God's Problem (40 page)

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Authors: Bart D. Ehrman

The Quest of the Historical Jesus
(Schweitzer), 219

“Rebellion” (Dostoevsky), 266–67

redemptive suffering: Israel’s restoration through, 78–83; Joseph’s story on redemptive, 132–34; other examples of, 134–38; Paul on, 148–53; positive benefits of, 151–57; salvation and, 138–44.
See also

resurrection: Paul’s teachings on the, 237–42; suffering until the time of, 244–46

book of Revelation

sacrifice: Christian understanding of atonement as, 83–86, 142–53, 235, 236;
the Jewish system of, 75–77; “offering of Isaac” as, 168–70; Second Isaiah’s substitutionary, 77–83

salvation: formula of, 85; suffering and, 138–44; through rejection, 144–51.
See also
atonement doctrine; redemptive suffering

Samaria, 46–47, 74, 97, 98

Samuel, 72

Satan (“the adversary”), 163, 165–68, 215–16, 251

Schweitzer, Albert, 219

Second Isaiah, 77–83

Second World War: death and suffering during, 57–58, 121; experience of author’s father during, 58–61; Holocaust of, 11, 21–27, 277

sin: atoning sacrifice for, 85–86, 142–53, 235, 236; Deuteronomistic History on consequences of, 100–106; New Testament on consequences of, 106–11; paradox of suffering and, 119–23; prophets on suffering caused by, 96–100; relationship between suffering and, 84–88, 96–100, 137–38.
See also
disobedience; evil

666 symbolism, 253

Solomon, King, 72–73, 106, 120, 138, 192

Son of Man.
Jesus Christ

southern kingdom (Judah), 42, 74, 202

Stephen, 108

stoning punishment, 108–9

Suffering: A Test of a Theological Method
(McGill), 272

suffering: book of Revelation’s description of, 254–55; Christ as solution to, 272–74; comparing Old and New Testaments on, 88–90; Enlightenment view of, 10, 26, 121, 269; finding solutions to world’s, 276–78; during First and Second World Wars, 11, 21–27, 57–61, 121–22; God as providing strength to deal with, 271–72; of natural disasters, 230–32, 259; New Testament’s view of, 83–88; paradox of sin and, 119–23; reactions to, 111–19; redemptive, 78–83, 132–57; relationship between sin and, 84–88, 96–100, 137–38; as test of faith, 164–68, 275.
See also
physical suffering; problem of suffering

suffering as punishment: additional biblical references to, 62–64; Deuteronomistic History of Israel on, 69–74; as fallacy, 96; Pentateuch theme of, 64–69; prophetic view on Israel’s, 27–31, 34–42, 61–62, 203, 264.
See also

“suffering servant,” 82, 281nn.8, 9

theodicy: apocalypticism as ancient king of, 256; assertions on God and suffering by, 8–10, 26; assumptions of, 121; insolvable philosophical problem of, 122–23; origins of term, 8

