God Save the Queen (The Immortal Empire) (19 page)

Read God Save the Queen (The Immortal Empire) Online

Authors: Kate Locke

Tags: #Paranormal steampunk romance, #Fiction

That got a smile out of her. “Have fun, my sweeties.” Then she sashayed off in a rustle of petticoats and bustle.

“I adore her,” I said.

“She’s rather something. Whisky?”

I nodded. He poured a glass for each of us and raised his in salute. I took a sip from mine – the whisky was smooth, with a vaguely smoky, earthy flavour.

“It’s good,” I said.

Vex smiled. “I would hope so.” He took another drink. “I heard about your sister. I am very sorry for your loss.”

I risked a glance at him and saw sincerity in his blue-grey eyes. So, maybe he didn’t know about Fee’s traitoresque activities. That was good, I thought. He had the look of a man who had lost someone dear himself. His words touched me, because even though Dede was alive, I would spend the rest of my life knowing she was out there, lost to me for ever.

“Thank you,” I replied hoarsely, and took another deep swallow from my glass.

He leaned back in the chair, his arm hooked over the top of it. His jacket pulled taut across his bicep. I wondered just how strong he was with that build. Weres tended to be more physical than vamps, though vampires were often faster.

“I want to thank you for coming to Ophelia and Niall’s aid the other night.” He poured himself another shot and topped mine up as well. “The pack might have lost them both if not for you.”

What would he say if I told him I wasn’t so pleased with myself for saving Fee? I’d never really wished anyone dead before – except for the bastards who killed Rye – so thinking that the world might be better without Fee in it brought a sliver of guilt with it. I blamed her for Dede’s leap off sanity ridge, blamed her for the mess I now found myself in. Most of all I hated her for having the last decade-plus with our mother.

“You know the Yard is looking for Ophelia?”

His flinty gaze met mine over the rim of his glass. “I’ve spoken to an inspector, yes. I’d like to say it’s all a misunderstanding, but I haven’t seen the girl since that morning. Have you?”

I couldn’t be certain how much of Fee’s scent lingered on me, but I also couldn’t tell him the truth without outing Dede as a traitor and admitting that I had been to Bedlam. Then I’d have to explain why I was at a club, drinking, when I should be at the Yard filing a report.

“No,” I lied.

He smiled, and leaned forward, bracing his forearm on the table. “I didn’t come over here to talk about your sisters.”

Of course he knew my relation to Fee. Her aristo father – the Earl of Blackwood – was part of the pack. Still, it unsettled me a little that he so obviously knew so much about me.

“Why did you come over here, my … Vex?” I asked.

White teeth flashed, bright beneath the dim lights. “Because finally I’ve found you in a place where neither of us has a duty to perform and you don’t have that old leech hovering round.”

He meant Church. The two of them had something of a rivalry, but I couldn’t tell if it was friendly or whether they both delighted in getting in each other’s faces.

Years ago, MacLaughlin had come to the Academy to check on Rye and some other were halvies who had been sent to London to study and train. He and Church had disagreed on something and ended up physically fighting. Rye had stepped in – and got a broken nose for his pains. I think it was Church who had accidentally struck him. Regardless, the students watching had had no idea what had happened. We only knew that Vexation MacLaughlin was one – if not the only – man who could match Church in a fight.

Every girl in that class had a bit of a crush on Church, but that
day we all fell for Vex as well, especially when he did the gentlemanly thing and offered Church, and the entire class, his apologies. Rye used to tease me about him – and now I was to believe that he’d had his eye on me for some time?

I wouldn’t have been more surprised if Church had got down on one knee and asked for my hand. But I didn’t find the old man nearly as sexy as I did the wolf across from me.

“Would you like to go upstairs?” he asked, seemingly unperturbed by my stunned silence. “Maybe do a little dancing?”

I hadn’t been dancing since Avery’s birthday, when we’d all gone out and got completely sauced. We’d danced until the club closed. Even Dede had had a good time.

