GO LONG (39 page)

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Authors: Joanna Blake

"Hush now. Table's don't talk."

I picked up my fork and speared a couple of pancakes. Then I lay them onto her stomach. I put a couple pieces of fruit and some grape jelly between her breasts. I considered the bacon for a minute but decided I wasn't that cruel.

Bacon was too scratchy.

Then I picked up the maple syrup and smiled at her, staring into her eyes while I poured a healthy portion over her tits and stomach. Her sweet little pussy too. She inhaled sharply, unable to look away.

Oh man, did I know the feeling.

"I know it's not polite to eat with your hands. So I won't."

I pulled off my shirt. I knew this was going to get messy. And then I went to town. I slowly ate every bite of food off her delectable body, all the while letting my fingers slide constantly over her sticky little pussy lips.

Just to make sure she went out of her fucking mind.

I had to be certain that she never forgot this. Especially if it was the last time. And it was almost certainly going to be the last fucking time.

A sharp pain went through my chest at the thought. I forced myself not to think about that. Not yet. Plenty of time for regret later.

I had a sudden feeling that I would regret this for the rest of my life.

My tongue swirled over her nipples, already hard as rocks. Then I traced my way down her tummy, lapping up maple syrup as I went. When I got to her lower tummy I turned my head to look at her inquisitively.

If she begged, I would keep traveling downward. She just stared at me, already delirious. But... not desperate enough. So I started up her body again.

It was another twenty minutes before she caved.

"Please Clay."

"Please what?"

"I want to- oh!"

Did I mention my fingers were now all the way inside her? Couldn't fault her for having trouble putting a coherent thought together.

"Yes my pet?"

"Can you please-"

"What is it sweetheart? What do you want me to do?"

"Can you please- fuck me!"

I grinned and stood up, finally taking my hand away. I stared at her while I peeled the rest of my clothes off. Shoes, socks, pants, boxers.

Then I had the last bit of my meal. I savored the taste of her as I cleaned her of every single drop of maple syrup. My face was sticky by the time I was done.

I climbed on top of her, letting my boner scrape over her skin teasingly.

"Fuck me already Clay!"

"I thought you'd never ask."

I guided the tip of my cock to her swollen pussy lips.

"Actually, you didn't really ask did you? That was more of a beg."

She let out the sexiest fucking moan as I pushed forward, sliding into her.

"I do like it when you beg, Nevada. Remember that."

And then I gave her what she wanted.





Clay pulled my nipple into his mouth as he circled his hips. But oh God, could he fuck. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. Every second.

He always had.

And I hated him for it.

Well, not right now. Right now, I was too busy having my third epic orgasm of the morning. The morning which was going to ruin my mom's relationship with the Westfields.

The morning that Clay had set out to humiliate me.

I just wasn't sure why.

I wasn't going to lie. It hurt. It kind of felt like my insides were on the outside. I felt like he'd tricked me.

Betrayed me.

And that didn't even begin to cover what this was going to do to my mother. Piss her off first of all. Put her job in jeopardy... maybe.

Maybe, just maybe I could find a way to sneak out.


He was nearing his peak. I could feel his control slipping. His eyes were hooded as he stared down at me. I felt my body start to quiver as he stiffened above me, filling me with his essence.

He bucked wildly, always loosing control at the end. Usually, I found it sexy. Actually, I still found it sexy. But this time it also pissed me off.

It pissed me off a lot.

But then he looked at me with the strangest expression. He looked... regretful. His hands found my face and he leaned down to kiss me tenderly.

He did care. No matter what other bullshit was going through his head. No matter what angst he was taking out on me.

That is the exact moment that his stepmother chose to walk into the room. She knocked but didn't wait for an answer. To his credit, Clay tried to cover my face with his arms and shoulder. Not that it did a damn thing.

"What the fuck Claire?"

I could see her pinched face from under Clay's arm. She knew who I was. She was going to cause trouble for me.

And my mom.

I could not have felt worse at that moment. It was simply not humanly possible. I wanted to sink into the carpet and disappear. I wanted to run.

Of course, that was kind of hard with a six foot tall man lying on top of you. And your hands and feet tied to the bed posts. And a huge fucking cock pinning you to the mattress.

Then things got even worse.

"This is not a frat house Clayton. I expect you to take your little 'friend' elsewhere. Immediately."

She turned to go, throwing me a cold look over her shoulder.

"And tell her not to come back into this house. Ever."

Chapter Fifteen


My father was pacing back and forth in front of me. I was in his office. I hated it in here. I never got good news in his office.

Not since the day he'd tried to explain to me that my mother had gone away.


"How could you Clay? Things have already been tenuous to begin with."

I took a swig of my drink. I'd started drinking immediately after untying Nevada. She'd been stone faced and silent as she pulled her clothes on and walked out of the room.

And out of my life.

I could give two shits what issues my father had. I had way bigger problems. Like the huge hole in my chest.

It was cheesy as hell but true. I could feel her absence where my heart was. I knew I had fucked things up with us. But I was already trying to figure out a way to get her back.

Meanwhile, my dad looked genuinely distraught.

"There's nothing to be done about it. Not now anyway. Maybe eventually I can get her back..."

Something in my dad's voice made me look up.

"Get who back?"

He stopped pacing and stared at me. His eyes looked hollow. He looked like he needed a drink as bad as I did. I swallowed the rest of my bourbon and walked over to the bar.

"Dana. Claire made me let her go. Effective immediately."


I stared at my Father in shock. I hadn't thought... I had done it. I had chased Nevada away once and for good. This was all my fault.

I clenched the glass in my fist and heard it crack. I didn't care if it cut me.

I wanted it to.

I was despicable. I'd hurt the only person in this world who I cared about. The most beautiful, pure, precious girl in the world.

