Gunz And Laci: Black Rose Mafia (14 page)

I smiled hard as hell and gripped his hand tighter. Jinx was that nigga for me, there was no denying it anymore. He was who I wanted to be with. I was a movement when I was alone, but when we were together, we became a force to be reckoned with. He didn’t know it but he made me better on so many levels; he completed me, in a sense, and I couldn’t see myself without him.

Chapter 22: Laci

“Lacianne, did you tell your sister where we were having this dinner?” my mother asked me

“No, I didn’t tell her because she stopped talking to me once I told her I was getting married. Brett, why do you have bodyguards with guns?”

“That is none of your concern, Laci. Just relax baby.” He kissed me on the forehead, then told the guys to follow him.

I didn’t know what the hell was going on. Seeing Nazi was something that I needed. However, I didn’t expect her to show her ass. Shirley was trying to calm everyone down that was in the room while I snuck out. Something was going on and I was going to find out for myself. I walked around until I stumbled upon the room the guys were in. I stood right outside the door quiet as a mouse, so I could hear everything that was going on.

“Who the fuck was that?” Brett yelled.

“Calm down son. That was one of the sons of Stephan. I already told you about them. You should’ve already known they were coming to see you sooner or later. My thing is, what was Nazi doing with them? Dennis, you never told me anything about your daughters being affiliated with them.”

“I can’t tell you something I didn’t know. As far as I knew, Nazi wasn’t seeing anyone. The affair Laci had with that thug who knocked your son out was ended.”

“Dennis, if I find out you are crossing me, then I will cut out your tongue,” Brett spat.

“Brett, no one is crossing you. We are both benefitting from this union. Don’t worry, the day after your wedding, they will be handled,” Brett’s father said, stepping in to defuse the situation.

At that point, I heard enough and I was ready to get the hell out of here. I went to turn around and came face to face with Shirley.

“Lacianne, what are doing? Haven’t you ever heard of the saying
never stick your nose in other people’s business

“I have but I think is my business. Mom, I can’t do this anymore. Nazi already told me that my real mother is dead, so there is no need for me to continue on with this.” I expected her to look shocked, but instead, I got hit with a smile.

“I bet her little ass did tell you your mother is dead. I bet her drug dealing ass boyfriend told her that. You see, Lacianne, I have always liked you better than Nazi because you were more understanding. You listened, where as she acted out. Now, if you’re asking did I lie to you, yes I did. Matter of fact, I been lying to you the majority of your life. Your mother is dead and me and your father do more than what you think we do.

You may not marry Brett willingly but you will marry him. Now, come along with me and tell your guest good night.”

“Shirley, I’m not telling anyone goodbye because I’m not going through this with this!” I shouted. We were talking in a hush tone but I was tired of this. The guys rushed out the room with questioning looks on their faces.

“What the hell is going on out here?” Brett’s father asked. His eyes landed on me and he licked his lips.

“Nothing that concerns you and, if you don’t mind, I would appreciate it if you keep your lustful stares to yourself,” I told him.

“Lacianne, do not talk to my father like that,” Brett scolded.

“Brett, you can’t tell me what to do. None of you can. I’m leaving because all of y’all had me fooled and I’ll be damn if you fool me twice.” I went to walk away but didn’t get far because two huge looking dudes came and lifted me off the floor.

“Fellas, take her to my house and put her in my chamber,” Brett told them.

“Put me down!” I screamed. I received stares from the guests but no one tried to help me. “Brett, don’t do this please,” I cried.

“I’m only doing what you forced me to do, Lacianne. I will see you at the altar tomorrow.”

That was the last thing I heard him say before I was dragged outside and thrown into a car. I cried my eyes out, wishing I would’ve listened to Nazi when she tried to tell me that this was a bad idea. I felt stupid as hell.

* * * *

The next morning, I woke up feeling as though my life was over. It was now March 15
. I guess you could say it was over because today was the day I walk down the aisle. I have never been to Brett’s house but the room I woke up in was beautiful and spacious. Everything was black with hints of olive green. I tried my hardest not to be impressed, but I couldn’t lie, Brett was living the life. I walked over to the door, trying to open it, but it was locked. I jiggled the knob a couple of times but still couldn’t open the door. I started banging on the door, trying to draw attention to myself. After five minutes of banging and yelling, I wore myself out. I walked over to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom and ran some bath water.

“Lacianne!” I heard someone call out. I peeked out the bathroom, only to see that it was Brett coming into the room

I rolled my eyes at him and went to shut the bathroom door, but he stopped me in my tacks.

“Lacianne, I’m not the one to play childish games. Do not close that door unless you want to be locked in there for two weeks. Come over here, so I can talk to you,” he ordered.

“Brett, I’m trying to wash my ass, if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course, washing your ass is okay with me, after we have this conversation.”