“Sounds fun,” I replied, and let him take my hand to guide me to my feet. He carried his glass and the bottle in one hand – two long fingers twining around the neck – and held my hand with the other. I followed him up the flight of stairs near the wall to the first floor. He pushed open the heavy door and we entered a world of darkness pierced by bright lights and pulsing sounds. A man in a ringmaster costume showed us to a table in a darkened corner – apparently it was Vex’s usual haunt.

Vex set the bottle on our table and drained his glass in one gulp. “Shall we dance?”

I drained my glass as well and returned his grin. “Promise not to step on my toes?”

“On my honour.” He offered me his hand and I took it, liking how warm his fingers were around mine. Were metabolisms ran even higher than those of halvies. He pulled me out on to the dance floor as the DJ started a song with a thumping beat and electric violin – like an orchestra on acid.

It wasn’t the kind of music easily danced to as a pair, but Vex hauled me to him and began to move, gracefully matching the rhythm. His shoulder was hard beneath my hand. He was over six
feet of solid predatory muscle and heat – and grin. I couldn’t forget that grin.

“I keep thinking you find something about me terribly amusing,” I told him as his hand slid down my spine. I shivered – just enough to embarrass myself.

“Intriguing,” he replied. “Not amusing. You know, most women I meet view me either as a potential mate or a threat, but you … I get the feeling you can’t quite decide.”

I arched a brow – that spastic thing again. “Humility passed you by, didn’t it?”

Vex laughed – deep and sharp. A few heads turned at the sound of it. He pulled me closer so that almost every inch of us from chest to toes touched. “It’s not considered a good trait for an alpha,” he informed me good-naturedly. “But you’re the first to point out my lack.”

Most people in his immediate circle would undoubtedly be too afraid or too devoted to do anything of the kind. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“I’m not offended, sweetheart. Not at all.” And then he twirled me around so fast the club continued to spin even when I had stopped. Delighted laughter spilled from me. After the night I’d had, it felt like a monstrous relief.

When my vision cleared, I found him watching me with that same amused expression, but there was a hint of curiosity in his gaze. He lowered his head, so that I could feel his warm breath on my neck. He inhaled deeply, held it, and then let it go in a rush of heat over my skin. I shivered.

“You smell good,” he murmured against my ear.

‘So do you,” I replied. And he did – like sunlight and cloves. Was this really happening?

We didn’t speak for the remainder of our dance, just moved to the music, touching and breathing each other in. He went to my
head quicker than the whisky. When the music ended, he led me back to our dark table and poured another drink for the both of us.

I reached for my glass, but he stopped me, his hand cupping the side of my face so I had no choice but to turn towards him.

“Forgive me,” he said. And then his mouth was on mine and he tasted even better than he smelled. My fingers curled around the open neck of his shirt, tugging at him as though it were possible for the two of us to get any closer. His hands pressed against my back, holding me tight against his chest as he slid his tongue between my lips. I hadn’t been this … desperate for a man in a long time. Either I hadn’t met one who inspired this need, or I hadn’t allowed myself to feel it. Regardless, the MacLaughlin turned me on something fierce.

The kiss ended too soon. He released me and reached for his glass, downing it in one swallow. Then he turned to face me. His eyes were bright, touched with wolf-gold, his expression uncertain.

“Can I take you home?” he asked, and though the question sounded innocent enough, there was nothing innocent about it.

“Only if you come inside,” I replied, lifting my glass to my dry mouth. What the hell was I doing? As right as this felt, it was also setting off alarms in my head. Church had warned me away from Vex. He was tight with Ophelia. There was a very good chance he just wanted to use me.

Then he couldn’t complain if I used him as well.

“Make no mistake,” he rasped, fingers curving around the back of my neck as he placed his face in the curve of my shoulder and drew a deep breath. “I plan to come inside.”

