Read (Glory St Clair 11) Real Vampires Say Read My Hips Online

Authors: Gerry Bartlett

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy

(Glory St Clair 11) Real Vampires Say Read My Hips (44 page)

“No, we haven’t. That’s because we’ve had one guest after another since this apartment was finished.” Jerry leaned down to kiss the spot where my underwire had left a mark then strode toward that bedroom. “Time to check that off our to-do list.”

“I do love a man who is well-organized.” I laughed when he tossed me on the bed.

Jerry landed next to me. “Are you very disappointed about the wedding?” He stared down at me.

“I meant what I said. I just want to marry you, Jer. Any time, any place.” I pulled up his shirt and he got the message, wrenching it off over his head and throwing it aside. “What about you? Is this wedding what you want?”

“I want you, Gloriana. I meant it when I said the when and where makes no difference to me.” He leaned down to lick a delicious path across my breasts. “I promise one thing. I’ll never tell you to shut up.”

“Can I have that in writing?” I held him by the ears and smiled into his eyes.

“Later.” He unbuttoned my jeans and helped me wrestle them off. “Will you make
a promise?”

I froze with my jeans stuck around my thighs. “What?”

“That you won’t keep secrets from me.” He dragged my jeans down and threw them to the floor, then settled next to me, one leg sliding between mine.

“Secrets.” That had been an issue between us before and I still had a big one I’d kept from him. Did I dare tell him the truth now? How would he take it?

“Obviously I just struck a nerve. What is it, Gloriana? What big secret are you holding back?” He levered himself on top of me, his body adjusting until we fit the way we always did. I shifted, happy to derail this conversation with love play. He wasn’t having it. “No, come on. Are we to start our married life with something between us?”

“Well, this is between us.” I nudged his erection with my knee.

“Stop it.” He rolled off of me and stared at the ceiling. “I thought we had this settled. What are you hiding that you feel I can’t handle?” He turned his head toward me. “Is it another man?”

“I’m marrying
, Jerry. There has been no other man since I made that commitment.” I reached out to stroke his cheek.

“You worded that very carefully.” He grabbed my hand. “So it is about another man.” He tried to read my mind and hit the blank wall I set up. “Shit. Are you really going to ruin things between us over an old affair?”

“Not so old.” I jerked my hand from his. “You want all my secrets? What about yours? I know you’ve had plenty of women when we were on breaks. Probably hundreds. It’s okay. I understood. You’re a virile man who needed someone.”

“So this secret you’re keeping happened when we weren’t on a break.” Jerry wouldn’t look at me. “You say you’ve been true to me since you took my ring. Fine. I’ve been the same. And once we say our vows, I intend to be with you and only you.” He sat up then, his eyes searching mine. “What about you?”

“Yes! I want no other man now or ever!” I sat up until we were face to face. I was at a disadvantage with my blouse and bra hanging open and naked from the waist down. Jerry still wore his jeans, even his boots. I’d lost my high heels in the living room. But the way he let his gaze travel over me, maybe I wasn’t at such a disadvantage after all.

“Prove it. Tell me this secret. I can take it. Maybe I’ll get mad. Maybe jealous. But I won’t kick you out of bed and out of my life, Gloriana. I swear it. Because you are mine and always will be. Do you trust me enough to believe that?” He pulled me to him. Our chests hit and I gasped, flooded with the lust we always felt for each other. His belt buckle dug into my stomach when he stood and hauled me against him. I made quick work of the offending metal and ripped open the button on his jeans.

“Come on, Jerry. No more talk.” I pushed down his zipper. “I want action.”

“No way in hell.” He stared into my eyes. “The truth, Gloriana. What’s the big secret?” He groaned when I ran my hand inside and squeezed his sacs.

“You don’t want to know.”

“Yes, I do.” He backed up and kicked off his jeans then came to me again, his hands on me everywhere. I was fully naked now, my blouse and bra somewhere on the floor. He pressed close but wouldn’t enter me. “Say it.”

“I slept with Israel Caine.”

“Shit.” He froze for a long minute. “How many times?” He ground it out. He was so hard that it could have been a stake pressed close to my most private place.

“I don’t remember.” I reached for him again but he wouldn’t let me pull him inside.

“Yes, you do. Say it.” He slid a hand down my side and squeezed my butt. “You would never forget fucking Israel Caine.”