Third Isaiah, 77

Tilley, Terrence, 122

Torah: forbidden by Assyrian rulers, 208; law of sacrifice in the, 75–76

Trumbo, Dalton, 58

United Nations, 129


vanity, 191–93

vindication (apocalyptic), 217–18

Voltaire, 11–12

wealth: ephemeral nature of, 191–92; inequality of, 97–100

When Bad Things Happen to Good People
(Kushner), 7, 8, 270

Whisenant, Edgar, 225–26

Wiesel, Elie, 7




Genesis 2:17, 64

Genesis 3:14–19, 65

Genesis 4, 101

Genesis 6:5, 65

Genesis 6:6, 65

Genesis 9:11, 66

Genesis 19:24–26, 66

Genesis 21:1–7, 169

Genesis 22:1–14, 76

Genesis 22:12, 169

Genesis 22:13–14, 169

Genesis 22, 168

Genesis 37–50, 132

Genesis 37:1–11, 132

Genesis 37:18–20, 132

Genesis 39, 113

Genesis 41, 133

Genesis 50:15–18, 134

Genesis 50:19–20, 134

Exodus 1:8, 102

Exodus 4:21: 10:1: 14:17, 135

Exodus 4:21, 135

Exodus 8:15, 32, 135

Exodus 10:1–2, 135

Exodus 14:17–18, 136

Leviticus 1–7, 75

Leviticus 1:4, 76

Leviticus 4:35, 76

Leviticus 5:16, 76

Leviticus 18:5, 20:12, 37

Numbers 13–14, 67

Numbers 14:22–23, 67

Deuteronomy 21:23, 142, 236

Deuteronomy 28:1–6, 68

Deuteronomy 28:16–28, 68

Deuteronomy 28, 67

Joshua 1:5–8, 70

Joshua 6, 70, 102

Joshua 7, 71

Judges 10:6–9, 72

Judges 19:1, 105

Judges 19:22, 104

Judges 19:23–24, 104

Judges 20–21, 105

Judges 21:25, 72

1 Samuel 9, 32

1 Samuel, 72

2 Samuel 10:1; 16:12–13, 149

2 Samuel 11, 105

2 Samuel 12:15, 138

2 Samuel 12, 32, 137

2 Samuel, 69, 72

1 Kings 5:13–18, 106

1 Kings 6–9, 106

1 Kings 9:4–7, 73

1 Kings 9:15–22, 106

1 Kings 11:1, 73

1 Kings 11:3, 73

1 Kings, 69, 72, 73

2 Kings 17:5–18, 74

2 Kings 22:16–17, 74

2 Kings 25, 77

2 Kings, 42, 64, 73–74

2 Kings, 69

Job 1:1, 164

Job 1:5, 76

Job 1:11, 165

Job 1:20, 166

Job 1:22, 166

Job 2:3, 168

Job 2:5, 166

Job 2:7, 166

Job 2:10, 166

Job 3:1-3, 11–12, 16, 174

Job 3, 112

Job 4:1–2, 7–9, 175

Job 6:24–25, 28, 30, 178

Job 7:13–16, 19, 180

Job 7, 165

Job 8:1–7, 176

Job 9:13–20, 182

Job 11:1–6, 177

Job 14:11–12, 181

Job 16:12–14, 16–17, 179

Job 21:7–9, 12–13, 181

Job 22:4–7, 9–10, 177

Job 23:3–7, 183

Job 27:3–4, 182

Job 30:18–21, 179

Job 31:35–37, 183

Job 38:2–7, 184

Job 38:12, 16–18, 22, 33–35; 39:26–27, 186

Job 40:1–2, 186

Job 40:3–4, 186

Job 40:6–9, 186

Job 42:2, 5–6, 187

Job 42:11, 168

Psalms 22, 149

Psalms 6:2–4, 6–10, 115

Psalms 22:14–21, 119

Psalms 22, 83

Psalms 137:1–9, 117

Psalms 137, 116

Proverbs 2:11–12, 264

Proverbs 3:33, 62

Proverbs 10:3, 62

Proverbs 11:8, 63

Proverbs 11:19, 63

Proverbs 12:21, 63

Proverbs 13:21, 63

Ecclesiastes 1:1, 190

Ecclesiastes 1:2–6, 8–11, 191

Ecclesiastes 1:16–2:23, 192

Ecclesiastes 2:11, 192

Ecclesiastes 2:17, 192

Ecclesiastes 2:20, 192

Ecclesiastes 2:24, 192

Ecclesiastes 2:26, 192

Ecclesiastes 5:18–19, 194

Ecclesiastes 6:1–2, 192

Ecclesiastes 7:15, 193

Ecclesiastes 8:14, 193

Ecclesiastes 8:15, 194

Ecclesiastes 9:1–3, 193

Ecclesiastes 9:4, 193

Ecclesiastes 9:5–6, 194

Ecclesiastes 9:11–12, 193

Isaiah 1:4–9, 49

Isaiah 1:21–25, 49

Isaiah 1:23, 99

Isaiah 3:14–15, 99

Isaiah 3:24–26, 50

Isaiah 6:1–2, 50

Isaiah 6:11–12, 50

Isaiah 10:2–3, 50

Isaiah 10:20–27, 51

Isaiah 40–55, 77

Isaiah 40:1–2, 78

Isaiah 40:2, 78

Isaiah 40:3–5, 79

Isaiah 40:29–31, 79

Isaiah 41:8–10, 80

Isaiah 41:8; 49:3, 82

Isaiah 47:6, 11, 78

Isaiah 49:3, 80, 139

Isaiah 52:13–53:12, 80

Isaiah 53:3, 83

Isaiah 53:4–5, 139

Isaiah 53:5, 83

Isaiah 53:7, 83

Isaiah 53:9, 84

Isaiah 53:10, 84

Isaiah 53:12, 83

Isaiah 53, 83, 139, 140, 149

Isaiah 54:7-8, 79

Jeremiah 5:15–17, 51

Jeremiah 5:26–29, 100

Jeremiah 7, 112

Jeremiah 9:11, 52

Jeremiah 11–20, 112

Jeremiah 11:19–20, 113

Jeremiah 15:19–21, 52

Jeremiah 16:4, 52

Jeremiah 19:8–9, 52

Jeremiah 20:14–18, 113

