Read Going All the Way Online

Authors: Cynthia Cooke

Going All the Way (15 page)

Ryan stared at the envelope. The return address said Stu Steinhem. Had Stu sent this to him? What was he up to now?

Ryan took the envelope and put it in his bag. “I’ll think about it.”

He didn’t open the file for two more days. On the long drive up to Seattle, he did everything he could to get excited about the upcoming job. Usually on his way to a new assignment he felt that thrill of anticipation. Especially when moving to a new city he’d never lived in before. A new job meant new opportunities, but every time he tried to prepare for the new job ahead, he lost focus. He couldn’t get up the enthusiasm to delve in, to even find a new apartment…one that would take a dog.

He looked at Riley sitting in the passenger seat, watching the road go by and he couldn’t help thinking about Carrie. Couldn’
t help wondering
what if
. What if he’d taken the chance and stayed in San Francisco, waited for things to calm down with Stu? Talked out their issues? What if he stopped being afraid and letting fear dictate his life?

Would he have been able to walk away so easily? To leave her? Perhaps Celeste was right. How could he expect her to take a chance on him, to not leave him, if he wasn’t willing to stay and fight for her?

Apparently his sister was right about a lot of things. Maybe he was an idiot.

And a coward.

He sighed and glanced at the unopened envelope from Stu with the Costas presentation in it. He hadn’t wanted to look at it, to be reminded of how foolishly he’d behaved. He pulled into a rest stop turned off the ignition. Riley watched him open the file and flip through the pages. His dad was right, it was good. Better than good.

But what difference did it make now? He left. And now he was driving toward a new life in Seattle. And he wasn’t alone. He had Riley. He looked at the dog. So why did he feel so alone? If it weren’t for Carrie he never would have seen how empty his world was. How quiet.

And now that he had?

He didn’t want to live like that any longer. He didn’t want to start over in Seattle without her. In fact, he couldn’t imagine his world without her in it.

Not any longer.

Chapter Nineteen

you so much, Naomi,” Carrie said as she fiddled with the lenses on her camera,
getting the settings right.

“Of course,” Naomi said. “I knew you’d be perfect for the job. These shots are fabulous.”

“Okay, a few more and then we’ll be done in the rose garden,” Carrie said to the bride and groom as she took a few more photos of the couple surrounded by brightly colored blossoms. The McMillan Hotel with its fabulous gardens was a hot spot for weddings, and she could see why. The pinks, reds, and yellows were brilliant.

“I can’t wait to get some of these down on canvas,” she said as she took her last picture. “All right, we’re good to go,” Carrie told the couple, who looked relieved to finally stop posing.

“It’s time. They’re serving the food,” the mother of the bride said, bustling them out of the gardens.

Naomi started packing away the equipment. “Adding a painting to their package was a huge selling point. I think this is a great start to your new business.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you.” Carrie turned to her friend and hugged her. “My first gig as a professional photographer.”

“Your new business is going to skyrocket.”

“From your lips to God’s ears,” Carrie said, putting the lens cap back on the camera and setting it in her bag. “And what’s really great is now we can get wedding ideas without having to crash weddings.”

“Now where’s the fun in that?” Naomi said.

Carrie laughed.

“How are you doing, really?” Naomi asked, holding her gaze.

Carrie thought before answering. “Good. It hasn’t been very long since Ryan left, but you and Phoebe were right. If he couldn’t find it in him to give us a chance, then he wasn’t worth having. I want, no, I
a man who will risk it all for me. I’m worth it, aren’t I? I can’t give everything to someone who won’t give back.”

“That you are, girlfriend.”

“And here I am, living my dream and making my own happiness.”

“Good for you.”

“And…” Carrie added with a grin. “I’ve already made my first big life-altering decision.”

“Uh, oh. What’s that?”

“I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’m going to get a dog.”

A dog!

“I miss Riley and his sweet little face. The duplex feels too empty without him there, too quiet.”

“Are you sure it’s just Riley you’
re missing?

Carrie bit her lip and tried to smile. “It’s not, but a new dog is a good, healthy place for me to start. For the first time in a long time I feel in control of my life, and it feels really good. It feels right.”

Ryan’s anticipation grew with each step as he and Riley crossed the expansive lawns of the hotel, heading to
ward the rose gardens where the wedding was being held. They had only walked about ten feet when Riley started pulling on his leash, whining expectantly, trying to break free. “All right, buddy. Hold your horses.” He followed Riley’s line of sight and saw Carrie in the distance looking sweet in a pale yellow sundress. God, she was beautiful. Even more stunning than in his dreams; even better than he remembered.

“Do you see Carrie?” Riley was going nuts, whining and jumping and pulling at the leash. “All right. All right.” He laughed and quickened his pace.

He couldn’t wait to see her face when she saw Riley. When she saw him. Would she be happy? When he didn’
t find Carrie at home, he
’d called Paul from Steinhem and had him ask Stu for Naomi’s phone number, hoping she could tell him where Carrie was. A wedding at the McMillian Hotel. He couldn’t think of any place more beautiful, and knew he didn’t want to wait a moment longer to see her. To tell her he was ready to take a chance, and hoped she still wanted him as much as he wanted her.

And if she didn’t? He pushed the fear away, refusing to give into it any longer.

Before he could catch up, she walked through an awning and disappeared behind a tall hedge. He broke into a jog, quickly following after her, and burst into a large tent full of people. They were sitting at tables, champagne glasses raised in their hands as they faced an older gentleman standing at the front, holding up a glass of his own. The father of the bride? Ryan froze, stopping in his tracks as every eye turned to him. And Riley.

