Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 1 (28 page)

“Let’s come upstairs.
Cameras,” said the driver, though his hands were still unashamedly squeezing
Seth’s hips. All of a sudden, Seth wasn’t all that sure anymore about who was
leading who, and how the situation was to develop. He would go with the flow.

He smiled back with his
lips still throbbing and followed the handsome young man. “I had to close my
eyes without a helmet. Where are we?”

“We’re still in the city
center. Don’t worry, I’ll take you home later,” said the other man as they
entered a staircase and started a quick climb upstairs. Seth couldn’t deny
himself taking a step back, just to see the curve of that beautiful ass again.
It was a work of art if he ever saw one.

He would top. He would
definitely top. He wanted to see that stern face lose control. “Yeah, ‘cause
I’d be lost on a German bus.” Seth laughed as he looked around what seemed like
a classy hotel. Cream colored walls and a few paintings here and there. Not too
fancy but definitely nice.

When they entered the
elevator, the air seemed to tremble with electric charge but before Seth could
do a thing, the driver pushed on the middle of his chest and made him rest
against the wall. The blunt dark stare was firmly set on Seth’s lips and seemed
to keep them shut because Seth couldn’t bring himself to utter a word.

“I’m Silvio,” said the
stranger, his voice deep and raspy.

Seth ran his fingers
along Silvio’s forearm, completely dazzled. “I’m gonna fuck you like there’s no
tomorrow, Silvio,” he murmured.

Silvio didn’t smile. He
nodded and stepped back just in time to exit the elevator when it opened. Seth
followed like a dog ready to hump his master’s leg, and he slid his arm over
Silvio’s shoulders. With every step, his pants were getting less and less

“I’m sure I’ve got a
couple of tricks only Sicilians know.” He leaned down and traced Silvio’s ear
with his tongue.

Black eyes zeroed in on
him as Silvio looked back in an oddly feminine way. Taken aback, Seth let him
slip out of his arms for just long enough for Silvio to open one of the doors
with a magnetic card. The slim hand made an elegant move, inviting him in.

Seth licked his bottom
lip and walked in backward so he could keep looking at that stunning face. “So
what are you doing in Berlin? Work? Or are you here with your parents?” Seth

Silvio closed the door
and put the helmet on a cupboard close to it. Despite being so intensely dark,
his eyes stood out in the semi-darkness of the narrow corridor as he
approached. Seth didn’t even look around what seemed like a standard hotel
room, too transfixed on that clean-cut face as it emerged into the light. “No.
I’m alone. You?”

“Yep, free as a bird.”
Seth took off his jacket and spread his arms to the sides. Silvio didn’t seem
to want to talk much so Seth took the hint. They would fuck, and that would be

It hadn’t seemed
possible, but Silvio’s eyes got even darker. “Strip.”

“No, I prefer to undress
first.” Seth walked up to Silvio, dying to see how fit he was under
that leather outfit.

Silvio’s mouth widened
into a grin, but his eyes stayed dead like two pieces of coal, devoid of any
meaning. The change unsettled Seth so much he lost track of Silvio for a
second. Suddenly one of his legs lost its balance, and within a split second,
he spun around and dropped to the floor. It was so quick and sudden that he
almost felt he had lost time due to a glitch in his brain.

“The fuck?” All his
self-preservation instincts kicked in, and he rolled over on the floor in panic
mixed with determination. There was no time to think of why this was happening.
Seth needed to get out, run, and call Dom. Oh God, he needed to call Dom so

He reached out to pull
on Silvio’s ankle and shove him to the ground, but instead, he got a kick to
the wrist. The smaller body descended on him with unexpected force and pinned
him to the floor. The moment Silvio pulled back Seth’s arms, that was it for
Seth. He was immobilized like a mounted beetle. Pain spread up his arms and
down his back, leaving him quivering for release that wasn’t coming. Instead,
something tightened around his wrists, hard enough to press a yelp out of
Seth’s mouth.