I hated myself.

"Where will they go?"

He shook his head.

"I don't know. Dana's parents are dead and-"

I walked over to him and slugged him in the face.

"Clay! What the hell!"

"You fired her because you were sleeping with her. And Claire found out."

He stared at me, the blood draining from his face. I'd been right. It was written all over his face.

"I'll take care of her. And the girl. I promised her that I would get her a condo. Someplace nearby. But she said no."

I laughed harshly.

"Yeah, what an offer. I don't blame her one bit."

I shook out my fist and looked at him.

will take care of Nev. You clean up your own mess."


I stared at my mother's face. It was hard to look her in the eye after what I'd done, but I had to.

"It's not your fault Nevada. She's been trying to get rid of me for a while."

"Mrs. Westfield? Why?"

She didn't answer me. She just went back to packing. We were rushing. The official document sitting on the kitchen table said that we had to be out by dark.

It had been pinned to the door to our apartment this morning. About twenty minutes after I'd finally walked in the door. I'd walked the whole way across the estate in broad daylight.

Covered in the remnants of maple syrup.

And sex.

Walk of shame didn't begin to cover what that had been like.

And now we were vacating the premises.

I didn't have that much stuff anyway. Some old books and photo albums. My laptop. Some clothes. My mother had only a few small pieces of furniture from her mother and a quilt her grandmother had made.

"What are we going to do?"

She shoved some more food from the cupboard into a box and sighed.

"I don't know. I guess we need to find a hotel for the night."

"Can we afford that?"

She smiled at me sadly.

"It won't be anything fancy sweetheart but yes, we can afford it. You don't mind sharing a room with me for a little while? Until we get this sorted out."

I nodded, swallowing.

"Of course not."

We were loading the car when I saw him. Clay was walking towards us. He looked furious.

"Nevada. Ms. Jones."

My mother nodded to him. I half expected her to take him to task for deflowering her daughter, but nope. Mom was cool as a cucumber.

I was unbelievably grateful for that. My mom said hi, but I ignored him.

"Hi Clay."

He stared at me, the muscle in his jaw clenching.

"Can I talk to you Nevada?"

"It's not really a good time Clay. We're being forcibly ejected."

He stared at the ground for a minute.

"Please Nev."

My mother and I exchanged a glance. I nodded.

"Fine. I don't see the point though."

He jerked his head, indicating I should go with him to the side of the house. Then he pivoted, pinning me against the wall. He braced his hands on either side of my face.

"Nev- I'm so sorry."

I looked at him, then away. He was clearly remorseful. But it was too little, too late. Still, I haws having a hard time looking at him. He was making me feel things I didn't want to.

I forced myself to be casual.

"Yeah, I'm sure it won't be as convenient for you to get laid. You'll have to find someone who doesn't live over your garage."

He punched the wall, making me jump. But he didn't move.

"Dammit Nev it's not like that and you know it."

I just stared at him. Then I sighed.

"Yeah, I know."

"I'm going to get you guys an apartment."

"No, Clay."

"I am! And I'm going to pay your tuition next year."

Fuck, my tuition. I hadn't even thought of that. I shook my head vehemently.

"Clay, you can't. I have to do this for myself. Besides, I'm not your fucking mistress."

He stared at me.

"So you knew."

"Knew what?"


He pushed away and rubbed his hands over his face. I followed him, forcing him to look at me.

"Knew what Clay?"

He lifted his head and stared at me. And I realized I did know. I knew what he was going to say before he said it.

"About our parents having an affair."

I shook my head, trying to deny it.

"No. No, my mom wouldn't do that."

"She did Nev. Why do you think Claire was so pissed? It wasn't you. It was them."

I felt sick suddenly.

"I can't do this now Clay. I have to go pack. I need to- get out of here."

He grabbed me, pulling me into his arms.

"Nothing changes the way I feel about you. You're mine, Nev."

I shoved against his chest.

"No, I'm not. Leave me alone. Don't you think you've done enough already?"

He followed me back to the car. It was packed. My mom was already in the driver's seat.

Her eyes looked so sad as she watched me storm over to the car and climb in.


I didn't stop, just slammed the door behind me. I put on my seatbelt, staring straight ahead. I glanced to the side and saw him in the side view mirror. He just stood there, watching us drive away.

I forced myself to look away. I stared straight ahead, barely noticing my surroundings. The familiar tree lined driveway curved gracefully through the property. Everything was lush, green and manicured. It had been a beautiful place to grow up in.

But now I was well and truly grown.

I doubted I'd ever be at Westfield's estate again. It had been my home for almost ten years. I realized this was it. I would never see it again.

Or Clay.

Chapter Sixteen


I rang the doorbell of the huge victorian. It had a wrap around porch and was twice the size of the average house. A rich person house to be sure.

But quiet. Weirdly quiet and almost too neat. Almost like a museum.

Each detail of the house was immaculately painted in a different shade of blue. The effect was charming to most people. For some reason though, it made me sad.

Every fucking thing made me sad these days.

It had been four days since I saw Nev. She hadn't been at the club or in town. She sure as shit wasn't staying in one of the fancy B&B's or boutique hotels. That left the no tell motels that every town in the country had.

Dirty, ugly little places that people went to have affairs.

I knew she was at one of them, just not which one.

I was losing my mind, imagining all sorts of horrible things happening to Nev.

Or, worse yet, that she hated me. Which she almost certainly did. I was starting to lose hope, drinking myself into oblivion every night.

And then I'd remembered. To get to Nev, you go through Frannie.

So here I was.

I rang the buzzer again. Finally, I heard footsteps. An elderly maid answered the door.

"Hi. I'm looking for Frannie."

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