Harnessed Passions (62 page)

Read Harnessed Passions Online

Authors: Dee Jones

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #mystery, #historical, #ghost, #bdsm

"Where on earth is Daniel going in such a
hurry?" she asked the butler, making herself at home in the
library. The man was becoming increasingly irritated with the
woman's intrusions; she had been there every day since Julia left
for Boston, issuing orders and bossing the household staff around
as though she were the queen of England herself.

"Mr. Brownin' has gone ta pick his wife up
at the train station," the dark skinned man said, feeling pleased
for the expression that appeared on the woman's face.

"Julia's coming home? Why so soon?" she
snapped, tossing her gloves to the small reading table with such
force the magazine underneath them flipped up several pages at the

"I reckon it's because she missed her
husband. I know he's been missin' her somethin' awful."

"Missing her? Nonsense. Daniel has hardly
noticed her absence. I should know; he and I have become
very...close since she's been gone."

"Be that as it is, Mr. Brownin' has missed
his wife and was very pleased ta hear she was comin' back early. If
ya really did know him as much as ya claim, ya'd know how much in
love he is with her. Now if ya'all will excuse me, Miss Farnsworth,
I have work ta do ta get supper ready for when Mrs. Brownin' comes
home and I don’t reckon they want you here when they return."
Thompson left the woman alone in the room as he went back to the
kitchen. He felt proud and pleased at having called the woman's
bluff and even more pleased Daniel hadn't noticed her when he
pulled away.

Sharon paced the room for several long
minutes, fuming at the unfortunate timing of Julia's arrival. She
had spent many frustrating hours over the past weeks trying to get
Daniel into her bed; unfortunately it had been wasted time. He no
more noticed the difference between her than the mares in the
stables. She had to do something; the thought of him making love to
Julia made her face burn hot and her fists clutch tight. She just
needed a little more time or something that would set Julia off
enough to cause suspicion and friction between the young lovers.
She reached up tugging at her ear, smiling wickedly. This should do
it, she thought removing the gold bobble from her ear lobe.

With the silence of a church mouse, Sharon
crept out of the room and up the stairs making her way silently
along the hall until she reached her destination. Quietly she
opened the door and slipped in, hurrying over to the bed. She took
a look at the roses that awaited the mistress of the mansion and
snorted softly, then slid the earring under the blankets and
smoothed the covers back down making certain there were no wrinkles
to give her away. With a chuckle of cruel delight, she removed a
rose from the vase and left the room and the house, anxious to get
as far away from there as possible before Daniel returned with his
little bride.

The train huffed and puffed to a halt
alongside the wooden platform, as a loud whistle sounded its
arrival. Julia gazed out the window next to her watching the many
people who stood there, but through the smoke from the train she
couldn't make out who they were.

A strange surge of anticipation twisted in
Julia's stomach, thinking of the possibility Daniel might not be
there to meet them. What if he hadn't received the cable? What if
he didn't know she was coming home? The thoughts and fears
continued to plague her until she stepped down the metal stairs and
looked around. Her name was called out and she turned to see the
man she had been praying for waving with enthusiasm to her, a
bouquet of wild roses gripped in his large tanned hand. Julia
hurried to meet him and was instantly swept up in an overwhelming
embrace she had missed nearly as much as the man himself.

Daniel hugged her to him, his hands
caressing her back, his lips spreading heated kisses across her
cheek and neck. He just couldn't find the strength to let her go;
she was like a dream come true. He hadn't been able to stop
thinking about her since the day she'd left. He imagined holding
her against him like this every night and now that he had her he
just didn't want the dream to end. It wasn't until their lips met
that Daniel came to the realization she was home and she was still
in love with him. He had secretly feared she had left a sweetheart
waiting for her in Boston, and when she arrived there they'd run
off together leaving him alone and miserable the rest of his

But here she was, warm and real and his, and
he wasn't willing to let her loose, not yet.