“Twice. You were in Scotland. I thought you weren’t coming back.” I held onto him, terrified he’d shove me away and out of his life, despite his promise. “I’m sorry, Jerry. I told him it would never happen again. It was a…mistake.”

“Damn right, it was.” Jerry gritted his teeth as he dragged my legs around his waist and pushed into me. I gasped, eager to take all he had to give. God, he felt good. Amazing. And when he sank his teeth into my vein, I called his name, tremors of satisfaction shivering through me. He drew hard then let me go. We slid down the wall to hold each other, breathing hard in a way vampires seldom do.

“I knew it,” Jerry finally said as he licked the punctures closed. “You can tell when a man has had your woman.”

“No! Surely he didn’t say--” I didn’t even mind the “his woman” comment. I
his and he was mine. Thank God.

“He knew better. He’s afraid of my knives. But there was a look in his eyes when he was around you. I know that look. He’d had a taste and wanted more.” Jerry stood then picked me up. He carried me into our master bedroom and laid me on the bed. Then he just looked at me.

I shivered, waiting. “He’s never getting more. He knows that.” Did Jerry believe me?

“Doesn’t stop him from wanting you.” Jerry sat on the bed and I reached for his hand.

I almost sobbed in relief when he let me wrap my fingers around his. Callouses. He’d spent too many years working with those knives. Was he thinking about taking one to Ray? To me?

“Jerry…” I knew I should stay quiet but couldn’t.

“Relax, Gloriana. You always wanted the man. Played his music endlessly even before you met him.”

“It never should have happened. I love
, Jeremiah.” I suddenly couldn’t look at him. I didn’t deserve his forgiveness. I’d let my lust for a shiny toy of a man get the best of me.

“Then I guess I should feel sorry for the stupid bastard.” Jerry lay beside me and turned my face to his. “Because I won you and he lost.” He smiled and kissed my lips. “Dawn is close and I need a shower. Join me?”

“Of course.” I slid out of bed. “You won’t hurt Ray, will you?”

“How can you ask me that?” He strode into the bathroom, his shoulders rigid. My beautiful warrior, scars and all.

“You didn’t answer me, Jer.” I ran after him. “I don’t love him. But he’s my friend.”

“And if I decide to put a bit of hurt on the
buthaidir duine?”
Jerry started the water in the shower, adjusting the temperature as if he hadn’t just made a threat. “What will you do then? Call off the wedding?” He stepped into the shower, giving none of his thoughts away.

“Nothing will make me cancel our wedding.” I stepped in behind him. “But I was looking forward to having Ray sing there. If you’re going to be a jealous jerk about it, I guess I could call him and cancel.”

“A jealous jerk?” That got his attention. He whipped around, a bar of soap in his hand. “What do I have to be jealous of, I ask you?” As usual, when Jer was upset, his Scottish roots showed. “Is he a better lover? Is that it? Are you
for him? Wishing you could have him again?”

“Oh, please.” I trailed a fingertip across his chest, flicking a nipple with my nail. “I’d never say that. You’ve had centuries to prove you can outperform a mere fledgling vampire, Jeremiah Campbell. And centuries to learn how to please me.” I took the soap from Jerry and ran it over his chest. “He did have a piercing though. Here.” I ran the soap around Jerry’s cock. “A novelty. Can’t say it added much to the experience.”

“By God!” Jerry slammed a fist into the glass shower door. By some miracle, it didn’t shatter.

I gave in and pushed him against the tile wall, my hands on his shoulders. “Would you stop this? Israel Caine is nothing next to you, Jeremiah Campbell. Are you always comparing me to the other women you’ve bedded? Are you?” I rubbed my breasts against his soapy chest. “Say yes and I’ll use one of my Olympus powers on you. I guarantee you won’t like it.”

“No, of course not. You are all I think about when we make love, lass.” His eyes softened when he slid his hands around me. “Do you blame me for being jealous? The man is handsome, talented, and sings like an angel.”

“Now who sounds like he has a crush on Israel Caine?” I kissed Jerry’s chin. “None of that matters, Jerry. Ray is an alley cat. He uses women and throws them away. I can’t be with a man like that. You are my forever guy.” I dropped to my knees. “You’re the one who I want to please.” I kissed a path down his stomach then took him into my mouth. Yes, I was manipulating him with sex. It was an ancient tradition with women and I wasn’t above it. His groans of pleasure and his gentle hands in my hair reassured me that he was on his way to forgiving my confession.