“Brett, I’m sure this conversation can wait.”

“If it could wait, I wouldn’t be in this room.”

I sighed but walked out of the bathroom because being locked in a bathroom for two weeks didn’t seem like the ideal choice. I sat on the bed and just stared at him. Brett was fine but his actions trumped his looks. Something about him just wasn’t right and I’m sure that’s the reason why we would never work.

“Lacianne, I know this marriage seems kind of forced and I don’t want you feeling like you’re obligated to marry me because you’re not. You may not know it but I’ve had a crush on you ever since we were younger. You might not believe me, however, it’s the truth. Everything about you turns me on and I would be honored to be your husband.”

“How can I believe what you’re saying when there are so many signs that say you’re lying? I know for a fact there are so many things that I don’t know about and I’m not okay with it. You said I’m not obligated to marry you; if that is true, allow me to walk out of here. Allow me to not be tangled into this web of lies and deceit.”

“There is no web of lies or deceit. If I told you the type of things I’m into, I would have to kill you and that’s not a joke; it’s the truth. I promise, if you marry me, Lacianne, no harm will come your way. Marrying me will solidify you in this world Lacianne. You and me together will be unstoppable. All I need you to do is put on your wedding dress and say ‘I do’.”

“What wedding dress?” I haven’t been a part of the wedding process at all. Brett got up and walked to the bedroom door. He left out, then came back in with a garment bag.

“Open it,” he said, passing it to me.

I unzipped the bag and my eyes lit up while my mouth formed the shape of an O. The dress was beautiful and the crystals were blinding. I picked the dress up to examine it. The dress was lace overall. The crystals formed a beautiful heart shaped corset. The sides were cut out, leaving my skin to be exposed. The dress was short in the front but flowed into a beautiful train in the back. The dress was breathtaking.

“You like it?” Brett asked, standing over my shoulder as I marveled over the dress in the mirror.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered.

“So, will you marry me?” he asked, slightly touching my waist.

“The dress is beautiful but I can’t, Brett. Especially not like this.”

Brett began to laugh and the longer he laughed, the louder he got. I stepped away from him, a little uncomfortable with what was going on.

“You think you have a choice, Lacianne? I came in here trying to play the good guy, so I wouldn’t have to use force. I’m quickly learning that force is something that you like.” Brett walked up on me and firmly wrapped his hand around my throat. I dropped the dress, trying to pry his hands from my neck.

“You can fight all you want but you are only making it worse,” Brett said, applying more pressure.

My eyes widened as I struggled to breathe. I looked into Brett’s eyes and he seemed to be enjoying this.

“Don’t try to act scared now, Lacianne. This is the type of shit you like, right? You like that thug shit, right? Or do you not like it because I’m not that nigga? You think I don’t know about you and Bryce? Well, I’m here to tell you, I know everything about that fucking nigga, down to his fucking social security number. All it takes is a snap of the fingers and that nigga is fucking gone.” He left me go and my body slid to the floor. He bent down and got real close to my face.

“Get the fuck up and wash your ass. I expect you dressed within the next two hours. If I come back and you’re not ready, I will make you walk down that fucking aisle ass naked. Play with me if you want to, Lacianne. I may be a square but I’m a square with fucking power. Now, get the fuck up and do what the fuck I just told you to do.”

He backed away some and yanked me to my feet. I was still trying to catch my breath as I glared at him.

“You can look at me like that all you want; by five this afternoon, you will adorn my last name. The marriage papers have already been drawn up and signed.”

He kissed me on the cheek, then went towards the door. Before he walked all the way out, he turned around to look at me. “Oh and before I forget. Since you love Gunz so much, I think I will let you do the honors of killing him. I think that would be the right thing to do, don’t you?” he asked with a smile on his face and laughter in his voice.

He slammed the door shut and I heard a couple of noises before it got quiet. I ran into the bathroom and broke the mirror. My hand was bleeding but I didn’t fucking care; I sat on the toilet crying my eyes out. When Nazi whispered into my ear last night telling me my mother was dead, she also told me that she had a plan. I didn’t know what her plan was but I hoped it came through before it was time to say I do.

Chapter 23: Gunz

Standing in the mirror, I had to admit, a nigga was looking good as fuck. If I was going to attend a wedding, I was going to make sure I was dressed to impress, especially when I was going to be the nigga getting married. I chose to wear a grey Armani Collezioni regular fit virgin wool and silk suit with the dress shoes to match. A nigga was only getting married once, so I had to go all out.

“You ready?” Jinx asked, walking in the room in a matching suit, except it was all black.

“Yeah nigga, let’s do this.” I smiled.

We walked out of our house in Long Island that no one knew we had, except for Jiselle. Both Jiselle and Nazi was waiting for us outside in black suits of their own.

