Hagen, Lynn and Glenn, Stormy - End of the Line [Lady Blue Crew 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (5 page)

His saliva would act as a relaxant and prepare the human for his very large cock. Remy thanked the gods that his species had this ability because if they hadn’t, he would have had to find another way, and at the moment, patience wasn’t a virtue in his book.

“Holy hell, what is that?” Gigi panted as he looked over his shoulder.

“Natural lube. Just relax, Gigi.” Remy wasn’t sure how he could be telling the little man this when he was far from relaxed himself. The need to strike quickly, to claim, and to dominate were riding him hard. Remy had to take a deep breath to tamp down those urges so he wouldn’t hurt the human.

His canines extended further when Remy grabbed the base of his cock and slowly sank in. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he had an urge to howl. Although Gigi seemed to be all for the sex, he wasn’t trying to scare the man.

Remy laid his hands on Gigi’s sides, careful of his claws, as his hips began to rock in and out. His body quivered from the restraint he was using to be gentle. He was trying to fuck the little man, not put him through the table. His legs began to shake as his wolf instincts demanded he take Gigi harder.

“Harder, Remy. Fuck me like you mean it,” Gigi begged.

Remy had to shake his head. The lust was building into a blinding fog that would soon make him forget he was holding a fragile human under him. He needed to concentrate on going slow and easy, even if his angel just asked for what his wolf form wanted.

Remy pushed forward slowly. He hadn’t even sunk all the way in. Fear of hurting Gigi made him hold back. Sweat began to break out all over his body as his hands shook. His race was used to fucking like madmen. Using the amount of control he was forcing his body to use was taking its toll.

“Damn it,” Gigi growled as he slammed back onto Remy’s cock, taking all ten inches into his ass.

A howl of pleasure ripped from Remy’s chest as Gigi shouted out his name. If the little human could take it, Remy wasn’t one to deny. His wolf howled in agreement, the sound echoing throughout the mess hall. He pulled his hips back and slammed into Gigi, a growl climbing up his chest and making his lips pull back in a snarled curl. Remy picked Gigi up, the little human’s arms circling back around his neck as he bounced Gigi on his cock.

“Hell, yeah,” Gigi screamed. “Harder, faster.”

Remy wrapped an arm around the little angel as his hips snapped, giving Gigi exactly what he was crying out for. He could feel the tingling clawing its way up his spine as Gigi pulled at his neck.

“You’re mine!” Remy declared as his balls drew tight to his body. “Mine, do you understand me?”

“Whatever you want, just don’t stop fucking me,” Gigi cried out.

Remy leaned forward, putting Gigi back onto his hands and knees as he blanketed his back and sank his canines into soft flesh. He shocked himself with the move. To bite someone while having sex was to claim him as your mate.

He really had lost his mind, but the urge was so strong that Remy couldn’t fight it. He drew Gigi’s blood into his mouth as he moaned. Had he tasted anything sweeter in his life? Remy pulled back and sealed the wound with his tongue as his cock rocketed in and out of Gigi’s tight channel.

“I’m coming!” Gigi shouted as his hole began to pulse.

Remy howled once again as his seed was pulled from his body, making him thrust hard and deep. He wanted to pour his seed into Gigi’s body so anyone with a lick of sense could tell the man had been claimed.

Gigi fell down to the table underneath them as he drew in ragged breaths. “That was one hell of a dessert.”

“By the way, you’re hired.” Remy licked over the teeth marks, his body buzzing from the most profound orgasm of his life.

“Is it because I can cook or I’m a good piece of ass?”

“You’re hired because you can cook. You’re mine because you let me claim you.” Remy chuckled as he smacked Gigi’s bare ass. “And you are a good piece of ass.”

Remy sobered quickly when Gigi wiggled free. He knew his angel had no idea what had just passed between them, and he didn’t have a clue how to explain it to him other than
me Tarzan, you John

“Where are you going, angel?” he asked when Gigi hopped off the table.

“I don’t know about you, but I don’t plan to get caught with my naked ass hanging out if your friends come back in here.”

Remy growled and jumped to his feet. He stalked Gigi across the room as the man started gathering his clothes and pulling them on, well, what of them he could. The rest were in shreds. “No one gets to see you naked except me.”

“Duh.” Gigi rolled his eyes. “That’s why I want to get dressed.”

Remy’s head started to hurt again and, this time, not in a good way. “You’re going to drive me crazy, aren’t you?”

“If you want to fuck this ass then you have to put up with the rest of me, too.”

“I could just gag you,” Remy growled.

“True.” Gigi cuddled close to Remy’s body and dropped his eyes down to his cock. “But then how would I give you blow jobs?”


“Face it, sweetie,” Gigi said as he patted Remy’s chest. “You’re stuck with me.”

Chapter 4

Gigi smiled as he watched Remy sleep. The man’s fierce features were slowly returning to that of someone somewhat human. He was still as big as a brick shithouse, but at least he didn’t have claws anymore. Or teeth and hair and pointed ears.

Okay, the ears were cute.

The sharp teeth, not so much.

He was cuddled to Remy’s side, the man’s larger-than-life arms wrapped tightly around him even in sleep. Every time Gigi tried to budge, the arms tightened. Gigi figured he was going to be here for a while or at least until the man woke up.

