Read Hard Luck (The Vegas Obsession Series, #1) Online

Authors: Chloe Grey

Tags: #New Adult Romance, #New adult and Contemporary, #Lottery Romance, #Vegas Romance, #Lucky Romance, #On the job romance, #Action and Adventure

Hard Luck (The Vegas Obsession Series, #1) (7 page)

Soft laughter spread through the courtroom.

“No, your honor.”

I wasn’t sure which excuse would work best. I kissed a girl and I liked it? I fell asleep on said girl’s couch? The truth was sometimes so damned inconvenient. It would only make things worse.

“Today was my first day at my new job,” I explained, defaulting to a convenient pseudo-truth. “I wasn’t able to leave as early as I expected.”

“Well, that’s a bit better than the last excuse you gave this court. Lucky for you, I’m in a good mood today. I’ll let it slide. This court will now come to session as we hear the case of Drew Masterson vs. Tasha Masterson.”

In my rush, I had forgotten to look over at her. She intently watched the judge and didn’t look my way. I didn’t know how it had happened so fast. One day we were happily married and the next day she was a raging, cheating vixen. I never saw it coming.

Chapter Eight


hung up the phone after speaking to Monica. She had called me that evening after Drew left, asking why my car was still at the studio. I didn’t want to lie to her. You don’t become best friends by lying about everything. I told her Drew brought me home, but didn’t drag on with any details. Certainly not about the heart-stopping kiss. I wasn’t ready to share it with anyone.

I appreciated his gesture and a part of me had softened toward him when he tried to figure out what was wrong with the car. I doubted that anyone else would do that for me. Definitely not Brad, and maybe not even Monica. But the way I let him own me in that kiss, that was on me. I was sure I looked like a deer in the headlights, mesmerized by his bright white teeth and kind offers to help.

As much as I loved it, it had to stop. And as to why I invited him inside, I had no plausible reason. The man was a walking lady-charmer and I was certain I had fallen victim to him. Thankfully, he fell asleep on the couch and that gave me time to get my head screwed back on straight. And by the time he woke up, he high-tailed it out of here.

So he got a kiss. Well, I got one too, and it was one for the record books. I felt his energy surge through me, from the tip of each strand of hair on my head, all the way to my toes. It was electrifying. Heck, my stomach would clench just thinking about it. But that didn’t mean I was going to drop my defenses when it came to Drew Masterson. The man had some kind of story. Starting with... was toga girl his wife or a girlfriend? Or was she just someone he picked up when he went to the pharmacy to pick up some bunion cream? He was so charming, I could bet money on that. And she was standing half naked at his door?

I sat on the couch, waiting for Monica to pick me up and take me to the car. I hadn’t decided on what to do once we got there, but knew it needed to get fixed. I’d put the expense on a credit card if I had to, and hoped it wasn’t too expensive.

I leaned back in the same spot where Drew had fallen asleep. I could still smell a faint whiff of his aftershave.
Oh God please help me.
I needed to get it together before Monica arrived. She would know something was up the second she saw me.

When I got Monica’s “I’m here” text, I grabbed my purse, put on a grimace to block out my high from the kiss, ran out of the apartment.

“Something’s been bothering me since we talked last night,” Monica started as soon as I was buckled in.


“Why didn’t you ask me to take you home? I would have, gladly. How did Drew end up driving you?”

I pushed the hair back from my face. I had only thought about that several hundred times. I could hardly sleep last night, every time I relived my decision to go with Drew.

“I’m not entirely sure, but I’ll say one thing... he can be very persuasive.”

I left it at that; it was true. It seemed like he could convince anybody to do just about anything and I was just a victim of his charm.

“Are you sure that’s the only reason?” Monica asked, pausing before starting the car.

“It was just easier to accept than to argue, Monica.”

I sat back in the seat and looked straight ahead as she pulled out of the parking lot. I knew if she looked me in the eye, I’d end up admitting everything.

“Okay, I get that,” Monica finally said after a couple of minutes on the road. “Just one thing...”

I peered at her, waiting for her to continue. Monica seemed focused on driving.