“She keep wearing them suits, I’ma have to put a baby in her,” Jinx whispered to me.

“Yeah, ight nigga.” I laughed. He filled me in on everything that happened last night and I couldn’t believe how Nazi acted. I couldn’t blame her though because I was about to be ten times worse.

“Bout time y’all got out here. I’m freezing my ass off in this damn suit,” Jiselle complained, fixing her jacket.

“Then yo ass should’ve worn a jacket. No one told you come out here trying to look sexy and shit,” I told her.

“Sexy is the only thing I know how to be,” she smirked.

We all got in the car choosing to ignore Jiselle’s comment. I decided it would be best we had a personal driver because things were about to get real. Our car pulled off with about five other trucks behind us. I wasn’t the type to underestimate anyone. You never knew what the next man was capable of, so you always had to be prepared. I wasn’t going to get caught slippin’ and I damn sure wasn’t losing anyone from team.

“What if we are too late?” Nazi questioned.

“If we are too late, then we are too late. I thought the point was to just get the bitch,” Jiselle snapped.

“Yo, watch your mouth,” I warned.

“I don’t know what your problem is but you need some dick in your life. I know a couple of dudes that wouldn’t mind bending your evil ass over,” Nazi spat.

“You know a couple of niggas that would do what?” Jinx questioned.

“Bitch, I don’t have a problem getting dick, you can believe that. Get the fuck out yo feelings. I called your sister a bitch; so the fuck what? Damn. Y’all could’ve at least got y’all some boss bitches. How the fuck we have to go rescue a bitch from a marriage?”

“Jinx, I suggest you get your sister before I fuck her grumpy ass up.”

“Bitch, you not about to do shit!” Jiselle spazzed.

“Nazi, shut the fuck up and don’t say shit. You going back and forth with her isn’t helping shit right now,” Jinx told Nazi. Nazi just rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth.

“Yeah, you better listen to him because this right here ain’t what you want,” Jiselle boasted

“Jiselle, shut the fuck up with yo bitter ass, ight. You only going off and shit because what Nazi said was the fucking truth. You need some dick in yo life on forreal.” I was tired of this bullshit because today wasn’t about either one of their asses. Shit, if they kept fucking going at it, I would throw both of them out my fucking car.

“Ha!” Nazi said.

“Nazi, you don’t fucking listen,” Jinx said, pushing her away from him.

“How are you going to push me when your sister fucking started it?”

I didn’t even give Jinx a chance to answer her before I stepped in. “Nazi, you and Jiselle need to shut the hell up before the both of y’all be walking. No one wants to hear that bickering shit,” I told them.

The rest of the ride was quiet as hell and I was happy. Jiselle needed to find her ass a nigga or something because Nazi was liable to beat that ass for herself and Laci. Nazi had to fight Laci’s battles because my baby wasn’t a fighter. That shit was going to change because I couldn’t have my pussy being a pussy, if you get what I mean.

Pulling up to the Glasshouses in Manhattan, a smile crept on my face because it was show time. Everyone in my car stepped out and stood on the sidewalk, as if we were waiting on the paparazzi.

“This is a private event; may we help you?” Three gorilla looking niggas walked up to us mean mugging. I buttoned the one button on my suit jacket and stood with my hand folded in front of me.

“Nah niggas, you can’t help me, but maybe I can find some bananas because y’all looking hungry as hell.”

“Very funny. But I’m going to need the four of you to turn around and get back in your car before things get ugly.” Each dude lifted up their jacket to show us that they were packing.

“No need for that,” I told them, snapping my fingers.

With a snap of my fingers, two of the dudes were laid out on the ground with blood oozing out of their heads in a matter of seconds. Jiselle crutched low, swiping her foot and tripping the third one. He fell to the floor and she slid her heel across his neck.

“What the hell?’ Nazi asked, standing there in shock at what Jiselle just did.

“Yeah bitch, fuck with me,” Jiselle smirked.

Jinx grabbed Nazi before she could charge at Jiselle. I shook my head as we stood there in front of those three bodies as if they weren’t even there. The rest of the cars pulled up and we became fifty deep.

“Let’s go.” One of the dudes handed me and Jinx a nine with a silencer screwed on. We walked into the venue. For them to be bosses, the place wasn’t heavily guarded like I thought it would be. Jiselle had to take a couple of niggas out but it wasn’t nothing serious. She didn’t even get a drop of blood on her suit.

“If anyone feels as if these two should not join each other in whole matrimony, please speak now!” I heard from outside the doors. I had two niggas kick in the doors, so I was able to walk in. All eyes were now on me as I walked through the doors.

“Hol’ the fuck up; how you going to marry my bitch? If you ask me, that’s the ultimate sign of disrespect. Shit, that act is punishable by death,” I smirked.

