Handbook on Sexual Violence (110 page)

Read Handbook on Sexual Violence Online

Authors: Jennifer Sandra.,Brown Walklate

channels 126

SANE programmes 463, 466

empathic responding 212

employee representation groups 410 End Violence Against Women 98

FGM figures 97

trafficking figures 98 environmental and opportunity

management approach 446–7

Equality Measurement Framework 101 ethnic minorities, public awareness

campaigns and 444

evacuees 41

Every Child Matters

evidence, special measures for giving 143 executions 34

faith-based communities, sex offender reintegration and 447–8

false allegations of rape 74–5, 166 family

feelings following rape of a loved one


importance of 36

primary social structure 195, 197

safety 203–17

violence 203–17

female genital mutilation (FGM) 97 estimates 99 (tab)

lack of statistics 96, 108

312, 313

feminism 197

and changing analysis of sexual violence 43–4

anti-rape theory 426

definition of rape 423–4 feminist challenge 256–9

first wave 43

interviewing practices 272–3

new wave 43

second-wave and neo-liberalism 495–6 second wave theories on sexual

violence 45

sexual murder and 308–27

Feminism and the Power of Law

Findings from the Multi agency Domestic Violence Murder Reviews in London

fingerprints 125 First World War 37

‘For a Women’s Liberation Movement’ 54 force 44, 77

definition of 81

none found 84

see also

forced marriage 96–7, 144, 288

estimates 99 (tab)

lack of statistics 96, 108 protection order orders 99 (tabs)

Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) 97, 98

forced prostitution 41

forensic evidence, criticality of 20 forensic medical examiners (FME) 125–6 forensic technology, developments in


Foucault, M. 31

fratriarchy 316–27

Freud, Sigmund 39, 333

Fritzl, Josef 332

funding, rape crisis groups 430, 497

gang rape 69–70, 311

wartime 41, 190, 193–4

Gascoigne, Paul 425

Gender and Power

gender mainstreaming 492–5

gender-neutral statutes 79

Gender Trouble

George, Venessa 186

Goddard, Mark 295

Gonzles v State

Good Lives Model (GLM) 449–51 Graef, Roger 20, 115–16, 122, 487

Griffin, Susan 78

Griffiths, Stephen 326

grooming behaviours 437, 440, 443, 446,


grooming process, online sexual contact 369

gross indecency 36

group therapy 40

Guant´anamo 194

Gulf War 192

Gunn, Fion 130

Hale, Lord Matthew 32, 72, 75

halo effect 18

Hare Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) 168

Harman, Harriet 232, 487

Hart v Commonwealth

hate crimes/incidents 407–10

Havens 126–8, 131, 138, 190, 478

hegemonic masculinity 317, 319

Heilbron Report 37 Henry of Bracton 255

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of

Constabulary (HMIC), review of rape 487

heteropatriarchy 311, 317, 324

heterosexism 406–8

hierarchical society, early modern household as 28

Hindley, Myra 310–11

historical rape 261

HIV prophylaxis 460, 464 homicides, domestic violence 291 homophobia 407

homosexuality 31

criminalisation of 45 decriminalisation between men 37

honeytrap 53, 66

‘honour’ crimes 490

‘honour’ killings 310

‘honour’ violence
domestic violence hospital ED based approach to post

assault care 459–61

House of Splendid Isolation
62 Hucknall, Mick 426

human trafficking

id 333

illegitimate births 32, 35

images, online sexual contact 359–60 immigrants
asylum seekers implementation failure 487–8, 489, 491,


implementation gap 486–92, 494 495, 498 three stages of review and reform


incest 37, 340 indecent assault

definition 34

homosexual sex as 31 indecent exposure 40

independent domestic violence advisors/

advocates (IDVAs) 138, 294, 298–9 Independent Police Complaints

Commission (IPCC) 21, 488, 494 independent sexual violence advisors

(ISVAs) 421, 476

independence questioned 422 individual v. societal responsibilty 239 informal dispute resolution 410–11

information sharing, domestic violence and 295–6

Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme (IDAP) 378, 379

internalised homophobia 402

International and Research Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) 486, 489

International Association of Forensic

Nurses 464, 470

International Crime Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 42

International Criminal Court, specification of crimes 42

internet offending
online sexual contacts

internet, expansion of the porn industry 324

interpersonal violence decline in 24

definition 204

intervention programmes 239–41 need to be flexible 240

see also
public awareness campaigns; public health approach; sex offending

invisible stigmas 406, 407

Irish Rebellion 29

Jack the Ripper 189, 311, 312, 314

James I, king 28 Jeffreys, Sir Alec 122–3 Jim Crow era 76

juries 35, 37, 71

instructions to 75

low conviction rates and 106 jurors 197, 266, 268, 274

justice gap 100, 108, 486
see also

implementation gap

Karma Nirvana 97, 98

Kennedy–Smith case 79 killing for pleasure 312–14 Kosovo 194

Koss, Mary 81

Krafft-Ebing, Richard von 39


use of gendered 185

used to minimise violence 214–15 law and masculinity 319

law reform 71, 77–82

Lawrence, Stephen 488

Laws, Richard 439

legal system, victims experience of 461–2, 468–9

Leisurewatch 446–7

Les Gu´erill`eres
55 leucotomy 40

libertine model 33

literature, sexual violence in 52–67 literary history 55–7

rubber bullet, broken glass
62–6 textual analysis 57–62

texual creativity 62–6

The Passion of New Eve
57–62 theoretical perspectives 53–5

‘lived realiy’ of sexual violence 489–90, 495

lobotomy 40

Lombroso, C. 17, 39

looking-glass self 185

Lucy Faithfull Foundation 440

Educate 2 Protect
campaign 444

MacKinnon, Catharine 431–2

MacPherson Report 488

Magic Seeds

magistrates 35

male/female bonding, earliest forms of 255

male rape 37

Mann, Lynda 123

Map of Gaps

multi-agency public protection arrangements

marital exception 71, 77, 78
see also

marital rape; marital rape exemption marital rape 72, 77, 195

marital rape exemption 32, 38

marriage, important institution 197 marxist theories, conflict-theory and 184 McDonnell, Marsha 322

measurement of sexual violence British Crime Survey 91, 92–3, 93–5

changes in 91–2

police recorded crime statistics 95–6 small-scale studies 91, 93, 96–100 tensions between different 108

three forms of 91, 92–3


attitudes to abuse 375–6, 377 coverage of rape 274–5

effect on public awareness campaigns 441

medical jurisprudence 30

medical science 45

scrutiny of offenders 39 medical technologies 21

medicalised violence 41

medico–legal constitution of offenders 24 medieval society, rape law and 25–7
Mens rea

mental health, of victims 461 mentoring 410

metaphysical generalisation 18

Metropolitan Police 70

investigative failures 487

rape statistics 188 reaction to inquiries 488 Sapphire officers 488

specialist training 20

micro-dynamics and macro patterns 197– 8, 241

military cultures, code of silence 197 Millet, Kate 43

‘minority stress’ 402

miscegenation 41

misogyny 318, 319, 321–3


mobile phones, online sexual contact and 361–2

Model Penal Code 77 modus operandi (MO) 170

‘molly houses’ 31

Monro Review of Child Protection 348 moral violence 35

Morgan case 85–6

Morgan, Robin 62, 66

‘Mosquito’ device 344

Mozambique 194

MSN Messenger 359

multi-agency forums 139

rape crisis groups and 428

Multi-agency risk assessment conferences (MARACs) 297–8

difficulties 298

multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) 443–4, 449,


multi-agency working, domestic violence 295–6

murderers, compared to rapists 169, 173 (fig)

Murray Bell, Liam 62–6

Muslims 343

myths 86, 165, 375

challenging 194–7 about sexual crime 37
see also
rape myths

Naipaul, V.S. 64

National Crime Recording Standard 95 National Juvenile Online Victimization

Study 371

National Plan for Safeguarding Children from Commercial Sexual Expliotation

National Policing Improvement Agency

(NPIA) 116–17, 129

National Probation Service of England and Wales (NPS), provision within 377–9

neo-liberalism, second-wave feminism and 495–6

Nicholas, Louise 266–7

Nilson, Dennis 310

no violence contracts 207–8, 211, 216

non-reporting, of sexual violence 24, 37

normalisation of violence 40, 154, 314–16,

321, 324

against children 342–3

in heterosex 45

by the internet 324 silencing 251

novels, portrayal of sexual violence in 57–67

Nuremberg tribunals 42

O’Brien, Edna 62

Offences Against the Person Act 1861 34 offenders, different types of 376 offending behaviour programmes 377–9 official crime statistics, domestic violence


official statistics 187–8

altered definitions 187
see also
police– recorded crime

offline meetings 360, 362–3

offline sex offences, strategies leading to 363–5

friendship and romance 363–5

offers of payment for sexual services 365

promises of modelling work 365

online sexual contacts different types 357–8

length of 364

prevalence 366–8

relative frequency of types 368–9 online survey, internet contact with

children 355–6

Operation Advance 129 ordinary, notion of 166–8

organisational responses to bullying and harassment 408–11

complaints handling 410

development of policies and practices 409

employee representation groups 410 informal dispute resolution 410–11

mentoring 409

monitoring of policies and practices 409

trade unions 410

Ovid 56

paedophiles 39, 40, 309, 437

Pakistan 75

Pall Mall Gazette
36 Pankhurst, Christabel 43 paradox of power 208 Parsons, Talcott 334

passive responsibility 239

past sexual histories 71, 78–9, 189–90

paternity cases 35

patriarchy 71, 184, 254, 256, 310, 431

Paying the Price
230 Payne, Sara 421, 422, 427

penal-welfare complex 38

approach 43

dismantled 40
People v Burnham
People v Dohring
Perez v State
74 perpetrators

age of online 368 breadth of 425

children as 342–3

depathologise 242

domestic violence 292–4

women as 45, 55, 56, 66, 158, 186, 310

personality disorders 168–9

personality of targets of bullying 403–4 phallocentrism 32, 317, 319, 320, 418, 489 photography, online sexual contacts 365 Pickton, Robert 311

Pitcairn Islands 332

Pitchfork, Colin 123

(TV documentary) 115 police

attrition rates and 188 definition of rape 423

documentary on 115–16, 487

IPCC 21, 488, 494

practitioner commentary 137–45

prosecution by 37

recorded crime statistics by 3–4, 95–6,

104, 187–8, 376

as silencing agent 262–5

systemic failures of supervision 20–1 training 115–17, 138, 140–1, 141–2

police investigations, systemic failures of

supervision 20–1

police offence reports, online contact with children 356, 367–8

police recorded crime statistics 3–4, 95–6,

104, 187–8, 376

Police Review

police training 115–17

early initiatives 138, 140–1

investigative interviewing 141–2

Policing and Crime Act 2009 326

Policing and Crime Act 2010 231

polygraph tests 75

Poppy project 98

popular culture, sexualisation of violence in 313, 323–5

post-assault pregnancy services 460

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 461, 462

pre-sentence reports 378

pre-treatment screening 379 pregnancy, evidence of consent 27 prevalence continuum 169–73

prevention work, domestic violence 301 Priklopil, Wolfgang 332, 347

primary socialisation theories 334–5 primogeniture 26

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