Grabbed by Vicious (7 page)

Read Grabbed by Vicious Online

Authors: Lolita Lopez

Tags: #Erotica

supply store in the morning for extra padding or to special

order a smaller set.

She rested her cheek to his chest when he lifted her into

his arms and carried her back into the bedroom. Her sweet

submission and acceptance touched him deeply. He’d

never had the chance to do any of this after coupling. In

some ways, he was as much a virgin as Hallie. Sleeping

all night with a woman was a fantasy he’d long


He placed her in his bed and removed his towel. He let

it fall to the floor, not caring that it went against everything

he’d ever been taught about tidiness. When he put a knee

on the bed, her gaze moved to one of the pillows that had

been shoved aside while they were making love. One of

his restraint devices had been uncovered. He noticed the

uncertainty flashing in her eyes.

She reached out and pulled free the long chain attached

to the headboard. The fingers of her other hand moved to

her white bride’s collar and the small silver ring dangling

from the front. He watched the warring emotions on her

face, held his breath as he waited for her to speak.

His heart swelled in his chest when she lifted the chain

to her neck and started to hook it to the ring on her collar.

To have her show such submission filled him with

adoration, but it was the sadness reflected in her gaze that

pierced his heart. Was this what he wanted? He’d asked

for her submission in private. She’d just freely given it.

And yet it didn’t feel right. He couldn’t explain it, but

those fantasies of his collared wife sleeping safely

chained to his bed no longer held such appeal.

“No.” He gently pushed aside her hand and unhooked

the chain from her collar. He gave the chain a hard tug,

ripping it free from its headboard mount, and tossed it

over his shoulder. The chain clattered and clanged as it hit

the floor and skidded to a halt in the far corner.

Her lower lip wobbled. “Did I do it wrong?”

He shook his head and pinned her to the bed. He

nuzzled her neck before claiming her mouth in a loving

kiss. “You did everything just right.”

Chapter Four

Hallie woke to the sensation of strange hands stroking

her body. Panic gripped her belly until the haze of sleep


“Good morning, Kitten.”

She smiled at his pet name and decided to offer him the

same show of intimacy. “Good morning…Master.”

He chuckled against her shoulder and placed a noisy

kiss on her neck. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did.” She felt well rested and relaxed. Typically, she

woke up stressed and still tired. Fleeting thoughts of her

family, her father and two older brothers who still lived at

home, flashed through her mind. Had they gotten up on

time? Had they managed to put together a breakfast of

some kind? What would they do about lunch?

“What are you thinking about, Hallie?” He caressed her

abdomen and nuzzled his nose against her neck.

“That my family probably hasn’t had breakfast and

won’t eat lunch, either.”

Vicious grunted. “They’re grown men?”


“Then they can fend for themselves.”

He made it sound so simple. In reality, it was anything

but simple. “Will I be able to speak to them?”

“Soon,” he replied. “We have a mandatory thirty-day

blackout for new brides.”

“Is there any wiggle room in there? My sister—she

doesn’t keep in contact with the rest of our family. She’ll


Vicious went silent as he considered her request. “I

might be able to pull some strings and send her a message.

I can’t make any promises but I’ll try.”

His offer meant so much to her. He could have just as

easily said no. That he was willing to try spoke volumes.

She lifted his hand to her mouth and kissed a couple of

fingertips. “Thank you.”

He made a soft grunting noise behind her. “Don’t thank

me yet. I may not be able to come through for you.” He

palmed her breast and gave it a squeeze. “And don’t even

think about trying to send some kind of coded message

asking for rescue, Hallie. It won’t work and it will cost

your village a great deal.”

She sucked in a sharp breath at his thinly veiled threat.

“You would burn my village because of a message?”

“Who said anything about burn?” He snorted as if

amused by her overreaction. “No, Hallie. There are

financial penalties in place to prevent such things. When

your council agreed to the marriage swaps for security,

they also agreed to pay a certain amount of money for any

bride who refused to honor the contract.”

“I didn’t know.”

“Well now you do.”

“I wouldn’t, you know.”

“Try to send a message for help?” His thumb brushed

her still soft nipple and coaxed it to a hard peak. “No,” he

said finally. “I don’t think you would.”

“But others have?” She tried to ignore the wicked

sensations he evoked. It was morning, after all.

Lovemaking was something constrained to the night. It

simply wasn’t decent to engage in those kinds of

lascivious activities during the light hours.

“Not from your village,” Vicious answered, “but a few

years ago, there was another planet and a rash of coded

messages. Two of our transport ships were attacked by

family members of the females. The relatives were all

killed in the skirmish. Some of our men were injured. It…

didn’t end well.”

She figured that was the understatement of the year. “My

people are farmers and tradesmen. We don’t even have

any ships with surface-to-sky capabilities,” she reminded

him. “It wouldn’t be much of a rescue that would be

mounted if I asked.”

“Your sister lives in the colonies. They have access to

technology similar to ours.”

She was surprised he remembered that detail she’d

imparted last night. “My sister wouldn’t.”

“Her male might.”

“There is no male in the picture.”

“Then how did she get off your planet? I understood

travel was heavily restricted for unmarried women.”