It had to be some sort
of zip-ties because they dug into his wrists like a motherfucker, only
reminding him of when his hands were tied for cutting off his finger. He could
barely breathe in panic as he tried to remember anything Dom taught him about
fighting that could prove useful in a situation like this one. When he arched
his back and writhed, trying to push Silvio down like a bull at a rodeo, all he
got was a harsh grab at his nape and another painful pull at his arm. The empty
space where he used to have one of his little fingers pulsed, the muscle memory
in that place still vivid.

“Get off, get off, get
off!” he screamed even though his voice shook.

“Shut up, and you may
leave here alive.” Silvio’s voice, low and attractive, was now bleached of all
emotion. He didn’t even flinch at Seth’s attempts to free himself.

Seth sniffed, trembling
all over. Why did these things always happen to him? All he wanted was a
carefree hook-up with a hottie. “What do you want from me?” he uttered.

Silvio remained silent.
What answered Seth’s plea was a slow creak of a door, which stabbed him right
in the chest. The carpet was clean, yet all he could smell was the phantom
stench of tikka masala, which only thickened, tugging at Seth’s throat,
nauseating. He was already covered with cold sweat when it became clear there
was another presence in the room. A man, without a doubt. Women didn’t sound
like that. Not as heavy or menacing. The footsteps were slow, but there was too
much confidence in them for the man to be old. This was a young bull who
deliberately took care to roll his whole body weight on his foot before taking
the next step.

As much as Seth wanted
to prevent it, his teeth began to clatter, a drop of sweat falling from his
nose. “Please, let me go,” he whispered. Each of the man’s steps made him feel
like throwing up from panic. The carpet was so rough on his cheek when he
looked at the unknown man without much success. His vision was drastically
limited, and from his position, even the fucking wooden chair seemed like an
imposing murder weapon. Was it the Chinese again?

Seth’s body twitched in
an involuntary cramp when he realized they could take his arm as revenge for
their man. No. Two arms. To make a statement.

He squeezed his jaw so
hard it hurt, but when the Prada leather shoes came into view, his lips parted.
He looked all the way up the long legs, and relief flew through him when he saw
Dom’s face. He didn’t get to watch it though since the menacing son of a bitch
on his back pushed his face right back into the carpet. What the fuck was this?

The shoe pressed on
Seth’s cheek, moving gently as if Domenico wanted to squish a bug on Seth’s
face. Only then Seth realized that the smell of tikka masala was replaced by
that of dirt and leather, and he almost sobbed in relief, his body becoming
limp and pliant under the sole of Dom’s shoe.

“Dom?” Seth uttered, not
even trying to escape. Being under that shoe was so much better than having his
hand amputated on the spot.

But the familiar amber
eyes didn’t even stray to Seth’s face. He looked at Silvio, a small smile
spreading on his face. “Nice catch. Where did you pull such a trophy?”

Seth tried to take deep
breaths to survive the mocking. He deserved it. He got caught like a dog eating
food out of the cat’s bowl. “Come on, Dom, don’t be like this.”

Silvio ignored him as
well, still sitting on his back like a proud cowboy. “He’s all yours. Found him
at the
Potsdamer Platz

Domenico gave a warm,
breathless laugh, like when he and Seth were genuinely having fun. Hearing it
in a situation such as this sent shivers all over Seth’s spine.

“No, he’s your prize.
You first.”

Seth whined when
Silvio’s grip tightened. Dom couldn’t possibly be giving him out like a
leaflet. He rubbed his nose against Dom’s shoe in a silent plea. The leather
was so soft. So unlike Dom’s heart.

“No, you first.” Seth
could almost hear that toothy grin in Silvio’s voice.

“No, you go ahead.
Unless your catch kisses my shoe. Then I take him,” said Dom calmly.

Seth didn’t dare look
up, too embarrassed of the position he was in. His cheeks burned with shame.
Yet it was always better to have the known evil. And with no idea who Silvio
was and what he was capable of, Dom
the lesser evil. “I’m sorry,” he
uttered and kissed the clean leather as a sign of his own defeat.

Domenico chuckled and
stepped back, pulling away the only thing that gave Seth the illusion of
safety—his shoe. “Will you hold him for me?”

