Authors: Erich Andreas
Big Cheater (Number System)
IN 4 Capo 2 (G feel)
IN 6 Cap 5 (G feel)
Hurry (Number System)
IN 6 Capo 5 (G feel)
IN 4
IN 4 (Capo 1 G feel)
If you are still new to chords and moving between them, it’s
best to first practice your transitions. To do this, move your fretting
hand (relax the strum hand) back and forth between 2 chords. Just toggle
back and forth without strumming being mindful and exact about your fingering.
Try this for a bit with all the chord transitions in a song
Once you get the left hand “working,” you can strum to make sure the
chords sound nice.
that every great guitar player struggled
with the same chords that you will, most likely, struggles with!
If you hear something that doesn’t sound right; stop, look
at your hands and check your fingering. Once you have the transitions
down, it’s best to play the chord on the “1” and hold it out for the full
measure or 4 beats (if the song is in 4).
Often times, this is called a “diamond” and you will see
this written in many of my charts when a chord is to be held out for a full
measure. Playing in “diamonds” will help you to improve your sense of
time. Once you get the feel of diamonds, you can start strumming on each
single beat. If you know what the strumming rhythm of the song is, you
can then practice that, but not before getting the “diamonds” and single note
strums down. Here is the breakdown for practicing these charts: