Good Hunting: An American Spymaster's Story (47 page)





This is the first book I have written, and I can say without hesitation that it has been a wonderful learning and life experience. That is not to say that there wasn’t frustration along the way. While I didn’t realize it at the outset, it provided a unique opportunity to reflect profoundly on my professional life and to make sense out of it.

Writing the book also afforded me the unexpected benefit of being able to thank many of my former Agency colleagues and bosses in a more robust way than I had when I worked inside CIA. In that regard, I decided early on to interview many of them and to list them in the book. There were only a very few who couldn’t be mentioned because of their cover situation. Sadly, several of these legendary spymasters have passed on since I started this project, three years ago. I’m deeply grateful to all of them for so graciously consenting to participate in the project and for their courageous service to our country.

This project started rather serendipitously. Vernon Loeb, an old friend and journalist with
The Washington Post
, came up with the idea. Several years earlier he had written in his newspaper a Style Section article about me and my time in Chile during the Allende and Pinochet era. I had confidence in him because of his professionalism in handling this story, and consequently was receptive to his suggestion that I expand on this and turn my career experience into a book. He also was aware of my continuing concerns about the CIA mission and the use of covert action as an important tool of statecraft. He also knew that I had been unhappy for some time about what was being written about this subject by non-practitioners.

With that as a backdrop, Vernon introduced me to the Wylie Agency, which worked with us in crafting a book proposal that was circulated among a group of select publishers. Since then Andrew Wylie has been a terrific supporter and promoter of the book.

In response to our proposal, I was delighted when Sarah Crichton at Farrar, Straus and Giroux expressed a strong interest in publishing the book. I can’t say enough about her extraordinary encouragement, support, and professional skill in driving the manuscript and the approach behind it—all in a brilliant style. Likewise, it is hard to properly give credit to Vernon, who was the key player in developing the theme and richly editing the manuscript. His editing skills were particularly important when we decided near the end of the drafting to move from a chronological to a thematic approach, which meant manipulating a great deal of information and organizing it into a fluid read. He performed superbly in this challenge.

Stanley Arkin, my partner at The Arkin Group (TAG), and his wife, Suzanne, provided terrific support and contributed many insightful thoughts and suggestions to the text. The TAG staff were amazing in their willingness to give of their time, energy, and intelligence to research data, interview sources, and draft commentary about them and other substantive themes. Whitney Kassel, Amanda Mattingly, Susan Varisco, along with my talented and good-humored assistant, Stephanie Danyi, provided invaluable assistance in whipping this book into shape. Also, Pat Loeb, Mark Christopher, David Segalini, Aaron Springer, and Jorgen Augustenborg played very helpful roles in interviewing, researching, and helping to enhance the text.

I should also note that throughout the project I shared parts of the manuscript with friends and former colleagues as a sounding board about its content and readability. All of them in one form or another offered suggestions, observations, and friendly encouragement. The list is long and I hope I didn’t overlook anyone: Marty Roeber, John Hughes, Joseph Grimes, Jami Miscik, Ted Blumberg, Ray Warren, Milton Bearden, Ed Boring, Rachel Beers, Sue Terry, Helima Croft, Jerry Komisar, Carole Corcoran, Gordon Goldstein, Rollie Flynn, Ezra Field, Jim Campbell, and Mary Doran.

Finally, and above all, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to my wonderful wife, Pat, for her enthusiastic support of the project and for playing such a key role in molding my career and life. It also is worth underscoring that she was the toughest critic of the manuscript. She studied each word with laser vision to make sure that I “got it right.” Her comments were some of the most valuable by far, although delivered in such blunt terms that I had to wince before I laughed. Thank you for everything.




The index that appears in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Abdulmutallab, Umar

accountability reviews

Afghanistan; al-Qaeda in; CIA covert war in; civil war; communist government; exit strategies; future of; heroin; Iraq War and; Karzai government; mountain passes; mujahideen; Obama policy; Soviet invasion of; Stinger issue; Taliban; tribal rivalries; U.S. war in

Afghan Task Force; Devine as head of

see also specific countries

African Division

Agee, Philip


Akhtar, Abdul Rahman

alias, use of

Allawi, Iyad

Allen, Charlie

Allende, Salvador; coup against

Alpirez, Julio Roberto

al-Qaeda; creation of

Al-Quds Al-Arabi

al-Shahwani, Mohammed Abdullah

ambassadors; CIA relationships with;
A Coffin for Dimitrios

American Express

American Revolution

Ames, Aldrich; aftermath of scandal; alcoholism of; arrest of; Devine and; motivations of; as Soviet mole

Ames, Carleton

Ames, Nancy

Ames, Rosario

analysis; link

Anderson, Frank

Anderson, James E.