“Dom, come on, don’t do
this,” Seth whined when Silvio pulled him up by his arms without warning. He
was still dizzy from the waves of fear he’d experienced and barely stood his

Silvio’s hand slid over
Seth’s side and to his stomach, making the hairs on Seth’s nape bristle. There
was so much force in that compact body. He could start struggling now, try to
push Silvio off, hell,
on him, but there was no point trying
anymore. He was outnumbered anyway, and if Domenico wanted to harm him, he’d
had plenty opportunities before. But since it
Dom, Seth couldn’t be
sure of anything other than that he’d leave this room physically intact.

Now that he was on his
own two feet, he could look into Dom’s eyes, bright like two polished copper
coins. It was hard to read anything from his expression even as he reached into
his pocket and pulled out a switchblade. “Remind me, what were you supposed to
be doing?”

Seth sighed, hoping the
zip-ties were coming off because they cut into his skin like barbed wire.
“Watching Vera Salieri,” he muttered with his head hung low. It wasn’t his
fault that he got seduced by some hot ass mafia biker dude. Not to mention the
said “dude” kept stroking his fingertips along Seth’s spine, which only
distracted him further. Those fingers were so oddly gentle.

Domenico snorted and touched
the blade to Seth’s neck, making him jump at the cold steel. “Was there any
mention of riding off to fuck a stranger?”

“No!” It came out louder
than Seth intended, and he pushed back into Silvio so abruptly that he actually
moved the guy. “I wasn’t planning on this.”

“He just happened to
come over and pet my bike,” came from behind, and Seth groaned in frustration.

Domenico narrowed his
eyes and moved the blade lower, pulling its narrow edge down Seth’s chest. The
touch was unsettling even through the fabric. “Did he? Maybe I don’t give him
enough dick?”

“Maybe he needs two,”
Silvio said, and his hand slid down between Seth’s thighs. He rubbed his thumb
against Seth’s crack, making him flinch.

“No, Dom, I just… it was
an opportunity and I seized it,” Seth whined. “You know I’m a bit…
you know
He groaned, too embarrassed to talk about his soreness in public.

“Yeah?” asked Dom just
as Seth felt a tug on his belt. “Getting hungry?”

“Who is he? Why are you
here?” Seth tried to change the topic, but it was hard to focus when he looked
down at the knife sliding under his belt. It got him nervous, sweaty, hot, and
with his heart thudding like the hammer of gods, he wasn’t sure if he was
getting scared or horny.

Dom’s eyes snapped open
wider, and he looked at Silvio above Seth’s shoulder. His mouth spread into a
smile, and as the knife pulled on Seth’s belt, its tip gently pushed against
Seth’s skin. “I’ve mentioned him, remember? He’s the Barracuda.”

Seth held his breath,
suddenly feeling like a lamb between two wolves. The sensory overload was too
much. The blade, the touch of the thumb on his ass, the body heat of both
predators. “But he’s so… pretty,” Seth finished flatly, to the accompaniment of
a snort from behind and a harder push of Silvio’s thumb.

The belt gave in, and
the pants sagged, pretty much like Seth’s insides the moment the knife was away
from his skin. Before he could as much as blink, Domenico’s body pressed
against him, and he was sandwiched between the two athletic, fragrant bodies,
listening to a wild kiss as Dom’s light stubble scraped at his ear.

Seth’s lips felt… empty.
He was supposed to be the one getting kissed. He let himself get enveloped
between two hot men and shyly rubbed his crotch against Dom, smelling the long,
silky hair. He sort of knew they were not a couple, just two guys messing
around for fun, which was why he went for Silvio in the first place, yet it
still felt odd to have Dom kissing someone else, touching someone else over
Seth’s other shoulder. It was as if Seth were just an accessory here, and the
strange tightness in his gut didn’t lessen even when Domenico rubbed back
against him. He eventually broke the kiss with Silvio and bit into Seth’s ear.
Hard. “He could have been bait to get you alone, you little irresponsible

Seth sucked in his lips,
flooded by images of two horrible scenarios. One in which he was getting his
hand cut off for being gullible and letting a stranger take him away and
another in which he had to sit on the floor with his hands zip-tied and watch
Dom fuck another guy. The first one was obviously more horrible, but the latter
was pretty bad as well.

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