I wasn’t scared about Brett’s people because I had eyes all up and through this church. Once Jinx found out where the wedding was, it was nothing to have my snipers set up in and outside the church.

“Gunz!” Laci cried out.

“Why must people try me? Boys, handle these inexperienced young men, so we can continue,” Brett chuckled.

A couple of his guys stood to their feet with their guns drawn and then they started dropping like flies. My other guys scattered the room, making sure no one left out and no one came in. The room erupted in screams and I couldn’t have been happier. Brett was looking around, trying to figure out where the shots were coming from.

“Nigga, you can stop looking around because you’re never going to find out where they coming from. You see, that’s how a real fucking boss does it. He makes sure that he has all angles covered.”

I nodded my head and two of my niggas came and manhandled Brett. Jiselle and Nazi stood behind Laci as Jinx stood behind me.

“I don’t mean to do this, but umm, I’ma need you to finish this shit up, so I can marry my wife. The only options you have is to marry us or death.”

“What’s your name son? the pastor asked in a trembling voice.

“Bryce Gunz Carter.” I smiled with so much pride. I grabbed Laci’s hands and pulled her closer to me. We have been apart for too long and the only place I wanted her from here on out was right next to me.

“Matter of fact, fuck this shit. These bum ass people don’t deserve to see me marry the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on.” I dropped down on one knee and pulled out a black velvet box from my pocket. Laci’s hands were trembling inside mine and I couldn’t help but to smile.

“Laci, will you marry me, ma? If you say yes, it will be us from here on out. I promise to slay all your enemies, starting with every muthafucker in this room. All you have to do is give me the word and they will all be left breathless.” I looked up at her with seriousness in my eyes because I was dead ass. Every person, young and old, would die in this room today if that was what Laci wanted. Her wish was my command.

“Yes, I’ll marry you.” She cried. I slipped the rose gold diamond encrusted eighteen karat engagement ring on her finger, then stood up and kissed her as if we were the only people in the room.

“Don’t do it,” she whispered, pulling away from the kiss.

“If I don’t do it now, then I would be risking your safety because they will retaliate,” I whispered back.

“I know but they deserve to die by my hands and right now, I just can’t do it,” she whispered back. I kissed her again, then pulled away to wipe her tears.

I walked over to Brett and got real close and personal with him. “Don’t count your blessings because you will get touched. The only reason why you are still breathing is because my wife wants to handle you herself. Trust and believe, I will see you again and when I do, it’s lights out buddy boy.” I hit his ass with a smirk, then went back to Laci.

I grabbed her hand and the two of us started to walk out the doors. I looked to my left and saw how an older version of Brett was eyeing Laci.

“Who that old nigga that keep looking at you with them lustful ass stares?” I asked Laci, pulling her close.

“Brett’s father. He’s always looking at me like that. It’s very uncomfortable.”

I let her go, then walked over to where this old nigga was. I gripped his chin as the women who were sitting next to him scattered.

“I see the way you looking at my bitch and I don’t appreciate it.” I brought my gun up to his mouth and shoved it in there. Brett’s father began to make muffled sounds but that didn’t mean shit to me.

“Eat this lead since you won’t ever be eating at that pussy.” I let off two shots and his head exploded.

“FATHER!” Brett called out

“Shut yo bitch ass up. If you knew how to run an organization, then your father wouldn’t be the one dead; I would be.”

I walked up to Laci and she was trembling. “Calm down, it’s cool ma,” I told her, trying to ease her nervous. Knowing Laci, she has never seen someone die up close and personal. I grabbed her hand, so we could finish our walk out the venue. Before we could even make it to the door, her mother stepped into the aisle.

“Laci, if you walk out of these doors, you will have nothing. Not to mention that you will be a walking dead person,” she sassed.

Laci snatched her hand away from mine, then got close to her mother and punched her in her face. The both of them tussled for a little while until Nazi jumped in and that’s when all hell broke loose. They were beating the shit out of their moms. I let them get a couple of more hits before Jinx and I pulled them away. I carried Laci out of the venue with her head buried in my chest. I didn’t let her go until we were outside of the car. I placed her on her feet and she looked into my face with so much love and admiration.

“I love you Bryce.” She smiled through tears.

“I love your punk ass too. Get in the car, so I can bang that back out when we get home.”

She laughed but I was dead ass serious; I planned on having marathon sex with her ass. I know a couple of people are thinking I made a fucked up choice by letting Brett and his people live. But I wasn’t worried about shit. If Brett just so happened to find some way to get to me, then that would be on me, and I would handle it when the time comes. But being the cocky nigga that I was, I wasn’t worried about shit because no nigga could touch me and that wasn’t just talk; that shit was straight facts.

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