her.

Her eyes widened and terror struck her when she glimpsed the outline of powerfully
built body. A nude body. Oh shit! He was going to rape and then kill her. She could
already imagine the headlines in the papers:
Murdered by Dracula
This was definitely not how she envisioned how her life would eventually end.

“Do not be frightened. I won’t hurt you as long as you give me what I want,” a deep,
gravelly voice whispered to her.

Maggie was not having it. In all her experience of watching scary movies and the news,
it was very rare when someone didn’t get hurt. She often wondered why the females
in horror movies just stood paralyzed, waiting to die while the killer stalked slowly
toward them. Now she understood. Her muscles wouldn’t cooperate even though her brain
screamed, “run bitch run!” She thought of her children and how she might never see
them again and that galvanized her into action. If she was going out, it wouldn’t
be without a fight.

Maggie bit the inside of her assailant’s hand. He pulled away with a loud curse, giving
Maggie the opportunity to scramble off the bed. Unmindful of her own nude state she
was determined to make it to her kitchen to grab a knife with the intent to slice
his balls off. She hadn’t taken two steps before he appeared in front of her.

The man chuckled. “I’m quite fond of my balls. I would hate to lose them.”

What. The. Hell.
How did he move so quickly, and how did he know what she’d been thinking? She looked
around wildly for a weapon and, grabbed the closest blunt object she could get her
hands on, which happened to be the Yellow Pages. Maggie lifted it to strike him, only
to have the phone book plucked effortlessly from her hands. Before her very eyes,
her attacker ripped the thick book in two, straight down the middle, while it was
still closed.

“This is getting tedious.” The intruder’s gruff tone almost sounded as though he were
in pain.

In a panic she attempted to get past him and made it to the door but again he blocked
her way. It didn’t look like he’d even moved but somehow he managed to be in front
of her again. This was not only creepy but terrifying.

“You’re starting to piss me off. I’ve already said I wouldn’t harm you, Maggie. Just
give me some pussy.”

This person knew her name but she didn’t know him. People like her weren’t supposed
to have stalkers. She was not a celebrity or anyone spectacular. She was just plain
old Maggie Williams. Maggie took a step back, suddenly remembering that she was as
naked as him. She crossed her arms over her breasts.

“W-who are you?” In her desperation, she looked toward the window. She only lived
two stories up. Maybe she could...

“That would not be wise, Maggie. You may only be two stories up, but you could still
cause yourself serious injury if you did jump.”

“Stop that, it’s eerie. How do you know what I’m thinking, who are you, and why me?
I haven’t done anything bad to anyone. Please if you just leave, I won’t call the

“I already told you wanted and I’m not leaving until I get it.”

She trembled, very close to tears. “Breaking into my apartment in the middle of the
night is not the way to get it!” She spoke with bravado but was a bundle of nerves
on the inside.

“Maggie, you know who I am. And I bet you’re dying to give me what I want so let’s
drop the misguided virginal outrage, because this confrontation won’t end until your
cunt in on my dick. You’ve been burning for it like I have.”

Maggie gasped. Despite the deep, gravelly bass to his voice, it sounded oddly familiar
now that she was actively listening to it. No! It couldn’t be! She did didn’t want
to believe the man she’d lusted after for the past few months was clinically insane.

“Yes, Maggie, it’d me and I’m far from crazy. Turn on the light,
,” he commanded her softly. The strange hypnotic tone of his voice flowed through
her, telling her to obey him. Her hands fell to her waist and she walked over to the
lamp as if she were under a spell.

Once the light was on, she was too frightened to turn around.

“Look at me.”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Turn around, Maggie.” Again, she felt as if her body were moving on its own.

Maggie’s eyes widened. GianMarco Grimaldi stood in the middle of her apartment without
a stitch of clothing on, and he had the longest, thickest cock she had ever seen.
She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the hard shaft. There was a monster in the room
all right, and it was GianMarco’s cock. She had always noticed the large bulge in
his pants, but she had had no idea that he was harboring a weapon of this magnitude.

“I’m glad you like what you see.” He advanced, breaking Maggie out of her zombie-like

Her anger set in full force. “Stay away from me! Who the hell do you think you are,
coming into my apartment like this and scaring the living daylights out of me? Get
out! And you look ridiculous in that Dracula getup.” She grabbed the throw blanket
from the couch to wrap it around herself. No matter how much she had fantasized about
him these past few months, there was no way she would let him get away with breaking
and entering into her apartment buck naked, expecting her to spread her legs like
a back-alley crack whore.

“You know, I find it highly insulting to be referred to as Dracula. That legend is
made up, by the way. The man whom that story is based was on was in reality a warmongering
human. Personally having met him, I think he was a bit mentally unstable.”

She took a step backward. “You’re one to talk about someone being loony. You sound
like you need to be medicated. You’re speaking as if you knew him personally. Dracula
wasn’t real.”

GianMarco’s eyes glowed, full of menace. “That’s where you’re wrong, my dear. He was
a very real man, but certainly not what that Irishman made him out to be in that damned
book. Enough stalling. Are you going to give me what I want, what we both want, or
do I have to take it?