“Are you going to tell me what really happened or do I have to drag it out of you?”

I was speechless. And naïve. How could I have expected her not to see right through me.

“You said it yourself... He’s handsome and charismatic and all the women will fall for him. It would make sense if you maybe you were a little smitten too.”

“Smitten? What are you, ninety years old?” I rolled my eyes, trying to change the subject by turning to look out the window.

“Les, don’t even try to hide it from me. Come on, give me something.”

“I’ve told you already. Yes. I admit it. The man is good. I probably would cave if he flashed his white teeth at me. But Drew and I are just co-workers. Nothing more. So, let’s just...” my voice trailed off as we pulled into the parking lot at work.

“What in the...” I began, staring in disbelief at the scene before me. It was Drew, getting out of the driver’s side of

I jumped out of Monica’s car and walked around to where he was standing. He supplied a sheepish grin.

“Hi Les. I’m so glad I made it back here in time.”

“What... how... when did you...” I couldn’t find the words to ask all the questions running through my head.

“I can explain,” he replied, handing over a set of keys.

I stared at his hand, grabbing the car keys from his grasp.

“Start off by telling me how in the world you got my car keys?”

He stepped back. “That one is easy. Seems you forgot them here yesterday night in all the rush. I came back here last night and found them... I figured I’d surprise you.”

I couldn’t argue with the lost-my-keys part. I was constantly leaving them around and hunting them frantically. Still, I couldn’t wrap my mind around why Drew would do this for me. And how he had found them. I went into research mode.

“Why did you even come back here?”

He shrugged. “I had a long day and a meeting that didn’t go quite as well as I hoped. I needed to unwind. I came back here to relax and organize my dressing room. When I got back here, I noticed a light was on inside your car. I didn’t want the battery to drain out, so I checked to see if the door was unlocked to turn it off. The door was unlocked and your keys were in the ignition. I got your car towed in and the mechanic fixed it this morning. And now it’s as good as new.”

“What?” It was all I could come up with. I was floored.

He nodded, proudly. “It was the least that I could do. After all, it was my fault you were so hurried that you left your keys.”

I glanced over at Monica. She was captivated by him. Her glassy-eyed expression was proof. I wasn’t quite as eager to accept what he was saying.

“I didn’t ask you to do this for me. Now, I owe you and I hate borrowing from co-workers.”

“You don’t have to pay me back. I did it because I wanted to. That’s all. I was glad to help out.”

“I’ll pay you back,” I insisted.

“Suit yourself, but you could also smile and say thank you. It makes things so much easier.”

I could have laughed. There was no way I was going to accept a gift like this – practically charity - from someone I had only known briefly. Never mind the kiss of a lifetime.

“I better be going, but...” I hesitated. I was torn. “Thank you, Drew. I appreciate the gesture.”

He nodded, still looking smug and pleased with himself. “My pleasure, Leslie. I’ll see you on Monday.”

I watched as he got into his vehicle, waved from the window and drove away. When I turned to Monica, I noticed she was smiling and still waving.

“Thanks a lot, Monica,” I scolded her. “You know, you could have helped me out a little back there.”

“Helped out with what?” she asked, surprised. “That was really nice of him.”

“Nice?” I asked.
What happened to my feminist friend

“I’ve never had a guy do anything like that for me. You must have really made some kind of impression on him, Les.”

I didn’t want to make an impression on him. I wanted him to understand where we stood. We were co-workers and I was not falling for him and he stole my job and now he was walking a thin line.

“Believe what you want. I am not impressed with Drew, and just because he fixed my car doesn’t change anything. Heck,
have an idea.
have him.”

Maybe I was blowing things out of proportion, but I didn’t need my best friend thinking Drew was all over me. I sank into the driver’s seat and stuck the key in the ignition, sighing when it came to life. That was the sound I wanted to hear.

“Thanks for bringing me to my car. Look, I’m gonna go home now okay? I just need to take it easy the rest of the weekend. I’ll see you Monday.”

“Not a problem,” Monica said, getting into her car. “See you around. Have a great rest of the weekend.”