Andreotti, Giulio

Angleton, James Jesus

anthrax attacks

Arab Awakening


Aristide, Jean-Bertrand

Arkin, Stanley

Arkin Group, The (TAG); combination of intelligence and investigative work; domestic cases; identifying reliable sources; Iraq War and; 9/11 attacks and; staff

Arkin Solbakken LLP



Australia; intelligence

Avianca Flight 203 bombing

Avrakotos, Gust

background checks

Bagram Airfield

Bakhtiar, Shapour


Bamaca, Efrain


Barry, Michael

Barzani, Masoud

Bay of Pigs invasion


Bearden, Milt


Benchley, Peter

Bender, Tom

Benghazi, attack on U.S. consulate in

Bennett, Lansing

Berger, Sandy

Beria, Lavrentiy

Berlin Wall, fall of

Bernarda (maid)


bin Laden, Abdullah

bin Laden, Osama; anti-American fatwa of; killing of; 9/11 attacks and

biological and chemical weapons

bipolar disorder

Bismarck (horse)

black bag jobs

Black Leaf 40

black market

Blackwater USA

Bloch, Felix



Boland Amendment


Bologna railway station massacre

Bonner, Robert C.

Boring, Ed

Bosnia; Clinton policy

Bramson, Brian

Brant, Jay



Brennan, John O.; as CIA director; Devine and

Broadwell, Paula

Broe, William V.

Brugger, Frederick

brush pass


Buckley, William

Buenos Aires



Bulgarian Security Service


“burn notice”

Burton, Tim

Busby, Morris

Bush, George H. W.; CIA policy; drug war; Haiti policy

Bush, George W.; Iraq War; WMD debacle


Calder, Dick

Calderón, Felipe

Cali Cartel

camera, concealed



car bombings

Carns, Michael P. C.

Carter, Jimmy; CIA policy; covert war in Afghanistan; Haiti and; human rights policy

Casey, William; as CIA director; death of; Devine and; Iran-Contra and

Castaño, Carlos

Castro, Fidel; assassination plan; in Chile


Catholic Relief Services

CBRN detection

Central America; Iran-Contra affair;
see also specific countries

Central America Task Force

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); accountability reviews; acting and; ADDO leadership; Allawi/al-Shahwani program; Ames arrest; analyzing management data; Bin Laden killed; Brennan as director of; budget; George H. W. Bush policy; buying sources’ cooperation; Carter policy; Casey as director of; centralization; Church Committee investigation; “clientitis”; Clinton policy; CNC-Latin American Division overlap; as “the Company” in Latin America; compartmentalization practices; Congressional oversight of; counternarcotics mission; coup against Allende and; covert war in Afghanistan; criteria for success; Cuba and; culture of; –Defense Department interplay; Deutch as director of; Devine’s early career; DI-DO integration plan; downsizing; drug war; the Farm; food; French intelligence dispute; future of; Gates as director of; Guatemala incident; Haiti and; Hollywood caricatures of;
and; Iran-Contra affair; Iraq and; Kansi attack on Langley; KGB and; Langley headquarters; leadership transitions; liason partners; linear strategy; militarization of; mole hunts; mujahideen backed by, of 1960s; of 1970s; of 1980s; of 1990s; Nixon policy; Obama policy; Petraeus as director of; phony information; political firings; post-Ames atmosphere; in post-Iraq and -Afghanistan world; post-9/11 reforms; promotion policy; Reagan policy; recruitment; relationships with ambassadors; return to traditional espionage; Rome operations; salaries; Saudi intelligence and; secrecy; State Department power struggles with; Stinger issue; strategic reform plan; strategic vision for the future; surveillance; Tenet as director of; tradecraft; training; traitors; Truman policy; U.S.-Iran arms-for-hostages deal; Webster as director of; WMD intelligence; Woolsey as director of;
see also
covert operations
; specific agent, divisions, and operations


Chalabi, Ahmad

Charlie Wilson’s War

Cheney, Dick

Chertoff, Michael

Chiarella, Vincent


; Christian Democrats; coup against Allende; Devine in; economy; food shortages; media; MIR; Pinochet government; politics; truckers’ strike; U.S. involvement in; women

Chilean Special Forces

Chile Mafia

Chile Task Force

China; economy; negotiating with; stolen intellectual property; Tiananmen Square uprising; weapons

Church, Frank

Church Committee

Ciccipio, Joseph

civilian casualties

civil liberties

clandestine meeting preparation

Clandestine Service;
see also specific divisions

Clark, William P., Jr.

Clarridge, Dewey; Iran-Contra and;
A Spy for All Seasons


Clinton, Bill; Bosnia policy; CIA policy; Haiti policy; human rights policy; Iraq policy

Clinton, Hillary

Coast Guard



code phrases

Cohen, Dave

Cohen, William

Cold War; covert war in Afghanistan; end of

Colombia; drug war; Los Pepes; politics

Commission on the Truth for El Salvador

communications; bugged; code phrases; CRITIC; e-mail; foreign languages and; link analysis and; satellite phones; social media; SRAC; training

communism; fall of; Italian; Soviet

competitive intelligence


Congress; bipartisan support; covert war in Afghanistan ad; Haiti and; on Iran-Contra; oversight of CIA; war on drugs and

Connery, Sean

Contras; Iran-Contra affair

Copperfield, David

corporate intelligence.
private intelligence

Council of International Investigators (CI)

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