“Did you hear anything I said? In case you didn’t it’s a resounding hell no!” She
took another step back, only to find that she could not go any further as she came
up against the wall.

“I didn’t mean to scare you Maggie, but I need you. I ache for you. You can hear it
in my voice. The heat has been there between us since the day we first laid eyes on
each other. I am in a great deal of pain right now, and only you can take it away.
If you don’t help me, I cannot be held accountable for what may happen next.” In a
flash, he was in front of her, pressing his frame against hers.

Shivers of both fear and excitement ran down her spine. No one had ever looked at
her with such naked lust in his eyes. A part of her wanted to give in to him, but
how could she take him seriously with those silly fangs in his mouth?

GianMarco bent over until his nose was touching hers. “They’re very real, Maggie,
just like my passion for you. I am burning up for you. The scent of your sweet pussy
is more than I can stand. Help me.”

Maggie’s heart beat faster. His words were affecting her more than she wanted to let
on. “Are you trying to tell me that you really are a vampire?” She was in disbelief,
not knowing whether to wrap her arms around him and give in to the wave of desire
that flowed between them or to laugh in his face. Vampire, indeed; next, he was going
to tell her that he owned a bridge in Brooklyn.

“I am not here to debate what I am or what I am not. I came for one thing and I’d
prefer not to take it by force.” GianMarco spanned her neck with his palm and applied
just enough pressure not to hurt but to make her very aware that he could.

Despite the danger she felt surrounding her, Maggie found the strength to push against
his rock hard chest. “Look, GianMarco, I’ll be honest with you. I find you extremely
attractive, but you cannot barge into my home without any clothes on and tell me that
you want me, especially after you’ve spent the past four months virtually ignoring
me. Any chance you may have had getting me in bed is gone because of this little stunt.
I’d like for you to put your clothes back on and leave the way you came.” She wiggled
her body away from his, tightly gripping the throw blanket that was still wrapped
around her. She turned her back to him, hoping he’d see reason.

“Maggie, please! I need you. I can’t hold out much longer.” His voice was deeper and
hoarser than before.

She shivered at the pain dripping from his voice. Maggie could practically feel his
agony. Reluctantly she turned to face him and released another scream. His eyes now
held a blood-red glow and there was a subtle change to his features. His fangs looked
sharper, his skin took on a pink tint as if he was experiencing a sudden blood rush,
and his now unbound mane of blond hair flowed down his back.

His grabbed her with his claw-like hands and pulled her roughly against his chest.
He pressed heated kisses on her face and neck. As she struggled against him with all
her might, they tumbled to the floor, his body covering hers. His skin nearly scalded
her. She couldn’t understand how anyone could function with such an extremely dangerous
fever. Most people would have died from it. Regardless of GianMarco’s state of health,
Maggie fought to free herself.

He pressed his long, thick cock against her, while Maggie struggle fought like her
life depended on it. For all she knew he could very well kill her once he was finished.
There was no way she would allow him to violate her this way. She raked her fingernails
down the side of his face. He let out a loud grunt. His red eyes glowed with a hunger
that would not be denied.

“Maggie, I don’t want to do this to you.” The raw anguish in GianMarco’s voice made
her pause.

“Then why are you?” She searched his face, trying to make sense of this. She just
couldn’t believe that the man she had worked with and whom she had secretly lusted
after would rape her. She sensed an inner struggle within him, but then she saw something
dark and dangerous in his eyes.

“Because I

Sadly, she believed him but it didn’t mean she’d make this easy for him. In her battle
to get loose, the back of her head hit the floor. Hard. A fuzzy haze clouded her brain,
and a tear slid out the corner of her eye as she realized this was a battle she would
lose. Her last conscious thought before she passed out was “vampires were real.”


“Marco! Stop this now!” Dante grabbed his brother off the unconscious woman.

GianMarco hissed as he turned around to attack. “Mine!” He slashed his claws against
Dante’s chest. Dante backed away, trying to avoid this confrontation. He grabbed his
brother and administered a heavy blow, sending the younger vampire crashing against
the wall. GianMarco was up in a flash, reaching Dante’s throat.

Dante backhanded his brother with little effect. “Snap out of it, Marco!”

Dante could tell GianMarco was too far gone at this point to recognize him. To GianMarco,
Dante was just another vampire who stood in the way of getting what he wanted.

“Marco, it’s me.” Dante fought to break the grip of the hands crushing his windpipe.
He slammed his fist into his brother’s face, knocking GianMarco off him. The hold
la morte dolci
had over GianMarco was stronger than Dante thought. Dante didn’t want to hurt his
brother, but he would do everything to defend himself.

The rage emanating from GianMarco seemed to make him stronger because he was on Dante
in a flash. He grabbed Dante by the throat and lifted him off his feet. As GianMarco’s
hand tightened, Dante reached out to gage his brother’s thoughts.

Marco, you must fight this! It’s me, Dante. I would never try to take what is yours.
, fratello mio
. I only want to help you.

Dante could tell his words affected his brother because the tight grip on his throat

That’s it. Fight it. You are not a rogue. This isn’t who you are. Don’t succumb to
this insanity.