He felt a soft touch on his shoulder, his
mind awoke to the scent of lilacs drifting between them even before
he became aware of the fact he was practically seducing his wife in
the open public as people passed by and smiled or whispered.
Reluctantly Daniel released his hold on his wife, keeping her
within arm's length as he hugged his mother-in-law.

"How was your trip?" he asked, pulling Julia
to his side as they walked to the waiting carriage. They talked
about the trip, the train, the parties and the shopping until
Daniel was dizzy just from listening. He motioned to the young
stable boy to get the trunks and waited until he followed before
continuing on.

He helped Louise into the carriage, holding
Julia back for a minute as he secured the older woman in the seat.
He turned gazing at his wife and traced her full, kissable lips
with his thumb.

"Do you have any idea how much I've missed
you?" he whispered softly, kissing her with such passion her knees
nearly buckled beneath her. He eased Julia into the Dearborn and
shut the door to help the boy with the baggage.

"Did you tell him?" Louise asked nervously.
Julia sighed, unwilling to allow anything to erase the feelings he
had erupted in her.

"Mother I just got here."

"Well, when are you going to tell him?" the
buggy swayed under his weight as Daniel climbed in and sat next to

"Tell me what?" he demanded, eyeing the two
women suspiciously. Julia had to think fast. She didn't want to
tell him her happy news here in a carriage with her mother only
inches away.

"My mother was referring to the amount of
money I spent, while we were gone," she lied, hoping her story
didn't appear too made up.

"Is that all?" he sighed pulling her closer
to his side, wishing now he hadn't sent her mother with her. At
least this way, they'd be alone and he'd be able to touch and kiss
her the way he wanted to.

"You don't know how much I've spent, Daniel.
I don't think you'll be very pleased when you see the

"Did you enjoy yourself, Princess?" he asked
in a low seductive tone. Julia blushed knowing her mother was still

"Except for missing you," she said as
visions of being alone with him passed before her green eyes.

"Then stop worrying. I told you to have fun
and spend money. If anybody's to blame for the bills, it's to be

"I don't think you'll mind quite so much
when Julia shows you the things she bought," Louise added, after
clearing her throat to bring the two out of their eye lock to look
at the woman who sat in the seat in front of them.

"What did you buy?" Daniel's tone was soft
and low, yet anxious to find a subject which would bring some
sanity to his racing libido.

"Dresses mainly; Aunt Lena had us running
all over Boston, buying gowns for one party after another. I never
thought it would end."

"Is that why you came home so early? Because
you were tired and wanted to rest?" Julia stole a quick glance at
her mother through thick lashes and gazed back at Daniel.

"Not entirely," she answered softly. Louise
waited anxiously for her daughter to break the news, but frowned
with disapproval as she continued. "I was eager to see how things
were progressing for the sale and I thought perhaps I could help

"Is that the only reason Princess?" Daniel
urged; his tone barely above a whisper as he nuzzled her ear with
his lips; desperately begging her to tell him what he wanted to

"No," she replied in turn, a tiny smile
curving her lips as the color stole into her cheeks. Daniel smiled
as the carriage pulled away from the front of the train

Conversation steered back to safer subjects
as they drove back to the ranch, avoiding anything to stoke the
heat growing between them. Julia looked out the window and smiled;
it was all so different than the last time she came home. She
didn't dread the outcome or the events yet to take place. Rather
she looked forward to them. She thought of the smell and how clean
it actually was, not at all like the manure she had known as a

"I'll have the bags brought in, if you want
to get cleaned up and rest for a while," Daniel suggested, helping
the two women down from the carriage.

"I'm not tired in the least," Julia
retorted, hoping her voice held the silent invitation she had

"You should still rest," she heard her
mother's soft correction, turning to see the stern objection
shining in her sapphire eyes. "You've been on a train for hours.
You need to lie down and take a nap."