I sat there for a moment after she drove off, reflecting on what had happened. I hadn’t even asked how much the repairs cost. Whatever it was, I was going to make sure I paid him for it. There was no way I was going to be indebted to him for anything.



he phone was ringing as I stepped out of the shower. I was expecting a call from Shannon so I couldn’t afford to miss it. With barely enough time to wrapped a towel around my waist, I got it on the last ring.


“Hello, may I speak with Mr. Drew Masterson.”

It wasn’t Shannon, and by the sound of the voice, I could tell is wasn’t a personal call.

“Yeah, this is Drew.”

“Hello, Mr. Masterson. I am calling in regards to your outstanding account with us. I see here that you are thirty days late and I need to collect payment.”

Things were rough financially, and this wasn’t the first call from a creditor.

“Um... how much do I owe?”

“You currently have a past due balance of one hundred dollars.”

As small an amount as that was, things were tight, and I wouldn’t be able to pay that soon. I had written a check to cover the court case costs, and it had to clear.

“I could pay it in two weeks. Things have just been really tough lately and I don’t have the extra income. I’ll definitely be getting caught up next month.”

There was a long pause on the other end, before the man continued talking. “I see... but we’ll have to close the account.”

“That’s alright. I understand.”

“We can expect payment by the fifteenth of next month?”

“Yeah... sure,” I replied. “Thanks.”

I hung up, feeling the weight of the world had settled right back onto my shoulders. I pay my way. That’s how I’ve always been, and over the years we had a lot of savings. But she had become so vindictive... taking me for pretty much every penny I had. At the moment, that wasn’t much. Yet, she was going to make sure she got it all. I gladly handed over the house to her after she declared she wanted it as part of the divorce settlement.

The thought of her staying there with her new boyfriend—also known as the slimy bastard she had the affair with that turned out to be the last straw for me after all the verbal and emotional abuse—was overwhelming at times. I was moving past the hurt; I just couldn’t ever figure out why she had the desire to hurt me to the core.

I knew the new job would help me get back on my feet once I got my first paycheck in a few weeks. At least it was moving in the right direction. And I couldn’t afford to pay to fix Leslie’s car, but I think I did it for my sake, just as much as hers.

I did everything for Tasha, and never had a problem with it. That was who I was. And when things went to hell in our marriage, I questioned over and over again whether I lost my way; whether it was my fault; what I could have done differently. In the end, before I left, I wasn’t sure who I was anymore. It took the two years after we split for me to see I did the right thing, and I had a choice about who I wanted to be and what baggage I would take. Helping Leslie get her car fixed was a gift to myself. It made me see that part of me – the guy that isn’t all about himself – never left.

There was something about Leslie, and I hated seeing how much she resented me. I also had a feeling she was struggling with finances too. So maybe I did it to take a burden off her shoulders too. She still didn’t seem pleased when I helped, but at least she could tell I cared and meant well. I had enough on another credit card to cover the repair, so that’s what I did. No regrets. And now, I had to see her again. Somehow.

Chapter Nine


hat are you doing here?” I asked Drew after opening my door. He had shown up unannounced, and looked like a lost puppy.

“Hi, I would have called, but I didn’t have your number,” he said. “Can I come in?”

“You know, just because you fixed my car doesn’t give you the right to show up like this.”

“I just wanted to talk to you,” he explained. “Look, I’m sorry I bothered you. I’ll just...”

“Well you’re already here. Sure, come in,” I said, pulling the door and standing aside for him to pass. “Have a seat.”

“Thanks,” he answered.

When he noticed the television was on, I turned it off with the remote that was still in my hand.

“So what would you like to talk to me about?” I asked, sitting in the armchair so I could face him. He was in blue jeans and a plaid shirt, and still looked as hot as when he wore a suit. Thinking back to when he drove me home, with the country music playing, I realized he really was into the whole country music scene.

“I...I’m...I think I... You know, I have no idea why I can never say what I intend to when I’m around you,” he confessed.

“What are you wanting to say me, Drew?” I asked. “Start from the beginning.”

“Okay,” he started, and let out a long breath before continuing. “First, I want to tell you that I’m sorry about the job.”

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