GianMarco’s eyes began to dull as their natural golden brown hue returned.

“Dante?” He released his brother as if coming out of a trance.

“Yes, brat.”

! Please forgive me. It’s this goddamn fever. I wouldn’t have attacked you otherwise.
I swear. I felt possessed.”

“I know, brat.”

GianMarco clutched his head. “I can’t get over how I attacked you.”

“Like you said, it wasn’t you. That’s why I’m here.”

“I hurt, Dante.”

“I know, but we will take care of that for you.” Dante patted his brother on the shoulder.
The heat radiating from GianMarco’s brother was near boiling. It was no wonder GianMarco’s
mind was in a fog.

“How did you know I was here, anyway?”

“I went by your place for a visit, and you weren’t home, but I felt you. I see I arrived
in time?” Dante looked over his brother’s shoulder. “So this is the woman who’s brought
you to this pass?”



GianMarco was almost too afraid to turn around as he finally remembered why he was
here in the first place. He reluctantly looked behind him to see Maggie lying limply
on the floor. “Oh, my God. I killed her!” He rushed to her side.

“No, her heartbeat is still strong. She will be fine.”

GianMarco breathed a sigh of relief at Dante’s reassurance Gently, he lifted Maggie
into his arms and cradled her against him. The heat he’d fought so hard to douse slowly
began to consume him again despite her unconscious state.

“We need to get out of here and fast. I heard someone calling the police about a disturbance
when I entered the building. It won’t be long before they arrive,” Dante advised.

“I can’t just leave her like this. She’ll be frightened out of her mind once she comes
to.” GianMarco’s heart beat at a rapid pace in response to her nearness.

“Let her go, Marco. You’re in no state to be this close to her. We’ll take her with
us. I’ll prepare her for you and make her understand what has to happen. In the meantime,
how about putting some clothes on?” Dante suggested.

GianMarco nodded. “I took them off when I slipped in here.”

“Well, hurry up. Did you drive?”


“Good. Take your car straight home. No detours. I’ll join you shortly with ... what’s
her name?”

“Maggie.” GianMarco carried her to the couch and laid her down. She released a soft
moan but remained dead to the world. He then retrieved his pants. His cock was still
hard, and the brush of fabric against his sensitive flesh was extremely painful.

“I will take Maggie with me in my vehicle, and we’ll arrive at your house shortly.”

GianMarco threw a look of longing at his unconscious prey. The last thing he’d ever
wanted to do was hurt her, and he cursed himself for his ruthlessness in dealing with
Maggie. However, it didn’t change the fact that he intended to have her by the end
of the night, and Dante would not be able to stop him the next time around. “I’m
in so much pain, Dante. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to handle it…before
the sickness takes over and I won’t be able to control my actions.”

Dante faced GianMarco and cupped his brother’s face in his hands. “I know how you
feel but you must be strong,
fratello mio
. Trust me, okay?” GianMarco nodded. “Good. We’ll get through this together.”

La morte dolci
is far worse than anything I’ve ever experienced.”

“It’s understandable. It isn’t called the sweet death for nothing, but you know what
this means, don’t you?”

“I understand it has to happen but I’m scared I’ll hurt her. I could have killed her
had you not come along. I have to fight this, at least long to remain sound of mind
when I finally have her.”

“And you will have her. I’ll see to it. I’ll make sure no harm comes to your Maggie.
Now hurry, we have to go.”

GianMarco flinched in pain as another wave of heart seared through his body. “I don’t
feel that I can hold this at bay much longer.”

“I have faith in you, Marco. Go now!”

GianMarco shot one last brooding look toward Maggie before leaving them behind.


Dante walked over to the lifeless woman, and bent over to lift her off the couch.
She was a warm armful. The blanket she had used to cover her body had dipped, revealing
a midnight-tipped breast. Dante lightly grazed the exposed nipple with his knuckle.
She moaned in her sleep. He could sense her passionate nature as he studied her gently
formed features. She was quite lovely, not in the conventional sense, but there was
something about her that would warrant a second and third glance.

Dante lightly caressed her neck, reveling in the softness of her skin. Judging from
the scratches on Marco’s face, she had fought back. She was brave and she would need
to remain that way for what was ahead of her. Dante felt his body temperature rise
as he held her soft fullness against him. He could absolutely see why his brother
had lost his mind over this beauty. In any other circumstance, he would have made
a play for her, but when GianMarco had already staked his claim it was one Dante could
not dispute.

Dante shuddered at the thought of what would have happened if he hadn’t showed up
in time. He wished someone had intervened for him when he’d experienced
la morte dolci
, but that was neither here nor there.

What he needed was to help his brother through the next few days and to help Maggie
through the ordeal she would face. She would probably be resistant to the idea of
helping GianMarco in the beginning, but to Dante his brother’s wishes trumped Maggie’s.
He would not lose his brother to this madness and Maggie was the only cure. He would
be as gentle and persuasive as he could be, but in the end, he would make her surrender,
even if he had to tie her to the bed.
La morte dolci
was a very dangerous time in a vamp’s life, and if the sufferer of this malady didn’t
satisfy the burning fever within, certain death was imminent to anyone in their path.


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