Jeremiah 31:15, 103

Jeremiah 52, 77

Hosea 1:6, 43

Hosea 1:9, 43

Hosea 2:3–4, 44

Hosea 2:8–12, 44

Hosea 9:1–3, 45

Hosea 10:14–15, 45

Hosea 13:4–9, 46

Hosea 13:16, 47

Amos 1–2, 36

Amos 1:1, 34

Amos 1:3–4, 35

Amos 1:6–8, 36

Amos 2:6–7, 98

Amos 2:6–15, 37

Amos 3-5, 214

Amos 3:1, 38

Amos 3:3–6, 38

Amos 3:11, 38

Amos 4:1, 98

Amos 4:2–3, 99

Amos 4:6–11, 264

Amos 4:6–12, 40

Amos 5:1–11, 98

Amos 5:21–24, 41

Amos 7:14, 34

Amos 9:10, 41

Amos 9:14–15, 42




Matthew, Gospel of 1:6, 138

Matthew, Gospel of 2:18, 103

Matthew, Gospel of 4:1–11, 234

Matthew, Gospel of 5:17–20, 142

Matthew, Gospel of 5, 223

Matthew, Gospel of 13:40–43, 222

Matthew, Gospel of 18:4, 223

Matthew, Gospel of 19:28, 222

Matthew, Gospel of 24:32–34, 226

Matthew, Gospel of 25:26, 88

Matthew, Gospel of 25:31, 87

Matthew, Gospel of 25:34–35, 87

Matthew, Gospel of 25:41–43, 88

Matthew, Gospel of 25, 87

Mark, Gospel of 1:15, 219, 220, 255

Mark, Gospel of 8:38, 221

Mark, Gospel of 9:1; 13:30, 219

Mark, Gospel of 9:1, 205, 255

Mark, Gospel of 10:31, 223

Mark, Gospel of 10:45, 86, 143

Mark, Gospel of 13:23–29, 221

Mark, Gospel of 13:24–27, 222

Mark, Gospel of 13:30, 205, 255

Mark, Gospel of 13:33–37, 224

Mark, Gospel of 14–15, 143

Mark, Gospel of 14:22–24, 86

Mark, Gospel of 14:36, 170

Mark, Gospel of 15:24, 107

Mark, Gospel of 15:31, 233

Mark, Gospel of 15:34, 143

Mark, Gospel of 15:38–39, 143

Luke, Gospel of 3:7–9, 220

Luke, Gospel of 6:24–26, 224

Luke, Gospel of 6, 223

Luke, Gospel of 7:22–23, 235

Luke, Gospel of 9:48, 223

Luke, Gospel of 12:45–56, 225

Luke, Gospel of 14:11, 223

Luke, Gospel of 17:24, 26–27, 30, 221

Luke, Gospel of 21:20–24, 110

John, Gospel of 1:29, 250

John, Gospel of 3:3, 257

John, Gospel of 11:4, 137

John, Gospel of 11:25, 136, 234

John, Gospel of 11, 136

John, Gospel of 14:1–3, 257

Acts 1:8, 146

Acts 3:12–15, 145

Acts 4, 5, 7, 146

Acts 7, 108

Acts 8:1, 147

Acts 9, 145, 153

Acts 13:44–49, 147

Acts 14:19–20, 109

Romans 1:18, 85

Romans 3:23–25, 85

Romans 3:24–25, 139

Romans 7, 142

Romans 8:18–23, 245

Romans 9:2–3, 151

Romans 11:11, 151

Romans 11:25–26, 151

1 Corinthians 1:23, 150

1 Corinthians 2:2, 107, 140

1 Corinthians 15:3–5, 239

1 Corinthians 15:3, 85, 140

1 Corinthians 15:6–8, 239

1 Corinthians 15:51–53, 242

1 Corinthians 15:54–55, 242

1 Corinthians 15, 239–41

2 Corinthians 1:2–7, 152

2 Corinthians 1:7–10, 153

2 Corinthians 1:8–10, 119

2 Corinthians 11:23–26, 110

2 Corinthians 11:23–29, 246

2 Corinthians 11, 245

Galatians 1–2, 237

Galatians 3:1, 107

Galatians 3:13, 142, 236

Galatians 3:21, 141

Galatians 6:11, 153

1 Thessalonians 2:14–16, 148

1 Thessalonians 4:15–17, 243

1 Thessalonians, 243

Philemon 2:7–9, 170

Philemon 2, 237

Hebrews 3, 84

Hebrews 4–5, 84

Hebrews 4:12, 249

Hebrews 9–10, 84

Hebrews 10:10, 84

Hebrews 10:12, 84

Hebrews 9–10, 76

1 Peter 2:22–24, 140

1 Peter 4:12–13, 19, 170

1 Peter, 170

2 Peter 3:8, 247

Revelation 1:1,7, 248

Revelation 1:1, 248

Revelation 1:12–13, 248

Revelation 1:19, 249

Revelation 2–3, 249

Revelation 4–22, 249

Revelation 4:1, 249

Revelation 5:1, 249

Revelation 5:6, 249

Revelation 6:12–13, 250

Revelation 8:1–2, 250

Revelation 16:1–2, 250

Revelation 17:6, 252

Revelation 17:9, 252

Revelation 17:18, 252

Revelation 18:2, 250

Revelation 19:11, 251

Revelation 19:17–21, 251

Revelation 20:1–6, 251

Revelation 20:11–15, 251

Revelation 21:9–27, 251

Revelation 22:12, 251

Revelation 22:20, 247, 251




1 Maccabees 1:11–15, 207

1 Maccabees 1:20–23, 208

1 Maccabees 1:24, 208

1 Maccabees 1:29–31, 208

1 Maccabees 1:42, 208

1 Maccabees 1:44–50, 208

1 Maccabees 1:59–61, 208

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