"Your mother's right, Princess," Daniel
added, slipping his arm around her waist. "You go on up and rest,
I'll bring your things up for you." Julia frowned, feeling like a
smothered child until she saw the secret expression in her
husband's eyes. A soft color tinted her cheeks again and she no
longer argued. Instead she nodded her head and followed her mother
into the house.

Upstairs Louise took her daughter off to the
side and glanced back down the stairs for any uninvited ears and
then turned a frowning face to Julia, showing her disapproval.

"You should have told him when you had the
chance," she scolded in whispered tones.

"Mother please, leave this to me. I have it
all planned out, when and how I'll tell Daniel. Just let me take
care of it."

"Alright, but I should warn you I've never
been a very patient person." Julia hugged her mother and smiled
before hurrying to her own room. She knew her mother was anxious to
tell the whole world the news of Julia's condition, and forcing her
to keep quiet about it until Daniel was told wasn't easy. Julia had
to do everything short of threatening her mother's life to win her
silence, but deep down she could sympathize with the woman. She too
wanted to tell the world, but more important she wanted to tell her

Julia took quick advantage of the bath
Bridget had drawn for her, making certain she was dressed and
waiting when Daniel came upstairs. He had sent her bags up with an
apology for not coming himself, since he was called to the stables
to check on one of the new foals.

She chose the sexiest of the four nightgowns
she had brought home with her from Boston. The pale pink satin
caressed her slender hips and waist, hugging her every curve like a
glove, complimenting her still tiny figure exquisitely. It's
neckline plunged deeply, opening nearly to her navel with a hand
knitted lace of deep carnation pink accenting the split. The tight
bodice was covered in an off-white lace that was not only
see-through but assured of the lack of material beneath. The dark
circles of her nipples were outlined through the lace bodice as
well as the firm mounds peeking out from the exposed cleavage.
Julia blushed as she examined her image in her vanity mirror,
feeling wicked and wantonly seductive. She was determined to make
this reunion one Daniel would remember forever.

Julia had just finished combing her hair to
a soft gleam when the handle to the door turned and the image of
her husband slipped through. The curtains had been drawn leaving
the room in soft shadows with very little sun lighting the
darkness. He looked around the room and settled his stare on the
woman who rose slowly from the vanity. He could smell her soft
musky scent even before he saw her, making him vividly aware she
was home. He examined her attire - or lack thereof - with eager
lustful eyes before he smiled at her tenderly. Julia found her legs
responding to his presence on their own accord carrying her into
his embrace and his waiting lips.

Daniel locked his mouth to hers, hungrily
taking all she offered him. Her presence and her burning desires
were too much to resist, forcing him to carry her to the bed and
lie her against the covers. Julia's arms circled his neck urging
his lips to travel the course she had so long dreamt of. Daniel in
turn answered her demands tugging at the soft lace covering her
delicate breasts. With one nipple firmly between his teeth, his
hand freed the other massaging and playing until Julia moaned with
restrained delight.

He stood up from the bed and tugged
impatiently at the buttons of his shirt freeing his chest for her
arousing touch. Julia laid against the covers, unwilling and
unwanting to look away. She had envisioned his body, his hands and
his lips so often over the past weeks, to actually see them now was
like a miracle and she was quite certain she'd never get her fill
of him.

Daniel popped the buttons of his breeches
loose one at a time, watching Julia's reactions as his hands worked
a slow methodical rhythm. He smiled, knowing exactly how hard it
was for her to keep her hands off him. He felt as though he was
physically being pulled away from her, the resistance not to touch
her was pure hell.

Julia watched as he released the last button
sliding the material across his lean, muscular thighs. Her heart
began to pound, her palms sweated, she reached for him, sliding her
hands around his waist urging him to lay on top of her. She was too
anxious to experience his loving to wait for his playing to end.
She felt eager and erotic as he stretched out across her. Julia
moaned when he touched her, the tip of his manhood teasing the her
moist portal. He wanted her as desperately as she needed him, but
he wasn't going to rush through this.

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