He let me hold him in thrall for a few minutes before he reached for the spigots with a shaking hand and turned off the water. He picked me up and carried me to our bed where he gently laid me down.

“You drive me mad. You know that, don’t you?” He leaned down to begin an erotic exploration of my inner thighs.

“It’s my duty.” I sighed when he pushed my legs farther apart and rested them on his shoulders. “I don’t want you to get bored.”

“No chance of that.” He dipped his tongue inside.

“God, Jerry.” I grabbed his hair and hung on as the pleasure surged in waves.

He teased with tongue and fangs until I screamed and bucked against his mouth. It was too much. I tried to drag him up and over me, needing him inside. He wasn’t having it. He reached down to squeeze one of my breasts and I broke, sobbing his name. Was he punishing me? Making me pay for sleeping with Ray? I realized I wasn’t the only one who knew how to use sex in our relationship.

I went limp as my orgasm finally subsided and he let me go. He wiped his mouth, streaked with my blood, with the back of his hand then smoothed that hand over my stomach.

“You’re giving me an evil look. Didn’t you enjoy that?” He kissed my inner thigh then gently pressed his cock inside me. I shuddered, so sensitive I came again instantly.

“Enjoy?” I panted, raking my nails over his back. “Not sure about that. It was more like torture, I think. But then perhaps I’m perverted enough to like a bit of that kind of torment.” I moved against him. God, yes, I needed this. Wanted this. No one filled me like Jerry.

“You screamed my name.” He kissed me deeply, his tongue raking my fangs so I could taste his blood. Then he leaned back. “You always scream my name when you come.” He smiled and teased one of my nipples then bent to take it into his mouth, sucking hard. It popped, rosy and wet when he released it. “Say it again. Look at me and say my name, Gloriana. Say you will always be mine.” He was moving now, stroking inside me, bringing me close again as he pulled my legs tight around his hips. “You and I together forever and no others. That is the promise we will make on our wedding night.”

“Jeremiah. Yes! You and I together forever and no others.” I found the strength to flip him so I was on top now, riding him. I gazed down into his dear face, the man who had been the one for me for centuries. I pulled his hands up to my breasts and left them there, then leaned down to take his vein. His blood, warm, salty and perfect, filled my mouth. Tears stung my eyes by the time I sat up again.

We stared at each other, no words needed as we moved faster, our bodies thrusting against each other as we strove to keep the sensations climbing. When we reached the pinnacle I did shout his name again, I couldn’t seem to help myself. Trembling with satisfaction, I dropped to his chest and lay there, listening to the slow thud of his heartbeat. Not dead but not alive. But forever mine. I smiled and let the dawn suck me under.


We’d been invaded. Campbell brothers, Campbell cousins, even the Campbell pipers had come to town for the wedding. If I thought too much about it, I might have run away. As it was, I watched Jerry turn into a Scottish prince, the host to all and happier than I’d ever seen him. Laird and Lady Campbell declined to stay in our guest room, thank God, and had booked a suite in a hotel an enterprising vampire had set up in town. In fact, the entire hotel was full of the Campbell clan.

“Rehearsal dinner? Isn’t that strange, considering vampires can’t eat?” Lacy sat on a stool in the shop, rubbing her expansive tummy.

“It’s a ritual, according to the wedding magazines Flo has had me studying. And there are plenty of guests who can eat and should be included. My side of the family for instance.” I was going through our new stock of shoes, trying to find something to wear with the dress I’d bought in New York.

“So you said the groom’s family is responsible for it. Where’s it going to be?” Lacy got up and shuffled into the back room. “Try these. They came in yesterday and I haven’t had time to price them yet. They’re your size.” She handed me a pair of Alexander McQueen shoes. I knew instantly that they were perfect.

“The Campbells are taking over N-V. I’m surprised Rafe didn’t tell you. They’ve hired a caterer to provide food.” I sat down and kicked off my shoes.

“I come home so tired these days, Rafe and I don’t talk much. What about those shoes?” Lacy was back on her stool.

“Love them. You have such a great eye.” I strapped them on and stood. “There’s nothing like a designer shoe to make a woman feel sexy.”

“I know.” Lacy kicked off her own shoes. “My feet are so swollen, I’m down to moccasins. This pregnancy is killing me.”

“Did you have the ultrasound?” I’d been so busy getting ready for this wedding that I’d totally neglected the shop. Luckily it could run without me and very well too.

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