“It is.” She prayed he wouldn’t press the issue. He

wasn’t going to like the answer—and she would probably

end up in the ship’s prison.

“Hallie, how did your sister get off the planet?”

“Please, Vicious, just drop it.”

His strong hands pressed her onto her back. He loomed

over her, his expression a mix of mistrust and concern. “If

you have knowledge of insurgent trafficking you have to

tell me now. I can protect you from a treasonous charge.

Tell me the truth or risk prison.”

Her eyes widened in terror. “You think I associate with


“There’s a war raging in this system, Hallie. People

younger than you are involved with the Splinters and their

atrocious crimes.”

She gulped at the realization he thought so little of her.

Those monstrous men and women who had splintered from

their Harcos brethren and fought against the Alliance had

no respect for life. They killed without regard for age or

innocence. They were more despicable than she could

describe—and Vicious thought her capable of working

with them. It hurt more deeply than she’d ever imagined.

Last night had been so beautiful. This morning was so


“Get off me!” She struggled to free herself but his

weight and strength trapped her.

“Tell me the truth, Hallie. How did your sister get off

your planet?”

“I’m not going to put the people of my village at risk.

There are men and women there who depend on the secret

network of sympathizers from the colonies for medical

supplies and other contraband.”

His gaze softened. “Contraband? Do you mean you

engaged the services of a smuggler?”

She avoided his gaze and swallowed hard. It was a

crime punishable by life imprisonment in her village to

work with smugglers or to introduce items from the

outside world. “Maybe.”

“Look at me.” When she didn’t meet his gaze, he

grasped her chin and turned her toward him. “Are you

talking about private cargo ships like the
?” He

must have seen the answer in her face because he relaxed.

“We know about the cargo drops and exchanges from that

class of ship. We turn a blind eye to them even though they

violate the laws of your land. We see the importance of

proper medical supplies and other needs among your

people.” He eyed her carefully. “How did you ever afford

the fare for your sister?”

“Vicious,” she said, her tone desperate. “Please don’t

make me answer that.”

“Don’t you trust me?” He sounded hurt.

“I don’t know you well enough to put the lives of so

many people at risk,” she answered honestly. “I’ve

already said too much. If someone is hurt because of this,

I’ll never forgive myself.”

“Hallie.” He said her name so softly. “I would never

betray your confidence.” He studied her face. Her

expression must have shown her uncertainty. “Someday,

you’ll believe me.”

“Vicious…” She didn’t want him to feel rejected but

she was just being smart. She didn’t really know this man.


“Sh,” he whispered and claimed her mouth. In that

instant, their spat was forgotten. He caressed her cheek as

his lips moved across hers. He stoked the glowing embers

of her lust with his tongue and fingertips. She melted into

his heat and strength. This man could make her forget the

world with his kisses. Whether that was a good thing or

the absolute worst, she couldn’t say.

His hand glided along her ribs to her hip and down to

her knee. When it swept along the inside of her thigh, she

shivered. His fingertips found her pussy and probed the

soft, dewy petals. She gasped at the invasion and tried to

shut her knees. The discomfort was so quick and sharp it

took her breath away.

His hand immediately stilled. “I’m sorry. I forgot.”

“It’s all right.” She wanted him to stop but

him to stop. It was maddening.

“It’s not. I shouldn’t let my desires overwhelm my

common sense.” His lips twitched with amusement. “You

make me forget the simplest things.”

His words made her smile. She figured it was no easy

feat to make such a high-ranking officer of the Harcos

forces forget anything.

“Oh!” Vicious teased her breast with this tongue. He

suckled her nipple while massaging her other breast.

When his tongue abandoned her left nipple for the right, he

pinched it lightly. Her breasts buzzed and ached. She’d

never imagined her nipples could be so sensitive. She

moaned as he expertly worked her flesh.

His mouth left her breasts and skimmed her belly. He

circled her navel with his tongue and slid down the bed.

His wide shoulders forced her thighs apart. She gulped

and gripped the sheet in her hands. He nuzzled her pussy

with his mouth, his chin sliding side to side and making

her gasp as he touched her sensitive sex.

He used his fingers to part her folds. Even after all

they’d done last night, she still felt embarrassed to have

him staring at her most intimate spot. She sucked in a

quick breath as his tongue flicked across her clitoris. “Oh


Vicious chuckled softly and lapped at the tiny bundle of

nerves. It was hard to believe something so small could

make her feel so good. Vicious knew exactly how to work

the little pearl. His tongue fluttered and flicked. He pulled

her clit between his lips and worked his tongue around the


Panicky shudders infiltrated her lower belly. Vicious let

his tongue move even lower then. He probed her swollen

tissues, easing her soreness. The discomfort faded some as

he penetrated her again and again with his tongue. He took

his time and savored her pussy.

When he returned his attention to her clit, she could

barely breathe. She couldn’t believe the things this man

was doing to her. Twenty-four hours ago, she hadn’t even

had her first glimpse of Vicious, of the man who would

claim her and make her his bride. Now he buried his face

in her pussy and lashed her with his tongue.

“Ah!” She reached down to touch his head, her

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