Riley, who only had eyes for Carrie, barked excitedly. She immediately looked up from her camera, her eyes widening as she saw them.

“Excuse me, sir,” the man with the microphone said. “But this is a wedding. No dogs invited.”

Ryan’s first instinct was to turn and leave, but he fought it. “Excuse the interruption,” he said, stepping forward. It was all or nothing, now. “This is a lovely wedding, a lovely couple,” he said, gesturing toward the newlyweds. “You all look very happy.” He took another step forward, encouraged by Carrie’s look of shock and perhaps a hint of a smile, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. By now Riley was straining so hard on his leash he was pawing at the grass in his eagerness to get to her, making pitiful whining noises.

The bride’s mother’s hand went to her mouth and she let out a worried cry.

“You’ll have to excuse my dog,” Ryan told her and everyone else. “You see there’s a young lady here who stole his heart, and he hasn’t been the same since he lost her. He’s here today hoping she’ll see what a fool he’s been and give him a second chance.”

Carrie’s face blossomed with a blush so pink it rivaled the rose centerpieces. Naomi beamed. Everyone’s gazes moved around the room, searching for who the lady could be.

“Well, who is this young woman?” the father of the bride finally asked.

Carrie didn’t respond. She looked frozen with mortification. And fear. That was a feeling he could relate to. But not anymore. He leaned down and unhooked Riley’s leash and the dog bolted forward, weaving through the tables and chairs, and jumped up on Carrie’s dress.

The crowd gasped.

“Riley!” Carrie smiled and dropped down to give him a big hug as he licked her face. Her smile grew wider. She loved that dog. It was clearly written all over her face. Ryan only hoped she loved him as much.

“What say you, young lady?” the older man asked.

She looked at him, at everyone.

“Do you forgive this man for…?” He looked to Ryan.

Ryan moved toward her. “For being a coward, for running from my future instead of facing it. For running from you.”

Her mouth opened in surprise.

” the man pressed. “Do you forgive him?”

Every person in the crowd eagerly awaited her response, almost as eager as he was.

“Will you take back this man and his dog?” the gentleman asked. “Because I’d really like to get back to my toast.”

“Yes,” she blurted, a huge smile on her face. “Yes, I will!”

The crowd erupted in applause and Ryan ran forward, sweeping her off her feet and into his arms. And then he kissed her, long and hard and sweet, and held her like he’d never let her go. Because he wasn’t about to. Not ever again.


“Yes?” He set her down, and gazed into her smiling brown eyes.

“I have to finish taking pictures now, but after the reception… I hear the hotel here has a very nice custodian’s closet.”

He squeezed her tight, laughing. “You are a naughty girl.”

“Only with you, my love.”

Chapter Twenty

Ten months later

Carrie sat on the terrace enjoying the Pacific Ocean view and the sunshine, with Riley at her fee
t and Naomi and Phoe
be across the table from her.

“You’re right, Carrie. Seattle is beautiful,” Phoebe said, sounding a little wistful.

“How’s Ryan?” Naomi asked. “’Cause if he’s not treating you well…”

Carrie laughed.
“He’s great. In fact, we love this place so much, he’s going to relocate the company’s headquarters here. Then he’s going to hire a new consultant to take over his duties.”

“Really? No more moving?” Phoebe asked.

“Nope. He’s an executive now, and he loves it. But you can ask him yourself, he’ll be home any minute.”

“And your work?” Naomi asked.

“It’s all coming together. My studio grand opening is next week.”

“Hey, there,” Ryan interrupted as he joined them on the terrace.

“We want to see your studio,” Phoebe insisted.

“You will. Tomorrow,”
Carrie told her.

He leaned down and kissed her. “Did you tell them the good news?”

She grinned.
“I was just getting to it.”

“What?” Both girls asked in unison.

She beamed and grabbed Ryan’s hand. “We’
re pregnant.

” Phoebe exploded, her eyes dropping to Carrie’s stomach. “How far along?”

“Three months.”

Naomi looked ecstatic. “So when’s he making a respectable woman out of you?”


“Tomorrow?” Naomi and Phoebe squealed together.

“Yes. Ryan’s sister and father should be arriving any time now, my parents are flying in in the morning, and then we’ll be all set.”

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Naomi demanded. “How can we get ready for your wedding in one day?”

“Less than a day,” Phoebe iterated. “Besides, you know how much I love planning weddings.”

“There’s nothing for you to do,” Carrie insisted. “All I need to make my day perfect is for the three of you to be there. And Riley, of course. You are the most important people in my life, and the ones I want to share my day with.”

“Oh my God, you’re going to make me cry,” Phoebe said, dabbing at her eyes.

Carrie picked up her purse and pulled a long blue ribbon out of the pocket.

“What’s that?” Naomi asked.

“This is the ribbon Phoebe tied to my wrist the night I met Ryan. It worked for me, and I know it will work for you. I want you to wear it tomorrow.” She leaned forward and tied the ribbon around Phoebe’s wrist.

“That’s silly,” Naomi said.

“There is nothing silly about living the fantasy and believing dreams can come true. They did for me, and they will for you.”

“Promise?” Phoebe asked, hope shining in her watery eyes.

“With all my heart.”

“Another wedding. I love weddings,” Phoebe said wistfully.

Riley barked in agreement. Carrie took Ryan’s hand and smiled. She’d finally found her bliss and it came in the guise of a wonderful guy and his dog. A man who was willing to risk it all for her, who she could give everything to and be certain he’d give it all right back. And then some. For a second, she lost herself in his swirling blue-gray eyes and then smiled, knowing she no longer had to be afraid. They were on a new journey, together.

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