I shivered as that moist heat fanned over my flesh. I was so randy at that moment I could have taken him right there in the booth. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

Another glimpse of his golden eyes, and then he was on his feet, tugging me by the hand to join him. We went downstairs and
I retrieved my coat. Thankfully there was no sign of Penny. I couldn’t face her raunchy pleasure on my behalf.

Outside the night had cooled, the breeze sweet. The shiny black Swallow pulled up in front of us. The valet climbed out and handed the keys to Vex, who slipped him a generous tip in return. My escort opened the door for me and I slid inside.

Moments later we were thundering through the streets towards Wellington. When we reached my place, he parked out front, seemingly unconcerned that someone might notice his shag-mobile.

The drive had only served to increase the tension inside me. My knees shook as I climbed the steps. When Vex pushed me against the front door and kissed me thoroughly, I thought I might literally combust on the threshold. Regardless of each of our motives, there was no denying we were honestly hungry for one another.

I managed to unlock the door. He was right on my heels as I stepped inside. No sign of Avery – good. She must be at Emma’s. I jabbed at the alarm with clumsy fingers, trying to ignore the fact that Vex’s own fingers were already loosening the laces of my corset. It unhooked at the front, but it seemed so much more …
to have him unlace me.

I ran upstairs, the wolf giving chase. My room wasn’t too bad, only a pair of stockings and bloomers on the floor. He didn’t seem to care, and neither did I. In minutes we were both naked and he … he was
very impressive with his clothes off. He seemed equally enamoured of me, which was arousing in itself. Nothing like seeing worship in the eyes of a lover to make a girl forget her flaws.

Vex flashed a grin in the darkness as he braced himself above me on my suddenly small bed. I reached up and ran my thumb over his bottom lip, over the smooth white of his teeth.

“All the better to eat you with,” he said, and I knew he had heard Penny at the club. I didn’t even have time to blush before he slid down my body and made good his word.


When I woke up the next day I was alone.

I wasn’t surprised. In fact, I was a little relieved. I wouldn’t have to explain anything to my sibs, and I wouldn’t have a gorgeous distraction keeping me from doing what needed to be done. Besides, Vex MacLaughlin was out of my sphere. My job was to protect his kind and his job was to produce more halvies, get married and hopefully beget fat, healthy aristo babies.

He hadn’t asked me anything about Fee or Dede, or Bedlam. We hadn’t talked much at all. Maybe it really was a coincidence that he’d come for Ophelia in the park. Maybe he really was interested in me.

Right. So interested he had to sneak out without saying goodbye.

I threw on a black velvet kimono and ran my hands through the bird’s-nest tangle of my hair before leaving the sanctuary of my room. I should shower – I had the smell of sex and wolf all over me – but I was hungry and didn’t mind being distracted until after breakfast.

The delicious aroma of fresh hot coffee rose to greet me as I
went downstairs. With it came the equally appealing scents of French toast and fried sausage. My mouth watered and I walked into the kitchen to find Val at the stove, Avery, Emma and Vex at the table.

Fang me. He was still here?

Everyone looked up at my arrival. Val barely raised a brow, but Avery and Emma looked as though they were practically bursting for want of details, while Vex … he gave me a look I felt right down to my bones.

He rose to his feet and came around the table to me. One strong arm went round my waist as he gave me a quick hug. “Can I get you a cup of coffee?” he asked.

I shook my head. “You don’t have to do that. I can get it.”

He grinned. “Consider it payment for all the embarrassment my being here will no doubt cause you,” he said in a low tone. We both knew there was no point in whispering when our companions had acute hearing – and were shamelessly eavesdropping.

I slipped an arm around him. He was so big and tall, and smelled surprisingly good for a man who had yet to shower. “I’m
embarrassed.” Perhaps that was a small lie, but I wasn’t embarrassed about him, more of what my siblings might get up to.

“Good.” He kissed me and gently shoved me towards the table. “I’ll get you a cup.”

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