Gigi still wasn’t sure what type of alien Remy was, but he did know that man was strong and powerful and possessive as hell. If anyone could keep him safe from Drake, Remy was the man to do it.

Besides, the man fucked like a wet dream come to life with a set of jumper cables and a car battery attached to his ass. Gigi had never been so passionately and thoroughly fucked in his life, but he planned to enjoy the man’s massive cock again before the next sun set. A large cock and a man who knew what to do with it was heaven in Gigi’s book.

It didn’t hurt that Remy was gorgeous as well. Hell, all of the men on the ship seemed to be gorgeous. They just didn’t hold any interest for Gigi. He had his eyes set on Remy and Remy alone.

Gigi gasped and looked down when Remy made a small grunting noise then pushed closer with his nose. Gigi frowned. Was Remy trying to sniff him? How…odd? Gigi couldn’t say it was gross, but it wasn’t exactly arousing either. It was just odd.

Remy rooted around for a few minutes, pressing his nose ever closer. Gigi jumped when his cock and balls were suddenly grabbed by one very large hand. He groaned and pressed his head back into the pillow when his cock took interest in that hand and hardened right up.

Damn! A few hours and his libido was already trained to the man’s touch. Pretty soon he’d be following Remy around like a lost puppy dog looking for a treat—a very nice ten-inch treat.

“Hey!” Gigi yelped when he was suddenly lifted into the air and draped over Remy’s body. He landed with his hands and knees on either side of Remy’s large body. All the air rushed from Gigi’s lungs as he glanced down between his body and Remy’s and saw the man grinning up at him.

“Oh hell,” Gigi groaned when Remy very carefully licked his fingers then drove them into Gigi’s ass. The burn was intense but forgotten in an instant when Remy swallowed his cock right down to the root. Gigi didn’t know whether to push back onto Remy’s fingers or go forward and drive his cock into the man’s hot mouth.

“Oh yes!” Gigi screamed as intense pleasure swarmed through him. “Fuck that ass! Suck that cock!”

Gigi gasped when he heard a deep rumble come from Remy’s chest. He glanced down again. For some reason he wasn’t surprised to see the pointed ears grow back. Gigi swallowed hard.

“You’re going to fuck me with that huge cock again, aren’t you?”

When Remy grinned around his cock, Gigi almost stopped breathing.

Remy had huge teeth.

Massive teeth.

Humongous teeth.

Sharp teeth.

Pointy teeth.

Remy had fucking teeth in his mouth right next to Gigi’s cock.

Gigi narrowed his eyes. “You bite my cock, and I’ll feed you your balls for breakfast.”

Gigi was suddenly jerked back and impaled on Remy’s cock in one motion. His eyes crossed as he was filled almost beyond feeling good. He panted heavily and clutched at Remy’s shoulders as he tried to bring life-giving air back into his lungs.

“You–you should warn a guy before you do that.”

“And you shouldn’t threaten me, little one.” Remy growled. “I’m a lot bigger than you.”

Gigi tilted his head back to stare down into Remy’s smoky grey eyes. “And?”

“And I can fuck you right through the wall.”

Gigi’s eyes widened at that visual. He licked his lips. “Please?”

Remy’s eyes darkened as he growled and rolled them to the edge of the bed. Gigi laughed and grabbed onto the hulking man as he stood up, Gigi still impaled on his cock. He leaned in, nuzzling his head under Remy’s chin and licking a line across the man’s throat.

“I wonder how long you can walk around with me on your cock.”

Remy’s chest rumbled as he chuckled. “Why don’t we find out?”

Gigi blinked in surprise. He’d just been joking but—“Oh hell yes,” he shouted when Remy started walking around the room then jogging. Each bounce drove Remy’s cock deeper into his ass.

Remy’s hands gripped Gigi’s butt cheeks, holding him tight. The faster Remy went, the more aroused Gigi became. He was pretty sure he had stopped breathing altogether by the time Remy pressed him against the bulkhead and rammed into him.

Remy’s eyes turned black as his eyes roamed over Gigi, settling on the soft skin between his throat and shoulder. Gigi blinked then tilted his head back, giving Remy access. Remy roared and drove up into Gigi’s tight ass. At the same time, his teeth sank into Gigi’s shoulder.

Gigi screamed and came, ropes of cum splattering between them. He felt pulse after pulse of hot liquid fill his ass until it started trickling between his ass cheeks. Gigi closed his eyes and dropped his head against Remy’s chest as he tried to start breathing again. It might be impossible.

He felt Remy walk across the room and lower him onto the bed. He groaned in protest when Remy pulled away until he felt the man’s rather large hand caress the side of his face.

“Ssshhh, angel, I’ll be right back.”

True to his word, Remy was back in just a moment. Gigi opened his eyes when he felt something damp swipe between his butt cheeks. His face flushed when he realized Remy was cleaning him.

“No one’s ever done that before,” Gigi whispered.

“It is my duty and my right to care for you and see to all of your needs.”

Gigi cocked his head. “Your duty and your right? What does that mean?”

“It means, angel, that you are mine now. I claimed you. As such, I have a duty to see to your health and safety. It is also my right as your mate. No one may touch you, feed you, or care for you except me, not without my permission.”

“I sound like your pet.”

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